| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| module top_earlgrey #( |
| parameter bit IbexPipeLine = 0 |
| ) ( |
| // Clock and Reset |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| |
| // JTAG interface |
| input jtag_tck_i, |
| input jtag_tms_i, |
| input jtag_trst_ni, |
| input jtag_td_i, |
| output jtag_td_o, |
| |
| // uart |
| input cio_uart_rx_p2d_i, |
| output cio_uart_tx_d2p_o, |
| output cio_uart_tx_en_d2p_o, |
| // gpio |
| input [31:0] cio_gpio_gpio_p2d_i, |
| output [31:0] cio_gpio_gpio_d2p_o, |
| output [31:0] cio_gpio_gpio_en_d2p_o, |
| // spi_device |
| input cio_spi_device_sck_p2d_i, |
| input cio_spi_device_csb_p2d_i, |
| input cio_spi_device_mosi_p2d_i, |
| output cio_spi_device_miso_d2p_o, |
| output cio_spi_device_miso_en_d2p_o, |
| // flash_ctrl |
| // rv_timer |
| // aes |
| // hmac |
| // rv_plic |
| |
| input scanmode_i // 1 for Scan |
| ); |
| |
| // JTAG IDCODE for development versions of this code. |
| // Manufacturers of OpenTitan chips must replace this code with one of their |
| // own IDs. |
| // Field structure as defined in the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) specification, |
| // section 12.1.1. |
| localparam JTAG_IDCODE = { |
| 4'h0, // Version |
| 16'h4F54, // Part Number: "OT" |
| 11'h4A6, // Manufacturer Identity: Google |
| 1'b1 // (fixed) |
| }; |
| |
| import tlul_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import tl_main_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_pkg::*; |
| |
| tl_h2d_t tl_corei_h_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_corei_h_d2h; |
| |
| tl_h2d_t tl_cored_h_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_cored_h_d2h; |
| |
| tl_h2d_t tl_dm_sba_h_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_dm_sba_h_d2h; |
| |
| tl_h2d_t tl_debug_mem_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_debug_mem_d_d2h; |
| |
| tl_h2d_t tl_uart_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_uart_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_gpio_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_gpio_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_spi_device_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_spi_device_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_flash_ctrl_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_flash_ctrl_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_rv_timer_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_rv_timer_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_aes_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_aes_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_hmac_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_hmac_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_rv_plic_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_rv_plic_d_d2h; |
| |
| tl_h2d_t tl_rom_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_rom_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_ram_main_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_ram_main_d_d2h; |
| tl_h2d_t tl_eflash_d_h2d; |
| tl_d2h_t tl_eflash_d_d2h; |
| |
| //reset wires declaration |
| logic lc_rst_n; |
| logic sys_rst_n; |
| logic spi_device_rst_n; |
| |
| //clock wires declaration |
| logic main_clk; |
| |
| logic [54:0] intr_vector; |
| // Interrupt source list |
| logic intr_uart_tx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart_tx_overflow; |
| logic intr_uart_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_uart_rx_frame_err; |
| logic intr_uart_rx_break_err; |
| logic intr_uart_rx_timeout; |
| logic intr_uart_rx_parity_err; |
| logic [31:0] intr_gpio_gpio; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxf; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxlvl; |
| logic intr_spi_device_txlvl; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxerr; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxoverflow; |
| logic intr_spi_device_txunderflow; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_prog_empty; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_prog_lvl; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_rd_full; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_rd_lvl; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_op_done; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_op_error; |
| logic intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0; |
| logic intr_hmac_hmac_done; |
| logic intr_hmac_fifo_full; |
| logic intr_hmac_hmac_err; |
| |
| |
| logic [0:0] irq_plic; |
| logic [5:0] irq_id[1]; |
| logic [0:0] msip; |
| |
| |
| // clock assignments |
| assign main_clk = clk_i; |
| |
| // Non-debug module reset == reset for everything except for the debug module |
| logic ndmreset_req; |
| |
| // root resets |
| // TODO: lc_rst_n is not the true root reset. It will be differentiated once the |
| // the reset controller logic is present |
| assign lc_rst_n = rst_ni; |
| assign sys_rst_n = (scanmode_i) ? lc_rst_n : ~ndmreset_req & lc_rst_n; |
| |
| //non-root reset assignments |
| assign spi_device_rst_n = sys_rst_n; |
| |
| // debug request from rv_dm to core |
| logic debug_req; |
| |
| // processor core |
| rv_core_ibex #( |
| .PMPEnable (0), |
| .PMPGranularity (0), |
| .PMPNumRegions (4), |
| .MHPMCounterNum (8), |
| .MHPMCounterWidth (40), |
| .RV32E (0), |
| .RV32M (1), |
| .DmHaltAddr (ADDR_SPACE_DEBUG_MEM + dm::HaltAddress), |
| .DmExceptionAddr (ADDR_SPACE_DEBUG_MEM + dm::ExceptionAddress), |
| .PipeLine (IbexPipeLine) |
| ) core ( |
| // clock and reset |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n), |
| .test_en_i (1'b0), |
| // static pinning |
| .hart_id_i (32'b0), |
| .boot_addr_i (ADDR_SPACE_ROM), |
| // TL-UL buses |
| .tl_i_o (tl_corei_h_h2d), |
| .tl_i_i (tl_corei_h_d2h), |
| .tl_d_o (tl_cored_h_h2d), |
| .tl_d_i (tl_cored_h_d2h), |
| // interrupts |
| .irq_software_i (msip), |
| .irq_timer_i (intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0), |
| .irq_external_i (irq_plic), |
| .irq_fast_i (15'b0),// PLIC handles all peripheral interrupts |
| .irq_nm_i (1'b0),// TODO - add and connect alert responder |
| // debug interface |
| .debug_req_i (debug_req), |
| // CPU control signals |
| .fetch_enable_i (1'b1), |
| .core_sleep_o () |
| ); |
| |
| // Debug Module (RISC-V Debug Spec 0.13) |
| // |
| |
| rv_dm #( |
| .NrHarts (1), |
| .IdcodeValue (JTAG_IDCODE) |
| ) u_dm_top ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (lc_rst_n), |
| .testmode_i (1'b0), |
| .ndmreset_o (ndmreset_req), |
| .dmactive_o (), |
| .debug_req_o (debug_req), |
| .unavailable_i (1'b0), |
| |
| // bus device with debug memory (for execution-based debug) |
| .tl_d_i (tl_debug_mem_d_h2d), |
| .tl_d_o (tl_debug_mem_d_d2h), |
| |
| // bus host (for system bus accesses, SBA) |
| .tl_h_o (tl_dm_sba_h_h2d), |
| .tl_h_i (tl_dm_sba_h_d2h), |
| |
| //JTAG |
| .tck_i (jtag_tck_i), |
| .tms_i (jtag_tms_i), |
| .trst_ni (jtag_trst_ni), |
| .td_i (jtag_td_i), |
| .td_o (jtag_td_o), |
| .tdo_oe_o ( ) |
| ); |
| |
| // ROM device |
| logic rom_req; |
| logic [10:0] rom_addr; |
| logic [31:0] rom_rdata; |
| logic rom_rvalid; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(11), |
| .SramDw(32), |
| .Outstanding(1), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1) |
| ) tl_adapter_rom ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n), |
| |
| .tl_i (tl_rom_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_rom_d_d2h), |
| |
| .req_o (rom_req), |
| .gnt_i (1'b1), // Always grant as only one requester exists |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (rom_addr), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .rdata_i (rom_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (rom_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (2'b00) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_rom #( |
| .Width(32), |
| .Depth(2048) |
| ) u_rom_rom ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n), |
| .cs_i (rom_req), |
| .addr_i (rom_addr), |
| .dout_o (rom_rdata), |
| .dvalid_o (rom_rvalid) |
| ); |
| |
| // sram device |
| logic ram_main_req; |
| logic ram_main_we; |
| logic [13:0] ram_main_addr; |
| logic [31:0] ram_main_wdata; |
| logic [31:0] ram_main_wmask; |
| logic [31:0] ram_main_rdata; |
| logic ram_main_rvalid; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(14), |
| .SramDw(32), |
| .Outstanding(1) |
| ) tl_adapter_ram_main ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n), |
| .tl_i (tl_ram_main_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_ram_main_d_d2h), |
| |
| .req_o (ram_main_req), |
| .gnt_i (1'b1), // Always grant as only one requester exists |
| .we_o (ram_main_we), |
| .addr_o (ram_main_addr), |
| .wdata_o (ram_main_wdata), |
| .wmask_o (ram_main_wmask), |
| .rdata_i (ram_main_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (ram_main_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (2'b00) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_ram_1p #( |
| .Width(32), |
| .Depth(16384), |
| .DataBitsPerMask(8) |
| ) u_ram1p_ram_main ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n), |
| |
| .req_i (ram_main_req), |
| .write_i (ram_main_we), |
| .addr_i (ram_main_addr), |
| .wdata_i (ram_main_wdata), |
| .wmask_i (ram_main_wmask), |
| .rvalid_o (ram_main_rvalid), |
| .rdata_o (ram_main_rdata) |
| ); |
| |
| // flash controller to eflash communication |
| flash_c2m_t flash_c2m; |
| flash_m2c_t flash_m2c; |
| |
| // host to flash communication |
| logic flash_host_req; |
| logic flash_host_req_rdy; |
| logic flash_host_req_done; |
| logic [FLASH_DW-1:0] flash_host_rdata; |
| logic [FLASH_AW-1:0] flash_host_addr; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(FLASH_AW), |
| .SramDw(FLASH_DW), |
| .Outstanding(1), |
| .ByteAccess(0), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1) |
| ) tl_adapter_eflash ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (lc_rst_n), |
| |
| .tl_i (tl_eflash_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_eflash_d_d2h), |
| |
| .req_o (flash_host_req), |
| .gnt_i (flash_host_req_rdy), |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (flash_host_addr), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .rdata_i (flash_host_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (flash_host_req_done), |
| .rerror_i (2'b00) |
| ); |
| |
| flash_phy #( |
| .NumBanks(FLASH_BANKS), |
| .PagesPerBank(FLASH_PAGES_PER_BANK), |
| .WordsPerPage(FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE), |
| .DataWidth(32) |
| ) u_flash_eflash ( |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (lc_rst_n), |
| .host_req_i (flash_host_req), |
| .host_addr_i (flash_host_addr), |
| .host_req_rdy_o (flash_host_req_rdy), |
| .host_req_done_o (flash_host_req_done), |
| .host_rdata_o (flash_host_rdata), |
| .flash_ctrl_i (flash_c2m), |
| .flash_ctrl_o (flash_m2c) |
| ); |
| |
| |
| uart uart ( |
| .tl_i (tl_uart_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_uart_d_d2h), |
| .cio_rx_i (cio_uart_rx_p2d_i), |
| .cio_tx_o (cio_uart_tx_d2p_o), |
| .cio_tx_en_o (cio_uart_tx_en_d2p_o), |
| .intr_tx_watermark_o (intr_uart_tx_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_uart_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_tx_overflow_o (intr_uart_tx_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_uart_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_frame_err_o (intr_uart_rx_frame_err), |
| .intr_rx_break_err_o (intr_uart_rx_break_err), |
| .intr_rx_timeout_o (intr_uart_rx_timeout), |
| .intr_rx_parity_err_o (intr_uart_rx_parity_err), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| gpio gpio ( |
| .tl_i (tl_gpio_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_gpio_d_d2h), |
| .cio_gpio_i (cio_gpio_gpio_p2d_i), |
| .cio_gpio_o (cio_gpio_gpio_d2p_o), |
| .cio_gpio_en_o (cio_gpio_gpio_en_d2p_o), |
| .intr_gpio_o (intr_gpio_gpio), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| spi_device spi_device ( |
| .tl_i (tl_spi_device_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_spi_device_d_d2h), |
| .cio_sck_i (cio_spi_device_sck_p2d_i), |
| .cio_csb_i (cio_spi_device_csb_p2d_i), |
| .cio_mosi_i (cio_spi_device_mosi_p2d_i), |
| .cio_miso_o (cio_spi_device_miso_d2p_o), |
| .cio_miso_en_o (cio_spi_device_miso_en_d2p_o), |
| .intr_rxf_o (intr_spi_device_rxf), |
| .intr_rxlvl_o (intr_spi_device_rxlvl), |
| .intr_txlvl_o (intr_spi_device_txlvl), |
| .intr_rxerr_o (intr_spi_device_rxerr), |
| .intr_rxoverflow_o (intr_spi_device_rxoverflow), |
| .intr_txunderflow_o (intr_spi_device_txunderflow), |
| |
| .scanmode_i (scanmode_i), |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (spi_device_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| flash_ctrl flash_ctrl ( |
| .tl_i (tl_flash_ctrl_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_flash_ctrl_d_d2h), |
| .intr_prog_empty_o (intr_flash_ctrl_prog_empty), |
| .intr_prog_lvl_o (intr_flash_ctrl_prog_lvl), |
| .intr_rd_full_o (intr_flash_ctrl_rd_full), |
| .intr_rd_lvl_o (intr_flash_ctrl_rd_lvl), |
| .intr_op_done_o (intr_flash_ctrl_op_done), |
| .intr_op_error_o (intr_flash_ctrl_op_error), |
| .flash_o(flash_c2m), |
| .flash_i(flash_m2c), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (lc_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| rv_timer rv_timer ( |
| .tl_i (tl_rv_timer_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_rv_timer_d_d2h), |
| .intr_timer_expired_0_0_o (intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| aes aes ( |
| .tl_i (tl_aes_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_aes_d_d2h), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| hmac hmac ( |
| .tl_i (tl_hmac_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_hmac_d_d2h), |
| .intr_hmac_done_o (intr_hmac_hmac_done), |
| .intr_fifo_full_o (intr_hmac_fifo_full), |
| .intr_hmac_err_o (intr_hmac_hmac_err), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| rv_plic #( |
| ) rv_plic ( |
| .tl_i (tl_rv_plic_d_h2d), |
| .tl_o (tl_rv_plic_d_d2h), |
| .intr_src_i (intr_vector), |
| .irq_o (irq_plic), |
| .irq_id_o (irq_id), |
| .msip_o (msip), |
| |
| .clk_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_ni (sys_rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| // interrupt assignments |
| assign intr_vector = { |
| intr_hmac_hmac_err, |
| intr_hmac_fifo_full, |
| intr_hmac_hmac_done, |
| intr_flash_ctrl_op_error, |
| intr_flash_ctrl_op_done, |
| intr_flash_ctrl_rd_lvl, |
| intr_flash_ctrl_rd_full, |
| intr_flash_ctrl_prog_lvl, |
| intr_flash_ctrl_prog_empty, |
| intr_spi_device_txunderflow, |
| intr_spi_device_rxoverflow, |
| intr_spi_device_rxerr, |
| intr_spi_device_txlvl, |
| intr_spi_device_rxlvl, |
| intr_spi_device_rxf, |
| intr_uart_rx_parity_err, |
| intr_uart_rx_timeout, |
| intr_uart_rx_break_err, |
| intr_uart_rx_frame_err, |
| intr_uart_rx_overflow, |
| intr_uart_tx_overflow, |
| intr_uart_rx_watermark, |
| intr_uart_tx_watermark, |
| intr_gpio_gpio |
| }; |
| |
| // TL-UL Crossbar |
| xbar_main u_xbar_main ( |
| .clk_main_i (main_clk), |
| .rst_main_ni (sys_rst_n), |
| .tl_corei_i (tl_corei_h_h2d), |
| .tl_corei_o (tl_corei_h_d2h), |
| .tl_cored_i (tl_cored_h_h2d), |
| .tl_cored_o (tl_cored_h_d2h), |
| .tl_dm_sba_i (tl_dm_sba_h_h2d), |
| .tl_dm_sba_o (tl_dm_sba_h_d2h), |
| .tl_rom_o (tl_rom_d_h2d), |
| .tl_rom_i (tl_rom_d_d2h), |
| .tl_debug_mem_o (tl_debug_mem_d_h2d), |
| .tl_debug_mem_i (tl_debug_mem_d_d2h), |
| .tl_ram_main_o (tl_ram_main_d_h2d), |
| .tl_ram_main_i (tl_ram_main_d_d2h), |
| .tl_eflash_o (tl_eflash_d_h2d), |
| .tl_eflash_i (tl_eflash_d_d2h), |
| .tl_uart_o (tl_uart_d_h2d), |
| .tl_uart_i (tl_uart_d_d2h), |
| .tl_gpio_o (tl_gpio_d_h2d), |
| .tl_gpio_i (tl_gpio_d_d2h), |
| .tl_spi_device_o (tl_spi_device_d_h2d), |
| .tl_spi_device_i (tl_spi_device_d_d2h), |
| .tl_flash_ctrl_o (tl_flash_ctrl_d_h2d), |
| .tl_flash_ctrl_i (tl_flash_ctrl_d_d2h), |
| .tl_rv_timer_o (tl_rv_timer_d_h2d), |
| .tl_rv_timer_i (tl_rv_timer_d_d2h), |
| .tl_hmac_o (tl_hmac_d_h2d), |
| .tl_hmac_i (tl_hmac_d_d2h), |
| .tl_aes_o (tl_aes_d_h2d), |
| .tl_aes_i (tl_aes_d_d2h), |
| .tl_rv_plic_o (tl_rv_plic_d_h2d), |
| .tl_rv_plic_i (tl_rv_plic_d_d2h), |
| |
| .scanmode_i |
| ); |
| |
| // make sure scanmode_i is never X (including during reset) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(scanmodeKnown, scanmode_i, clk_i, 0) |
| |
| endmodule |