blob: b1719145390c98e37b9644f03abaf352f6fc0853 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from serialize.parse_helpers import (check_bool, check_keys, check_str,
from .encoding import Encoding
from .encoding_scheme import EncSchemeField
class OperandType:
'''The base class for some sort of operand type
There are three representations of an operand:
- String
- Operand value
- Encoded value
The string representation is the string that you expect to see in an
assembly listing (either fed into, or generated by The encoded value is the non-negative integer value that
is encoded in the bits of the instruction.
The operand value is the notional value of the operand. This might be a
signed value (represented 2's complement in the encoded value). It might be
shifted left by some places. This is the "value of the operand" that is
described in the documentation.
For a register operand, the string value might be "x3" and the operand
value and encoded value would both be 3. Similarly, for an enum or option
operand, the operand value and encoded value are equal.
For an immediate operand that isn't PC-relative, converting between the
string and operand value is essentially a call to Python's int() or str().
The interesting conversion is between operand value and encoded value.
def __init__(self, width: Optional[int]) -> None:
assert width is None or width > 0
self.width = width
def markdown_doc(self) -> Optional[str]:
'''Generate any (markdown) documentation for this operand type
The base class returns None, but subclasses might return something
return None
def _describe_bits_lst(bits_lst: List[str]) -> str:
assert bits_lst
if len(bits_lst) == 1:
return bits_lst[0]
return '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join(bits_lst))
def describe_decode(self, bits_lst: List[str]) -> str:
'''Return string saying how to interpret the raw bits of bits_str
bits_lst is a nonempty list of string describing which bits are used to
get the raw value.
Overridden in subclasses if they do something non-trivial.
return 'unsigned({})'.format(OperandType._describe_bits_lst(bits_lst))
def syntax_determines_value(self) -> bool:
'''Can the value of this operand always be inferred from asm syntax?
This is true for things like registers (the value "5" only comes from
"r5", for example), but false for arbitrary immediates: an immediate
operand might have a value that comes from a relocation. If this is
true, neither str_to_op_val nor op_val_to_enc_val may return None.
return False
def str_to_op_val(self, as_str: str) -> Optional[int]:
'''Read the given syntax and convert it to an operand value
See the class docstring for what "operand value" means. Raises a
ValueError on definite failure ("found cabbage when I expected a
register name"). Returns None on a soft failure: "this is a complicated
looking expression, but it might be a sensible immediate".
This function doesn't check that the result will be encodable: chain it
with op_val_to_enc_val for that.
raise NotImplementedError()
def op_val_to_enc_val(self, op_val: int,
cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
'''Convert the operand value to an encoded value
This expects a current PC in cur_pc. If we don't know that (because
this is, and we don't know our eventual current address), a
pc_rel immediate will return None. Similarly, if we don't know our
width, we should return None.
Otherwise, function must check that the operand value can be
successfully encoded (with any required shift, in self.width bits, and
with 2's complement if signed). If not, it must raise a ValueError.
The default implementation returns op_val (for values that are encoded
with no shift, signedness or other cleverness) so long as the width is
if self.width is None:
return None
if op_val < 0:
raise ValueError('Negative operand value {} for a basic operand '
'that expects to encode an unsigned value in '
'{} bits.'.format(op_val, self.width))
if op_val >> self.width:
raise ValueError('Operand value {} is too large for a basic '
'operand of {} bits.'.format(op_val, self.width))
return op_val
def enc_val_to_op_val(self, enc_val: int, cur_pc: int) -> Optional[int]:
'''Convert the encoded value to an operand value
This needs the current PC (for pc_rel immediates) and returns the
logical op_val. The default implementation works for values that are
encoded with no shift, signedness or similar and returns enc_val.
If we have a width, this function must not return None.
return enc_val
def op_val_to_str(self, op_val: int, cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> str:
'''Render an operand value as a string'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_max_enc_val(self) -> Optional[int]:
'''Return the range of valid encoded values for this operand type
The default implementation returns None if there is no width, and
otherwise returns the maximum value that fits in width bits.
if self.width is None:
return None
return (1 << self.width) - 1
def get_op_val_range(self, cur_pc: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
'''Return the range of representable operand values
Returns None if this isn't known, for some reason.
The default implementation uses get_max_enc_val and applies
enc_val_to_op_val, assuming that the function is affine linear (so the
endpoints of the encoded range map to the endpoints of the operand
value range). Note that this doesn't hold for 2's complement signed
enc_hi = self.get_max_enc_val()
if enc_hi is None:
return None
op_lo = self.enc_val_to_op_val(0, cur_pc)
assert op_lo is not None
op_hi = self.enc_val_to_op_val(enc_hi, cur_pc)
assert op_hi is not None
return (min(op_lo, op_hi), max(op_lo, op_hi))
class RegOperandType(OperandType):
'''A class representing a register operand type'''
'gpr': (5, 'x'),
'wdr': (5, 'w'),
def __init__(self, reg_type: str, is_src: bool, is_dest: bool) -> None:
fmt = RegOperandType.TYPE_FMTS.get(reg_type)
assert fmt is not None
width, _ = fmt
self.reg_type = reg_type
self._is_src = is_src
self._is_dest = is_dest
def make(reg_type: str, is_src: bool, is_dest: bool, what: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> 'RegOperandType':
if scheme_field is not None:
fmt = RegOperandType.TYPE_FMTS.get(reg_type)
assert fmt is not None
width, _ = fmt
if scheme_field.bits.width != width:
raise ValueError(
'In {}, there is an encoding scheme that '
'allocates {} bits, but the operand has '
'register type {!r}, which expects {} bits.'.format(
what, scheme_field.bits.width, reg_type, width))
return RegOperandType(reg_type, is_src, is_dest)
def syntax_determines_value(self) -> bool:
return True
def str_to_op_val(self, as_str: str) -> int:
width, pfx = RegOperandType.TYPE_FMTS[self.reg_type]
re_pfx = '' if pfx is None else re.escape(pfx)
match = re.match(re_pfx + '([0-9]+)$', as_str)
if match is None:
raise ValueError("Expression {!r} can't be parsed as a {}.".format(
as_str, self.reg_type))
idx = int(
assert 0 <= idx
if idx >> width:
raise ValueError("Invalid register of type {}: {!r}.".format(
self.reg_type, as_str))
return idx
def op_val_to_str(self, op_val: int, cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> str:
fmt = RegOperandType.TYPE_FMTS.get(self.reg_type)
assert fmt is not None
_, pfx = fmt
if pfx is None:
pfx = ''
return '{}{}'.format(pfx, op_val)
def is_src(self) -> bool:
'''True if this operand is considered a source'''
return self._is_src or self.reg_type in ['csr', 'wsr']
def is_dest(self) -> bool:
'''True if this operand is considered a destination'''
return self._is_dest or self.reg_type in ['csr', 'wsr']
class ImmOperandType(OperandType):
'''A class representing an immediate operand type'''
def __init__(self, width: Optional[int], enc_offset: int, shift: int,
signed: bool, pc_rel: bool) -> None:
assert shift >= 0
self.enc_offset = enc_offset
self.shift = shift
self.signed = signed
self.pc_rel = pc_rel
def make(width: Optional[int], enc_offset: int, shift: int, signed: bool,
pc_rel: bool, what: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> 'ImmOperandType':
if scheme_field is not None:
# If there is an encoding scheme, check its width is compatible
# with the operand type. If the operand type doesn't specify a
# width, get one from the encoding scheme.
if width is None:
width = scheme_field.bits.width
if scheme_field.bits.width != width:
raise ValueError(
'In {}, there is an encoding scheme that '
'allocates {} bits to the immediate operand '
'but the operand claims to have width {}.'.format(
what, scheme_field.bits.width, width))
return ImmOperandType(width, enc_offset, shift, signed, pc_rel)
def _doc_rel_to_abs(value: int) -> str:
'''Turn X to . + X or . - X, as appropriate.'''
if value < 0:
return '.-{}'.format(-value)
elif value == 0:
return '.'
return '.+{}'.format(value)
def markdown_doc(self) -> Optional[str]:
# Override from OperandType base class
rng = self.get_doc_range()
if rng is None:
return None
lo, hi = rng
if self.shift == 0:
stp_msg = ''
stp_msg = ' in steps of `{}`'.format(1 << self.shift)
rel_suffix = ''
if self.pc_rel:
rel_suffix = (' This is encoded PC-relative but appears '
'as an absolute value in assembly. To write a raw '
'value in an assembly file, write something in the '
'range `{}` to `{}`.'.format(
return ('Valid range: `{}` to `{}`{}.{}'.format(
lo, hi, stp_msg, rel_suffix))
def describe_decode(self, bits_lst: List[str]) -> str:
# The "most general" result is something like this:
# PC + (signed({A, B, C} + enc_offset) << shift)
# But if enc_offset is zero and shift is positive, we'd like results
# that look like
# PC + signed({A, B, C, 2'b0})
# Show shift with a concatenation if there is no offset
shift = self.shift
if shift and not self.enc_offset:
bits_lst = bits_lst + ["{}'b0".format(shift)]
shift = 0
# Render as a concatenation and make the conversion to an integer
# explicit.
xsigned = 'signed' if self.signed else 'unsigned'
acc = '{}({})'.format(xsigned,
acc_prec = 2
if self.enc_offset:
acc = '{} + {}'.format(acc, self.enc_offset)
if shift:
# Although a + b << c is logically the same as (a + b) << c, we
# add the parentheses to make it easier to read.
acc = '({}) << {}'.format(acc, self.shift)
acc_prec = 0
assert not shift
if self.pc_rel:
if acc_prec < 1:
acc = '({})'.format(acc)
acc = 'PC + {}'.format(acc)
return acc
def str_to_op_val(self, as_str: str) -> Optional[int]:
# Try to parse the literal as an integer. Give up safely if we can't
# decipher the immediate here. It might be a label which binutils' as
# can deal with for us.
return int(as_str, 0)
except ValueError:
return None
def op_val_to_str(self, op_val: int, cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> str:
if self.pc_rel and cur_pc is not None:
# When we're generating code to be assembled (in the random
# instruction generator), we need to make write PC-relative
# addresses as offsets. Otherwise the assembler can't know they'll
# fit (since *it* doesn't know PC).
# The other time this is used is objdump, where either version
# works fine.
return ImmOperandType._doc_rel_to_abs(op_val - cur_pc)
return str(op_val)
def op_val_to_enc_val(self, op_val: int,
cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
# Give up immediately if we don't know our width
if self.width is None:
return None
if self.pc_rel:
# If the operand is PC-relative and we don't have cur_pc, give up.
if cur_pc is None:
return None
# Otherwise, we need to encode the offset.
pc_relative_val = op_val - cur_pc
pc_relative_val = op_val
# Try to shift right. Check that we won't clobber any low bits.
shift_mask = (1 << self.shift) - 1
if pc_relative_val & shift_mask:
raise ValueError('Cannot encode the value {}: the operand has a '
'shift of {}, but that would clobber some bits '
'(because {} & {} = {}, not zero).'.format(
pc_relative_val, self.shift, pc_relative_val,
shift_mask, pc_relative_val & shift_mask))
# Compute offset encoded value by applying shift and enc_offset
shifted = pc_relative_val >> self.shift
offset_val = shifted - self.enc_offset
# Check offset encoded value sits in the allowable range for encoded
# values
enc_rng = self.get_enc_range()
assert enc_rng is not None
enc_lo, enc_hi = enc_rng
if not (enc_lo <= offset_val <= enc_hi):
doc_rng = self.get_doc_range()
assert doc_rng is not None
doc_lo, doc_hi = doc_rng
encoded_msg = (', which encodes to {},'.format(offset_val)
if self.shift != 0 or self.enc_offset != 0 else '')
raise ValueError('Cannot encode the value {}{} as a {}-bit '
'{}signed value. Possible range: {}..{}.'.format(
pc_relative_val, encoded_msg, self.width,
'' if self.signed else 'un', doc_lo, doc_hi))
if self.signed:
encoded = ((1 << self.width) +
offset_val if offset_val < 0 else offset_val)
assert offset_val >= 0
encoded = offset_val
assert (encoded >> self.width) == 0
return encoded
def enc_val_to_op_val(self, enc_val: int, cur_pc: int) -> Optional[int]:
# If this immediate is signed and we have a valid width, we need to
# convert the value to a 2's-complement signed number. (There's not
# much we can do if we don't know our width!)
signed_val = enc_val
if self.signed:
if self.width is None:
return None
assert (enc_val >> self.width) == 0
assert self.width >= 1
if enc_val >> (self.width - 1):
signed_val -= 1 << self.width
assert signed_val < 0
signed_val += self.enc_offset
shifted = signed_val << self.shift
# If this value is PC-relative, add the current PC. The point is that
# something encoded as "10" means "10 + pc", and is written that way in
# assembly code. If we don't actually know our current PC, we can write
# it as ". + <shifted>", but we do better than that if we can.
rel_val = shifted + (cur_pc if self.pc_rel else 0)
return rel_val
def get_enc_range(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
'''Gets range of allowable encoded values'''
if self.width is None:
return None
if self.signed:
sgn_lo = -((1 << self.width) // 2)
sgn_hi = max(-(sgn_lo + 1), 0)
sgn_lo = 0
sgn_hi = (1 << self.width) - 1
return (sgn_lo, sgn_hi)
def get_doc_range(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
'''Gets range of allowable values as they will appear in
enc_range = self.get_enc_range()
if enc_range is None:
return None
sgn_lo, sgn_hi = enc_range
sgn_lo += self.enc_offset
sgn_hi += self.enc_offset
return (sgn_lo << self.shift, sgn_hi << self.shift)
def get_op_val_range(self, cur_pc: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
rel_rng = self.get_doc_range()
if rel_rng is None:
return None
rel_lo, rel_hi = rel_rng
pc_off = cur_pc if self.pc_rel else 0
return (rel_lo + pc_off, rel_hi + pc_off)
class EnumOperandType(OperandType):
'''A class representing an enum operand type
Enum operands are case-insensitive: the names are stored lower case, and
are matched with case-folding in read_index.
def __init__(self, items: List[str], what: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> None:
assert items
# The number of items gives a minimum width for the field. If there is
# an encoding, use that width, but check that it's enough to hold all
# the items.
min_width = int.bit_length(len(items) - 1)
if scheme_field is None:
width = min_width
if scheme_field.bits.width < min_width:
raise ValueError('In {}, there is an encoding scheme that '
'assigns {} bits to the field. But this '
'field is an enum with {} items, so needs '
'at least {} bits.'.format(
what, scheme_field.bits.width, len(items),
width = scheme_field.bits.width
self.items = [item.lower() for item in items]
def markdown_doc(self) -> Optional[str]:
# Override from OperandType base class
parts = [
'| Assembly Syntax | Value |\n'
for idx, item in enumerate(self.items):
parts.append('| `{}` | `{}` |\n'.format(item, idx))
return ''.join(parts)
def syntax_determines_value(self) -> bool:
return True
def str_to_op_val(self, as_str: str) -> int:
low_str = as_str.lower()
for idx, item in enumerate(self.items):
if low_str == item:
return idx
known_vals = ', '.join(repr(item) for item in self.items)
raise ValueError('Invalid enum value, {!r}. '
'Supported values: {}.'.format(as_str, known_vals))
def op_val_to_str(self, op_val: int, cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> str:
# On a bad value, we have to return *something*. Since this is just
# going into disassembly, let's be vaguely helpful and return something
# that looks clearly bogus.
# Note that if the number of items in the enum is not a power of 2,
# this could happen with a bad binary, despite good tools.
if op_val < 0 or op_val >= len(self.items):
return '???'
return self.items[op_val]
def get_max_enc_val(self) -> int:
return len(self.items) - 1
class OptionOperandType(OperandType):
'''A class representing an option operand type
Option operands are case-insensitive: the option name is stored lower case,
and is matched with case-folding in read_index.
def __init__(self, option: str, what: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> None:
width = 1
if scheme_field is not None:
assert width <= scheme_field.bits.width
width = scheme_field.bits.width
self.option = option.lower()
def markdown_doc(self) -> Optional[str]:
# Override from OperandType base class
return 'To specify, use the literal syntax `{}`\n'.format(self.option)
def syntax_determines_value(self) -> bool:
return True
def str_to_op_val(self, as_str: str) -> int:
if as_str.lower() == self.option:
return 1
raise ValueError('Invalid option value, {!r}. '
'If specified, it should have been {!r}.'.format(
as_str, self.option))
def op_val_to_str(self, op_val: int, cur_pc: Optional[int]) -> str:
assert op_val in [0, 1]
return self.option if op_val else ''
def get_max_enc_val(self) -> int:
return 1
def parse_operand_type(fmt: str, pc_rel: bool, what: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> OperandType:
'''Make sense of the operand type syntax'''
# Registers
reg_fmts = {
'grs': ('gpr', True, False),
'grd': ('gpr', False, True),
'wrs': ('wdr', True, False),
'wrd': ('wdr', False, True),
'wrb': ('wdr', True, True),
reg_match = reg_fmts.get(fmt)
if reg_match is not None:
if pc_rel:
raise ValueError(
'In {}, the operand has type {!r} which is a '
'type of register operand. It also has pc_rel '
'set, which is only allowed for immediates.'.format(what, fmt))
reg_type, is_src, is_dest = reg_match
return RegOperandType.make(reg_type, is_src, is_dest, what,
# CSR and WSR indices. These are treated like unsigned immediates, with
# width 12 and 8, respectively.
xsr_fmts = {'csr': 12, 'wsr': 8}
xsr_match = xsr_fmts.get(fmt)
if xsr_match is not None:
assert not pc_rel
return ImmOperandType.make(xsr_match, 0, 0, False, False, what,
# Immediates
for base, signed in [('simm', True), ('uimm', False)]:
# The type of an immediate operand is encoded as
# where BASE is 'simm' or 'uimm', WIDTH is a positive integer and
# ENC_OFFSET and SHIFT are non-negative integers. The regex below
# captures WIDTH as group 1, OFFSET as group 2 and SHIFT as group 3.
m = re.match(base + r'([1-9][0-9]*)?(?:\+([0-9]+))?(?:<<([0-9]+))?$',
if m is not None:
width = int( if is not None else None
enc_offset = int( if is not None else 0
shift = int( if is not None else 0
return ImmOperandType.make(width, enc_offset, shift, signed,
pc_rel, what, scheme_field)
m = re.match(r'enum\(([^\)]+)\)$', fmt)
if m:
if pc_rel:
raise ValueError('In {}, the operand is an enumeration, but also '
'has pc_rel set, which is only allowed for bare '
return EnumOperandType(
[item.strip() for item in',')], what,
m = re.match(r'option\(([^\)]+)\)$', fmt)
if m:
if pc_rel:
raise ValueError('In {}, the operand is an option, but also '
'has pc_rel set, which is only allowed for bare '
return OptionOperandType(, what, scheme_field)
raise ValueError("In {}, operand type description {!r} "
"didn't match any recognised format.".format(what, fmt))
def infer_operand_type(name: str, pc_rel: bool, what: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> OperandType:
'''Try to guess an operand's type from its name'''
op_type_name = None
if re.match(r'grs[0-9]*$', name):
op_type_name = 'grs'
elif name in ['grd', 'wrd', 'csr', 'wsr']:
op_type_name = name
elif re.match(r'wrs[0-9]*$', name):
op_type_name = 'wrs'
elif re.match(r'imm[0-9]*$', name) or name == 'offset':
op_type_name = 'simm'
if op_type_name is None:
raise ValueError(
"Operand name {!r} doesn't imply an operand type: "
"you'll have to set the type explicitly.".format(name))
return parse_operand_type(op_type_name, pc_rel, what, scheme_field)
def make_operand_type(op_type_name: Optional[str], pc_rel: bool,
operand_name: str, mnemonic: str,
scheme_field: Optional[EncSchemeField]) -> OperandType:
'''Construct a type for an operand
This is either based on the type, if given, or inferred from the name
otherwise. If scheme_field is not None, this is the encoding scheme field
that will be used.
what = ('the type for the {!r} operand of instruction {!r}'.format(
operand_name, mnemonic))
return (parse_operand_type(op_type_name, pc_rel, what, scheme_field)
if op_type_name is not None else infer_operand_type(
operand_name, pc_rel, what, scheme_field))
class Operand:
def __init__(self, yml: object, mnemonic: str,
insn_encoding: Optional[Encoding]) -> None:
# The YAML representation should be a string (a bare operand name) or a
# dict.
what = 'operand for {!r} instruction'.format(mnemonic)
if isinstance(yml, str):
name = yml.lower()
abbrev = None
op_type = None
doc = None
pc_rel = False
op_what = '{!r} {}'.format(name, what)
elif isinstance(yml, dict):
yd = check_keys(yml, what, ['name'],
['type', 'pc-rel', 'doc', 'abbrev'])
name = check_str(yd['name'], 'name of ' + what).lower()
op_what = '{!r} {}'.format(name, what)
abbrev = get_optional_str(yd, 'abbrev', op_what)
if abbrev is not None:
abbrev = abbrev.lower()
op_type = get_optional_str(yd, 'type', op_what)
pc_rel = check_bool(yd.get('pc-rel', False),
'pc-rel field of ' + op_what)
doc = get_optional_str(yd, 'doc', op_what)
# If there is an encoding, look up the encoding scheme field that
# corresponds to this operand.
enc_scheme_field = None
if insn_encoding is not None:
field_name = insn_encoding.op_to_field_name.get(name)
if field_name is None:
raise ValueError('The {!r} instruction has an operand called '
'{!r}, but the associated encoding has no '
'field that encodes it.'.format(
mnemonic, name))
enc_scheme_field = insn_encoding.fields[field_name].scheme_field
if abbrev is not None:
if name == abbrev:
raise ValueError('Operand {!r} of the {!r} instruction has '
'an abbreviated name the same as its '
'actual name.'.format(name, mnemonic)) = name
self.abbrev = abbrev
self.op_type = make_operand_type(op_type, pc_rel, name, mnemonic,
self.doc = doc