blob: fbd857f88d4451b975f91d38a5441b7095bf1c6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* 256b General Purpose Register File (GPRs) with integrity code detecting triple bit errors on a
* 32-bit granule (312 bits total).
* This wraps two implementations, one for FPGA (otbn_rf_base_fpga) implementation the other for
* ASIC (otbn_rf_base_ff).
* Integrity protection uses an inverted (39, 32) Hsaio code providing a Hamming distance of 4.
* `wr_data_no_intg_i` supplies data that requires integrity calulation and `wr_data_intg_i`
* supplies data that comes with integrity. `wr_data_intg_sel_i` is asserted to select the data with
* integrity for the write, otherwise integrity is calculated separately from `wr_data_i`.
* Features:
* - 2 read ports
* - 1 write port
* - triple error detection
module otbn_rf_bignum
import otbn_pkg::*;
// Register file implementation selection, see
parameter regfile_e RegFile = RegFileFF
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input logic [WdrAw-1:0] wr_addr_i,
input logic [1:0] wr_en_i,
input logic [WLEN-1:0] wr_data_no_intg_i,
input logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] wr_data_intg_i,
input logic wr_data_intg_sel_i,
input logic rd_en_a_i,
input logic [WdrAw-1:0] rd_addr_a_i,
output logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] rd_data_a_intg_o,
input logic rd_en_b_i,
input logic [WdrAw-1:0] rd_addr_b_i,
output logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] rd_data_b_intg_o,
output logic rd_data_err_o
logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] wr_data_intg_mux_out, wr_data_intg_calc;
logic [BaseWordsPerWLEN*2-1:0] rd_data_a_err, rd_data_b_err;
if (RegFile == RegFileFF) begin : gen_rf_bignum_ff
otbn_rf_bignum_ff #(
) u_otbn_rf_bignum_inner (
end else if (RegFile == RegFileFPGA) begin : gen_rf_bignum_fpga
otbn_rf_bignum_fpga #(
) u_otbn_rf_bignum_inner (
// New data can have its integrity from an external source or the integrity can be calculated here
assign wr_data_intg_mux_out = wr_data_intg_sel_i ? wr_data_intg_i : wr_data_intg_calc;
// Separate integrity encode and decode per 32-bit integrity granule
for (genvar i = 0; i < BaseWordsPerWLEN; ++i) begin : g_rf_intg_calc
prim_secded_inv_39_32_enc u_wr_data_intg_enc (
.data_i(wr_data_no_intg_i[i * 32 +: 32]),
.data_o(wr_data_intg_calc[i * 39 +: 39])
// Integrity decoders used to detect errors only, corrections (`syndrome_o`/`d_o`) are ignored
prim_secded_inv_39_32_dec u_rd_data_a_intg_dec (
.data_i (rd_data_a_intg_o[i * 39 +: 39]),
.data_o (),
.err_o (rd_data_a_err[i*2 +: 2])
prim_secded_inv_39_32_dec u_rd_data_b_intg_dec (
.data_i (rd_data_b_intg_o[i * 39 +: 39]),
.data_o (),
.err_o (rd_data_b_err[i*2 +: 2])
assign rd_data_err_o = ((|rd_data_a_err) & rd_en_a_i) | ((|rd_data_b_err) & rd_en_b_i);