blob: cc4a14c8f0d734b7a144a3abda283e6d02282d34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPI Flash Read Command: Read Buffer Manager
The SPI Device IP uses the first half of the DPSRAM as a read buffer. The IP
returns data from the read buffer based on the given address in the received
read command. The read buffer size is 2kB in current design. The IP only uses
lower 11 bits ($clog2(2048)) of the received read command address and uses the
address to issue the read request to the DPSRAM.
It is the SW responsibility to update the read buffer contents. Ths module
provides a SW configurable read watermark CSR and read only
`LAST_READ_ADDRESS` CSR. SW may use those registers to get the time to update
the buffer contents.
The module receives the current sent address and the threshold to determine
the buffer flip and the watermark event. Buffer flip event occurs when the
host system accesses the other side of the buffer. For example, in current
total buffer size 2kB. If the host accesses 0xFFC then 0x1000. The buffer flip
occurs (from Buffer 1 to Buffer 0). In contrast, if the host system crosses
the buffer boundary in opposite direction(0x1000 --> 0xFFC), it is not assumed
as a buffer flip event.
The watermark event happens when the host system accesses the address greater
than the watermark CSR for the first time in a buffer. Let's assume the
threshold (watermark) CSR value is 0x400 (512B). If the host system issues
a SPI read command at the address 0x3FC and read 16B data, the IP keeps
checking the sent address (from 0x3FC then 0x3FD, 0x3FE, 0x3FF) and when it
sends the 0x400 data, it raises a watermark event.
The watermark event is sticky event. It is reported to the SW once and cleared
by the flip event. So even the host system keeps reading 0x3FC and 0x400
multiple times, the event won't be notified to the SW after the first report.
`include ""
module spid_readbuffer #(
// Buffer size: # of indices assigned to Read Buffer.
// This is used to calculate double buffering and threshold.
parameter int unsigned ReadBufferDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramMsgDepth,
// Derived parameters
localparam int unsigned BufferAw = $clog2(ReadBufferDepth)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input sys_rst_ni, // to keep the addr, bufidx, flip signals
input spi_device_pkg::spi_mode_e spi_mode_i,
input [31:0] current_address_i,
input [BufferAw:0] threshold_i, // A buffer size among two buffers (in bytes)
input sfdp_hit_i,
input mailbox_hit_i,
input mailbox_en_i,
// start: data Output phase indicator. Either pulse or level are fine.
input start_i,
output logic event_watermark_o,
output logic event_flip_o
// Definition //
localparam int unsigned BufferSize = ReadBufferDepth
* spi_device_pkg::SramDw / 8; // bytes
localparam int unsigned OneBufferSize = BufferSize / 2;
localparam int unsigned OneBufferAw = $clog2(OneBufferSize);
typedef enum logic {
} st_e;
st_e st_q, st_d;
// Signal //
logic watermark_cross;
logic watermark_crossed; // set by event / clear by flip
logic flip;
// The logic keeps next buffer address. Compare this with the
// current_address and if it hits with mask, then the flip event occurs.
// ICEBOX(#10038): If the device goes sleep, the next_buffer_addr should be
// recoverable.
logic [31-OneBufferAw:0] next_buffer_addr;
logic active;
// Datapath //
assign active = (st_q == StActive)
&& (spi_mode_i == spi_device_pkg::FlashMode);
// Flip event handling
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) begin
next_buffer_addr <= (32-OneBufferAw)'(1); // pointing to next buffer
end else if (active && flip) begin
next_buffer_addr <= next_buffer_addr + 1'b 1;
logic [31-OneBufferAw:0] current_buffer_idx;
assign current_buffer_idx = current_address_i[31:OneBufferAw];
assign flip = current_buffer_idx == next_buffer_addr;
// make flip event single cycle pulse signal
// It will be synchronized into the bus clock domain using prim_pulse_sync
logic flip_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) flip_q <= 1'b 0;
else if (active) flip_q <= flip;
assign event_flip_o = active && flip && !flip_q;
// ICEBOX(#10037): Consider the case if host jumps the address? (report
// error?)
// ICEBOX(#10038): Consider the case of sleep and recover. Provide a way to
// recover `next_buffer_addr`?
// Watermark event: Threshold should not be 0 to enable the event
assign watermark_cross = (current_address_i[BufferAw:0] >= threshold_i)
&& |threshold_i;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) begin
watermark_crossed <= 1'b 0;
end else if (active && watermark_cross) begin
watermark_crossed <= 1'b 1;
end else if (active && flip) begin
watermark_crossed <= 1'b 0;
assign event_watermark_o = active && !watermark_crossed && watermark_cross ;
// State Machine //
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) st_q <= StIdle;
else if (spi_mode_i != spi_device_pkg::FlashMode) begin
st_q <= StIdle;
end else begin
st_q <= st_d;
always_comb begin
st_d = st_q;
unique case (st_q)
StIdle: begin
if (start_i && !sfdp_hit_i && !(mailbox_en_i && mailbox_hit_i)) begin
st_d = StActive;
StActive: begin
// Deadend waiting CSb de-assertion
st_d = StActive;
default: begin
st_d = StIdle;
endmodule : spid_readbuffer