util_libs: Add in symlink for nexus

This brings in the C stub used by shodan for the nexus platform. This is only necessary for
running sel4test in the nexus platform. Cantrip itself does not use libplatsupport, and these
functions are simply placeholders that return bogus values.

Change-Id: I7a96e24a0874f71665a57fe854741f5aab754b08
1 file changed
tree: 3b13bec1d07582e74d56baebb5d6aee18fd09a18
  1. .github/
  2. libcpio/
  3. libelf/
  4. libethdrivers/
  5. libfdt/
  6. liblwip/
  7. libpci/
  8. libpicotcp/
  9. libplatsupport/
  10. libutils/
  12. .licenseignore
  13. .stylefilter
  14. CMakeLists.txt
  15. Findutil_libs.cmake
  16. LICENSE.md
  17. README.md

Collection of OS independent utility libs:

  • libcpio - a library for parsing CPIO files.
  • libelf - a library for parsing ELF files.
  • libethdrivers - a library for ethernet drivers.
  • libpci - a library for PCI drivers.
  • libplatsupport - a library of platform support utilities, interfaces for interacting with drivers, timer drivers, serial drivers and clock drivers.
  • libfdt - a library for flat device tree manipulation libfdt
  • libutils - a library of generic utilities including:
    • ansi.h - utilities for formatting ansi output.
    • arith.h - utilities for arithmetic, ie MAX, MIN, ROUND_UP etc.
    • assume.h - provides ASSUME, which allows the user to provide hints to gcc.
    • builtin.h - defines conventient macros for using builtin gcc attributes.
    • compile_time.h - provides compile time asserts.
    • debug.h - various debugging macros.
    • formats.h - formats for printf.
    • list.h - a basic, void * pointer based list implementation.
    • math.h - provies complex math, ie. muldivu64.
    • page.h - provides virtual memory page operations.
    • sglib.h - an open source template library that provides arrays, lists, red-black trees etc.
    • stringify.h - provides macros for creating even more macros.
    • time.h - provides temporal constants (i.e US_IN_S)
    • util.h - includes all util header files.
    • verification.h - macros for verification in Isabelle.
    • zf_log_config.h - provides zf_log config.
    • zf_log.h - an open source logging library.
    • libpicotcp - a wrapper library to include picotcp.