blob: df45c852da5ea67ece2d07126a0e088be60812b3 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Comments ***
Tests for shodan system from bootup to running apps.
*** Variables ***
# This variable is set to be 0 by default, and should be override in CLI to test debug
# sim/tests/ --debug sim/tests/shodan_boot.robot
${WAIT_ECHO} true
${WAIT_ECHO} false
${ROOTDIR} ${CURDIR}/../..
${SCRIPT} sim/config/shodan.resc
${UART5} sysbus.uart5
${MATCHA_BUNDLE_RELEASE} ${ROOTDIR}/out/matcha-bundle-release.elf
${MATCHA_BUNDLE_DEBUG} ${ROOTDIR}/out/matcha-bundle-debug.elf
${CANTRIP_KERNEL_RELEASE} ${ROOTDIR}/out/cantrip/riscv32-unknown-elf/release/kernel/kernel.elf
${CANTRIP_ROOTSERVER_RELEASE} ${ROOTDIR}/out/cantrip/riscv32-unknown-elf/release/capdl-loader
${CANTRIP_KERNEL_DEBUG} ${ROOTDIR}/out/cantrip/riscv32-unknown-elf/debug/kernel/kernel.elf
${CANTRIP_ROOTSERVER_DEBUG} ${ROOTDIR}/out/cantrip/riscv32-unknown-elf/debug/capdl-loader
${OUT_TMP} ${ROOTDIR}/out/tmp
${FLASH_RELEASE_TAR} out/ext_flash_release.tar
${CPIO_RELEASE} out/cantrip/riscv32-unknown-elf/release/ext_builtins.cpio
${FLASH_DEBUG_TAR} out/ext_flash_debug.tar
${CPIO_DEBUG} out/cantrip/riscv32-unknown-elf/debug/ext_builtins.cpio
*** Keywords ***
Prepare Machine
Execute Command path set @${ROOTDIR}
IF ${RUN_DEBUG} == 1
Execute Command $tar=@${FLASH_DEBUG_TAR}
Execute Command $cpio=@${CPIO_DEBUG}
Execute Command $kernel=@${CANTRIP_KERNEL_DEBUG}
Execute Command $repl_file=@sim/config/platforms/shodan-debug.repl
Set Default Uart Timeout 20
Create Log Tester ${DEBUG_LOG_TIMEOUT}
Execute Command $tar=@${FLASH_RELEASE_TAR}
Execute Command $cpio=@${CPIO_RELEASE}
Execute Command $kernel=@${CANTRIP_KERNEL_RELEASE}
Set Default Uart Timeout 10
Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT}
Execute Script ${SCRIPT}
# Add UART5 virtual time so we can check the machine execution time
Execute Command uart5-analyzer TimestampFormat Virtual
Execute Command cpu0 IsHalted false
Install App
[Arguments] ${app}
# UART analyzer is marked as transient so it needs to be set up at subtest.
Execute Command showAnalyzer "uart5-analyzer" ${UART5} Antmicro.Renode.Analyzers.LoggingUartAnalyzer
# Disable uart5 timestamp diff
Execute Command uart5-analyzer TimestampFormat None
Write Line To Uart start ${app} waitForEcho=${WAIT_ECHO}
# NB: don't 'Wait For Line On Uart Bundle "${app}" started' as this races
# against the app-generated output that is waited for below
Uninstall App
[Arguments] ${app}
Write Line To Uart stop ${app} waitForEcho=${WAIT_ECHO}
Wait For Line On Uart Bundle "${app}" stopped
*** Test Cases ***
Prepare Flash Tarball
Run Process mkdir -p ${ROOTDIR}/out/tmp
IF ${RUN_DEBUG} == 1
Run Process cp -f ${MATCHA_BUNDLE_DEBUG} ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle-debug
Run Process riscv32-unknown-elf-strip ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle-debug
Run Process riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary -g ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle-debug ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle.bin
Run Process ln -sfr ${CANTRIP_KERNEL_DEBUG} ${OUT_TMP}/kernel
Run Process ln -sfr ${CANTRIP_ROOTSERVER_DEBUG} ${OUT_TMP}/capdl-loader
Run Process tar -C ${OUT_TMP} -cvhf ${ROOTDIR}/${FLASH_DEBUG_TAR} matcha-tock-bundle.bin kernel capdl-loader
Run Process cp -f ${MATCHA_BUNDLE_RELEASE} ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle-release
Run Process riscv32-unknown-elf-strip ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle-release
Run Process riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary -g ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle-release ${OUT_TMP}/matcha-tock-bundle.bin
Run Process ln -sfr ${CANTRIP_KERNEL_RELEASE} ${OUT_TMP}/kernel
Run Process ln -sfr ${CANTRIP_ROOTSERVER_RELEASE} ${OUT_TMP}/capdl-loader
Run Process tar -C ${OUT_TMP} -cvhf ${ROOTDIR}/${FLASH_RELEASE_TAR} matcha-tock-bundle.bin kernel capdl-loader
Provides flash-tarball
Test Shodan Boot
Requires flash-tarball
Prepare Machine
Start Emulation
Create Terminal Tester ${UART5}
Wait For Prompt On Uart ${PROMPT}
# The following commented lines would cause the test failed to be saved.
Provides shodan-bootup
Test Smoke Test
Requires shodan-bootup
# UART analyzer is marked as transient so it needs to be set up at subtest.
Execute Command showAnalyzer "uart5-analyzer" ${UART5} Antmicro.Renode.Analyzers.LoggingUartAnalyzer
# Add UART5 virtual time so we can check the machine execution time
Execute Command uart5-analyzer TimestampFormat Virtual
IF ${RUN_DEBUG} == 1
Write Line to Uart test_mlexecute anything mobilenet_v1_emitc_static waitForEcho=${WAIT_ECHO}
Wait For LogEntry "main returned: ", 0
# Test timer
Write Line To Uart test_timer_blocking 10
Wait For LogEntry Timer completed.
Test C hello app (no SDK)
Requires shodan-bootup
Install App hello
Wait For Line On Uart I am a C app!
Wait For Line On Uart Done
Uninstall App hello
# TODO(sleffler): This test failed with debug artifacts.
Test SDK keyval support (+SecurityCoordinator)
Requires shodan-bootup
Install App keyval
Wait For Line On Uart read(foo) failed as expected
Wait For Line On Uart write ok
Wait For Line On Uart read returned [49, 50, 51, 0
Wait For Line On Uart delete ok
Wait For Line On Uart delete ok (for missing key)
Uninstall App keyval
Test SDK log support
Requires shodan-bootup
Install App logtest
Wait For Line On Uart ping!
Wait For Line On Uart DONE
Uninstall App logtest
Test panic app
Requires shodan-bootup
Install App panic
Wait For Line On Uart Goodbye, cruel world
Uninstall App panic
Test SDK + TimerService (oneshot & periodic)
Requires shodan-bootup
Install App timer
Wait For Line On Uart sdk_timer_cancel returned Err(SDKInvalidTimer) with nothing running
Wait For Line On Uart sdk_timer_poll returned Ok(0) with nothing running
Wait For Line On Uart sdk_timer_oneshot returned Err(SDKNoSuchTimer) with an invalid timer id
# oneshot
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 0 started
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 0 completed
# periodic
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 1 started
Wait For Line On Uart Timer completed: mask 0b0010 ms 75
Wait For Line On Uart Timer completed: mask 0b0010 ms 150
# NB: 10 timer events
# NB: intentionally match "cancel"; the code has a typo so prints "canceld" :)
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 1 cancel
# 2x periodic with 2:1 durations
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 1 started
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 2 started
Wait For Line On Uart Timer completed: mask 0b0010 1 \ 1 2 \ 0
Wait For Line On Uart Timer completed: mask 0b0010 1 \ 2 2 \ 0
# NB: lots of timer events (2 timers running)
Wait For Line On Uart Timer completed: mask 0b0100 1 14 2 \ 7
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 2 cancel
Wait For Line On Uart Timer 1 cancel
Wait For Line On Uart DONE
Uninstall App timer
Test SDK + MlCoordinator (oneshot & periodic)
Requires shodan-bootup
# UART analyzer is marked as transient so it needs to be set up at subtest.
Execute Command showAnalyzer "uart5-analyzer" ${UART5} Antmicro.Renode.Analyzers.LoggingUartAnalyzer
# Add UART5 virtual time so we can check the machine execution time
Execute Command uart5-analyzer TimestampFormat Virtual
Write Line to Uart start mltest waitForEcho=${WAIT_ECHO}
Wait For Line On Uart sdk_model_oneshot(nonexistent) returned Err(SDKNoSuchModel) (as expected)
# start oneshot
Wait For Line On Uart mobilenet_v1_emitc_static started
Wait For LogEntry "main returned: ", 0
Wait For Line On Uart mobilenet_v1_emitc_static completed
# start periodic
Wait For Line On Uart Model mobilenet_v1_emitc_static started
# NB: 10 runs of the model
FOR ${i} IN RANGE 10
Wait For LogEntry "main returned: ", 0
Wait For Line On Uart Model completed: mask 0b0001
Wait For Line On Uart DONE
Write Line To Uart stop mltest waitForEcho=${WAIT_ECHO}
Wait For Line On Uart Bundle "mltest" stopped