blob: a2ac3200007af42ad1c65a6bd2a60d79b1beadd0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Use the Python Packaging Authority's reference build environment
# for binary extensions. Binary extensions are typically built and distributed
# for each target Python version and OS platform. The reference build
# environment contains Python installations for each version, and a C/C++
# toolchain specified for maximum compatibility among x86_64 Linux paltforms.
# Install bazel (via bazelisk)
ENV BAZEL=/usr/local/bin/bazel
RUN curl --output $BAZEL --location $BAZELISK && chmod 755 $BAZEL
# Append the location of the C/C++ toolchain to the default PATH, where
# bazel expects to find it. The reference environment provides the location
# (typically somewhere under /opt) in DEVTOOLSET_ROOTPATH.
RUN echo "PATH="${PATH}:/${DEVTOOLSET_ROOTPATH}"" >>/etc/environment