blob: d35fde0bc1f0889e261e8c0a9b06abc2b2cd1511 [file] [log] [blame]
# Calculates the size diffs for the each example binary. Runs when a pull
# request is created or modified.
name: size-diff
on: pull_request
# Using ubuntu-latest can cause breakage when ubuntu-latest is updated to
# point at a new Ubuntu version. Instead, explicitly specify the version, so
# we can update when we need to. This *could* break if we don't update it
# until support for 18.04 is dropped, but it is likely we'll have a reason
# to update to a newer Ubuntu before then anyway.
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
# Clones a single commit from the libtock-rs repository. The commit cloned
# is a merge commit between the PR's target branch and the PR's source.
# We'll later add another commit (the pre-merge target branch) to the
# repository.
- name: Clone repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.0
# Install a Rust toolchain with the components necessary to run
# `print-sizes`. This action doesn't seem to be able to install toolchains
# for multiple targets, so I add the targets later in the "size report"
# step.
- name: Install Rust toolchain
uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1.0.6
profile: minimal
# The main diff script. Stores the sizes of the example binaries for both
# the merge commit and the target branch. We display the diff in a
# separate step to make it easy to navigate to in the GitHub Actions UI.
- name: Compute sizes
run: |
rustup target add riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf thumbv7em-none-eabi
make -j2 examples # The VM this runs on has 2 logical cores.
cargo run --release -p print-sizes >'${{runner.temp}}/merge-sizes'
git remote set-branches "${UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME}" "${GITHUB_BASE_REF}"
git fetch --depth=1 "${UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME}" "${GITHUB_BASE_REF}"
make -j2 examples
cargo run --release -p print-sizes >'${{runner.temp}}/base-sizes'
# Computes and displays the size diff. diff returns a nonzero status code
# if the files differ, and GitHub interprets a nonzero status code as an
# error. To avoid GitHub interpreting a difference as an error, we add
# || exit 0 to the command.
- name: Size diff
run: diff '${{runner.temp}}/base-sizes' '${{runner.temp}}/merge-sizes' || exit 0