blob: bf5aa00c2305c2bf8c498ad599baf40a78dd4e96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "experimental/webgpu/platform/webgpu.h"
// Implementation compatibility layer
#define WGPU_EMSCRIPTEN_INSTANCE ((WGPUInstance)((uintptr_t)0xABADD00Du))
WGPUInstance wgpuCreateInstance(WGPUInstanceDescriptor const* descriptor) {
// Emscripten does not have instances (yet?)
// We use a sentinel value here so that we can do null checks in places for
// implementations that do use instances.
void iree_wgpuBindGroupDrop(WGPUBindGroup bindGroup) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.
void iree_wgpuBindGroupLayoutDrop(WGPUBindGroupLayout bindGroupLayout) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.
void iree_wgpuBufferDrop(WGPUBuffer buffer) { wgpuBufferDestroy(buffer); }
void iree_wgpuCommandBufferDrop(WGPUCommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.
void iree_wgpuCommandEncoderDrop(WGPUCommandEncoder commandEncoder) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.
void iree_wgpuComputePipelineDrop(WGPUComputePipeline computePipeline) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.
void iree_wgpuPipelineLayoutDrop(WGPUPipelineLayout pipelineLayout) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.
void iree_wgpuQuerySetDrop(WGPUQuerySet querySet) {
void iree_wgpuShaderModuleDrop(WGPUShaderModule shaderModule) {
// Not implemented on the web / Emscripten.