blob: 7638caae42b25acd6f30888a4bb30e20b898f085 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${PLATFORM} @platforms/cpus/cortex-a53-gicv2.repl
*** Keywords ***
Create Platform
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription ${PLATFORM}
Execute Command using sysbus
# Create infinite loop with WFI
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x1000 0xD503207F # wfi
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x1004 0xD503201F # nop
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x1008 0xD503201F # nop
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x100C 0xD503201F # nop
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x1010 0x17FFFFFC # b to 0x1000
Execute Command cpu PC 0x1000
Assert SysReg Equals
[Arguments] ${name} ${expected}
${pc}= Execute Command cpu GetSystemRegisterValue ${name}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${pc} ${expected}
Assert Enter In Logs
Wait For Log Entry ${LOG_WFI_ENTER}
# Should not show duplicate Enter message
Should Not Be In Log ${LOG_WFI_ENTER}
Assert End In Logs
Wait For Log Entry ${LOG_WFI_END}
# Should not show duplicate Exit message
Should Not Be In Log ${LOG_WFI_END}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Invoke Interrupt Hooks
Create Platform
Execute Command cpu AddHookAtWfiStateChange 'self.Log(LogLevel.Info, "${LOG_WFI_ENTER}" if isInWfi else "${LOG_WFI_END}" )'
Create Log Tester 1
Start Emulation
Assert Enter In Logs
# Trigger interrupt in CPU
Execute Command cpu OnGPIO 0 true
Assert End In Logs
# Deactivate interrupt line, so the CPU enters WFI state again
Execute Command cpu OnGPIO 0 false
Assert Enter In Logs
# Ensure that the hook triggers after Reset
Execute Command cpu Reset
# After reset time doesn't flow
Wait For Log Entry ${LOG_WFI_END}
Should Reset Cpu From WFI Hook
Create Platform
# Preload TTBR0 with a nonsensical value, to check if it is cleared after reset
Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "TTBR0_EL1" 0xDEADBEEF
Execute Command cpu AddHookAtWfiStateChange 'self.Log(LogLevel.Info, "${LOG_WFI_ENTER}" if isInWfi else "${LOG_WFI_END}" )'
Execute Command cpu AddHookAtWfiStateChange 'self.Reset()'
Create Log Tester 1
Start Emulation
# Can't use Assert X In Logs, since the Reset happens inside the hook
Wait For Log Entry ${LOG_WFI_ENTER}
Wait For Log Entry ${LOG_WFI_END}
# CPU has been reset, so TTBR0 is set to 0
Assert SysReg Equals "TTBR0_EL1" 0x0