blob: c4ec321b81fa66369d7524f6a70b1953c05370ef [file] [log] [blame]
//! Chip specific configuration.
//! This file includes configuration values for different implementations and
//! uses of the same matcha chip. For example, running the chip on an FPGA
//! requires different parameters from running it in a verilog simulator.
//! Additionally, chips on different platforms can be used differently, so this
//! also permits changing values like the UART baud rate to enable better
//! debugging on platforms that can support it.
//! The configuration used is selected via Cargo features specified when the
//! board is compiled.
/// Matcha configuration based on the target device.
pub struct Config<'a> {
/// Identifier for the platform. This is useful for debugging to confirm the
/// correct configuration of the chip is being used.
pub name: &'a str,
/// The clock speed of the CPU in Hz.
pub cpu_freq: u32,
/// The clock speed of the peripherals in Hz.
pub peripheral_freq: u32,
/// The baud rate for UART. This allows for a version of the chip that can
/// support a faster baud rate to use it to help with debugging.
pub uart_baudrate: u32,
/// Config for running Matcha in a verilog simulator.
#[cfg(feature = "config_sim_verilator")]
pub const CONFIG: Config = Config {
name: "sim_verilator",
cpu_freq: 500_000,
peripheral_freq: 125_000,
uart_baudrate: 9600,