blob: aa262c202e9b0f02cefb6b68d2abedfb7a1136ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "i2c"
import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/csr_testplan.hjson",
testpoints: [
// Tests for I2C DUT in HOST mode
name: host_smoke
desc: '''
Smoke test in which random (rd/wr) transactions are
sent to the DUT and received asynchronously with scoreboard checks.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Enable DUT host
- Clear/Enable interrupt (if needed)
- Program OVRD, FDATA register
- Randomize I2C timing in TIMING 0-4 registers and other parameters such as TL agent
- Randomize address and data for read/write transactions sent to the agent by the DUT
- Check the timing behavior of START, STOP, ACK, NACK, and "repeated" START
- Read and write transfer matching
stage: V1
tests: ["i2c_host_smoke"]
name: host_error_intr
desc: '''
Test error interrupts are asserted by the Host DUT due to
interference and unstable signals on bus.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- In host transmit mode, device (target/host) forces sda or scl signal low within the
clock pulse of host scl that asserts `sda_interference` or `scl_interference`
- In host receiving mode (data or ack bits), SDA signal is changed with the
clock pulse of host scl that asserts `intr_sda_unstable` interrupts
- When error interrupt assertions are detected, dut, agent, and scoreboard will be
reset on-the-fly then new transaction can be continue programming
- Ensure all intr_scl_interference, intr_sda_interference, and
intr_sda_unstable interrupts are asserted and stay asserted until cleared
- Ensure IP operation get back normal after on-the-fly reset finished
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_error_intr"]
name: host_stress_all
desc: '''
Support vseq (context) switching with random reset in between.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Combine above sequences in one test to run sequentially
except csr sequence and i2c_host_rx_oversample_vseq (requires zero_delays)
- Randomly add reset between each sequence
- Ensure transactions are transmitted/received correctly,
- Ensure reset is handled correctly
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_stress_all"]
name: host_stress_all_with_rand_reset
desc: '''
Support random reset in parallel with stress_all and tl_errors sequences.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Combine above sequences in one test to run sequentially
except csr sequence and i2c_host_rx_oversample_vseq (requires zero_delays)
- Randomly add reset within the sequences then switch to another one
- Ensure transactions are transmitted/received correctly
- Ensure reset is handled correctly
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_stress_all_with_rand_reset"]
name: host_perf
desc: '''
The Host DUT sends and receives transactions at max bandwidth.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Reduce access latency for all fifos
- Issue long read/write back-to-back transactions
- Read rx_fifo as soon as read data valid
- Clear interrupt quickly
- Ensure transactions are transmitted/received correctly
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_perf"]
name: host_override
desc: '''
Test SCL/SDA override.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Program OVRD register
- Ensure scl_o, sda_o are overridden
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_override"]
name: host_fifo_watermark
desc: '''
Test the watermark interrupt of fmt_fifo and rx_fifo.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Program random fmt_fifo and rx_fifo watermark level
- Write data quickly to fmt_fifo and rx_fifo for triggering watermark interrupts
- Ensure the fmt_fifo and rx_fifo watermark interrupts are asserted
- Ensure the fmt_fifo and rx_fifo watermark interrupts stay asserted until cleared
- Ensure receving correct number of fmt_fifo and rx_fifo watermark interrupts
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_fifo_watermark"]
name: host_fifo_overflow
desc: '''
Test the overflow interrupt for fmt_fifo and rx_fifo.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- DUT keeps sending a number of format byte higher than the size of fmt_fifo and
rx_fifo depth
- Ensure excess format bytes are dropped
- Ensure fmt_overflow and rx_overflow interrupt are asserted
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_fifo_overflow"]
name: host_fifo_reset
desc: '''
Test fmt_fifo and rx_fifo reset.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Fill up the fmt_fifo with data to be sent out
- Reset the fifo randomly after a number of bytes shows up on fmt_fifo
- Ensure the remaining entries are not show up after fmt_fifo is reset
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_fifo_reset_fmt", "i2c_host_fifo_reset_rx", "i2c_host_fifo_fmt_empty"]
name: host_fifo_full
desc: '''
Test fmt_fifo and rx_fifo in full states.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Send enough read and write requests to fmt_fifo
- Hold reading data from rx_fifo until rx fifo is full
- Check fifo full states by reading status register
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_fifo_full"]
name: host_timeout
desc: '''
Test stretch_timeout interrupts.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Set timeout enable bit of TIMEOUT_CTRL register
- Program timeout values (higher than host scl clock pulse) into TIMEOUT_CTRL register
- Configure agent to pull down target (device) scl after the bit 9 (ACK) is
- Ensure stretch_timeout is asserted and a correct number is received
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_timeout"]
name: host_rx_oversample
desc: '''
Host mode: test oversampling on received channel.
- Use input clock to sample the target sda (sample with baud rate equal to 1)
- Drive scl_rx using input clock
- Read rx data oversampled value and ensure it is same as driven value
stage: V2
tests: ["i2c_host_rx_oversample"]
// Tests for I2C DUT in TARGET mode
name: target_smoke
desc: '''
Smoke test in which random (rd/wr) transactions are
sent to the DUT and received asynchronously with scoreboard checks.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Enable DUT target
- Clear/Enable interrupt (if needed)
- Randomize I2C timing in TIMING 0-4 registers and other parameters such as TL agent
- Generate random addresses which are programmed to the DUT (target)
and used for transaction sent by the agent (host)
- Check the timing behavior of START, STOP, ACK, NACK, and "repeated" START
- Read and write transfer matching
stage: V1
tests: [""]
name: target_error_intr
desc: '''
Test ack_stop interrupt is asserted by the Target DUT,
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Host agent send STOP after ACK
- Ensure all acq_stop is asserted and stay asserted until cleared
- Ensure IP operation get back normal after on-the-fly reset finished
stage: V2
tests: [""]
name: target_stress_all
desc: '''
Support vseq (context) switching with random reset in between.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Combine above sequences in one test to run sequentiall except csr sequence
- Randomly add reset between each sequence
- Ensure transactions are transmitted/received correctly,
- Ensure reset is handled correctly
stage: V2
tests: [""]
name: target_stress_all_with_rand_reset
desc: '''
Support random reset in parallel with stress_all and tl_errors sequences.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Combine above sequences in one test to run sequentially
except csr sequence
- Randomly add reset within the sequences then switch to another one
- Ensure transactions are transmitted/received correctly
- Ensure reset is handled correctly
stage: V2
tests: [""]
name: target_perf
desc: '''
The Host Agent sends and receives transactions at max bandwidth.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Reduce access latency for all fifos
- Issue long read/write back-to-back transactions
- Read tx_fifo as soon as read data valid
- Clear interrupt quickly
- Ensure transactions are transmitted/received correctly
stage: V2
tests: [""]
name: target_fifo_overflow
desc: '''
Test the overflow interrupt for tx_fifo and acq_fifo overflow.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Agent keeps sending a number of format byte higher than the size of tx_fifo and
- Ensure excess format bytes are dropped
- Ensure tx_overflow and acq_overflow interrupt are asserted
stage: V2
tests: [""]
name: target_fifo_empty
desc: '''
Test tx_empty and tx_nonempty interrupt.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Agent sends transaction to the DUT
- During read transaction, ensure tx_empty interrupt is asserted when no data left
in tx_fifo
otherwise tx_empty interrupt must be asserted
stage: V2
tests: []
name: target_fifo_reset
desc: '''
Test tx_fifo and acq_fifo reset.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Fill up the acq_fifo with data to be sent out
- Reset the fifo randomly after a random number of bytes shows up on acq_fifo
- Ensure the remaining entries are not show up after fmt_fifo is reset,
stage: V2
tests: []
name: target_fifo_full
desc: '''
Test acq_fifo and tx_fifo in full states.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Target/Host mode respectively
- Send enough read and write requests to acq_fifo
- Hold reading data from tx_fifo until tx fifo is full
- Check fifo full states by reading status register
stage: V2
tests: [""]
name: target_timeout
desc: '''
Test host_timeout interrupts.
- Configure DUT/Agent to Host/Target mode respectively
- Set timeout enable bit of HOST_TIMEOUT_CTRL register
- Agent stops sending clock during an ongoing transaction
- Ensure host_timeout is asserted and a correct number is received
stage: V2
tests: [""]