blob: 240c74f71f84e7c5264a17a2eb9bbdff06ae2da7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/bin/env gawk
# Script to extract make-style documentation comments for various targets in the
# Shodan build system.
# Documentation comments are of the form:
# ## Short one-line summary comment
# #
# # Additional descriptive text.
# target:
# Note that the target definition terminates the doc-comment!
## Theory of operation
# This script operates in two passes: first it accumulates all doc comments from
# the files specified on the command line, and then it looks up the target in
# the `targetname` environment variable for the name of the target to extract
# docs for.
# If `targetname` is empty or a target we didn't find, hmm will output a list of
# targets that have doccomments instead.
debug = 0;
function flush_comment() {
doc_accumulator = "";
in_doccomment = 0;
# Start of a doc-comment. This enables accumulation of a doc-comment into the
# accumulator in the later patterns.
/^## / {
in_doccomment = 1;
doc_accumulator = substr($0, 3);
doc_filename = ARGV[ARGIND];
sub(ENVIRON["ROOTDIR"] "/", "", doc_filename);
# Continuation of a doc-comment
in_doccomment && /^# / {
comment = substr($0, 2);
doc_accumulator = sprintf("%s\n%s", doc_accumulator, comment);
# Doc-comment empty line, so we can separate paragraphs.
in_doccomment && /^#$/ {
doc_accumulator = sprintf("%s\n", doc_accumulator);
# Doc-comment proper terminator -- the target name.
in_doccomment && /^[^#]*:/ {
target = substr($1, 0, index($1, ":") - 1);
docs[target] = doc_accumulator;
files[target] = doc_filename;
targetname = ENVIRON["targetname"];
if (targetname in docs) {
print "";
print targetname ": (defined in " files[targetname] ")";
print docs[targetname];
print "";
# GAWK extension: sort the docs array keys into the sorted_targets array
asorti(docs, sorted_targets)
for (target in sorted_targets) {
printf("%s\n", sorted_targets[target]);