blob: 5d1e2be8e720ed90a7caecb5da336d980acc5260 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "sw/device/lib/spi_flash.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "hw/top_matcha/sw/autogen/top_matcha.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_spi_host.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/tar.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
static dif_spi_host_t spi_host0;
static const int kSpiFlashBytes = (64 * 1024 * 1024);
dif_result_t spi_flash_read_page(uint32_t page, uint8_t* buf) {
/* clang-format off */
dif_spi_host_segment_t segments[] = {
.type = kDifSpiHostSegmentTypeOpcode,
.opcode = 0x13, // Page Read, 4b Addr
{.type = kDifSpiHostSegmentTypeAddress,
.address = {
.width = kDifSpiHostWidthStandard,
.mode = kDifSpiHostAddrMode4b,
.address = page,
// Two RX segments, due to the RX fifo only being 256B.
{.type = kDifSpiHostSegmentTypeRx,
.rx = {.width = kDifSpiHostWidthStandard,
.buf = buf,
.length = SPI_PAGE_SIZE >> 1}},
{.type = kDifSpiHostSegmentTypeRx,
.rx = {.width = kDifSpiHostWidthStandard,
.buf = buf + (SPI_PAGE_SIZE >> 1),
.length = SPI_PAGE_SIZE >> 1}},
/* clang-format on */
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_transaction(&spi_host0, /*csid=*/0, segments,
return kDifOk;
dif_result_t spi_flash_init(void) {
mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_MATCHA_SPI_HOST0_BASE_ADDR), &spi_host0));
dif_spi_host_config_t config = {
// TODO(atv): Add spi clock into arch definition
.spi_clock = 1000000,
.peripheral_clock_freq_hz = 25 * 100 * 1000,
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_configure(&spi_host0, config));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_output_set_enabled(&spi_host0, /*enabled=*/true));
return kDifOk;
static int parse_octal(uint8_t* cursor) {
int size = 0;
while (*cursor) size = (size << 3) | ((*cursor++) - '0');
return size;
int contains(const void* src, const char* str2) {
const char* str1 = (const char*)src;
const char* cursor = str2;
while (*str1 && *cursor) {
cursor = (*str1 == *cursor) ? cursor + 1 : str2;
return *cursor ? 0 : 1;
// Returns the offset of the file in the tar.
// `size_out` will be filled with the size of the file.
static size_t find_file_in_tar(const char* filename, size_t* size_out) {
if (!size_out || !filename) {
return 0;
tar_header tar;
size_t cursor = 0;
CHECK_DIF_OK(spi_flash_read_page(cursor, (uint8_t*)&tar));
while (cursor < kSpiFlashBytes) {
int size = parse_octal((uint8_t*)&tar.size);
cursor += 512;
if (contains(&, filename)) {
if (size_out) {
*size_out = size;
return cursor;
cursor += (size + 511) & ~511;
CHECK_DIF_OK(spi_flash_read_page(cursor, (uint8_t*)&tar));
return 0;
dif_result_t load_file_from_tar(const char* filename, void* addr) {
size_t size = 0;
size_t bin_offset = find_file_in_tar(filename, &size);
if (!bin_offset) return kDifError;
uint8_t page[SPI_PAGE_SIZE];
size_t remaining = size;
while (remaining > 0) {
size_t page_used = remaining >= SPI_PAGE_SIZE ? SPI_PAGE_SIZE : remaining;
size_t offset = size - remaining;
CHECK_DIF_OK(spi_flash_read_page(bin_offset + offset, page));
void* dst = (uint8_t*)addr + offset;
if (memcpy(dst, page, page_used) != dst) {
return kDifError;
remaining -= page_used;
return kDifOk;