libse4platsupport: Remove broken riscv _start

This is broken and has #error in it, so we shall not pretend to support a no C library
_start entry point on riscv
diff --git a/libsel4platsupport/src/arch/riscv/crt0.S b/libsel4platsupport/src/arch/riscv/crt0.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b327d..0000000
--- a/libsel4platsupport/src/arch/riscv/crt0.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018, Data61
- * Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- * ABN 41 687 119 230.
- *
- * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
- * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
- * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
- *
- * @TAG(DATA61_BSD)
- */
- * A default crt0 for ARM. It does the bare minimum required to get into
- * main() with a sensible C environment.
- *
- * This file will only be linked in if:
- *   - no other file already provides a _start symbol, and
- *   - _start is an undefined external symbol (force this by passing
- *     "-u _start" to ld).
- */
-#include <autoconf.h>
-.extern __stdout_used
- * Image Entry point.
- */ _start
-    /* Dirty hack to load gp and avoid load/store exceptions, this should be
-    * defined by the linker */
-#error "you know"
-     li gp, 0x800
-     la s0, __stdout_used
-     add gp, gp, s0
-    /* Setup a stack for ourselves. */
-    la     sp, _stack_top
-    /* Setup bootinfo. The pointer to the bootinfo struct starts in 'a0'. */
-    #add a0, x0, a5
-    jal      seL4_InitBootInfo
-    la      a1, sel4_vsyscall
-    /* Call constructors and other initialisation functions. */
-    jal      _init
-    /* Call main. */
-    jal     main
-    j       exit
-/* .text Literal Pool */
-/* Stack for the image. */
-.align  8
-_stack_bottom:  16384