blob: 32ea6d9a7b8b696511547e32a58cb0bfc3cb3610 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${PLATFROM} platforms/boards/stm32f7_discovery-bb.repl
${UART} sysbus.usart1
${SENSOR} sysbus.i2c1.ak09918
${CSV2RESD} ${RENODETOOLS}/csv2resd/
${SAMPLES_CSV} ${CURDIR}/ak09918-samples.csv
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @${PLATFROM}
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "ak09918: Sensors.AK09916 @ i2c1 0xC"
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF @${BIN}
Create Terminal Tester ${UART}
Set Enviroment
[Arguments] ${x}=0.000000 ${y}=0.000000 ${z}=0.000000
Execute Command ${SENSOR} DefaultMagneticFluxDensityX ${x}
Execute Command ${SENSOR} DefaultMagneticFluxDensityY ${y}
Execute Command ${SENSOR} DefaultMagneticFluxDensityZ ${z}
Check Enviroment
[Arguments] ${x}=0.000000 ${y}=0.000000 ${z}=0.000000
Wait For Line On Uart ( x y z ) = ( ${x}${SPACE}${SPACE}${y}${SPACE}${SPACE}${z} )
Create RESD File
[Arguments] ${path}
${resd_path}= Allocate Temporary File
${args}= Catenate SEPARATOR=,
... "--input", r"${path}"
... "--map", "magnetic_flux_density:magnetic_flux_density_x,magnetic_flux_density_y,magnetic_flux_density_z:x,y,z"
... "--start-time", "0"
... "--frequency", "1"
... r"${resd_path}"
Evaluate[sys.executable, "${CSV2RESD}", ${args}]) sys,subprocess
[Return] ${resd_path}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Read Magnetic Flux Density
Create Machine
Check Enviroment x=0.000000 y=0.000000 z=0.000000
# sensor input value is in nanotesla
# SW outputs in Gauss, so expected value is `value * 0.00001`
Set Enviroment x=150
Check Enviroment x=0.001500
Set Enviroment y=300
Check Enviroment y=0.003000
Set Enviroment z=450
Check Enviroment z=0.004500
Set Enviroment x=150 y=300 z=450
Check Enviroment x=0.001500 y=0.003000 z=0.004500
Should Read Samples From RESD
Create Machine
${resd_path}= Create RESD File ${SAMPLES_CSV}
Execute Command ${SENSOR} FeedMagneticSamplesFromRESD @${resd_path}
# sensor input value is in nanotesla
# SW outputs in Gauss, so expected value is `value * 0.00001`
Set Enviroment x=150 y=300 z=450
Check Enviroment x=0.150000 y=0.300000 z=0.450000
Check Enviroment x=0.300000 y=0.450000 z=0.600000
Check Enviroment x=0.450000 y=0.600000 z=0.750000
# Sensor should go back to the default values after the RESD file finishes
Check Enviroment x=0.001500 y=0.003000 z=0.004500
Check Enviroment x=0.001500 y=0.003000 z=0.004500