blob: 12b2479d8121fdcb0a606d55a6c982bcbd16cae9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class aes_seq_item extends uvm_sequence_item;
// Knobs //
// min number of data bytes
int data_len_max;
// Max number of data bytes
int data_len_min;
// randomized values //
rand bit operation; // TODO implement this as enum
// 0: auto start, 1: wait for start
rand bit man_trigger;
// 0: output data cannot be overwritten
// 1: new output will overwrite old output even if not read.
rand bit allow_data_ovrwrt;
// lenth of plaintext / cypher
rand bit [31:0] data_len;
// key len 0: 128, 1: 192, 2: 256 3: NOT VALID
rand bit [2:0] key_size;
// 256 bit key (8x32 bit)
rand bit [7:0][31:0] key;
// data queue to hold the randomized data
rand bit [31:0] data_in_queue[$];
// randomized data to add to queue
// fixed variables //
// indicated which words has data
bit [3:0] data_in_vld = 4'b0;
// indicated which words has data
bit [3:0] data_out_vld = 4'b0;
// used by the checker
bit [3:0][31:0] data_in;
// used by the checker
bit [3:0][31:0] data_out;
// used to store output data
bit [31:0] data_out_queue[$];
// set if data should be fixed and not randomized
bit fixed_data = 0;
// if set unused key bytes will be forced to 0 - controlled from test
bit key_mask=0;
function new( string name="aes_sequence_item");;
// contraints //
constraint c_data {
solve data_len before data_in_queue;
data_len inside { [data_len_min: data_len_max] };
if(data_len[1:0] == 2'b00) {
data_in_queue.size() == data_len >> 2;
} else {
data_in_queue.size() == data_len >> 2 + 1;
if(data_len[1:0] == 2'b01) {
data_in_queue[data_in_queue.size()-1][31:8] == 0;
} else if (data_len[1:0] == 2'b10) {
data_in_queue[data_in_queue.size()-1][31:16] == 0;
} else {
data_in_queue[data_in_queue.size()-1][31:24] == 0;
constraint c_key_size {key_size inside {3'b001, 3'b010, 3'b100 };
// key len 0: 128, 1: 192, 2: 256 3: NOT VALID
constraint c_operation_reg {operation == 0; man_trigger == 0; allow_data_ovrwrt == 0; }
function void post_randomize();
if(key_mask) begin
case (key_size)
3'b001: begin
key[7:4] = 32'h00000000;
3'b010: begin
key[7:6] = 32'h00000000;
default: begin
function bit add2output( logic [31:0] data );
return 1;
virtual function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
aes_seq_item rhs_;
if(!$cast(rhs_,rhs) ) begin
uvm_report_error("do_copy:", "acst failed");
operation = rhs_.operation;
data_in = rhs_.data_in;
key = rhs_.key;
key_size = rhs_.key_size;
data_out = rhs_.data_out;
endfunction // copy
// do compare //
virtual function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
aes_seq_item rhs_;
return 0; // compare failed because object is not of sequence item type
return(super.do_compare(rhs,comparer) &&
(operation == rhs_.operation) &&
(data_in == rhs_.data_in) &&
(key == rhs_.key) &&
(data_out == rhs_.data_out) );
endfunction // compare
// convert to string //
virtual function string convert2string();
string str;
str = super.convert2string();
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t ----| AES SEQUENCE ITEM |----\t ")
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t ----| Mode: \t %s |----\t ",
(operation==1'b0) ? "ENCRYPT" : "DECRYPT" ) };
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t ----| Key size: \t %s |----\t ",
(key_size==3'b001) ? "128b" : (key_size == 3'b010) ? "192b" : "256b") };
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t ----| Key: \t ") };
for(int i=0; i <8; i++) begin
str = {str, $psprintf("%h ",key[i])};
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t ----| Input data: \t %h |----\t ", data_in) };
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t ----| Output data: \t %h |----\t ", data_out) };
str = {str, $psprintf("\n\t") };
return str;
endfunction // conver2string
virtual function string bytes2string();
string str="\n\t ----| data_out: ";
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) begin
str = {str, $psprintf("%h", data_out[i][31:0])};
return str;