Plumb enable signal in TCM128
- Bring the enable signal all the way to the SRAM instances, so that
enable must be high in addition to the SRAM being selected, for it to
be enabled.
- Delete an unused TCM class.
Change-Id: I0b4cc2f76b9ad25222257c6d1ee7e11a806874d4
diff --git a/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/SramNx128.scala b/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/SramNx128.scala
index fd68187..2a21a22 100644
--- a/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/SramNx128.scala
+++ b/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/SramNx128.scala
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
for (i <- 0 until nSramModules) {
sramModules(i).io.clock := clock
sramModules(i).io.addr := io.addr(6, 0)
- sramModules(i).io.enable := (selectedSram === i.U)
+ sramModules(i).io.enable := (selectedSram === i.U) && io.enable
sramModules(i).io.write := io.write
sramModules(i).io.wdata := io.wdata
sramModules(i).io.wmask := io.wmask
diff --git a/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/TCM.scala b/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/TCM.scala
index 306202a..5900c93 100644
--- a/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/TCM.scala
+++ b/hdl/chisel/src/kelvin/TCM.scala
@@ -40,61 +40,3 @@ := Cat(io.wmask)
io.rdata := UIntToVec(, tcmSubEntryWidth)
-class TCM(p: Parameters, tcmSizeBytes: Int, tcmSubEntryWidth: Int) extends Module {
- val tcmWidth = p.axi2DataBits
- val tcmEntries = tcmSizeBytes / (tcmWidth / 8)
- val tcmSubEntries = tcmWidth / tcmSubEntryWidth
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val addr = Input(UInt(log2Ceil(tcmEntries).W))
- val enable = Input(Bool())
- val write = Input(Bool())
- val wdata = Input(Vec(tcmSubEntries, UInt(tcmSubEntryWidth.W)))
- val wmask = Input(Vec(tcmSubEntries, Bool()))
- val rdata = Output(Vec(tcmSubEntries, UInt(tcmSubEntryWidth.W)))
- })
- val wdataAsUint = Cat(io.wdata)
- val wmaskAsUint = Cat(io.wmask)
- val memoryRows = 128
- val memoryWidth = 128
- val memoryModulesRequired = (tcmSizeBytes * 8 /(memoryWidth * memoryRows))
- val selectSramBits = log2Ceil(memoryModulesRequired)
- val selectSramModule = io.addr(io.addr.getWidth - 1, io.addr.getWidth-selectSramBits)
- val selectSramModuleRead = RegNext(selectSramModule)
- val addrInternal = io.addr(io.addr.getWidth - 1 - selectSramBits, 0)
- val tcmSrams = (0 until memoryModulesRequired).map(x =>
- Module(new Sram_12ffcp_128x128))
- // Tie-offs (tie unselected memory inputs to 0)
- val tcmSramAddrTie = 0.U.asTypeOf(tcmSrams(0).io.addr)
- val tcmSramEnableTie = 0.U.asTypeOf(tcmSrams(0).io.enable)
- val tcmSramWriteTie = 0.U.asTypeOf(tcmSrams(0).io.write)
- val tcmSramWdataTie = 0.U.asTypeOf(tcmSrams(0).io.wdata)
- val tcmSramWmaskTie = 0.U.asTypeOf(tcmSrams(0).io.wmask)
- for (i <- 0 until memoryModulesRequired) {
- when (selectSramModule === i.U) {
- tcmSrams(i).io.addr := io.addr
- tcmSrams(i).io.enable := io.enable
- tcmSrams(i).io.write := io.write
- tcmSrams(i).io.wdata := wdataAsUint
- tcmSrams(i).io.wmask := wmaskAsUint
- } .otherwise {
- tcmSrams(i).io.addr := tcmSramAddrTie
- tcmSrams(i).io.enable := tcmSramEnableTie
- tcmSrams(i).io.write := tcmSramWriteTie
- tcmSrams(i).io.wdata := tcmSramWdataTie
- tcmSrams(i).io.wmask := wmaskAsUint
- }
- tcmSrams(i).io.clock := clock
- }
- val rdataSelectedUint = VecInit(
- val rdataSelected = UIntToVec(rdataSelectedUint, tcmSubEntryWidth)
- io.rdata := rdataSelected