| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // waiver file for spi_device |
| // The mode_i input is not currently used: we only support FwMode at the moment. |
| lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/rtl/spi_fwmode.sv" -match "Signal is not used: 'mode_i'" |
| // SRAM error protection is not yet implemented |
| lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/rtl/spi_fwm_rxf_ctrl.sv" -match "Signal is not used: 'sram_error'" |
| lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/rtl/spi_fwm_txf_ctrl.sv" -match "Signal is not used: 'sram_error'" |
| // Waive a warning caused by the fact that our "abort" register |
| // matches a C++ common word. |
| lint_off -rule SYMRSVDWORD -file "*/rtl/spi_device_reg_pkg.sv" -match "Symbol matches C++ common word: 'abort'" |
| // Width mismatch when comparing a slice from fifoptr with an int. The slice is sized as |
| // [0+:$clog2(SubWordW)] so can represent values up to SubWordW-1. The loop runs with i from zero to |
| lint_off -rule WIDTH -file "*/rtl/spid_fifo2sram_adapter.sv" -match "Operator EQ expects 32 bits*LHS's SEL generates*" |