blob: 419b68bfbec292550a024fc806e40b52e955917a [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${SCRIPT} ${CURDIR}/../../scripts/single-node/gr716_zephyr.resc
${UART} sysbus.uart
${PROMPT} uart:~$
*** Keywords ***
Prepare Machine
[Arguments] ${bin}=${None}
IF ${{$bin is not None}}
Execute Command $bin = ${bin}
Execute Script ${SCRIPT}
Create Terminal Tester ${UART} defaultPauseEmulation=true
*** Test Cases ***
Should Boot Zephyr
[Documentation] Boots Zephyr on the GR716 platform.
[Tags] zephyr uart
Prepare Machine
Start Emulation
Wait For Prompt On Uart ${PROMPT}
Provides booted-zephyr
Should Print Version
[Documentation] Tests shell responsiveness in Zephyr on the GR716 platform.
[Tags] zephyr uart
Requires booted-zephyr
Write Line To Uart version
Wait For Line On Uart Zephyr version 2.6.99
Should Run Zephyr Synchronization Sample
Wait For Line On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 on gr716a_mini!
# The sample does k_busy_wait(100000) + k_msleep(500) = 600 ms
Execute Command emulation RunFor "0.59"
Should Not Be On Uart thread_b: Hello World from cpu 0 on gr716a_mini! timeout=0
Wait For Line On Uart thread_b: Hello World from cpu 0 on gr716a_mini! timeout=0.02
Execute Command emulation RunFor "0.59"
Should Not Be On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 on gr716a_mini! timeout=0
Wait For Line On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 on gr716a_mini! timeout=0.02