blob: 311b16c15c8984fd053c903f0e4ffc109e8f4058 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Keywords ***
Write To Uart And Wait
[Arguments] ${input} ${expected_output}
Write Line To Uart ${input}
Wait For Line On Uart ${expected_output}
*** Test Cases ***
List Fomu in Linux
Execute Command using sysbus
# Create an USB connector
Execute Command emulation CreateUSBConnector "usb_connector"
# Create FOMU board
Execute Command mach create "fomu"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/fomu.repl
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF @
Execute Command connector Connect valenty usb_connector
# Create Linux board
Execute Command mach clear
Execute Command set fdt @
Execute Command set bin @
Execute Command include @scripts/single-node/hifive_unleashed.resc
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString 'usb: USB.MPFS_USB @ sysbus 0x30020000 { MainIRQ -> plic@0x20 }'
Create Terminal Tester
... sysbus.uart0
... machine=hifive-unleashed
Start Emulation
Wait For Prompt On Uart buildroot login:
Write Line To Uart root
Wait For Prompt On Uart Password:
Write Line To Uart root waitForEcho=False
Wait For Prompt On Uart \#
Execute Command usb_connector RegisterInController usb
Wait For Line On Uart usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using musb-hdrc
Write Line To Uart cd /sys/bus/usb/devices
# it might take a while for the USB device to show up
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 0
... Write To Uart And Wait ls -l
... 1-1
Write Line To Uart cd 1-1
Write Line To Uart cat manufacturer
Wait For Line On Uart Foosn
Write Line To Uart cat product
Wait For Line On Uart Fomu PVT running DFU Bootloader v1.9-11-gc7ee25b