blob: b269712d072088cb99c99ff1d22f58711f7b2906 [file] [log] [blame]
// TODO: Implement this crate, which will be done piece-by-piece. Platform will
// include:
// 1. The Allowed and AllowedSlice abstractions for sharing memory with the
// kernel
// 2. The PlatformApi trait and Platform implementation.
// 3. A system call trait so that Platform works in both real Tock apps and
// unit test environments. [DONE]
mod allows;
mod error_code;
mod raw_syscalls;
mod syscalls;
mod syscalls_impl;
pub use allows::{AllowReadable, Allowed};
pub use error_code::ErrorCode;
pub use raw_syscalls::{OneArgMemop, RawSyscalls, YieldType, ZeroArgMemop};
pub use syscalls::Syscalls;