blob: 3c5960e8bf41151e66abf082ec0aac547257d538 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using Antmicro.Renode.Core;
using Antmicro.Renode.Debugging;
using Antmicro.Renode.Exceptions;
using Antmicro.Renode.Hooks;
using Antmicro.Renode.Logging;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.Bus;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.CPU;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.Timers;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.CPU.Disassembler;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.CPU.Registers;
using Antmicro.Renode.Utilities;
using Antmicro.Renode.Time;
using Antmicro.Renode.Utilities.Binding;
using ELFSharp.ELF;
using ELFSharp.UImage;
namespace Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.MpactCPU
// This interface is implemented by MpactCheriotCPU and used by
// MpactCheriotPeripheral to access memory in mpact_cheriot simulator
public interface IMpactPeripheral : IBytePeripheral, IWordPeripheral,
IMultibyteWritePeripheral {}
// Struct containing info for loading binary image files.
public struct BinFileLoadInfo {
public string file_name;
public UInt64 load_address;
public UInt64 entry_point;
// The MpactCheriotCPU class. This class derives from BaseCPU, which implements
// a CPU in ReNode. It is the interface between ReNode and the mpact_cheriot
// simulator library.
public class MpactCheriotCPU : BaseCPU, ICpuSupportingGdb, ICPUWithRegisters,
ICPUWithHooks, IGPIOReceiver, ITimeSink,
IDisposable, IMpactPeripheral {
// Structure for ReNode register information that is obtained from the
// simulator.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
private struct RegInfo {
public Int32 index;
public Int32 width;
public bool isGeneral;
public bool isReadOnly;
public MpactCheriotCPU(uint id, UInt64 memoryBase, UInt64 memorySize,
UInt64 revocationMemoryBase, string cpuType,
IMachine machine, Endianess endianness,
CpuBitness bitness = CpuBitness.Bits32)
: base(id, cpuType, machine, endianness, bitness) {
this.memoryBase = memoryBase;
this.memorySize = memorySize;
revocationMemBase = revocationMemoryBase;
// Allocate space for marshaling data to/from simulator.
error_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
value_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8);
reg_info_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf<RegInfo>());
string_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(maxStringLen);
~MpactCheriotCPU() {
public override string Architecture { get { return "MpactCheriot";} }
public override void Start() {
// Set up configuration array.
var config_names = new List<string>();
var config_values = new List<string>();
config_values.Add("0x" + memoryBase.ToString("X"));
config_values.Add("0x" + memorySize.ToString("X"));
config_values.Add("0x" + revocationMemBase.ToString("X"));
if (cli_port != 0) {
config_values.Add("0x" + cli_port.ToString("X"));
config_values.Add("0x" + (wait_for_cli ? 1 : 0).ToString("X"));
Int32 cfg_res = set_config(mpact_id, config_names.ToArray(),
config_values.ToArray(), config_names.Count);
if (cfg_res < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to set configuration information");
if (mpact_id < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to create simulator instance");
// Load executable file or bin file if specified. Otherwise it is
// handled by the system.
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, "symbol_file: '" + symbol_file + "'");
if (!executable_file.Equals("")) {
var entry_point = load_elf(mpact_id, executable_file,
Int32 result = Marshal.ReadInt32(error_ptr);
if (result < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to load executable");
PC = entry_point;
} else if (!symbol_file.Equals("")) {
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, "loading symbol_file: '" + symbol_file + "'");
load_elf(mpact_id, symbol_file, /*for_symbols_only=*/true,
Int32 result = Marshal.ReadInt32(error_ptr);
if (result < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to load symbols");
} else if (!bin_file_info.file_name.Equals("")) {
Int32 res = load_image(mpact_id, bin_file_info.file_name,
if (res < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to load binary image");
PC = bin_file_info.entry_point;
public override void Reset() {
instructionsExecutedThisRound = 0;
totalExecutedInstructions = 0;
// Call simulator to reset.
public override void Dispose() {
// Cleanup: simulator and any unmanaged resources.
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, "destruct mpact");
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, "done");
public string CpuLibraryPath {
get {
return cpu_library_path;
set {
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Lib: " + value);
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) {
cpu_library_path = value;
if (cpu_library_bound) {
LogAndThrowRE("CPU library already bound to: "
+ cpu_library_path);
cpu_library_path = value;
try {
binder = new NativeBinder(this, cpu_library_path);
catch (System.Exception e) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to load CPU library: " + e.Message);
cpu_library_bound = true;
// Instantiate the simulator, passing in callbacks to read and write
// from/to the system bus.
read_sysmem_delegate =
new FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32(ReadSysMemory);
write_sysmem_delegate =
new FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32(WriteSysMemory);
mpact_id = construct_with_sysbus(maxStringLen,
public string ExecutableFile {
get => executable_file;
set => executable_file = value;
public string SymbolFile {
get => symbol_file;
set => symbol_file = value;
public BinFileLoadInfo BinFileInfo {
get => bin_file_info;
set => bin_file_info = value;
public ushort CLIPort { get => cli_port; set => cli_port = value; }
public bool WaitForCLI { get => wait_for_cli; set => wait_for_cli = value; }
public override ulong ExecutedInstructions => totalExecutedInstructions;
public override ExecutionMode ExecutionMode {
get { return executionMode; }
set {
lock(singleStepSynchronizer.Guard) {
if (executionMode == value) return;
executionMode = value;
singleStepSynchronizer.Enabled = IsSingleStepMode;
public override RegisterValue PC {
get {
Int32 error = read_register(mpact_id, PC_ID, value_ptr);
if (error < 0) {
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to read PC");
Int64 value = Marshal.ReadInt64(value_ptr);
return Convert.ToUInt64(value);
set {
Int32 error = write_register(mpact_id, PC_ID, value);
if (error < 0) {
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to write PC");
public override ExecutionResult ExecuteInstructions(
ulong numberOfInstructionsToExecute,
out ulong numberOfExecutedInstructions) {
UInt64 instructionsExecutedThisRound = 0UL;
ExecutionResult result = ExecutionResult.Ok;
try {
// Invoke simulator for the number of instructions.
instructionsExecutedThisRound =
step(mpact_id, numberOfInstructionsToExecute, error_ptr);
// Parse the result.
Int32 step_result = Marshal.ReadInt32(error_ptr);
switch (step_result) {
case -1:
result = ExecutionResult.Aborted;
case 0:
result = ExecutionResult.Ok;
case 1:
result = ExecutionResult.Interrupted;
case 2:
result = ExecutionResult.WaitingForInterrupt;
case 3:
result = ExecutionResult.StoppedAtBreakpoint;
case 4:
result = ExecutionResult.StoppedAtWatchpoint;
case 5:
result = ExecutionResult.ExternalMmuFault;
LogAndThrowRE("Unknown return value from step - "
+ step_result);
catch (Exception) {
this.NoisyLog("CPU exception detected, halting.");
InvokeHalted(new HaltArguments(HaltReason.Abort, Id));
return ExecutionResult.Aborted;
finally {
numberOfExecutedInstructions = instructionsExecutedThisRound;
totalExecutedInstructions += instructionsExecutedThisRound;
return result;
// ICPUWithRegisters methods implementations.
public void SetRegisterUnsafe(int register, RegisterValue value) {
var status = write_register((Int32)mpact_id, (Int32)register,
if (status < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to write register " + register);
public RegisterValue GetRegisterUnsafe(int register) {
var status = read_register(mpact_id, register, value_ptr);
if (status < 0) {
LogAndThrowRE("Failed to read register " + register);
Int64 value = Marshal.ReadInt64(value_ptr);
return (UInt32)value;
private void GetMpactRegisters() {
if (registerMap.Count != 0) return;
Int32 num_regs = get_reg_info_size(mpact_id);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < num_regs; i++) {
Int32 result = get_reg_info(mpact_id, i, string_ptr, reg_info_ptr);
if (result < 0) {
"Failed to get register info for index " + i);
var reg_info = Marshal.PtrToStructure<RegInfo>(reg_info_ptr);
var cpu_reg = new CPURegister(reg_info.index, reg_info.width,
var reg_name = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(string_ptr);
registerMap.Add(reg_info.index, cpu_reg);
registerNamesMap.Add(reg_name, reg_info.index);
public IEnumerable<CPURegister> GetRegisters() {
if (registerMap.Count == 0) {
return registerMap.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Index);
public new string[,] GetRegistersValues() {
if (registerMap.Count == 0) {
var result = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
foreach (var reg in registerNamesMap) {
var status = read_register(mpact_id, reg.Value, value_ptr);
if (status < 0) continue;
Int64 value = Marshal.ReadInt64(value_ptr);
result.Add(reg.Key, Convert.ToUInt64(value));
var table = new Table().AddRow("Name", "Value");
table.AddRows(result, x=> x.Key, x=> "0x{0:X}".FormatWith(x.Value));
return table.ToArray();
private void LogAndThrowRE(string info) {
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, info);
throw new RecoverableException(info);
public Int32 LoadImageFile(String file_name, UInt64 address) {
return load_image(mpact_id, file_name, address);
public void OnGPIO(int number, bool value) {
if (mpact_id < 0) {
"OnGPIO: no simulator, discard gpio {0}:{1}", number,
Int32 status = set_irq_value(mpact_id, number, value);
if (status < 0) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Failure in setting irq value");
public Int32 ReadSysMemory(UInt64 address, IntPtr buffer, Int32 length) {
// Read from System Bus.
switch (length) {
case 1:
var data8 = new byte[length];
data8[0] = machine.SystemBus.ReadByte(address, this);
Marshal.Copy(data8, 0, buffer, length);
case 2:
var data16 = new Int16[1];
data16[0] = (Int16) machine.SystemBus.ReadWord(address, this);
Marshal.Copy(data16, 0, buffer, 1);
case 4:
var data32 = new Int32[1];
data32[0] = (Int32) machine.SystemBus.ReadDoubleWord(address,
Marshal.Copy(data32, 0, buffer, 1);
case 8:
var data64 = new Int64[1];
data64[0] = (Int64) machine.SystemBus.ReadQuadWord(address,
Marshal.Copy(data64, 0, buffer, 1);
var dataN = new byte[length];
machine.SystemBus.ReadBytes(address, length, dataN, 0, false,
Marshal.Copy(dataN, 0, buffer, length);
return length;
public Int32 WriteSysMemory(UInt64 address, IntPtr buffer, Int32 length) {
switch (length) {
case 1:
var data8 = new byte[1];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, data8, 0, 1);
machine.SystemBus.WriteByte(address, data8[0], this);
case 2:
var data16 = new Int16[1];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, data16, 0, 1);
machine.SystemBus.WriteWord(address, (ushort)data16[0], this);
case 4:
var data32 = new Int32[1];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, data32, 0, 1);
machine.SystemBus.WriteDoubleWord(address, (uint)data32[0],
case 8:
var data64 = new Int64[1];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, data64, 0, 1);
machine.SystemBus.WriteQuadWord(address, (ulong)data64[0],
var dataN = new byte[length];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, dataN, 0, length);
machine.SystemBus.WriteBytes(dataN, address);
return length;
// ICPUWithHooks methods.
public void AddHookAtInterruptBegin(Action<ulong> hook) {
throw new RecoverableException(
"Interrupt hooks not currently supported");
public void AddHookAtInterruptEnd(Action<ulong> hook) {
throw new RecoverableException(
"Interrupt hooks not currently supported");
public void AddHookAtWfiStateChange(Action<bool> hook) {
throw new RecoverableException(
"Wfi state change hook not currently supported");
public void AddHook(ulong addr, Action<ICpuSupportingGdb, ulong> hook) {
throw new RecoverableException("Hooks not currently supported");
public void RemoveHook(ulong addr, Action<ICpuSupportingGdb, ulong> hook) {
/* empty */
public void RemoveHooksAt(ulong addr) { /* empty */ }
public void RemoveAllHooks() { /* empty */ }
// ICpuSuportingGdb methods.
public void EnterSingleStepModeSafely(HaltArguments args,
bool? blocking = null) {
public string GDBArchitecture { get { return "riscv:cheriot"; } }
public List<GDBFeatureDescriptor> GDBFeatures {
get {
if (gdbFeatures.Any()) return gdbFeatures;
// Populate the register map if it hasn't been done yet.
if (registerNamesMap.Count == 0) {
var cpuGroup = new GDBFeatureDescriptor("org.gnu.gdb.riscv.cpu");
var intType = $"uint32";
var c0_index = registerNamesMap["c0"];
for (var i = 0u; i < 16; ++i) {
new GDBRegisterDescriptor((uint)c0_index + i, 32u,
$"c{i}", intType, "general"));
var pcc_index = registerNamesMap["pcc"];
new GDBRegisterDescriptor((uint)pcc_index, 32u, "pcc",
"code_ptr", "general"));
return gdbFeatures;
// End of ICpuSupportingGdb methods.
// IMpactPeripheral methods.
public void WriteByte(long address, byte value) {
var data8 = new byte[1];
data8[0] = (byte) value;
Marshal.Copy(data8, 0, value_ptr, 1);
write_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 1);
public byte ReadByte(long address) {
var data8 = new byte[1];
read_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 1);
Marshal.Copy(value_ptr, data8, 0, 1);
return (byte) data8[0];
public void WriteWord(long address, ushort value) {
var data16 = new Int16[1];
data16[0] = (Int16) value;
Marshal.Copy(data16, 0, value_ptr, 1);
write_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 2);
public ushort ReadWord(long address) {
var data16 = new Int16[1];
read_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 2);
Marshal.Copy(value_ptr, data16, 0, 1);
return (ushort) data16[0];
public void WriteDoubleWord(long address, uint value) {
var data32 = new Int32[1];
data32[0] = (Int32) value;
Marshal.Copy(data32, 0, value_ptr, 1);
write_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 4);
public uint ReadDoubleWord(long address) {
var data32 = new Int32[1];
read_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 4);
Marshal.Copy(value_ptr, data32, 0, 1);
return (uint) data32[0];
public void WriteQuadWord(long address, ulong value) {
var data64 = new Int64[1];
data64[0] = (Int64) value;
Marshal.Copy(data64, 0, value_ptr, 1);
write_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 8);
public ulong ReadQuadWord(long address) {
var data64 = new Int64[1];
read_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) address + base_address, value_ptr, 8);
Marshal.Copy(value_ptr, data64, 0, 1);
return (ulong) data64[0];
public byte[] ReadBytes(long offset, int count, ICPU context = null) {
var bytes = new byte[count];
var byte_array_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(count);
read_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) offset + base_address, byte_array_ptr,
Marshal.Copy(value_ptr, bytes, 0, count);
return bytes;
public void WriteBytes(long offset, byte[] array, int startingIndex,
int count, ICPU context = null) {
var byte_array_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(count);
Marshal.Copy(array, startingIndex, byte_array_ptr, count);
write_memory(mpact_id, (UInt64) offset + base_address, byte_array_ptr,
// End of IMpactPeripheral methods.
private ushort cli_port = 0;
private bool wait_for_cli = true;
private UInt64 base_address = 0;
private UInt64 size = 0;
private List<GDBFeatureDescriptor>
gdbFeatures = new List<GDBFeatureDescriptor>();
private UInt64 memoryBase;
private UInt64 memorySize;
private UInt64 revocationMemBase;
private Dictionary<Int32, CPURegister>
registerMap = new Dictionary<Int32, CPURegister>();
private Dictionary<string, Int32>
registerNamesMap = new Dictionary<string, Int32>();
private string executable_file = "";
private string symbol_file = "";
private BinFileLoadInfo
bin_file_info = new BinFileLoadInfo {file_name = "",
load_address = 0,
entry_point = 0};
private string cpu_library_path = "";
private bool cpu_library_bound = false;
private NativeBinder binder;
private readonly object nativeLock;
private readonly Int32 maxStringLen = 32;
// Pointers used in marshaling data to/from the simulator library.
private IntPtr value_ptr {get; set;}
private IntPtr error_ptr {get; set;}
private IntPtr reg_info_ptr {get; set;}
private IntPtr string_ptr {get; set;}
// Declare some additional function signatures.
public delegate Int32 ConnectWithSysbus(Int32 param0, Int32 param1,
FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32 param2,
FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32 param3);
public delegate Int32 ConstructWithSysbus(Int32 param0,
FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32 param1,
FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32 param2);
public delegate Int32 SetConfig(Int32 param0, string[] param1,
string[] param2, Int32 param3);
public delegate Int32 SetIrqValue(Int32 param0, Int32 param1, bool param2);
public delegate UInt64 LoadElf(Int32 param0, string param1, bool param2,
IntPtr param3);
// Int32 read_sysmem_delegate(UInt64 address, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size)
private FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32 read_sysmem_delegate;
// Int32 write_sysmem_delegate(UInt64 address, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size)
private FuncInt32UInt64IntPtrInt32 write_sysmem_delegate;
// Functions that are imported from the mpact sim library.
#pragma warning disable 649
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 construct_with_sysbus(Int32 id,
// Int32 read_callback(UInt64, IntPtr, Int32),
// Int32 write_callback(UInt64, IntPtr, Int32));
private ConstructWithSysbus construct_with_sysbus;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 connect_with_sybsus(Int32 id,
// Int32 read_callback(UInt64, IntPtr, Int32),
// Int32 write_callback(UInt64, IntPtr, Int32));
private ConnectWithSysbus connect_with_sysbus;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// void destruct(Int32 id);
private ActionInt32 destruct;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// void reset(Int32 id);
private ActionInt32 reset;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 get_reg_info_size(Int32 id)
private FuncInt32Int32 get_reg_info_size;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 get_reg_info(Int32 id, IntPtr *name, IntPtr *struct);
private FuncInt32Int32Int32IntPtrIntPtr get_reg_info;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// UInt64 load_elf(Int32 id, String file_name,
// bool for_symbols_only, Int32* error_ptr);
private LoadElf load_elf;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 load_image(Int32 id, String file_name, UInt64 address);
private FuncInt32Int32StringUInt64 load_image;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// UInt64 step(Int32 id, UInt64 step, IntPtr *error);
private FuncUInt64Int32UInt64IntPtr step;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 read_register(Int32 id, Int32 reg_id, IntPtr *value);
private FuncInt32Int32Int32IntPtr read_register;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 write_register(Int32 id, Int32 reg_id, UInt64 value);
private FuncInt32Int32Int32UInt64 write_register;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 read_memory(Int32 id, UInt64 address, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size);
private FuncInt32Int32UInt64IntPtrInt32 read_memory;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 write_memory(Int32 id, UInt64 address, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size);
private FuncInt32Int32UInt64IntPtrInt32 write_memory;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 set_config(Int32 id, string[] names string[] values, Int32 size);
private SetConfig set_config;
[Import(UseExceptionWrapper = false)]
// Int32 set_irq_value(Int32 id, Int32 irq_no, bool value);
private SetIrqValue set_irq_value;
#pragma warning restore 649
private Int32 mpact_id = -1;
private ulong instructionsExecutedThisRound {get; set;}
private ulong totalExecutedInstructions {get; set;}
private const int PC_ID = 0x07b1;
} // class MpactCheriotCPU
// Peripheral interface class.
public class MpactCheriotPeripheral : IKnownSize, IBytePeripheral,
IWordPeripheral, IDoubleWordPeripheral,
IMultibyteWritePeripheral, IDisposable {
public MpactCheriotPeripheral(IMachine machine, long baseAddress,
long size, IMpactPeripheral mpactCpu) {
if (size == 0) {
throw new ConstructionException("Memory size cannot be 0");
this.machine = machine;
this.size = size;
this.base_address = baseAddress;
this.mpact_cpu = mpactCpu;
public void Reset() {}
public void Dispose() {}
// All memory accesses are forwarded to the mpactCpu with the base_address
// added to the address field.
public void WriteByte(long address, byte value) {
mpact_cpu.WriteByte(address + base_address, value);
public byte ReadByte(long address) {
return mpact_cpu.ReadByte(address + base_address);
public void WriteWord(long address, ushort value) {
mpact_cpu.WriteWord(address + base_address, value);
public ushort ReadWord(long address) {
return mpact_cpu.ReadWord(address + base_address);
public void WriteDoubleWord(long address, uint value) {
mpact_cpu.WriteDoubleWord(address + base_address, value);
public uint ReadDoubleWord(long address) {
return mpact_cpu.ReadDoubleWord(address + base_address);
public void WriteQuadWord(long address, ulong value) {
mpact_cpu.WriteQuadWord(address + base_address, value);
public ulong ReadQuadWord(long address) {
return mpact_cpu.ReadQuadWord(address + base_address);
public byte[] ReadBytes(long offset, int count, ICPU context = null) {
return mpact_cpu.ReadBytes(offset + base_address, count, context);
public void WriteBytes(long offset, byte[] array, int startingIndex,
int count, ICPU context = null) {
mpact_cpu.WriteBytes(offset + base_address, array, startingIndex,
count, context);
public long Size { get { return size;} }
private IMpactPeripheral mpact_cpu;
private long size;
private long base_address = 0;
private IMachine machine;
} // class MpactCheriotPeripheral
} // namespace Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.MpactCPU