libsel4platsupport: Init FDT ops in 'new_io_ops'
Now that there is an implementation of the FDT ops, we add a call to the
blanket I/O ops initialisation function to also initialise the FDT ops
alongside all the other interfaces.
1 file changed
tree: 7b46d897c00018a13e927254d346faa506046641
- libsel4allocman/
- libsel4bench/
- libsel4debug/
- libsel4muslcsys/
- libsel4platsupport/
- libsel4serialserver/
- libsel4simple/
- libsel4simple-default/
- libsel4sync/
- libsel4test/
- libsel4utils/
- libsel4vka/
- libsel4vmm/
- libsel4vspace/
- .gitignore
- .licenseignore
- CMakeLists.txt
seL4 Libraries
A collection of libraries for working on seL4.
- libsel4allocman: an allocator for managing virtual memory, malloc memory and cspaces.
- libsel4bench: a library with utilities for benchmarking on seL4.
- libsel4debug: a library with utilities for debugging on seL4. Only useful when debugging a userlevel app; potentially hacky.
- libsel4muslcsys: a library to support muslc for the root task.
- libsel4platsupport: a wrapper around libplatsupport specificially for seL4.
- libsel4simple: an interface which abstracts over the boot environment of a seL4 application.
- libsel4simple-default: an implementation of simple for the master branch of the kernel.
- libsel4simple-experimental: an implementatoin of simple for the experimental branch of the kernel.
- libsel4sync: a synchronisation library that uses notifications to construct basic locks.
- libsel4test: a very basic test infrastructure library.
- libsel4utils: a library OS - Commonly used stuff, actively maintained: implements threads, processes, elf loading, virtual memory management etc.
- libsel4vka: an allocation interface for seL4.
- libsel4vspace: a virtual memory management interface for seL4.
The files in this repository are release under standard open source licenses. Please see individual file headers and the LICENSE_BSD2
.txt file for details.