| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // The module implements a binary tree to find the maximal entry. the solution |
| // has O(N) area and O(log(N)) delay complexity, and thus scales well with |
| // many input sources. |
| // |
| // Note that only input values marked as "valid" are respected in the maximum computation. |
| // If there are multiple valid inputs with the same value, the tree will always select the input |
| // with the smallest index. |
| // |
| // If none of the input values are valid, the output index will be 0 and the output value will |
| // be equal to the input value at index 0. |
| |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module prim_max_tree #( |
| parameter int NumSrc = 32, |
| parameter int Width = 8, |
| // Derived parameters |
| localparam int SrcWidth = $clog2(NumSrc) |
| ) ( |
| // The module is combinational - the clock and reset are only used for assertions. |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| input [NumSrc-1:0][Width-1:0] values_i, // Input values |
| input [NumSrc-1:0] valid_i, // Input valid bits |
| output logic [Width-1:0] max_value_o, // Maximum value |
| output logic [SrcWidth-1:0] max_idx_o, // Index of the maximum value |
| output logic max_valid_o // Whether any of the inputs is valid |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////////////// |
| // Binary tree logic // |
| /////////////////////// |
| |
| // This only works with 2 or more sources. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(NumSources_A, NumSrc >= 2) |
| |
| // Align to powers of 2 for simplicity. |
| // A full binary tree with N levels has 2**N + 2**N-1 nodes. |
| localparam int NumLevels = $clog2(NumSrc); |
| logic [2**(NumLevels+1)-2:0] vld_tree; |
| logic [2**(NumLevels+1)-2:0][SrcWidth-1:0] idx_tree; |
| logic [2**(NumLevels+1)-2:0][Width-1:0] max_tree; |
| |
| for (genvar level = 0; level < NumLevels+1; level++) begin : gen_tree |
| // |
| // level+1 C0 C1 <- "Base1" points to the first node on "level+1", |
| // \ / these nodes are the children of the nodes one level below |
| // level Pa <- "Base0", points to the first node on "level", |
| // these nodes are the parents of the nodes one level above |
| // |
| // hence we have the following indices for the paPa, C0, C1 nodes: |
| // Pa = 2**level - 1 + offset = Base0 + offset |
| // C0 = 2**(level+1) - 1 + 2*offset = Base1 + 2*offset |
| // C1 = 2**(level+1) - 1 + 2*offset + 1 = Base1 + 2*offset + 1 |
| // |
| localparam int Base0 = (2**level)-1; |
| localparam int Base1 = (2**(level+1))-1; |
| |
| for (genvar offset = 0; offset < 2**level; offset++) begin : gen_level |
| localparam int Pa = Base0 + offset; |
| localparam int C0 = Base1 + 2*offset; |
| localparam int C1 = Base1 + 2*offset + 1; |
| |
| // This assigns the input values, their corresponding IDs and valid signals to the tree leafs. |
| if (level == NumLevels) begin : gen_leafs |
| if (offset < NumSrc) begin : gen_assign |
| assign vld_tree[Pa] = valid_i[offset]; |
| assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset; |
| assign max_tree[Pa] = values_i[offset]; |
| end else begin : gen_tie_off |
| assign vld_tree[Pa] = '0; |
| assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0; |
| assign max_tree[Pa] = '0; |
| end |
| // This creates the node assignments. |
| end else begin : gen_nodes |
| logic sel; // Local helper variable |
| // In case only one of the parents is valid, forward that one |
| // In case both parents are valid, forward the one with higher value |
| assign sel = (~vld_tree[C0] & vld_tree[C1]) | |
| (vld_tree[C0] & vld_tree[C1] & logic'(max_tree[C1] > max_tree[C0])); |
| // Forwarding muxes |
| // Note: these ternaries have triggered a synthesis bug in Vivado versions older |
| // than 2020.2. If the problem resurfaces again, have a look at issue #1408. |
| assign vld_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? vld_tree[C1] : vld_tree[C0]; |
| assign idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; |
| assign max_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? max_tree[C1] : max_tree[C0]; |
| end |
| end : gen_level |
| end : gen_tree |
| |
| |
| // The results can be found at the tree root |
| assign max_valid_o = vld_tree[0]; |
| assign max_idx_o = idx_tree[0]; |
| assign max_value_o = max_tree[0]; |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////// |
| |
| `ifdef INC_ASSERT |
| // Helper functions for assertions below. |
| function automatic logic [Width-1:0] max_value (input logic [NumSrc-1:0][Width-1:0] values_i, |
| input logic [NumSrc-1:0] valid_i); |
| logic [Width-1:0] value = '0; |
| for (int k = 0; k < NumSrc; k++) begin |
| if (valid_i[k] && values_i[k] > value) begin |
| value = values_i[k]; |
| end |
| end |
| return value; |
| endfunction : max_value |
| |
| function automatic logic [SrcWidth-1:0] max_idx (input logic [NumSrc-1:0][Width-1:0] values_i, |
| input logic [NumSrc-1:0] valid_i); |
| logic [Width-1:0] value = '0; |
| logic [SrcWidth-1:0] idx = '0; |
| for (int k = NumSrc-1; k >= 0; k--) begin |
| if (valid_i[k] && values_i[k] >= value) begin |
| value = values_i[k]; |
| idx = k; |
| end |
| end |
| return idx; |
| endfunction : max_idx |
| |
| logic [Width-1:0] max_value_exp; |
| logic [SrcWidth-1:0] max_idx_exp; |
| assign max_value_exp = max_value(values_i, valid_i); |
| assign max_idx_exp = max_idx(values_i, valid_i); |
| |
| // TODO(10588): Below syntax is not supported in xcelium, track xcelium cases #46591452. |
| // `ASSERT(ValidInImpliesValidOut_A, |valid_i <-> max_valid_o) |
| `ASSERT(ValidInImpliesValidOut_A, |valid_i === max_valid_o) |
| `ASSERT(MaxComputation_A, max_valid_o |-> max_value_o == max_value_exp) |
| `ASSERT(MaxComputationInvalid_A, !max_valid_o |-> max_value_o == values_i[0]) |
| `ASSERT(MaxIndexComputation_A, max_valid_o |-> max_idx_o == max_idx_exp) |
| `ASSERT(MaxIndexComputationInvalid_A, !max_valid_o |-> max_idx_o == '0) |
| `endif |
| |
| endmodule : prim_max_tree |