| // RUN: iree-compile %s -o ignored.mlir \ |
| // RUN: --iree-hal-target-backends=vmvx \ |
| // RUN: --iree-hal-dump-executable-sources-to=- | \ |
| // RUN: iree-compile - -o /dev/null \ |
| // RUN: --compile-mode=hal-executable \ |
| // RUN: --mlir-print-ir-before=iree-hal-serialize-all-executables 2>&1 | \ |
| // RUN: FileCheck %s |
| |
| // This test relies on us piping stdout and that there's only a single |
| // executable (otherwise we'd need to look at files and that's harder |
| // cross-platform). Real automation of this requires xargs: compile and dump a |
| // directory of .mlir sources by specifying a path to the dump flag instead |
| // of `-` (indicating stdout) and then ls | xargs them to iree-compile or |
| // iree-opt. |
| // |
| // Example of dumping per-dispatch executable sources and compiling each to |
| // their platform binary form, dumping their MLIR prior to lowering into the |
| // backend representation (SPIR-V/LLVM-IR/etc): |
| // iree-compile some_input.mlir -o ignored.mlir \ |
| // --iree-hal-target-backends=vmvx \ |
| // --iree-hal-dump-executable-sources-to=sources/ | \ |
| // ls -1 sources/ | xargs -i sh -c "iree-compile sources/{} --compile-mode=hal-executable --mlir-print-ir-before=iree-hal-serialize-all-executables" |
| // |
| // NOTE: executable sources are not runnable: they only exist to allow for |
| // iteration on executable translation. If you want to run them you need |
| // corresponding host code to dispatch them and can use benchmarks instead. |
| // |
| // If modifying the sources and wanting to see the changes in a full program the |
| // --iree-hal-substitute-executable-sources-from= flag can be used to substitute |
| // one or more executables dumped with this command from a path or for |
| // individual executables one or more `executable_name=file.mlir` pairs can be |
| // repeated in `--iree-hal-substitute-executable-source=`. |
| |
| func.func @abs(%input : tensor<f32>) -> (tensor<f32>) { |
| %result = math.absf %input : tensor<f32> |
| return %result : tensor<f32> |
| } |
| |
| // CHECK: IR Dump Before SerializeAllExecutablesPass |
| // CHECK: hal.executable public @abs_dispatch_0 |
| // CHECK: hal.executable.variant public @vmvx_bytecode_fb |
| // CHECK: vm.func private @abs_dispatch_0_elementwise |