| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // sysrst_ctrl module |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module sysrst_ctrl |
| import sysrst_ctrl_reg_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| parameter logic [NumAlerts-1:0] AlertAsyncOn = {NumAlerts{1'b1}} |
| ) ( |
| input clk_i, // Always-on 24MHz clock(config) |
| input clk_aon_i, // Always-on 200KHz clock(logic) |
| input rst_ni, // power-on reset for the 24MHz clock(config) |
| input rst_aon_ni, // power-on reset for the 200KHz clock(logic) |
| |
| // Register interface |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o, |
| |
| // Alerts |
| input prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i, |
| output prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o, |
| |
| // Wake, reset and interrupt requests |
| output logic wkup_req_o, // OT wake to pwrmgr |
| output logic aon_sysrst_ctrl_rst_req_o, // OT reset to rstmgr |
| output logic intr_sysrst_ctrl_o, // sysrst_ctrl interrupt to PLIC |
| |
| // IOs |
| input cio_ac_present_i, // AC power is present |
| input cio_ec_rst_l_i, // EC reset is asserted by some other system agent |
| input cio_key0_in_i, // VolUp button in tablet; column output from the EC in a laptop |
| input cio_key1_in_i, // VolDown button in tablet; row input from keyboard matrix in a laptop |
| input cio_key2_in_i, // TBD button in tablet; row input from keyboard matrix in a laptop |
| input cio_pwrb_in_i, // Power button in both tablet and laptop |
| input cio_lid_open_i, // lid is open from GMR |
| input cio_flash_wp_l_i, // read back of the flash_wp_l output pad |
| output logic cio_bat_disable_o, // Battery is disconnected |
| output logic cio_flash_wp_l_o,//Flash write protect is asserted by sysrst_ctrl |
| output logic cio_ec_rst_l_o, // EC reset is asserted by sysrst_ctrl |
| output logic cio_key0_out_o, // Passthrough from key0_in, can be configured to invert |
| output logic cio_key1_out_o, // Passthrough from key1_in, can be configured to invert |
| output logic cio_key2_out_o, // Passthrough from key2_in, can be configured to invert |
| output logic cio_pwrb_out_o, // Passthrough from pwrb_in, can be configured to invert |
| output logic cio_z3_wakeup_o, // Exit from Z4 sleep mode and enter Z3 mode |
| output logic cio_bat_disable_en_o, |
| output logic cio_flash_wp_l_en_o, |
| output logic cio_ec_rst_l_en_o, |
| output logic cio_key0_out_en_o, |
| output logic cio_key1_out_en_o, |
| output logic cio_key2_out_en_o, |
| output logic cio_pwrb_out_en_o, |
| output logic cio_z3_wakeup_en_o |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////////// |
| // Alerts and CSR Node // |
| ///////////////////////// |
| |
| sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_t reg2hw; |
| sysrst_ctrl_hw2reg_t hw2reg; |
| |
| logic [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_test, alerts; |
| assign alert_test = {reg2hw.alert_test.q & reg2hw.alert_test.qe}; |
| |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumAlerts; i++) begin : gen_alert_tx |
| prim_alert_sender #( |
| .AsyncOn(AlertAsyncOn[i]), |
| .IsFatal(1'b1) |
| ) u_prim_alert_sender ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .alert_test_i (alert_test[i]), |
| .alert_req_i (alerts[0]), |
| .alert_ack_o (), |
| .alert_state_o(), |
| .alert_rx_i (alert_rx_i[i]), |
| .alert_tx_o (alert_tx_o[i]) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| sysrst_ctrl_reg_top u_reg ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .clk_aon_i, |
| .rst_aon_ni, |
| .tl_i, |
| .tl_o, |
| .reg2hw, |
| .hw2reg, |
| .intg_err_o(alerts[0]), |
| .devmode_i (1'b1) |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Input inversion and Synchronizers // |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // Optionally invert some of the input signals |
| logic pwrb_int, key0_int, key1_int, key2_int, ac_present_int, lid_open_int; |
| logic ec_rst_l_int, flash_wp_l_int; |
| assign pwrb_int = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.pwrb_in.q ^ cio_pwrb_in_i; |
| assign key0_int = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.key0_in.q ^ cio_key0_in_i; |
| assign key1_int = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.key1_in.q ^ cio_key1_in_i; |
| assign key2_int = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.key2_in.q ^ cio_key2_in_i; |
| assign ac_present_int = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.ac_present.q ^ cio_ac_present_i; |
| assign lid_open_int = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.lid_open.q ^ cio_lid_open_i; |
| // Uninverted inputs |
| assign ec_rst_l_int = cio_ec_rst_l_i; |
| assign flash_wp_l_int = cio_flash_wp_l_i; |
| |
| // Synchronize input signals to AON clock |
| logic aon_pwrb_int, aon_key0_int, aon_key1_int, aon_key2_int; |
| logic aon_ac_present_int, aon_lid_open_int, aon_ec_rst_l_int, aon_flash_wp_l_int; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(8) |
| ) u_prim_flop_2sync_input ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_aon_ni), |
| .d_i({pwrb_int, |
| key0_int, |
| key1_int, |
| key2_int, |
| ac_present_int, |
| lid_open_int, |
| ec_rst_l_int, |
| flash_wp_l_int}), |
| .q_o({ |
| aon_pwrb_int, |
| aon_key0_int, |
| aon_key1_int, |
| aon_key2_int, |
| aon_ac_present_int, |
| aon_lid_open_int, |
| aon_ec_rst_l_int, |
| aon_flash_wp_l_int |
| }) |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////// |
| // Autoblock // |
| /////////////// |
| |
| // The registers in this module run on the AON clock. |
| // However, the passthrough signals are NOT synchronous to the AON clock. |
| logic pwrb_out_hw, key0_out_hw, key1_out_hw, key2_out_hw; |
| sysrst_ctrl_autoblock u_sysrst_ctrl_autoblock ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_aon_ni), |
| // (Optionally) inverted input signals on AON clock |
| .aon_pwrb_int_i(aon_pwrb_int), |
| // (Optionally) inverted input signals (not synced to AON clock) |
| .pwrb_int_i(pwrb_int), |
| .key0_int_i(key0_int), |
| .key1_int_i(key1_int), |
| .key2_int_i(key2_int), |
| // CSRs synced to AON clock |
| .aon_auto_block_debounce_ctl_i(reg2hw.auto_block_debounce_ctl), |
| .aon_auto_block_out_ctl_i(reg2hw.auto_block_out_ctl), |
| // Output signals to pin override logic (not synced to AON clock) |
| .pwrb_out_hw_o(pwrb_out_hw), |
| .key0_out_hw_o(key0_out_hw), |
| .key1_out_hw_o(key1_out_hw), |
| .key2_out_hw_o(key2_out_hw) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////// |
| // ULP // |
| ///////// |
| |
| // This module runs on the AON clock entirely. |
| // Hence, its local signals are not prefixed with aon_*. |
| logic aon_z3_wakeup_hw; |
| logic aon_ulp_wakeup_pulse_int; |
| sysrst_ctrl_ulp u_sysrst_ctrl_ulp ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_aon_ni), |
| // (Optionally) inverted input signals on AON clock |
| .pwrb_int_i(aon_pwrb_int), |
| .lid_open_int_i(aon_lid_open_int), |
| .ac_present_int_i(aon_ac_present_int), |
| // CSRs synced to AON clock |
| .ulp_ac_debounce_ctl_i(reg2hw.ulp_ac_debounce_ctl), |
| .ulp_lid_debounce_ctl_i(reg2hw.ulp_lid_debounce_ctl), |
| .ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl_i(reg2hw.ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl), |
| .ulp_ctl_i(reg2hw.ulp_ctl), |
| .ulp_status_o(hw2reg.ulp_status), |
| // wakeup pulses on AON clock |
| .ulp_wakeup_pulse_o(aon_ulp_wakeup_pulse_int), |
| .z3_wakeup_hw_o(aon_z3_wakeup_hw) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // Key triggered interrups // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| // This module runs on the AON clock entirely. |
| // Hence, its local signals are not prefixed with aon_*. |
| logic aon_sysrst_ctrl_key_intr; |
| sysrst_ctrl_keyintr u_sysrst_ctrl_keyintr ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_aon_ni), |
| // (Optionally) inverted input signals on AON clock |
| .pwrb_int_i(aon_pwrb_int), |
| .key0_int_i(aon_key0_int), |
| .key1_int_i(aon_key1_int), |
| .key2_int_i(aon_key2_int), |
| .ac_present_int_i(aon_ac_present_int), |
| .ec_rst_l_int_i(aon_ec_rst_l_int), |
| .flash_wp_l_int_i(aon_flash_wp_l_int), |
| // CSRs synced to AON clock |
| .key_intr_ctl_i(reg2hw.key_intr_ctl), |
| .key_intr_debounce_ctl_i(reg2hw.key_intr_debounce_ctl), |
| .key_intr_status_o(hw2reg.key_intr_status), |
| // IRQ running on AON clock |
| .sysrst_ctrl_key_intr_o(aon_sysrst_ctrl_key_intr) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////// |
| // Combo detection // |
| ///////////////////// |
| |
| // This module runs on the AON clock entirely. |
| // Hence, its local signals are not prefixed with aon_*. |
| logic aon_sysrst_ctrl_combo_intr, aon_bat_disable_hw, aon_ec_rst_l_hw; |
| sysrst_ctrl_combo u_sysrst_ctrl_combo ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_aon_ni), |
| // (Optionally) inverted input signals on AON clock |
| .pwrb_int_i(aon_pwrb_int), |
| .key0_int_i(aon_key0_int), |
| .key1_int_i(aon_key1_int), |
| .key2_int_i(aon_key2_int), |
| .ac_present_int_i(aon_ac_present_int), |
| .ec_rst_l_int_i(aon_ec_rst_l_int), |
| // CSRs synced to AON clock |
| .ec_rst_ctl_i(reg2hw.ec_rst_ctl), |
| .key_intr_debounce_ctl_i(reg2hw.key_intr_debounce_ctl), |
| .com_sel_ctl_i(reg2hw.com_sel_ctl), |
| .com_det_ctl_i(reg2hw.com_det_ctl), |
| .com_out_ctl_i(reg2hw.com_out_ctl), |
| .combo_intr_status_o(hw2reg.combo_intr_status), |
| // Output signals on AON clock |
| .sysrst_ctrl_combo_intr_o(aon_sysrst_ctrl_combo_intr), |
| .bat_disable_hw_o(aon_bat_disable_hw), |
| .rst_req_o(aon_sysrst_ctrl_rst_req_o), |
| .ec_rst_l_hw_o(aon_ec_rst_l_hw) |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| // Pin visibility / override // |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // This module operates on both synchronized and unsynchronized signals. |
| // I.e., the passthrough signals are NOT synchronnous to the AON clock. |
| logic pwrb_out_int, key0_out_int, key1_out_int, key2_out_int, aon_bat_disable_out_int; |
| logic aon_z3_wakeup_out_int, aon_ec_rst_out_int_l, aon_flash_wp_out_int_l; |
| sysrst_ctrl_pin u_sysrst_ctrl_pin ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| // Raw input signals (not synced to AON clock) |
| .cio_pwrb_in_i, |
| .cio_key0_in_i, |
| .cio_key1_in_i, |
| .cio_key2_in_i, |
| .cio_ac_present_i, |
| .cio_ec_rst_l_i, |
| .cio_flash_wp_l_i, |
| .cio_lid_open_i, |
| // Signals from autoblock (not synced to AON clock) |
| .pwrb_out_hw_i(pwrb_out_hw), |
| .key0_out_hw_i(key0_out_hw), |
| .key1_out_hw_i(key1_out_hw), |
| .key2_out_hw_i(key2_out_hw), |
| // Generated signals, running on AON clock |
| .aon_bat_disable_hw_i(aon_bat_disable_hw), |
| .aon_ec_rst_l_hw_i(aon_ec_rst_l_hw), |
| .aon_z3_wakeup_hw_i(aon_z3_wakeup_hw), |
| // CSRs synced to AON clock |
| .aon_pin_allowed_ctl_i(reg2hw.pin_allowed_ctl), |
| .aon_pin_out_ctl_i(reg2hw.pin_out_ctl), |
| .aon_pin_out_value_i(reg2hw.pin_out_value), |
| // CSRs synced to bus clock |
| .pin_in_value_o(hw2reg.pin_in_value), |
| // Output signals (not synced to AON clock) |
| .pwrb_out_int_o(pwrb_out_int), |
| .key0_out_int_o(key0_out_int), |
| .key1_out_int_o(key1_out_int), |
| .key2_out_int_o(key2_out_int), |
| // Output signals running on AON clock |
| .aon_bat_disable_out_int_o(aon_bat_disable_out_int), |
| .aon_z3_wakeup_out_int_o(aon_z3_wakeup_out_int), |
| .aon_ec_rst_out_int_l_o(aon_ec_rst_out_int_l), |
| .aon_flash_wp_out_int_l_o(aon_flash_wp_out_int_l) |
| ); |
| |
| // Optionally invert some of the output signals |
| assign cio_pwrb_out_o = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.pwrb_out.q ^ pwrb_out_int; |
| assign cio_key0_out_o = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.key0_out.q ^ key0_out_int; |
| assign cio_key1_out_o = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.key1_out.q ^ key1_out_int; |
| assign cio_key2_out_o = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.key2_out.q ^ key2_out_int; |
| assign cio_bat_disable_o = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.bat_disable.q ^ aon_bat_disable_out_int; |
| assign cio_z3_wakeup_o = reg2hw.key_invert_ctl.z3_wakeup.q ^ aon_z3_wakeup_out_int; |
| // uninverted outputs |
| assign cio_ec_rst_l_o = aon_ec_rst_out_int_l; |
| assign cio_flash_wp_l_o = aon_flash_wp_out_int_l; |
| |
| // These outputs are always enabled |
| assign cio_pwrb_out_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_key0_out_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_key1_out_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_key2_out_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_bat_disable_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_z3_wakeup_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_ec_rst_l_en_o = 1'b1; |
| assign cio_flash_wp_l_en_o = 1'b1; |
| |
| /////////////////////////// |
| // Interrupt agreggation // |
| /////////////////////////// |
| |
| // OT wakeup signal to pwrmgr, CSRs and signals on AON domain (see #6323) |
| logic aon_intr_event_pulse; |
| assign aon_intr_event_pulse = aon_ulp_wakeup_pulse_int || |
| aon_sysrst_ctrl_combo_intr || |
| aon_sysrst_ctrl_key_intr; |
| assign hw2reg.wkup_status.de = aon_intr_event_pulse; |
| assign hw2reg.wkup_status.d = 1'b1; |
| assign wkup_req_o = reg2hw.wkup_status.q; |
| |
| // Detect a rising edge so that the interrupt can be cleared |
| // independently of the wakeup request. |
| logic intr_event_pulse; |
| prim_edge_detector #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0), |
| .EnSync(1) |
| ) u_prim_edge_detector ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .d_i (aon_intr_event_pulse), |
| .q_sync_o ( ), |
| .q_posedge_pulse_o(intr_event_pulse), |
| .q_negedge_pulse_o( ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Instantiate the interrupt module |
| prim_intr_hw #( |
| .Width(1) |
| ) u_prim_intr_hw ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .event_intr_i (intr_event_pulse), |
| .reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i(reg2hw.intr_enable.q), |
| .reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (reg2hw.intr_test.q), |
| .reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (reg2hw.intr_test.qe), |
| .reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (reg2hw.intr_state.q), |
| .hw2reg_intr_state_de_o(hw2reg.intr_state.de), |
| .hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (hw2reg.intr_state.d), |
| .intr_o (intr_sysrst_ctrl_o) |
| ); |
| |
| // All outputs should be known value after reset |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(IntrSysRstCtrlOKnown, intr_sysrst_ctrl_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OTWkOKnown, wkup_req_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OTRstOKnown, aon_sysrst_ctrl_rst_req_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(TlODValidKnown, tl_o.d_valid) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(TlOAReadyKnown, tl_o.a_ready) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(AlertKnownO_A, alert_tx_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(BatOKnown, cio_bat_disable_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(ECRSTOKnown, cio_ec_rst_l_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(PwrbOKnown, cio_pwrb_out_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Key0OKnown, cio_key0_out_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Key1OKnown, cio_key1_out_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Key2OKnown, cio_key2_out_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Z3WwakupOKnown, cio_z3_wakeup_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(BatOEnKnown, cio_bat_disable_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(ECRSTOEnKnown, cio_ec_rst_l_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(PwrbOEnKnown, cio_pwrb_out_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Key0OEnKnown, cio_key0_out_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Key1OEnKnown, cio_key1_out_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Key2OEnKnown, cio_key2_out_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(Z3WakeupOEnKnown, cio_z3_wakeup_en_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(FlashWpOKnown, cio_flash_wp_l_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(FlashWpOEnKnown, cio_flash_wp_l_en_o) |
| |
| endmodule |