Both polyml and and libpolyml.a are required for HOL and CakeML. On debian these can be found by installing the following packages
Assuming no existing HOL and CakeML then first cakeML must be checked out from
Different versions of CakeML and HOL may or may not be compatiable, determing this is beyond the scope of this README
A copy of the prebuilt CakeML compiler (cake
) is also required and can be downloaded from
For now we will assume these are checked out in HOL_PATH and CAKEML_PATH
$ cd HOL_PATH $ poly < tools/smart-configure.sml $ bin/build
On Debian based distros and some others you may also need to
$ cd HOL_PATH $ echo 'val polymllibdir = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu";' > tools-poly/poly-includes.ML
The CakeML integration in this build system requires the following things
executable (i.e. the prebuilt CakeML compiler) be on the system PATHIn the root camkes directory initialize with
$ mkdir name_of_build_dir $ cd name_of_build_dir $ ../ -DPLATFORM=x86_64 -DCAMKES_APP=cakeml_hello -DCAKEMLDIR=CAKEML_PATH $ ninja $ ./simulate
Although -DCAMKELDIR=CAKEML_PATH can be left out if the CAKEMLDIR environment variable has already been set