blob: 054d72fee94e0fc2bce029ea2cd977388f07b43d [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2023 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
#include "xtensa/config/core-isa.h"
#ifdef __XTENSA_CALL0_ABI__
// Since the 64 bit sqrt jumps into the middle of the 32 bit sqrt under certain
// conditions, both functions should reserve the same amount of stack space.
.type xtensa_sqrt_64, @function
.align 4
.global xtensa_sqrt_64
// Make macros for our 64 bit functions, since we don't have a carry/borrow bit
// in the base ISA, these take up way more cycles than they should. These are
// the "preferred instruction idioms" from 8.9.2 of the base ISA manual. Since
// these macros define a jump (and I couldn't find a way to be clever and use
// something like __LINE__/__FILE__ to define these automatically, you may also
// have to provide an 'opname' that contains a unique string to define a label
// for the macro.
// dest must not be the same as num2, or this function will not work!
#define ADD_64(dest, num1, num2, opname) \
add.n dest##_low, num1##_low, num2##_low; \
add.n dest##_high, num1##_high, num2##_high; \
bgeu dest##_low, num2##_low, .add_64_jump_##opname; \
addi.n dest##_high, dest##_high, 1; \
// All three registers must be unique, or this function will not work!
#define SUB_64(dest, num1, num2, opname) \
sub dest##_low, num1##_low, num2##_low; \
sub dest##_high, num1##_high, num2##_high; \
bgeu num1##_low, num2##_low, .sub_64_jump_##opname; \
addi.n dest##_high, dest##_high, -1; \
#define SRLI_64(dest, val, imm) \
slli scratch4, val##_high, (32 - imm); \
srli dest##_high, val##_high, imm; \
srli dest##_low, val##_low, imm; \
or dest##_low, dest##_low, scratch4;
#define COND_MOV_64(op, dest, val, test) \
mov##op dest##_low, val##_low, test; \
mov##op dest##_high, val##_high, test
#define num_low a2
#define num_high a3
#define bit_low a4
#define bit_high a5
#define res_low a6
#define res_high a7
#define temp1_low a8
#define temp1_high a9
#define temp2_low a10
#define temp2_high a11
#define scratch1 a12
#define scratch2 a13
#define scratch3 a14
#define scratch4 a15
#define temp3_low scratch1
#define temp3_high scratch2
.align 4
addi.n a1, a1, -XTENSA_SQRT_STACK_SIZE
s32i.n a0, a1, 4
s32i.n a11, a1, 8
s32i.n a12, a1, 12
s32i.n a13, a1, 16
s32i.n a14, a1, 20
s32i.n a15, a1, 24
// In the event that the upper word of the number is all zero, we can just
// pretend that we're doing a 32 bit sqrt (but the rounding condition at the
// end is slightly different, so we've got a bit of an anomly there. Such is
// life)
beqz.n num_high, .xtensa_sqrt_32_start
// ** uint64 res= 0;
movi.n res_low, 0
movi.n res_high, 0
movi.n scratch2, 1
// Setup 'bit' - first we need to know what bit to set it to.
// ** int max_bit_number = 64 - MostSignificantBit_64(num);
movi.n bit_low, 0
nsau scratch1, num_high
// ** max_bit_number |= 1;
or scratch1, scratch2, scratch1
// The ammount we shift by is 31 - what's in scratch1 for the max bit number.
// This is because we've got the two words, so we can't do a 64 bit shift.
movi.n scratch3, 31
sub scratch1, scratch3, scratch1
// Do the shift
// ** uint32 bit = 1 << (63 - max_bit_number);
ssl scratch1
sll bit_high, scratch2
// Figure out how many iterations we're going to need. However, we already have
// 31 - max_bit_number in scratch1, so just add 32 to that.
// ** int iterations = (63 - max_bit_number) / 2 + 1;
addi.n scratch1, scratch1, 32
srli scratch1, scratch1, 1
add scratch1, scratch1, scratch2
// If the number of iterations is equal to 32, this means that we're likely in
// an overflow spot if we try and do a subtraction (since the upper most bit is
// going to be set since the bit had to be shifted up so high). We have to do
// one iteration of the loop where we use the pipeline destroying branch call
// that can compare two unsigned numbers. If we need less than 32 iterations,
// we can skip this slow path and jump to the tight inner loop.
blti scratch1, 32, .xtensa_sqrt_64_inner_loop_start
// Cache bit + res.
ADD_64(temp1, bit, res, temp1_bit_res)
// Since we've stored a copy of bit + res, we can right shift res (since both
// branches of the conditional are going to need it, one branch just needs to
// perform an extra addition).
// ** res <<= 1;
SRLI_64(res, res, 1);
// ** if (num >= res_plus_bit) {
bltu num_high, temp1_high, .xtensa_sqrt_64_branch_skip
bne num_high, temp1_high, .xtensa_sqrt_64_comparison_failed
bltu num_low, temp1_low, .xtensa_sqrt_64_branch_skip
// ** num -= res + bit;
SUB_64(temp2, num, temp1, temp2_num_temp1_early_branch)
// Since the sub can't use the same registers, we have to move it back to where
// it belongs.
mov.n num_low, temp2_low
mov.n num_high, temp2_high
// ** res += bit;
ADD_64(res, res, bit, res_res_bit_early_branch)
// ** }
// ** bit >>= 2;
SRLI_64(bit, bit, 2)
// Make sure we knock off this iteration when we fall into the inner loop.
sub scratch1, scratch1, scratch2
loop scratch1, .xtensa_sqrt_64_round
// We don't have enough registers to be as verbose as the 32 bit version, so
// this version is not as easy to read. Instead of having the two operations in
// the same style of conditional move, we sort of decide to do both branches at
// the same time of the if, then fix up what was incorrect at the end.
SRLI_64(temp1, res, 1)
ADD_64(res, res, bit, res_res_bit)
SUB_64(temp2, num, res, num_res_temp2)
ADD_64(res, temp1, bit, res_temp1_bit)
COND_MOV_64(gez, num, temp2, temp2_high)
COND_MOV_64(ltz, res, temp1, temp2_high)
// ** bit >>= 2;
SRLI_64(bit, bit, 2)
// Need to do if (num > res) { ++res; }, but we'll do it with conditional moves
// again. Except we're going to do it slightly backwards, since we need to move
// the result into the num register to be returned. We'll do this by setting
// the return value to res + 1, but in the event that it was a mistake, we'll
// conditionally move the raw result back into place.
SUB_64(temp1, res, num, res_num_temp1)
addi.n num_low, res_low, 1
movgez num_low, res_low, temp1_high
// But we may have overflowed num_low - set it back to result_low if it's been
// zeroed out.
moveqz num_low, res_low, num_low
l32i.n a0, a1, 4
l32i.n a11, a1, 8
l32i.n a12, a1, 12
l32i.n a13, a1, 16
l32i.n a14, a1, 20
l32i.n a15, a1, 24
.size xtensa_sqrt_64, . - xtensa_sqrt_64
#undef ADD_64
#undef SUB_64
#undef SRLI_64
#undef COND_MOV_64
#undef num_low
#undef num_high
#undef bit_low
#undef bit_high
#undef res_low
#undef res_high
#undef temp1_low
#undef temp1_high
#undef temp2_low
#undef temp2_high
#undef scratch1
#undef scratch2
#undef scratch3
#undef scratch4
#undef temp3_low
#undef temp3_high
.type xtensa_sqrt_32, @function
.align 4
.global xtensa_sqrt_32
// Make the program more readable...
#define num a2
#define bit a4
#define res a5
#define one a6
#define max_bit_number a7
#define iterations max_bit_number
#define bit_plus_res a8
#define num_minus_bit_plus_res a9
#define res_shift_left_plus_bit a10
#define res_minus_num res_shift_left_plus_bit
addi.n a1, a1, -XTENSA_SQRT_STACK_SIZE
s32i.n a0, a1, 4
s32i.n a11, a1, 8
s32i.n a12, a1, 12
s32i.n a13, a1, 16
s32i.n a14, a1, 20
s32i.n a15, a1, 24
// If the number is zero, just quickly exit without doing anything.
beqz.n num, .xtensa_sqrt_32_return
// ** uint32 res = 0;
movi.n res, 0
// Also, setup the handy constant we need a few times.
movi.n one, 1
// This will give us (32 - index of the first bit that is set).
// ** int max_bit_number = 32 - MostSignificantBit_32(num);
nsau max_bit_number, num
// ** max_bit_number |= one;
or max_bit_number, max_bit_number, one
// The ammount we shift by is 31 - what we stored in max_bit_number.
movi.n a15, 31
sub max_bit_number, a15, max_bit_number
// Do the shift.
// ** uint32 bit = 1 << (31 - max_bit_number);
ssl max_bit_number
sll bit, one
// Compute the number of iterations we're going to need.
// ** int iterations = (31 - max_bit_number) / 2 + 1;
srli iterations, max_bit_number, 1
add iterations, iterations, one
// If the number of iterations is equal to 16, this means that we're likely in
// an overflow spot if we try and do a subtraction (since the upper most bit is
// going to be set since the bit had to be shifted up so high). We have to do
// one iteration of the loop where we use the pipeline destroying branch call
// that can compare two unsigned numbers. If we need less than 16 iterations,
// we can skip this slow path and jump to the tight inner loop.
blti iterations, 16, .xtensa_sqrt_32_inner_loop_start
// Cache bit + res into another register.
add.n bit_plus_res, bit, res
// Since we've stored a copy of bit + res, we can right shift res (since both
// branches of the conditional are going to need it, one branch just needs to
// perform an extra addition).
// ** res <<= 1;
srli res, res, 1
// ** if (num >= res_plus_bit) {
bltu num, bit_plus_res, .xtensa_sqrt_32_branch_skip
// ** num -= res + bit;
sub num, num, bit_plus_res
// ** res += bit;
add res, res, bit
// ** }
// ** bit >>= 2;
srli bit, bit, 2
// Make sure we knock off this iteration when we fall into the inner loop.
sub iterations, iterations, one
// Start a zero overhead loop for the number of remaining iterations.
loop iterations, .xtensa_sqrt_32_round
// Cache bit + res into another register.
add.n bit_plus_res, bit, res
// ** res <<= 1;
srli res, res, 1
// We can dodge a hefty branch penalty by doing conditional moves - so we need
// to compute the values for num and res for what would happen if we took the
// if part of the condition. If the condition is true, then we'll copy stuff
// across.
// compute num - bit_plus_res. We can use this for the conditional check
// against zero.
sub num_minus_bit_plus_res, num, bit_plus_res
// compute the shifted res + bit.
add res_shift_left_plus_bit, res, bit
// Copy stuff if the condition is true.
movgez num, num_minus_bit_plus_res, num_minus_bit_plus_res
movgez res, res_shift_left_plus_bit, num_minus_bit_plus_res
// ** bit >>= 2;
srli bit, bit, 2
// Need to do if (num > res) { ++res; }, but we'll do it with conditional moves
// again. Except we're going to do it slightly backwards, since we need to move
// the result into the num register to be returned. We'll do this by setting
// the return value to res + 1, but in the event that it was a mistake, we'll
// conditionally move the raw result back into place.
sub res_minus_num, res, num
add.n num, res, one
movgez num, res, res_minus_num
// But we might have also pooched the rounding by adding an extra bit, make sure
// we don't explode when we overflow.
clamps num, num, 16
l32i.n a0, a1, 4
l32i.n a11, a1, 8
l32i.n a12, a1, 12
l32i.n a13, a1, 16
l32i.n a14, a1, 20
l32i.n a15, a1, 24
#undef num
#undef bit
#undef res
#undef one
#undef max_bit_number
#undef iterations
#undef bit_plus_res
#undef num_minus_bit_plus_res
#undef res_shift_left_plus_bit
#undef res_minus_num