| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // Component handling register CDC |
| // |
| // Currently, this module only works correctly when paired with tlul_adapter_reg. |
| // This is because tlul_adapter_reg does not emit a new transaction to the same |
| // register if it discovers it is currently busy. Please see the BusySrcReqChk_A |
| // assertion below for more details. |
| // |
| // If in the future this assumption changes, we can modify this module easily to |
| // support the new behavior. |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module prim_reg_cdc #( |
| parameter int DataWidth = 32, |
| parameter logic [DataWidth-1:0] ResetVal = 32'h0, |
| parameter logic [DataWidth-1:0] BitMask = 32'hFFFFFFFF, |
| // whether this instance needs to support independent hardware writes |
| parameter bit DstWrReq = 0 |
| ) ( |
| input clk_src_i, |
| input rst_src_ni, |
| input clk_dst_i, |
| input rst_dst_ni, |
| input src_regwen_i, |
| input src_we_i, |
| input src_re_i, |
| input [DataWidth-1:0] src_wd_i, |
| output logic src_busy_o, |
| output logic [DataWidth-1:0] src_qs_o, |
| input [DataWidth-1:0] dst_ds_i, |
| input [DataWidth-1:0] dst_qs_i, |
| input dst_update_i, |
| output logic dst_we_o, |
| output logic dst_re_o, |
| output logic dst_regwen_o, |
| output logic [DataWidth-1:0] dst_wd_o |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////////////////// |
| // Source domain |
| //////////////////////////// |
| localparam int TxnWidth = 3; |
| |
| logic src_ack; |
| logic src_busy_q; |
| logic [DataWidth-1:0] src_q; |
| logic [TxnWidth-1:0] txn_bits_q; |
| logic src_req; |
| |
| assign src_req = src_we_i | src_re_i; |
| |
| // busy indication back-pressures upstream if the register is accessed |
| // again. The busy indication is also used as a "commit" indication for |
| // resolving software and hardware write conflicts |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_src_i or negedge rst_src_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_src_ni) begin |
| src_busy_q <= '0; |
| end else if (src_req) begin |
| src_busy_q <= 1'b1; |
| end else if (src_busy_q && src_ack) begin |
| src_busy_q <= 1'b0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign src_busy_o = src_busy_q; |
| |
| // src_q acts as both the write holding register and the software read back |
| // register. |
| // When software performs a write, the write data is captured in src_q for |
| // CDC purposes. When not performing a write, the src_q reflects the most recent |
| // hardware value. For registes with no hardware access, this is simply the |
| // the value programmed by software (or in the case R1C, W1C etc) the value after |
| // the operation. For registers with hardware access, this reflects a potentially |
| // delayed version of the real value, as the software facing updates lag real |
| // time updates. |
| // |
| // To resolve software and hardware conflicts, the process is as follows: |
| // When software issues a write, this module asserts "busy". While busy, |
| // src_q does not take on destination value updates. Since the |
| // logic has committed to updating based on software command, there is an irreversible |
| // window from which hardware writes are ignored. Once the busy window completes, |
| // the cdc portion then begins sampling once more. |
| // |
| // This is consistent with prim_subreg_arb where during software / hardware conflicts, |
| // software is always prioritized. The main difference is the conflict resolution window |
| // is now larger instead of just one destination clock cycle. |
| |
| logic busy; |
| assign busy = src_busy_q & !src_ack; |
| |
| // This is the current destination value |
| logic [DataWidth-1:0] dst_qs; |
| logic src_update; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_src_i or negedge rst_src_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_src_ni) begin |
| src_q <= ResetVal; |
| txn_bits_q <= '0; |
| end else if (src_req) begin |
| // See assertion below |
| // At the beginning of a software initiated transaction, the following |
| // values are captured in the src_q/txn_bits_q flops to ensure they cannot |
| // change for the duration of the synchronization operation. |
| src_q <= src_wd_i & BitMask; |
| txn_bits_q <= {src_we_i, src_re_i, src_regwen_i}; |
| end else if (src_busy_q && src_ack || src_update && !busy) begin |
| // sample data whenever a busy transaction finishes OR |
| // when an update pulse is seen. |
| // TODO: We should add a cover group to test different sync timings |
| // between src_ack and src_update. Ie, there can be 3 scearios: |
| // 1. update one cycle before ack |
| // 2. ack one cycle before update |
| // 3. update / ack on the same cycle |
| // During all 3 cases the read data should be correct |
| src_q <= dst_qs; |
| txn_bits_q <= '0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // The current design (tlul_adapter_reg) does not spit out a request if the destination it chooses |
| // (decoded from address) is busy. So this creates a situation in the current design where |
| // src_req_i and busy can never be high at the same time. |
| // While the code above could be coded directly to be expressed as `src_req & !busy`, which makes |
| // the intent clearer, it ends up causing coverage holes from the tool's perspective since that |
| // condition cannot be met. |
| // Thus we add an assertion here to ensure the condition is always satisfied. |
| `ASSERT(BusySrcReqChk_A, busy |-> !src_req, clk_src_i, !rst_src_ni) |
| |
| // reserved bits are not used |
| logic unused_wd; |
| assign unused_wd = ^src_wd_i; |
| |
| // src_q is always updated in the clk_src domain. |
| // when performing an update to the destination domain, it is guaranteed |
| // to not change by protocol. |
| assign src_qs_o = src_q; |
| assign dst_wd_o = src_q; |
| |
| //////////////////////////// |
| // CDC handling |
| //////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic dst_req_from_src; |
| logic dst_req; |
| |
| |
| // the software transaction is pulse synced across the domain. |
| // the prim_reg_cdc_arb module handles conflicts with ongoing hardware updates. |
| prim_pulse_sync u_src_to_dst_req ( |
| .clk_src_i, |
| .rst_src_ni, |
| .clk_dst_i, |
| .rst_dst_ni, |
| .src_pulse_i(src_req), |
| .dst_pulse_o(dst_req_from_src) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_reg_cdc_arb #( |
| .DataWidth(DataWidth), |
| .ResetVal(ResetVal), |
| .DstWrReq(DstWrReq) |
| ) u_arb ( |
| .clk_src_i, |
| .rst_src_ni, |
| .clk_dst_i, |
| .rst_dst_ni, |
| .src_ack_o(src_ack), |
| .src_update_o(src_update), |
| .dst_req_i(dst_req_from_src), |
| .dst_req_o(dst_req), |
| .dst_update_i, |
| .dst_ds_i, |
| .dst_qs_i, |
| .dst_qs_o(dst_qs) |
| ); |
| |
| |
| // Each is valid only when destination request pulse is high |
| assign {dst_we_o, dst_re_o, dst_regwen_o} = txn_bits_q & {TxnWidth{dst_req}}; |
| |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(SrcBusyKnown_A, src_busy_o, clk_src_i, !rst_src_ni) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(DstReqKnown_A, dst_req, clk_dst_i, !rst_dst_ni) |
| |
| // If busy goes high, we must eventually see an ack |
| `ASSERT(HungHandShake_A, $rose(src_req) |-> strong(##[0:$] src_ack), clk_src_i, !rst_src_ni) |
| |
| endmodule // prim_subreg_cdc |