| *** Keywords *** |
| Prepare SailMachine |
| Execute Command path set @${ROOTDIR} |
| Execute Command $repl_file=@sim/config/platforms/sail.repl |
| Execute Command $cheriot_elf=@out/cheriot/test-suite/release/cheriot/cheriot/release/test-suite |
| Set Default Uart Timeout 20 |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Execute Script sim/config/cheriot.resc |
| Execute Command showAnalyzer "smc-uart-analyzer" ${SMC_UART} Antmicro.Renode.Analyzers.LoggingUartAnalyzer |
| # Add SMC_UART virtual time so we can check the machine execution time |
| Execute Command smc-uart-analyzer TimestampFormat Virtual |
| Execute Command sysbus.cpu1 IsHalted false |
| |
| Prepare SenchaMachine |
| Execute Command path set @${ROOTDIR} |
| Execute Command $repl_file=@sim/config/platforms/sencha.repl |
| Execute Command $tar=@out/cheriot/sencha/release/ext_flash.tar |
| Execute Command $cheriot_elf=@${CHERIOT_OUTDIR}/soundstream-firmware |
| Set Default Uart Timeout 20 |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Execute Script sim/config/sencha.resc |
| Execute Command showAnalyzer "smc-uart-analyzer" ${SMC_UART} Antmicro.Renode.Analyzers.LoggingUartAnalyzer |
| # Add SMC_UART virtual time so we can check the machine execution time |
| Execute Command smc-uart-analyzer TimestampFormat Virtual |
| Execute Command cpu0 IsHalted false |
| |