| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| <%! |
| from reggen import gen_dv |
| from reggen.access import HwAccess, SwRdAccess, SwWrAccess |
| from reggen.multi_register import MultiRegister |
| from reggen.register import Register |
| from typing import Dict |
| |
| # Get a list reg and its instance name |
| # For single reg, return Dict[reg_inst:reg] |
| # For multireg, if it's dv_compact, return Dict[mr.name[idx]:mr.reg], |
| # if not, return all the mr.regs with their name |
| def get_inst_to_reg_dict(r) -> Dict: |
| inst_regs = {} # type: Dict[inst_name:Register] |
| if isinstance(r, MultiRegister): |
| if r.dv_compact: |
| inst_base = r.reg.name.lower() |
| for idx, reg in enumerate(r.regs): |
| inst_name = f'{inst_base}[{idx}]' |
| inst_regs[inst_name] = reg |
| else: |
| for r0 in r.regs: |
| inst_regs[r0.name] = r0 |
| else: |
| inst_regs[r.name.lower()] = r |
| return inst_regs |
| %>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## make_ral_pkg |
| ## ============ |
| ## |
| ## Generate the RAL package for a device interface. |
| ## |
| ## dv_base_prefix a string naming the base register type. If it is FOO, |
| ## then we will inherit from FOO_reg (assumed to |
| ## be a subclass of uvm_reg). |
| ## |
| ## reg_width an integer giving the width of registers in bits |
| ## |
| ## reg_block_path the hierarchical path to the relevant register block in the |
| ## design |
| ## |
| ## rb a RegBlock object |
| ## |
| ## esc_if_name a string giving the full, escaped, interface name. For |
| ## a device interface called FOO on block BAR, |
| ## this will be bar__foo. For an unnamed interface |
| ## on block BAR, this will be just bar. |
| ## |
| <%def name="make_ral_pkg(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, reg_block_path, rb, esc_if_name)">\ |
| package ${esc_if_name}_ral_pkg; |
| ${make_ral_pkg_hdr(dv_base_prefix, [])} |
| |
| ${make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls(esc_if_name, rb.type_regs, rb.windows)} |
| % for r in rb.all_regs: |
| <% |
| mr = None |
| if isinstance(r, MultiRegister): |
| mr = r |
| if r.dv_compact: |
| regs = [r.reg] |
| else: |
| regs = r.regs |
| else: |
| regs = [r] |
| %>\ |
| % for idx, reg in enumerate(regs): |
| |
| ${make_ral_pkg_reg_class(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, esc_if_name, reg_block_path, reg, mr, idx)} |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| % for window in rb.windows: |
| |
| ${make_ral_pkg_window_class(dv_base_prefix, esc_if_name, window)} |
| % endfor |
| |
| <% |
| reg_block_name = gen_dv.bcname(esc_if_name) |
| %>\ |
| class ${reg_block_name} extends ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_block; |
| % if rb.flat_regs: |
| // registers |
| % for r in rb.all_regs: |
| <% |
| # If it's dv_compact, then create it as an array even when it only contains one item |
| count = 0 |
| if isinstance(r, MultiRegister): |
| if r.dv_compact: |
| regs = [r.reg] |
| count = len(r.regs) |
| else: |
| regs = r.regs |
| else: |
| regs = [r] |
| %>\ |
| % for r0 in regs: |
| <% |
| reg_type = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, r0) |
| inst_name = r0.name.lower() |
| inst_decl = f'{inst_name}[{count}]' if count > 0 else inst_name |
| %>\ |
| rand ${reg_type} ${inst_decl}; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| % if rb.windows: |
| // memories |
| % for window in rb.windows: |
| rand ${gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, window)} ${gen_dv.miname(window)}; |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| |
| `uvm_object_utils(${reg_block_name}) |
| |
| function new(string name = "${reg_block_name}", |
| int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE); |
| super.new(name, has_coverage); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| virtual function void build(uvm_reg_addr_t base_addr, |
| csr_excl_item csr_excl = null); |
| // create default map |
| this.default_map = create_map(.name("default_map"), |
| .base_addr(base_addr), |
| .n_bytes(${reg_width//8}), |
| .endian(UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN)); |
| if (csr_excl == null) begin |
| csr_excl = csr_excl_item::type_id::create("csr_excl"); |
| this.csr_excl = csr_excl; |
| end |
| % if rb.flat_regs: |
| set_hdl_path_root("tb.dut", "BkdrRegPathRtl"); |
| set_hdl_path_root("tb.dut", "BkdrRegPathRtlShadow"); |
| // create registers |
| % for r in rb.all_regs: |
| <% |
| r0 = r.reg if isinstance(r, MultiRegister) else r |
| reg_type = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, r0) |
| %>\ |
| % if isinstance(r, MultiRegister): |
| % for idx, reg in enumerate(r.regs): |
| <% |
| if r.dv_compact: |
| inst_base = r0.name.lower() |
| inst_name = f'{inst_base}[{idx}]' |
| else: |
| inst_name = reg.name.lower() |
| reg_type = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, reg) |
| %>\ |
| ${instantiate_register(reg_width, reg_block_path, reg, reg_type, inst_name)}\ |
| % endfor |
| % else: |
| ${instantiate_register(reg_width, reg_block_path, r, reg_type, r.name.lower())}\ |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| <% |
| any_regwen = False |
| for r in rb.flat_regs: |
| if r.regwen: |
| any_regwen = True |
| break |
| %>\ |
| % if any_regwen: |
| // assign locked reg to its regwen reg |
| % for r in rb.all_regs: |
| % for inst, reg in get_inst_to_reg_dict(r).items(): |
| ${apply_regwen(rb, reg, inst)}\ |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| % endif |
| ${make_ral_pkg_window_instances(reg_width, esc_if_name, rb)} |
| endfunction : build |
| endclass : ${reg_block_name} |
| |
| endpackage |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## make_ral_pkg_hdr |
| ## ================ |
| ## |
| ## Generate the header for a RAL package |
| ## |
| ## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## deps a list of names for packages that should be explicitly |
| ## imported |
| ## |
| <%def name="make_ral_pkg_hdr(dv_base_prefix, deps)">\ |
| // dep packages |
| import uvm_pkg::*; |
| import dv_base_reg_pkg::*; |
| % if dv_base_prefix != "dv_base": |
| import ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_pkg::*; |
| % endif |
| % for dep in deps: |
| import ${dep}::*; |
| % endfor |
| |
| // macro includes |
| `include "uvm_macros.svh"\ |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls |
| ## ====================== |
| ## |
| ## Generate the forward declarations for a RAL package |
| ## |
| ## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## type_regs a list of Register objects, one for each type that |
| ## should be defined. Each MultiRegister will contribute |
| ## just one register to the list. |
| ## |
| ## windows a list of Window objects |
| ## |
| <%def name="make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls(esc_if_name, type_regs, windows)">\ |
| // Forward declare all register/memory/block classes |
| % for r in type_regs: |
| typedef class ${gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, r)}; |
| % endfor |
| % for w in windows: |
| typedef class ${gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, w)}; |
| % endfor |
| typedef class ${gen_dv.bcname(esc_if_name)};\ |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## make_ral_pkg_reg_class |
| ## ====================== |
| ## |
| ## Generate the classes for a register inside a RAL package |
| ## |
| ## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## reg_width as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## reg_block_path as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## reg a Register object |
| ## |
| ## mr a MultiRegister object if this reg is from a MultiRegister |
| ## |
| ## reg_idx the index location of this reg if this reg is from a MultiRegister, |
| ## or zero if not |
| <%def name="make_ral_pkg_reg_class(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, esc_if_name, reg_block_path, |
| reg, mr, reg_idx)">\ |
| <% |
| reg_name = reg.name.lower() |
| |
| is_ext = reg.hwext |
| for field in reg.fields: |
| if (field.hwaccess.value[1] == HwAccess.NONE and |
| field.swaccess.swrd() == SwRdAccess.RD and |
| not field.swaccess.allows_write()): |
| is_ext = 1 |
| |
| class_name = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, reg) |
| %>\ |
| class ${class_name} extends ${dv_base_prefix}_reg; |
| // fields |
| <% |
| suffix = "" |
| start_idx = 0 |
| add_style_waive = False |
| compact_field_inst_name = "" |
| if mr is None: |
| fields = reg.fields |
| else: |
| if not mr.compact: |
| fields = mr.reg.fields |
| else: |
| fields = mr.regs[reg_idx].fields |
| compact_field_inst_name = mr.reg.fields[0].name.lower() |
| if mr.dv_compact: |
| # The dv_compact flag means that the fields of the multi-reg divide equally into registers. |
| # In this case, there's an array of registers and make_ral_pkg_reg_class() gets called once |
| # to define that array's type, using the fields of the first register in the replication. |
| assert reg_idx == 0 |
| if len(fields) > 1: |
| suffix = f'[{len(fields)}]' |
| else: |
| # In this case, the multi-register is "compact", so there might be multiple copies of its |
| # single field in each generated register. But dv_compact is false, which probably means |
| # that the fields didn't divide equally into a whole number of registers. In this case, we |
| # are generating a different class for each output register and should spit out fields |
| # accordingly. Note that we generate an array, even if len(fields) = 1. If that happens, we |
| # know we're on the last generated register, so want to keep everything uniform. |
| num_fields_per_reg = 32 // fields[0].bits.width() |
| start_idx = num_fields_per_reg * reg_idx |
| end_idx = start_idx + len(fields) - 1 |
| suffix = f'[{start_idx}:{end_idx}]' |
| if start_idx == 0: |
| add_style_waive = True |
| %>\ |
| % if add_style_waive: |
| // verilog_lint: waive unpacked-dimensions-range-ordering |
| % endif |
| % if compact_field_inst_name: |
| rand ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_field ${compact_field_inst_name}${suffix}; |
| % else: |
| % for f in fields: |
| rand ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_field ${f.name.lower()}; |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| |
| `uvm_object_utils(${class_name}) |
| |
| function new(string name = "${class_name}", |
| int unsigned n_bits = ${reg_width}, |
| int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE); |
| super.new(name, n_bits, has_coverage); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| virtual function void build(csr_excl_item csr_excl = null); |
| // create fields |
| % for idx, field in enumerate(fields): |
| <% |
| if compact_field_inst_name: |
| reg_field_name = compact_field_inst_name |
| # If len(fields) > 1, we define generated reg fields as an array and we need an index to |
| # refer to the field object |
| # If start_idx > 0, the fields cross more than one register, we define an array for the |
| # fields even when the last register only contains one field. |
| if len(fields) > 1 or start_idx > 0: |
| reg_field_name = reg_field_name + f'[{idx + start_idx}]' |
| else: |
| reg_field_name = field.name.lower() |
| %>\ |
| ${_create_reg_field(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, reg_block_path, reg.shadowed, reg.hwext, reg_field_name, field)} |
| % endfor |
| % if is_ext: |
| set_is_ext_reg(1); |
| % endif |
| endfunction : build |
| endclass : ${class_name}\ |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## _create_reg_field |
| ## ================= |
| ## |
| ## Generate the code that creates a uvm_reg_field object for a field |
| ## in a register. |
| ## |
| ## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## reg_width as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## reg_block_path as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## shadowed true if the field's register is shadowed |
| ## |
| ## hwext true if the field's register is hwext |
| ## |
| ## reg_field_name a string with the name to give the field in the HDL |
| ## |
| ## field a Field object |
| <%def name="_create_reg_field(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, reg_block_path, shadowed, hwext, reg_field_name, field)">\ |
| <% |
| field_size = field.bits.width() |
| field_access = field.swaccess.dv_rights() |
| |
| if not field.hwaccess.allows_write(): |
| field_volatile = 0 |
| else: |
| field_volatile = 1 |
| field_tags = field.tags |
| |
| fname = reg_field_name |
| type_id_indent = ' ' * (len(fname) + 4) |
| %>\ |
| ${fname} = (${dv_base_prefix}_reg_field:: |
| ${type_id_indent}type_id::create("${field.name.lower()}")); |
| ${fname}.configure( |
| .parent(this), |
| .size(${field_size}), |
| .lsb_pos(${field.bits.lsb}), |
| .access("${field_access}"), |
| .volatile(${field_volatile}), |
| .reset(${reg_width}'h${format(field.resval or 0, 'x')}), |
| .has_reset(1), |
| .is_rand(1), |
| .individually_accessible(1)); |
| |
| ${fname}.set_original_access("${field_access}"); |
| % if field_tags: |
| // create field tags |
| % for field_tag in field_tags: |
| <% |
| tag = field_tag.split(":") |
| %>\ |
| % if tag[0] == "excl": |
| csr_excl.add_excl(${fname}.get_full_name(), ${tag[2]}, ${tag[1]}); |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## make_ral_pkg_window_class |
| ## ========================= |
| ## |
| ## Generate the classes for a window inside a RAL package |
| ## |
| ## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## window a Window object |
| <%def name="make_ral_pkg_window_class(dv_base_prefix, esc_if_name, window)">\ |
| <% |
| mem_name = window.name.lower() |
| mem_right = window.swaccess.dv_rights() |
| mem_n_bits = window.validbits |
| mem_size = window.items |
| |
| class_name = gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, window) |
| %>\ |
| class ${class_name} extends ${dv_base_prefix}_mem; |
| |
| `uvm_object_utils(${class_name}) |
| |
| function new(string name = "${class_name}", |
| longint unsigned size = ${mem_size}, |
| int unsigned n_bits = ${mem_n_bits}, |
| string access = "${mem_right}", |
| int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE); |
| super.new(name, size, n_bits, access, has_coverage); |
| % if window.byte_write: |
| set_mem_partial_write_support(1); |
| % endif |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| endclass : ${class_name} |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## make_ral_pkg_window_instances |
| ## ============================= |
| ## |
| ## Generate the classes for a window inside a RAL package |
| ## |
| ## reg_width as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## rb a RegBlock object |
| ## |
| <%def name="make_ral_pkg_window_instances(reg_width, esc_if_name, rb)">\ |
| % if rb.windows: |
| |
| // create memories |
| % for w in rb.windows: |
| <% |
| mem_name = w.name.lower() |
| mem_right = w.swaccess.dv_rights() |
| mem_offset = "{}'h{:x}".format(reg_width, w.offset) |
| mem_n_bits = w.validbits |
| mem_size = w.items |
| %>\ |
| ${mem_name} = |
| ${gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, w)}::type_id::create("${mem_name}"); |
| ${mem_name}.configure(.parent(this)); |
| default_map.add_mem(.mem(${mem_name}), |
| .offset(${mem_offset}), |
| .rights("${mem_right}")); |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## instantiate_register |
| ## ==================== |
| ## |
| ## Actually instantiate a register in a register block |
| ## |
| ## reg_width an integer giving the width of registers in bits |
| ## |
| ## reg_block_path as for make_ral_pkg |
| ## |
| ## reg the Register to instantiate |
| ## |
| ## reg_type a string giving the type name (a subclass of |
| ## uvm_register) to instantiate. |
| ## |
| ## reg_inst a string giving the field of the uvm_reg_block that |
| ## should be set to this new register. For single |
| ## registers, this will just be the register name. For |
| ## elements of multi-registers, it will be the name of an |
| ## array item. |
| ## |
| <%def name="instantiate_register(reg_width, reg_block_path, reg, reg_type, reg_inst)">\ |
| <% |
| reg_name = reg.name.lower() |
| reg_offset = "{}'h{:x}".format(reg_width, reg.offset) |
| |
| inst_id_indent = ' ' * (len(reg_inst) + 4) |
| %>\ |
| ${reg_inst} = (${reg_type}:: |
| ${inst_id_indent}type_id::create("${reg_name}")); |
| ${reg_inst}.configure(.blk_parent(this)); |
| ${reg_inst}.build(csr_excl); |
| default_map.add_reg(.rg(${reg_inst}), |
| .offset(${reg_offset})); |
| % if reg.shadowed: |
| % if reg.update_err_alert: |
| ${reg_inst}.add_update_err_alert("${reg.update_err_alert}"); |
| % endif |
| |
| % if reg.storage_err_alert: |
| ${reg_inst}.add_storage_err_alert("${reg.storage_err_alert}"); |
| % endif |
| |
| % if reg.hwext: |
| % for field in reg.fields: |
| <% |
| shadowed_reg_path = '' |
| for tag in field.tags: |
| parts = tag.split(':') |
| if parts[0] == 'shadowed_reg_path': |
| shadowed_reg_path = parts[1] |
| |
| if not shadowed_reg_path: |
| print("ERROR: ext shadow_reg does not have tags for shadowed_reg_path for each field!") |
| assert 0 |
| %>\ |
| ${reg_inst}.add_hdl_path_slice( |
| "${shadowed_reg_path}.committed_reg.q", |
| ${field.bits.lsb}, ${field.bits.width()}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtl"); |
| ${reg_inst}.add_hdl_path_slice( |
| "${shadowed_reg_path}.shadow_reg.q", |
| ${field.bits.lsb}, ${field.bits.width()}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtlShadow"); |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| % endif |
| % for field in reg.fields: |
| <% |
| field_size = field.bits.width() |
| if len(reg.fields) == 1: |
| reg_field_name = reg_name |
| else: |
| reg_field_name = reg_name + "_" + field.name.lower() |
| |
| ##if reg.async_name and not reg.hwext: |
| ## reg_field_name += ".u_subreg" |
| %>\ |
| % if ((field.hwaccess.value[1] == HwAccess.NONE and\ |
| field.swaccess.swrd() == SwRdAccess.RD and\ |
| not field.swaccess.allows_write())): |
| // constant reg |
| ${reg_inst}.add_hdl_path_slice( |
| "${reg_block_path}.${reg_field_name}_qs", |
| ${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtl"); |
| % elif not reg.shadowed: |
| ${reg_inst}.add_hdl_path_slice( |
| "${reg_block_path}.u_${reg_field_name}.q${"s" if reg.hwext else ""}", |
| ${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtl"); |
| % endif |
| % if reg.shadowed and not reg.hwext: |
| ${reg_inst}.add_hdl_path_slice( |
| "${reg_block_path}.u_${reg_field_name}.committed_reg.q", |
| ${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtl"); |
| ${reg_inst}.add_hdl_path_slice( |
| "${reg_block_path}.u_${reg_field_name}.shadow_reg.q", |
| ${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtlShadow"); |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| % if reg.shadowed: |
| ${reg_inst}.set_is_shadowed(); |
| % endif |
| % if reg.tags: |
| // create register tags |
| % for reg_tag in reg.tags: |
| <% |
| tag = reg_tag.split(":") |
| %>\ |
| % if tag[0] == "excl": |
| csr_excl.add_excl(${reg_inst}.get_full_name(), ${tag[2]}, ${tag[1]}); |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| </%def>\ |
| ## |
| ## |
| ## apply_regwen |
| ## ============ |
| ## |
| ## Apply a regwen to a register |
| ## |
| ## rb the register block |
| ## |
| ## reg the Register that needs apply regwens |
| ## |
| ## reg_inst a string giving the field of the uvm_reg_block that |
| ## should be updated. For single registers, this will just |
| ## be the register name. For elements of multi-registers, |
| ## it will be the name of an array item. |
| ## |
| <%def name="apply_regwen(rb, reg, reg_inst)">\ |
| % if reg.regwen is None: |
| <% return "" %>\ |
| % endif |
| % for wen in rb.all_regs: |
| % for wen_inst, wen_reg in get_inst_to_reg_dict(wen).items(): |
| % if reg.regwen.lower() == wen_reg.name.lower(): |
| ${wen_inst}.add_lockable_reg_or_fld(${reg_inst}); |
| <% return "" %>\ |
| % elif wen_reg.name.lower() in reg.regwen.lower(): |
| % for field in wen_reg.get_field_list(): |
| % if reg.regwen.lower() == (wen_reg.name.lower() + "_" + field.name.lower()): |
| ${wen_inst}.${field.name.lower()}.add_lockable_reg_or_fld(${reg_inst}); |
| <% return "" %>\ |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| </%def>\ |