blob: 8d8e8ab24f6650d051e2b3d6fa6e2750596f51f7 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::adc::AdcDriverFactory;
use crate::buttons::ButtonsDriverFactory;
use crate::console::ConsoleDriver;
use crate::gpio::GpioDriverFactory;
use crate::leds::LedsDriverFactory;
use crate::result::OtherError;
use crate::result::TockError;
use crate::result::TockResult;
use crate::rng::RngDriver;
use crate::sensors::ninedof::NinedofDriver;
use crate::sensors::AmbientLightSensor;
use crate::sensors::HumiditySensor;
use crate::sensors::TemperatureSensor;
use crate::simple_ble::BleAdvertisingDriverFactory;
use crate::simple_ble::BleScanningDriverFactory;
use crate::temperature::TemperatureDriverFactory;
use crate::timer::DriverContext;
use core::cell::Cell;
/// Struct containing all drivers constructible through [retrieve_drivers()]
pub struct Drivers {
pub console: ConsoleDriver,
pub leds: LedsDriverFactory,
pub timer: DriverContext,
pub gpio: GpioDriverFactory,
pub temperature: TemperatureDriverFactory,
pub buttons: ButtonsDriverFactory,
pub adc: AdcDriverFactory,
pub rng: RngDriver,
pub ble_advertising: BleAdvertisingDriverFactory,
pub ble_scanning: BleScanningDriverFactory,
pub ambient_light_sensor: AmbientLightSensor,
pub temperature_sensor: TemperatureSensor,
pub humidity_sensor: HumiditySensor,
pub ninedof: NinedofDriver,
/// Retrieve [Drivers] struct. Returns struct only once.
pub fn retrieve_drivers() -> TockResult<Drivers> {
static mut DRIVER_TAKEN: bool = false;
unsafe {
} else {
/// Retrieve [Drivers] struct without check whether it has already been taken
/// at a different point.
/// # Safety
/// This shall only used in special situations where drivers cannot be passed as arguments
/// as in the panic handler. Otherwise global mutable state (as shared buffers) may be exposed
/// in an unsafe manner.
pub unsafe fn retrieve_drivers_unsafe() -> Drivers {
const DRIVERS: Drivers = Drivers {
adc: AdcDriverFactory,
ble_advertising: BleAdvertisingDriverFactory,
ble_scanning: BleScanningDriverFactory,
buttons: ButtonsDriverFactory,
console: ConsoleDriver,
leds: LedsDriverFactory,
timer: DriverContext {
active_timer: Cell::new(None),
gpio: GpioDriverFactory,
temperature: TemperatureDriverFactory,
rng: RngDriver,
ambient_light_sensor: AmbientLightSensor,
temperature_sensor: TemperatureSensor,
humidity_sensor: HumiditySensor,
ninedof: NinedofDriver,