[doc] Add troubleshooting note to FPGA user guide.

This fixed an issue I was having getting the FPGA board set up, and it
seems like a good idea to document it.

Signed-off-by: Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>
diff --git a/doc/ug/getting_started_fpga.md b/doc/ug/getting_started_fpga.md
index 74b35b5..1c751d4 100644
--- a/doc/ug/getting_started_fpga.md
+++ b/doc/ug/getting_started_fpga.md
@@ -219,6 +219,10 @@
 1. Observe the output both on the board and the serial console. Type any text into the console window.
 1. Exit `screen` by pressing CTRL-a k, and confirm with y.
+#### Troubleshooting
+If the firmware load fails with a message like `Error transferring frame: 0x00000000`, try pressing the "USB RST" button before loading the bitstream.
 ### Running on the Nexys Video board
 In order to load `hello_world` into the FPGA on the Nexys Video board, both the binary and the [loading tool]({{< relref "/sw/host/spiflash/README.md" >}}) must be compiled.