| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // SPI Device Flash Read command SRAM request/rsp |
| |
| /* |
| spid_readsram module is a submodule of the read command process block. Its |
| main purpose is to manage the SRAM request address and returning of the data |
| in a spi_byte_t size. |
| |
| The sequence is: |
| |
| 1. read FSM sends the buffer fill request. |
| 2. this logic sends the SRAM request based on the current address. |
| 3. when it returns, based on the current address, the internal FSM pushes |
| data into the FIFO. It means, the FIFO push happens when addr[0] is |
| received. |
| 4. If the available depth becomes 4, the logic increases the address |
| ({current_address_i[31:2] + 1'b 1, 2'b00}) and sends another SRAM read |
| request. |
| */ |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module spid_readsram |
| import spi_device_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| // Read command configurations |
| // Base address: Index of DPSRAM |
| // Buffer size: # of indices assigned to Read Buffer. |
| // This is used to calculate double buffering and threshold. |
| parameter sram_addr_t ReadBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramReadBufferIdx, |
| parameter int unsigned ReadBufferDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramMsgDepth, |
| |
| // Mailbox Base Addr: Beginning Index of Mailbox in DPSRAM |
| // Mailbox Size: Mailbox buffer size (# of indices) |
| parameter sram_addr_t MailboxBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramMailboxIdx, |
| parameter int unsigned MailboxDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramMailboxDepth, |
| |
| // SFDP Base Addr: the beginning index of the SFDP region in DPSRAM |
| // SFDP Depth: The size of the SFDP buffer (64 fixed in the spi_device_pkg) |
| parameter sram_addr_t SfdpBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramSfdpIdx, |
| parameter int unsigned SfdpDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramSfdpDepth |
| ) ( |
| input clk_i, // SCK |
| input rst_ni, // CSb |
| |
| input sram_read_req_i, // from FSM |
| |
| // addr_latched_i |
| // _________ _________ |
| // ADDR: X addr[1] X addr[0] >---- |
| // _________ |
| // sig: _____/ \_________ |
| input addr_latched_i, // indicator of addr[1] -> addr[0] |
| |
| // current_address_i is the address pointer the byte sent to the host system. |
| // If it is the first request of the command, then the current_address_i is |
| // the latched address field. |
| input [31:0] current_address_i, |
| |
| input mailbox_en_i, |
| input mailbox_hit_i, // the received address field hits the mailbox |
| input sfdp_hit_i, // selected DP is DpReadSFDP |
| |
| // SRAM request and response |
| output sram_l2m_t sram_l2m_o, |
| input sram_m2l_t sram_m2l_i, |
| |
| // FIFO output (spi_byte_t) |
| output logic fifo_rvalid_o, |
| input fifo_rready_i, |
| output spi_byte_t fifo_rdata_o |
| ); |
| |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Definition // |
| //////////////// |
| |
| // States |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| StIdle, // Reset state, waits sram_read_req |
| StPush, // With returned data, push the data into spi_byte_t fifo |
| StActive // Now in the middle of the process. Sits here |
| } st_e; |
| st_e st_q, st_d; |
| |
| typedef enum logic { |
| AddrInput, // Received command address |
| AddrContinuous // Continuous Read |
| } addr_sel_e; |
| addr_sel_e addr_sel; |
| |
| localparam int unsigned ReadBufAw = $clog2(ReadBufferDepth); |
| localparam int unsigned MailboxAw = $clog2(MailboxDepth); |
| localparam int unsigned SfdpAw = $clog2(SfdpDepth); |
| |
| //////////// |
| // Signal // |
| //////////// |
| |
| // State Machine output |
| |
| // data_inc: incoming data is word size (sram_data_t). |
| // FIFO size is spi_byte_t. So, only a byte can be pushed to the FIFO at |
| // a time. data_inc to increase the index to next |
| logic data_inc; |
| |
| // strb_set: When addr[0] phase, strb_set is 1 (by FSM). This is to latch |
| // the offset of the received address. The offset is used to push to the |
| // FIFO only for the required bytes. |
| logic strb_set; |
| assign strb_set = addr_latched_i; |
| |
| logic [31:0] next_address; |
| |
| logic sram_req; |
| assign sram_l2m_o.req = sram_req; |
| assign sram_l2m_o.we = 1'b 0; |
| assign sram_l2m_o.wdata = '0; |
| assign sram_l2m_o.wstrb = 8'h0; // no write |
| |
| sram_addr_t sram_addr; |
| assign sram_l2m_o.addr = sram_addr; |
| |
| sram_data_t sram_data; |
| |
| // FIFO |
| logic fifo_wvalid, fifo_wready; |
| spi_byte_t fifo_wdata; |
| |
| logic sram_d_valid, sram_d_ready; |
| logic sram_fifo_full; |
| logic unused_sram_depth; |
| |
| // Unused |
| logic unused_fifo_full; |
| logic [1:0] unused_fifo_depth; |
| |
| logic unused_next_address; |
| assign unused_next_address = ^{next_address[31:$bits(sram_addr_t)+1],next_address[1:0]}; |
| |
| ////////////// |
| // Datapath // |
| ////////////// |
| |
| logic sram_latched; // sram request sent |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) sram_latched <= 1'b 0; |
| else if (sram_req) sram_latched <= 1'b 1; |
| end |
| |
| logic [1:0] strb; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) strb <= 2'b 00; |
| else if (data_inc) strb <= strb + 1'b 1; // Overflow is OK |
| else if (strb_set) strb <= current_address_i[1:0]; |
| end |
| |
| // fifo_wdata |
| always_comb begin |
| unique case (strb) |
| 2'b 00: fifo_wdata = sram_data[ 7: 0]; |
| 2'b 01: fifo_wdata = sram_data[15: 8]; |
| 2'b 10: fifo_wdata = sram_data[23:16]; |
| 2'b 11: fifo_wdata = sram_data[31:24]; |
| default: fifo_wdata = '0; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // Address calculation |
| assign next_address = (addr_sel == AddrContinuous) |
| ? {current_address_i[31:2] + 1'b1, 2'b00} |
| : current_address_i; |
| |
| // Sram Address |
| always_comb begin |
| if (sfdp_hit_i) begin |
| sram_addr = SfdpBaseAddr | sram_addr_t'(next_address[2+:SfdpAw]); |
| end else if (mailbox_en_i && mailbox_hit_i) begin |
| sram_addr = MailboxBaseAddr | sram_addr_t'(next_address[2+:MailboxAw]); |
| end else begin |
| sram_addr = ReadBaseAddr | sram_addr_t'(next_address[2+:ReadBufAw]); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| /////////////////// |
| // State Machine // |
| /////////////////// |
| |
| /* |
| _ _ _ _ _ |
| SCK | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |
| ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| ADDR X___X___X___X___X |
| 3 2 1 0 |
| ___ |
| S.RE / \__________ |
| ___ |
| S.R.V _____/ \______ |
| |
| STRB / V \ |
| |
| State Idle X P X Push |
| */ |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) st_q <= StIdle; |
| else st_q <= st_d; |
| end |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| st_d = StIdle; |
| |
| fifo_wvalid = 1'b 0; |
| |
| addr_sel = AddrInput; |
| data_inc = 1'b 0; |
| |
| sram_req = 1'b 0; |
| sram_d_ready = 1'b 0; |
| |
| unique case (st_q) |
| StIdle: begin |
| if (sram_read_req_i) begin |
| sram_req = 1'b 1; |
| addr_sel = AddrInput; |
| end |
| |
| if ((sram_read_req_i || sram_latched) && strb_set) begin |
| // Only when both are valid |
| st_d = StPush; |
| end else begin |
| st_d = StIdle; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| StPush: begin |
| if (sram_d_valid) begin |
| fifo_wvalid = 1'b 1; // push to FIFO |
| end |
| |
| if (fifo_wready) data_inc = 1'b 1; |
| |
| if (strb == 2'b 11 && fifo_wready) begin |
| // pushed all bytes to FIFO |
| st_d = StActive; |
| |
| sram_d_ready = 1'b 1; |
| end else begin |
| st_d = StPush; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| StActive: begin |
| if (!sram_fifo_full) begin |
| st_d = StPush; |
| |
| sram_req = 1'b 1; |
| addr_sel = AddrContinuous; |
| end else begin |
| st_d = StActive; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| default: begin |
| st_d = StIdle; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| ////////////// |
| // Instance // |
| ////////////// |
| prim_fifo_sync #( |
| .Width ($bits(sram_data_t)), |
| .Pass (1'b 1), |
| .Depth (1), |
| .OutputZeroIfEmpty (1'b 0) |
| ) u_sram_fifo ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .clr_i (1'b 0), |
| |
| .wvalid_i (sram_m2l_i.rvalid), |
| .wready_o (), |
| .wdata_i (sram_m2l_i.rdata), |
| |
| .rvalid_o (sram_d_valid), |
| .rready_i (sram_d_ready), |
| .rdata_o (sram_data), |
| |
| .full_o (sram_fifo_full), |
| .depth_o (unused_sram_depth) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_fifo_sync #( |
| .Width ($bits(spi_byte_t)), |
| .Pass (1'b1), |
| .Depth (2), |
| .OutputZeroIfEmpty (1'b0) |
| ) u_fifo ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .clr_i (1'b 0), |
| |
| .wvalid_i (fifo_wvalid), |
| .wready_o (fifo_wready), // always assume empty space |
| .wdata_i (fifo_wdata ), |
| |
| .rvalid_o (fifo_rvalid_o), |
| .rready_i (fifo_rready_i), |
| .rdata_o (fifo_rdata_o ), |
| |
| .full_o (unused_fifo_full ), |
| .depth_o (unused_fifo_depth) |
| ); |
| |
| // TODO: Handle SRAM integrity errors |
| sram_err_t unused_sram_rerror; |
| assign unused_sram_rerror = sram_m2l_i.rerror; |
| |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////// |
| |
| // sfdp_hit keeps high until CSb de-assertion |
| |
| // mailbox_hit keeps high until CSb de-assertion |
| |
| // current_address keeps increasing (by word? or by byte) after receiving |
| // sram_req |
| |
| // FIFO should not overflow. The Main state machine shall send request only |
| // when it needs the data within 2 cycles |
| `ASSERT(NotOverflow_A, sram_l2m_o.req && !sram_l2m_o.we |-> !sram_fifo_full) |
| |
| // SRAM access always read |
| `ASSERT(SramReadOnly_A, sram_l2m_o.req |-> !sram_l2m_o.we) |
| |
| // SRAM data should return in next cycle |
| `ASSUME(SramDataReturnRequirement_M, sram_l2m_o.req && !sram_l2m_o.we |=> sram_m2l_i.rvalid) |
| |
| // in fifo_pop, FIFO should not be empty. |
| `ASSERT(FifoNotEmpty_A, fifo_rready_i |-> unused_fifo_depth != 0) |
| |
| // strb_set is asserted together with sram_req or follows the req |
| `ASSUME(ReqStrbRelation_M, sram_read_req_i |-> ##[0:2] addr_latched_i) |
| |
| endmodule : spid_readsram |