blob: c859f711ca89c3298ef75f5c25fd82884eb65f81 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
r"""Testpoint and Testplan classes for maintaining the testplan
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import hjson
import mistletoe
from tabulate import tabulate
class Result:
'''The results for a single test'''
def __init__(self, name, passing=0, total=0): = name
self.passing = passing = total
self.mapped = False
class Element():
"""An element of the testplan.
This is either a testpoint or a covergroup.
# Type of the testplan element. Must be set by the extended class.
kind = None
# Mandatory fields in a testplan element.
fields = ("name", "desc")
def __init__(self, raw_dict):
"""Initialize the testplan element.
raw_dict is the dictionary parsed from the HJSon file.
for field in self.fields:
setattr(self, field, raw_dict.pop(field))
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(f"Error: {self.kind} does not contain all of "
f"the required fields:\n{raw_dict}\nRequired:\n"
# Set the remaining k-v pairs in raw_dict as instance attributes.
for k, v in raw_dict:
setattr(self, k, v)
# Verify things are in order.
def __str__(self):
# Reindent the multiline desc with 4 spaces.
desc = "\n".join(
[" " + line.lstrip() for line in self.desc.split("\n")])
return (f" {self.kind.capitalize()}: {}\n"
f" Description:\n{desc}\n")
def _validate(self):
"""Runs some basic consistency checks."""
if not
raise ValueError(f"Error: {self.kind.capitalize()} name cannot "
f"be empty:\n{self}")
class Covergroup(Element):
"""A coverage model item.
The list of covergroups defines the coverage model for the design. Each
entry captures the name of the covergroup (suffixed with _cg) and a brief
description describing what functionality is covered. It is recommended to
include individual coverpoints and crosses in the description.
kind = "covergroup"
def _validate(self):
if not"_cg"):
raise ValueError(f"Error: Covergroup name {} needs to "
"end with suffix \"_cg\".")
class Testpoint(Element):
"""An testcase entry in the testplan.
A testpoint maps to a unique design feature that is planned to be verified.
It captures following information:
- name of the planned test
- a brief description indicating intent, stimulus and checking procedure
- the targeted milestone
- the list of actual developed tests that verify it
kind = "testpoint"
fields = Element.fields + ("milestone", "tests")
# Verification milestones.
milestones = ("N.A.", "V1", "V2", "V3")
def __init__(self, raw_dict):
# List of Result objects indicating test results mapped to this
# testpoint.
self.test_results = []
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + (f" Milestone: {self.milestone}\n"
f" Tests: {self.tests}\n")
def _validate(self):
if self.milestone not in Testpoint.milestones:
raise ValueError(f"Testpoint milestone {self.milestone} is "
f"invalid:\n{self}\nLegal values: "
def do_substitutions(self, substitutions):
'''Substitute {wildcards} in tests
If tests have {wildcards}, they are substituted with the 'correct'
values using the key=value pairs provided by the substitutions arg.
Wildcards with no substitution arg are replaced by an empty string.
substitutions is a dictionary of wildcard-replacement pairs.
resolved_tests = []
for test in self.tests:
match = re.findall(r"{([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)}", test)
if not match:
# 'match' is a list of wildcards used in the test. Get their
# corresponding values.
subst = {item: substitutions.get(item, "") for item in match}
resolved = [test]
for item, value in subst.items():
values = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value]
resolved = [
t.replace(f"{{{item}}}", v) for t in resolved
for v in values
self.tests = resolved_tests
def map_test_results(self, test_results):
"""Map test results to tests against this testpoint.
Given a list of test results find the ones that match the tests listed
in this testpoint and buiild a structure. If no match is found, or if
self.tests is an empty list, indicate 0/1 passing so that it is
factored into the final total.
for tr in test_results:
assert isinstance(tr, Result)
if in self.tests:
tr.mapped = True
# Did we map all tests in this testpoint? If we are mapping the full
# testplan, then count the ones not found as "not run", i.e. 0 / 0.
tests_mapped = [ for tr in self.test_results]
for test in self.tests:
if test not in tests_mapped:
self.test_results.append(Result(name=test, passing=0, total=0))
# If no written tests were indicated for this testpoint, then reuse
# the testpoint name to count towards "not run".
if not self.tests:
self.test_results = [Result(, passing=0, total=0)]
class Testplan():
"""The full testplan
The list of Testpoints and Covergroups make up the testplan.
rsvd_keywords = ["import_testplans", "testpoints", "covergroups"]
element_cls = {'testpoint': Testpoint, 'covergroup': Covergroup}
def _parse_hjson(filename):
"""Parses an input file with HJson and returns a dict."""
return hjson.load(open(filename, 'rU'))
except IOError as e:
print(f"IO Error when opening fie {filename}\n{e}")
except hjson.scanner.HjsonDecodeError as e:
print(f"Error: Unable to decode HJSON with file {filename}:\n{e}")
def _create_testplan_elements(kind, raw_dicts_list):
"""Creates testplan elements from the list of raw dicts.
kind is either 'testpoint' or 'covergroup'.
raw_dicts_list is a list of dictionaries extracted from the HJson file.
items = []
item_names = set()
for dict_entry in raw_dicts_list:
item = Testplan.element_cls[kind](dict_entry)
except KeyError as e:
print(f"Error: {kind} arg is invalid.\n{e}")
except ValueError as e:
if in item_names:
print(f"Error: Duplicate {kind} item found with name: "
return items
def _get_percentage(value, total):
"""Returns a string representing percentage upto 2 decimal places."""
if total == 0:
return "-- %"
perc = value / total * 100 * 1.0
return "{0:.2f} %".format(round(perc, 2))
def get_dv_style_css():
"""Returns text with HTML CSS style for a table."""
return ("<style>\n"
"table.dv {\n"
" border: 1px solid black;\n"
" border-collapse: collapse;\n"
" width: 100%;\n"
" text-align: left;\n"
" vertical-align: middle;\n"
" display: table;\n"
" font-size: smaller;\n"
"table.dv th, td {\n"
" border: 1px solid black;\n"
def __str__(self):
lines = [f"Name: {}\n"]
lines += ["Testpoints:"]
lines += [f"{t}" for t in self.testpoints]
lines += ["Covergroups:"]
lines += [f"{c}" for c in self.covergroups]
return "\n".join(lines)
def __init__(self, filename, repo_top=None, name=None):
"""Initialize the testplan.
filename is the HJson file that captures the testplan.
repo_top is an optional argument indicating the path to top level repo
/ project directory. It is used with filename arg.
name is an optional argument indicating the name of the testplan / DUT.
It overrides the name set in the testplan HJson.
""" = None
self.testpoints = []
self.covergroups = []
self.test_results_mapped = False
if filename:
self._parse_testplan(filename, repo_top)
if name: = name
if not
print("Error: the testplan 'name' is not set!")
# Represents current progress towards each milestone. Milestone = N.A.
# is used to indicate the unmapped tests.
self.progress = {}
for key in Testpoint.milestones:
self.progress[key] = {
"written": 0,
"total": 0,
"progress": 0.0,
def _parse_testplan(self, filename, repo_top=None):
'''Parse testplan Hjson file and create the testplan elements.
It creates the list of testpoints and covergroups extracted from the
filename is the path to the testplan file written in HJson format.
repo_top is an optional argument indicating the path to repo top.
if repo_top is None:
# Assume dvsim's original location: $REPO_TOP/util/dvsim.
self_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
repo_top = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(self_path, os.pardir, os.pardir))
obj = Testplan._parse_hjson(filename)
parsed = set()
imported_testplans = obj.get("import_testplans", [])
while imported_testplans:
testplan = imported_testplans.pop(0)
if testplan in parsed:
print(f"Error: encountered the testplan {testplan} again, "
"which was already parsed. Please check for circular "
data = self._parse_hjson(os.path.join(repo_top, testplan))
imported_testplans.extend(data.get("import_testplans", []))
obj = _merge_dicts(obj, data) = obj.get("name")
testpoints = obj.get("testpoints", [])
self.testpoints = self._create_testplan_elements(
'testpoint', testpoints)
covergroups = obj.get("covergroups", [])
self.covergroups = self._create_testplan_elements(
'covergroup', covergroups)
if not testpoints and not covergroups:
print(f"Error: No testpoints or covergroups found in {filename}")
# Any variable in the testplan that is not a recognized HJson field can
# be used as a substitution variable.
substitutions = {
k: v
for k, v in obj.items() if k not in self.rsvd_keywords
for tp in self.testpoints:
def _sort(self):
"""Sort testpoints by milestone and covergroups by name."""
self.testpoints.sort(key=lambda x: x.milestone)
self.covergroups.sort(key=lambda x:
def get_milestone_regressions(self):
regressions = defaultdict(set)
for tp in self.testpoints:
if tp.milestone in tp.milestones[1:]:
regressions[tp.milestone].update({t for t in tp.tests if t})
# Build regressions dict into a hjson like data structure
return [{
"name": ms,
"tests": list(regressions[ms])
} for ms in regressions]
def get_testplan_table(self, fmt="pipe"):
"""Generate testplan table from hjson testplan.
fmt is either 'pipe' (markdown) or 'html'. 'pipe' is the name used by
tabulate to generate a markdown formatted table.
assert fmt in ["pipe", "html"]
def _fmt_text(text, fmt):
return mistletoe.markdown(text) if fmt == "html" else text
if self.testpoints:
lines = [_fmt_text("\n### Testpoints\n", fmt)]
header = ["Milestone", "Name", "Tests", "Description"]
colalign = ("center", "center", "left", "left")
table = []
for tp in self.testpoints:
desc = _fmt_text(tp.desc.strip(), fmt)
# TODO(astanin/python-tabulate#126): Tabulate does not
# convert \n's to line-breaks.
tests = "<br>\n".join(tp.tests)
table.append([tp.milestone,, tests, desc])
lines += [
if self.covergroups:
lines += [_fmt_text("\n### Covergroups\n", fmt)]
header = ["Name", "Description"]
colalign = ("center", "left")
table = []
for covergroup in self.covergroups:
desc = _fmt_text(covergroup.desc.strip(), fmt)
table.append([, desc])
lines += [
text = "\n".join(lines)
if fmt == "html":
text = self.get_dv_style_css() + text
text = text.replace("<table>", "<table class=\"dv\">")
# Tabulate does not support HTML tags.
text = text.replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", ">")
return text
def map_test_results(self, test_results):
"""Map test results to testpoints."""
# Maintain a list of tests we already counted.
tests_seen = set()
def _process_testpoint(testpoint, totals):
"""Computes the testplan progress and the sim footprint.
totals is a list of Testpoint items that represent the total number
of tests passing for each milestone. The sim footprint is simply
the sum total of all tests run in the simulation, counted for each
milestone and also the grand total.
ms = testpoint.milestone
for tr in testpoint.test_results:
if in tests_seen:
# Compute the testplan progress.
self.progress[ms]["total"] += 1
if != 0:
self.progress[ms]["written"] += 1
# Compute the milestone total & the grand total.
totals[ms].test_results[0].passing += tr.passing
totals[ms].test_results[0].total +=
if ms != "N.A.":
totals["N.A."].test_results[0].passing += tr.passing
totals["N.A."].test_results[0].total +=
totals = {}
# Create testpoints to represent the total for each milestone & the
# grand total.
for ms in Testpoint.milestones:
arg = {
"name": "N.A.",
"desc": f"Total {ms} tests",
"milestone": ms,
"tests": [],
totals[ms] = Testpoint(arg)
totals[ms].test_results = [Result("**TOTAL**")]
# Create unmapped as a testpoint to represent tests from the simulation
# results that could not be mapped to the testpoints.
arg = {
"name": "Unmapped tests",
"desc": "Unmapped tests",
"milestone": "N.A.",
"tests": [],
unmapped = Testpoint(arg)
# Now, map the simulation results to each testpoint.
for tp in self.testpoints:
_process_testpoint(tp, totals)
# If we do have unmapped tests, then count that too.
unmapped.test_results = [tr for tr in test_results if not tr.mapped]
_process_testpoint(unmapped, totals)
# Add milestone totals back into 'testpoints' and sort.
for ms in Testpoint.milestones[1:]:
# Append unmapped and the grand total at the end.
if unmapped.test_results:
# Compute the progress rate fpr each milestone.
for ms in Testpoint.milestones:
stat = self.progress[ms]
# Remove milestones that are not targeted.
if stat["total"] == 0:
stat["progress"] = self._get_percentage(stat["written"],
self.test_results_mapped = True
def map_covergroups(self, cgs_found):
"""Map the covergroups found from simulation to the testplan.
For now, this does nothing more than 'check off' the covergroup
found from the simulation results with the coverage model in the
testplan by updating the progress dict.
cgs_found is a list of covergroup names extracted from the coverage
database after the simulation is run with coverage enabled.
if not self.covergroups:
written = 0
total = 0
for cg in self.covergroups:
total += 1
if in cgs_found:
written += 1
self.progress["Covergroups"] = {
"written": written,
"total": total,
"progress": self._get_percentage(written, total),
def get_test_results_table(self, map_full_testplan=True):
"""Return the mapped test results into a markdown table."""
assert self.test_results_mapped, "Have you invoked map_test_results()?"
header = [
"Milestone", "Name", "Tests", "Passing", "Total", "Pass Rate"
colalign = ("center", "center", "left", "center", "center", "center")
table = []
for tp in self.testpoints:
milestone = "" if tp.milestone == "N.A." else tp.milestone
tp_name = "" if == "N.A." else
for tr in tp.test_results:
if == 0 and not map_full_testplan:
pass_rate = self._get_percentage(tr.passing,
milestone, tp_name,, tr.passing,,
milestone = ""
tp_name = ""
text = "\n### Test Results\n"
text += tabulate(table,
text += "\n"
return text
def get_progress_table(self):
"""Returns the current progress of the effort towards the testplan."""
assert self.test_results_mapped, "Have you invoked map_test_results()?"
header = []
table = []
for key in self.progress:
stat = self.progress[key]
values = [v for v in stat.values()]
if not header:
header = ["Items"] + [k.capitalize() for k in stat]
table.append([key] + values)
text = "\n### Testplan Progress\n"
colalign = (("center", ) * len(header))
text += tabulate(table,
text += "\n"
return text
def get_cov_results_table(self, cov_results):
"""Returns the coverage in a table format.
cov_results is a list of dicts with name and result keys, representing
the name of the coverage metric and the result in decimal / fp value.
if not cov_results:
return ""
cov_header = [c["name"].capitalize() for c in cov_results]
cov_values = [c["result"] for c in cov_results]
except KeyError as e:
print(f"Malformed cov_results:\n{cov_results}\n{e}")
colalign = (("center", ) * len(cov_header))
text = "\n### Coverage Results\n"
text += tabulate([cov_values],
text += "\n"
return text
def get_test_results_summary(self):
"""Returns the final total as a summary."""
assert self.test_results_mapped, "Have you invoked map_test_results()?"
# The last item in tespoints is the final sum total. We use that to
# return the results summary as a dict.
total = self.testpoints[-1]
assert == "N.A."
assert total.milestone == "N.A."
tr = total.test_results[0]
result = {}
result["Name"] =
result["Passing"] = tr.passing
result["Total"] =
result["Pass Rate"] = self._get_percentage(tr.passing,
return result
def get_sim_results(self, sim_results_file, fmt="md"):
"""Returns the mapped sim result tables in HTML formatted text.
The data extracted from the sim_results table HJson file is mapped into
a test results, test progress, covergroup progress and coverage tables.
fmt is either 'md' (markdown) or 'html'.
assert fmt in ["md", "html"]
sim_results = Testplan._parse_hjson(sim_results_file)
test_results_ = sim_results.get("test_results", None)
test_results = []
for item in test_results_:
tr = Result(item["name"], item["passing"], item["total"])
except KeyError as e:
print(f"Error: data in {sim_results_file} is malformed!\n{e}")
self.map_covergroups(sim_results.get("covergroups", []))
text = "# Simulation Results\n"
text += "## Run on {}\n".format(sim_results["timestamp"])
text += self.get_test_results_table()
text += self.get_progress_table()
cov_results = sim_results.get("cov_results", [])
text += self.get_cov_results_table(cov_results)
if fmt == "html":
text = self.get_dv_style_css() + mistletoe.markdown(text)
text = text.replace("<table>", "<table class=\"dv\">")
return text
def _merge_dicts(list1, list2, use_list1_for_defaults=True):
'''Merge 2 dicts into one
This function takes 2 dicts as args list1 and list2. It recursively merges
list2 into list1 and returns list1. The recursion happens when the the
value of a key in both lists is a dict. If the values of the same key in
both lists (at the same tree level) are of dissimilar type, then there is a
conflict and an error is thrown. If they are of the same scalar type, then
the third arg "use_list1_for_defaults" is used to pick the final one.
for key, item2 in list2.items():
item1 = list1.get(key)
if item1 is None:
list1[key] = item2
# Both dictionaries have an entry for this key. Are they both lists? If
# so, append.
if isinstance(item1, list) and isinstance(item2, list):
list1[key] = item1 + item2
# Are they both dictionaries? If so, recurse.
if isinstance(item1, dict) and isinstance(item2, dict):
_merge_dicts(item1, item2)
# We treat other types as atoms. If the types of the two items are
# equal pick one or the other (based on use_list1_for_defaults).
if isinstance(item1, type(item2)) and isinstance(item2, type(item1)):
list1[key] = item1 if use_list1_for_defaults else item2
# Oh no! We can't merge this.
print("ERROR: Cannot merge dictionaries at key {!r} because items "
"have conflicting types ({} in 1st; {} in 2nd).".format(
key, type(item1), type(item2)))
return list1