sw:vec_iree: Add memory usage log on simple_vec_mul sample

Print memory usage in test_mlexecute

14:21:43.3816 [INFO] uart1: [output] KATA> test_mlexecute
14:21:43.4099 [WARNING] cpu2: The debug mode now has no effect - connect
a debugger, and switch to stepping mode.
14:21:43.5901 [INFO] cpu2: simprint: "[[ iree_hal_allocator_t memory
statistics ]]", 0 (0x0)
14:21:43.5908 [INFO] cpu2: simprint: "~  HOST_LOCAL:            0B peak
/            0B allocated /            0B freed /            0B live", 0
14:21:43.5909 [INFO] cpu2: simprint: "DEVICE_LOCAL:         4096B peak /
4096B allocated /         4096B freed /            0B live", 0 (0x0)
14:21:43.5926 [INFO] cpu2: simprint: "INFO |simple_vec_mul finished
successfully", 0 (0x0)
14:21:43.5936 [INFO] cpu2: simprint: "main returned: ", 0 (0x0)

Due to b/195166567, only the first execution has the memory log printed
(IREE internal print mechanism uses fprintf).

Change-Id: I0d5f0abec085fcdf6604276c4c3692d6fa97084d
1 file changed
tree: 40646bcb3b8721e7886ffeb67a4ab2e75fcb9dc8
  1. cmake/
  2. native_log_include/
  3. samples/
  4. CMakeLists.txt
  5. springbok_config.h