blob: 01cf6bcf6dfea0cc57446b484f8e05e17543f11c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${URI} @
${BIN} murax--demo.elf-s_26952-7635fc30d0a3ed10c5b7cba622131b02d103f629
${UART} sysbus.uart
${APB3UART_SOCKET_LINUX} ${URI}/Vapb3uart-Linux-x86_64-1116123840-s_1604688-cb9962289b326d8defc1f7abb4b293a0e71ef8aa
${APB3UART_SOCKET_WINDOWS} ${URI}/Vapb3uart-Windows-x86_64-1116123840.exe-s_14823704-16aec151000300b42efc759f325438c2aad77d6e
${APB3UART_SOCKET_MACOS} ${URI}/Vapb3uart-macOS-x86_64-1116123840-s_214928-b8cbb2c12d4bf367cf10ff1ad5db45238ad06f08
${APB3UART_NATIVE_WINDOWS} ${URI}/libVapb3uart-Windows-x86_64-1116123840.dll-s_14829076-0f58c94cf875cf6ebe442dbe24426c9308eef3e7
${APB3UART_NATIVE_MACOS} ${URI}/libVapb3uart-macOS-x86_64-1116123840.dylib-s_214864-267618c5da753aa7c1629db0a518aea39fdf6ad0
... """ ${\n}
... using "platforms/cpus/verilated/murax_vexriscv_verilated_uart.repl" ${\n}
... ${\n}
... uart: ${\n}
... ${SPACE*4}address: "" ${\n}
... """
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
[Arguments] ${apb3uart_linux} ${apb3uart_windows} ${apb3uart_macos} ${repl}
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription ${repl}
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${BIN}
Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathLinux ${apb3uart_linux}
Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathWindows ${apb3uart_windows}
Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathMacOS ${apb3uart_macos}
Machine Config
Create Machine With Platform Description From String
[Arguments] ${apb3uart_linux} ${apb3uart_windows} ${apb3uart_macos} ${repl}
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString ${repl}
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${BIN}
Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathLinux ${apb3uart_linux}
Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathWindows ${apb3uart_windows}
Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathMacOS ${apb3uart_macos}
Machine Config
Machine Config
Execute Command sysbus.cpu MTVEC 0x80000020
# this is a hack to allow handling interrupts at all; this should be fixed after #13326
Execute Command sysbus.cpu SetMachineIrqMask 0xffffffff
# set frame length in UART's FrameCongfig register (0xC)
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0xF001000C 0x000F
Handle UART Input
# After the initial 'A' char, value 255 is sent to UART which affects the input.
# First three chars are consumed by the 255, and then printed together, so if the input would be 'a', 'b' and 'c', then on the UART
# would appear "�abc". After that the UART is echoing any input normally.
Write Char On Uart .
Write Char On Uart .
Write Char On Uart .
Write Char On Uart A
Write Char On Uart n
Write Char On Uart t
*** Test Cases ***
Echo On Uart With Native Communication
[Tags] skip_osx
Create Machine ${APB3UART_NATIVE_LINUX} ${APB3UART_NATIVE_WINDOWS} ${APB3UART_NATIVE_MACOS} @platforms/cpus/verilated/murax_vexriscv_verilated_uart.repl
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.uart
Execute Command showAnalyzer sysbus.uart
Start Emulation
Handle UART Input
Wait For Prompt On Uart Ant
Echo On Uart With Socket Based Communication
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.uart
Execute Command showAnalyzer sysbus.uart
Start Emulation
Handle UART Input
Wait For Prompt On Uart Ant