blob: cec7d50501a5231e5e9f44aeb360ef6b9ac9691d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPI Device Flash Read command SRAM request/rsp
spid_readsram module is a submodule of the read command process block. Its
main purpose is to manage the SRAM request address and returning of the data
in a spi_byte_t size.
The sequence is:
1. read FSM sends the buffer fill request.
2. this logic sends the SRAM request based on the current address.
3. when it returns, based on the current address, the internal FSM pushes
data into the FIFO. It means, the FIFO push happens when addr[0] is
4. If the available depth becomes 4, the logic increases the address
({current_address_i[31:2] + 1'b 1, 2'b00}) and sends another SRAM read
`include ""
module spid_readsram
import spi_device_pkg::*;
// Read command configurations
// Base address: Index of DPSRAM
// Buffer size: # of indices assigned to Read Buffer.
// This is used to calculate double buffering and threshold.
parameter sram_addr_t ReadBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramReadBufferIdx,
parameter int unsigned ReadBufferDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramMsgDepth,
// Mailbox Base Addr: Beginning Index of Mailbox in DPSRAM
// Mailbox Size: Mailbox buffer size (# of indices)
parameter sram_addr_t MailboxBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramMailboxIdx,
parameter int unsigned MailboxDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramMailboxDepth,
// SFDP Base Addr: the beginning index of the SFDP region in DPSRAM
// SFDP Depth: The size of the SFDP buffer (64 fixed in the spi_device_pkg)
parameter sram_addr_t SfdpBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramSfdpIdx,
parameter int unsigned SfdpDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramSfdpDepth
) (
input clk_i, // SCK
input rst_ni, // CSb
input sram_read_req_i, // from FSM
// addr_latched_i
// _________ _________
// ADDR: X addr[1] X addr[0] >----
// _________
// sig: _____/ \_________
input addr_latched_i, // indicator of addr[1] -> addr[0]
// current_address_i is the address pointer the byte sent to the host system.
// If it is the first request of the command, then the current_address_i is
// the latched address field.
input [31:0] current_address_i,
input mailbox_en_i,
input mailbox_hit_i, // the received address field hits the mailbox
input sfdp_hit_i, // selected DP is DpReadSFDP
// SRAM request and response
output sram_l2m_t sram_l2m_o,
input sram_m2l_t sram_m2l_i,
// FIFO output (spi_byte_t)
output logic fifo_rvalid_o,
input fifo_rready_i,
output spi_byte_t fifo_rdata_o
// Definition //
// States
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
StIdle, // Reset state, waits sram_read_req
StPush, // With returned data, push the data into spi_byte_t fifo
StActive // Now in the middle of the process. Sits here
} st_e;
st_e st_q, st_d;
typedef enum logic {
AddrInput, // Received command address
AddrContinuous // Continuous Read
} addr_sel_e;
addr_sel_e addr_sel;
localparam int unsigned ReadBufAw = $clog2(ReadBufferDepth);
localparam int unsigned MailboxAw = $clog2(MailboxDepth);
localparam int unsigned SfdpAw = $clog2(SfdpDepth);
// Signal //
// State Machine output
// data_inc: incoming data is word size (sram_data_t).
// FIFO size is spi_byte_t. So, only a byte can be pushed to the FIFO at
// a time. data_inc to increase the index to next
logic data_inc;
// strb_set: When addr[0] phase, strb_set is 1 (by FSM). This is to latch
// the offset of the received address. The offset is used to push to the
// FIFO only for the required bytes.
logic strb_set;
assign strb_set = addr_latched_i;
logic [31:0] next_address;
logic sram_req;
assign sram_l2m_o.req = sram_req;
assign sram_l2m_o.we = 1'b 0;
assign sram_l2m_o.wdata = '0;
assign sram_l2m_o.wstrb = 8'h0; // no write
sram_addr_t sram_addr;
assign sram_l2m_o.addr = sram_addr;
sram_data_t sram_data;
logic fifo_wvalid, fifo_wready;
spi_byte_t fifo_wdata;
logic sram_d_valid, sram_d_ready;
logic sram_fifo_full;
logic unused_sram_depth;
// Unused
logic unused_fifo_full;
logic [1:0] unused_fifo_depth;
logic unused_next_address;
assign unused_next_address = ^{next_address[31:$bits(sram_addr_t)+1],next_address[1:0]};
// Datapath //
logic sram_latched; // sram request sent
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) sram_latched <= 1'b 0;
else if (sram_req) sram_latched <= 1'b 1;
logic [1:0] strb;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) strb <= 2'b 00;
else if (data_inc) strb <= strb + 1'b 1; // Overflow is OK
else if (strb_set) strb <= current_address_i[1:0];
// fifo_wdata
always_comb begin
unique case (strb)
2'b 00: fifo_wdata = sram_data[ 7: 0];
2'b 01: fifo_wdata = sram_data[15: 8];
2'b 10: fifo_wdata = sram_data[23:16];
2'b 11: fifo_wdata = sram_data[31:24];
default: fifo_wdata = '0;
// Address calculation
assign next_address = (addr_sel == AddrContinuous)
? {current_address_i[31:2] + 1'b1, 2'b00}
: current_address_i;
// Sram Address
always_comb begin
if (sfdp_hit_i) begin
sram_addr = SfdpBaseAddr | sram_addr_t'(next_address[2+:SfdpAw]);
end else if (mailbox_en_i && mailbox_hit_i) begin
sram_addr = MailboxBaseAddr | sram_addr_t'(next_address[2+:MailboxAw]);
end else begin
sram_addr = ReadBaseAddr | sram_addr_t'(next_address[2+:ReadBufAw]);
// State Machine //
_ _ _ _ _
SCK | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|
___ ___ ___ ___
ADDR X___X___X___X___X
3 2 1 0
S.RE / \__________
S.R.V _____/ \______
STRB / V \
State Idle X P X Push
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) st_q <= StIdle;
else st_q <= st_d;
always_comb begin
st_d = StIdle;
fifo_wvalid = 1'b 0;
addr_sel = AddrInput;
data_inc = 1'b 0;
sram_req = 1'b 0;
sram_d_ready = 1'b 0;
unique case (st_q)
StIdle: begin
if (sram_read_req_i) begin
sram_req = 1'b 1;
addr_sel = AddrInput;
if ((sram_read_req_i || sram_latched) && strb_set) begin
// Only when both are valid
st_d = StPush;
end else begin
st_d = StIdle;
StPush: begin
if (sram_d_valid) begin
fifo_wvalid = 1'b 1; // push to FIFO
if (fifo_wready) data_inc = 1'b 1;
if (strb == 2'b 11 && fifo_wready) begin
// pushed all bytes to FIFO
st_d = StActive;
sram_d_ready = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StPush;
StActive: begin
if (!sram_fifo_full) begin
st_d = StPush;
sram_req = 1'b 1;
addr_sel = AddrContinuous;
end else begin
st_d = StActive;
default: begin
st_d = StIdle;
// Instance //
prim_fifo_sync #(
.Width ($bits(sram_data_t)),
.Pass (1'b 1),
.Depth (1),
.OutputZeroIfEmpty (1'b 0)
) u_sram_fifo (
.clr_i (1'b 0),
.wvalid_i (sram_m2l_i.rvalid),
.wready_o (),
.wdata_i (sram_m2l_i.rdata),
.rvalid_o (sram_d_valid),
.rready_i (sram_d_ready),
.rdata_o (sram_data),
.full_o (sram_fifo_full),
.depth_o (unused_sram_depth)
prim_fifo_sync #(
.Width ($bits(spi_byte_t)),
.Pass (1'b1),
.Depth (2),
.OutputZeroIfEmpty (1'b0)
) u_fifo (
.clr_i (1'b 0),
.wvalid_i (fifo_wvalid),
.wready_o (fifo_wready), // always assume empty space
.wdata_i (fifo_wdata ),
.rvalid_o (fifo_rvalid_o),
.rready_i (fifo_rready_i),
.rdata_o (fifo_rdata_o ),
.full_o (unused_fifo_full ),
.depth_o (unused_fifo_depth)
// TODO: Handle SRAM integrity errors
sram_err_t unused_sram_rerror;
assign unused_sram_rerror = sram_m2l_i.rerror;
// Assertions //
// sfdp_hit keeps high until CSb de-assertion
// mailbox_hit keeps high until CSb de-assertion
// current_address keeps increasing (by word? or by byte) after receiving
// sram_req
// FIFO should not overflow. The Main state machine shall send request only
// when it needs the data within 2 cycles
`ASSERT(NotOverflow_A, sram_l2m_o.req && !sram_l2m_o.we |-> !sram_fifo_full)
// SRAM access always read
`ASSERT(SramReadOnly_A, sram_l2m_o.req |-> !sram_l2m_o.we)
// SRAM data should return in next cycle
`ASSUME(SramDataReturnRequirement_M, sram_l2m_o.req && !sram_l2m_o.we |=> sram_m2l_i.rvalid)
// in fifo_pop, FIFO should not be empty.
`ASSERT(FifoNotEmpty_A, fifo_rready_i |-> unused_fifo_depth != 0)
// strb_set is asserted together with sram_req or follows the req
`ASSUME(ReqStrbRelation_M, sram_read_req_i |-> ##[0:2] addr_latched_i)
endmodule : spid_readsram