blob: 16676dd25fcf7bbd965db017e32ec55c85914ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/Flow/IR/FlowOps.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/Conversion/FlowToHAL/ConvertFlowToHAL.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/IR/HALOps.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/IR/HALTypes.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/Target/TargetBackend.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/Target/TargetRegistry.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/Utils/DeviceSwitchBuilder.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/Utils/TypeUtils.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/Shape/IR/Builders.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/Shape/IR/ShapeOps.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Dialect/Util/IR/UtilTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Liveness.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "iree-hal"
namespace mlir {
namespace iree_compiler {
namespace {
// Alias analysis
using ValueAliasingMap = llvm::MapVector<Value, SmallPtrSet<Value, 16>>;
// Builds a map of value aliases from aliasee to a set of aliasers.
// Only values that alias will be present in the map.
static ValueAliasingMap computeValueAliases(
IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp streamOp) {
auto *streamBlock = &streamOp.body().front();
ValueAliasingMap valueAliases;
std::function<void(Value streamValue, Value aliasedValue)> propagateAlias;
propagateAlias = [&](Value streamValue, Value aliasedValue) {
auto &baseSet = valueAliases[streamValue];
auto &aliasedSet = valueAliases[aliasedValue];
baseSet.insert(aliasedSet.begin(), aliasedSet.end());
// Start with outputs so that we handle tied values that may lead all the way
// back up the chain to the stream inputs.
auto tiedStreamOp =
auto returnOp = cast<IREE::Flow::ReturnOp>(streamBlock->back());
for (auto result : llvm::enumerate(streamOp.getResults())) {
auto streamValue = returnOp.getOperand(result.index());
// Tied stream results reuse their stream operand buffer.
auto tiedOperandIndex =
if (tiedOperandIndex.hasValue()) {
auto operand = streamBlock->getArgument(tiedOperandIndex.getValue());
propagateAlias(streamValue, operand);
for (auto &op : *streamBlock) {
auto tiedOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Util::TiedOpInterface>(op);
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(op.getResults())) {
auto result = it.value();
if (!result.getType().isa<ShapedType>()) continue;
// Tied results reuse their operand buffer.
if (tiedOp) {
auto tiedOperandIndex = tiedOp.getTiedResultOperandIndex(it.index());
if (tiedOperandIndex.hasValue()) {
auto operand = op.getOperand(tiedOperandIndex.getValue());
propagateAlias(result, operand);
// Inverse the value aliaser->aliasee map so that we have for any particular
// value the list of all other values that alias it.
for (auto it : valueAliases) {
for (auto aliasee : it.second) {
for (auto aliaser : it.second) {
if (aliaser != aliasee) {
return valueAliases;
// Liveness interval analysis
static constexpr int LIVE_IN = INT_MIN;
static constexpr int LIVE_OUT = INT_MAX;
struct LivenessInterval {
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int ordinal = -1; // unique per value
Value value;
bool operator<(const LivenessInterval &rhs) const {
return ordinal < rhs.ordinal;
using LivenessIntervalMap = DenseMap<Value, LivenessInterval>;
using LivenessIntervalList = SmallVector<LivenessInterval>;
// Computes the liveness intervals for each value in the stream.
// Returns a closed range over an arbitrary operation ordering. The LIVE_IN and
// LIVE_OUT sentinels will be used to indicate values that are live-in and
// live-out to the stream (captured input arguments and escaping output
// results).
// All values will have a range with aliased values sharing the union of their
// constituent ranges - including block arguments. Note that not all values will
// have buffers allocated to them - we are just tracking transitive SSA value
// lifetime.
static LivenessIntervalList computeLivenessIntervals(
IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp streamOp,
const ValueAliasingMap &valueAliases) {
// Perform a liveness analysis on the stream fragment.
// Fragments have a single block and as such the live-in/live-out block
// information derived here applies to the entire stream region.
assert(streamOp.body().getBlocks().size() == 1);
auto *streamBlock = &streamOp.body().front();
Liveness streamLiveness(streamOp);
auto *livenessInfo = streamLiveness.getLiveness(streamBlock);
// Operations don't allow us to get their already computed order so we make up
// our own. We have a single block and thus the ordering is complete.
DenseMap<Operation *, int> opOrdering;
for (auto &op : *streamBlock) {
opOrdering[&op] = opOrdering.size();
// Liveness doesn't track return values as live-outs so we do that here.
SmallPtrSet<Value, 16> liveOuts;
auto returnOp = cast<IREE::Flow::ReturnOp>(streamBlock->back());
for (auto returnValue : returnOp.operands()) {
if (!returnValue.getType().isa<ShapedType>()) continue;
// Compute live-in intervals special as we won't catch them in the op walk
// below as they are block arguments.
LivenessIntervalMap valueIntervals;
int ordinal = 0;
for (Value value : streamBlock->getArguments()) {
if (!value.getType().isa<ShapedType>()) continue;
LivenessInterval interval;
interval.start = LIVE_IN;
if (liveOuts.contains(value)) {
interval.end = LIVE_OUT;
} else {
auto *endOp = livenessInfo->getEndOperation(value, &streamBlock->front());
interval.end = opOrdering[endOp];
interval.value = value;
interval.ordinal = ++ordinal;
valueIntervals[value] = interval;
// Compute ranges for all values independently (ignoring aliasing).
for (auto &op : *streamBlock) {
int start = opOrdering[&op];
for (auto value : op.getResults()) {
if (!value.getType().isa<ShapedType>()) continue;
LivenessInterval interval;
interval.start = start;
if (liveOuts.contains(value)) {
interval.end = LIVE_OUT;
} else {
interval.end = start;
for (auto &use : value.getUses()) {
interval.end = std::max(interval.end, opOrdering[use.getOwner()]);
interval.value = value;
interval.ordinal = ++ordinal;
valueIntervals[value] = interval;
// Walk the alias map and union intervals and propagate back.
for (auto it : valueAliases) {
auto &aliasee = it.first;
auto &aliasers = it.second;
auto &aliaseeInterval = valueIntervals[aliasee];
int start = aliaseeInterval.start;
int end = aliaseeInterval.end;
for (auto aliaser : aliasers) {
auto &aliaserInterval = valueIntervals[aliaser];
start = std::min(start, aliaserInterval.start);
end = std::max(end, aliaserInterval.end);
aliaseeInterval.start = start;
aliaseeInterval.end = end;
for (auto aliaser : aliasers) {
auto &aliaserInterval = valueIntervals[aliaser];
aliaserInterval.start = start;
aliaserInterval.end = end;
// Sort all intervals by lifetime start. This makes the intervals easier to
// read and deterministic across runs.
SmallVector<LivenessInterval> sortedIntervals;
for (auto it : valueIntervals) {
std::sort(sortedIntervals.begin(), sortedIntervals.end());
return sortedIntervals;
// Stateful recording storage
struct BufferRange {
BufferRange() = default;
explicit BufferRange(Value buffer, Value length)
: buffer(buffer), length(length) {}
Value buffer = nullptr;
Value length = nullptr;
// State cache used during stream scheduling.
// This contains caches used to memoize commonly occuring values such as
// variable loads, shapes, and computed sizes. These caches are just to lighten
// the load on cse/canonicalization and otherwise it would be fine to
// materialize IR for everything.
// Any allocations made are also tracked here so that the tensor->!hal.buffer
// mappings are available at any time a buffer may be required during the
// scheduling.
class StreamSchedulingState {
explicit StreamSchedulingState(Location loc, Value device, Value allocator,
ValueAliasingMap &valueAliases)
: loc(loc),
valueAliases(valueAliases) {}
Value device() { return device_; }
Value allocator() { return allocator_; }
// Returns a arith::ConstantIndexOp of |value|.
Value lookupOrCreateIndex(int64_t value, OpBuilder &builder) {
auto it = indexConstantMap.find(value);
if (it != indexConstantMap.end()) return it->second;
auto constantValue =
builder.createOrFold<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, value);
indexConstantMap.insert(std::make_pair(value, constantValue));
return constantValue;
// Loads a variable with the given |symName|.
Value loadGlobal(Type resultType, StringRef symName, OpBuilder &builder) {
auto it = loadedGlobalMap.find(symName);
if (it != loadedGlobalMap.end()) {
assert(it->second.getType() == resultType && "variable type mismatch");
return it->second;
auto value = builder.createOrFold<IREE::Util::GlobalLoadOp>(loc, resultType,
loadedGlobalMap.insert(std::make_pair(symName, value));
return value;
// Returns an executable layout with the given attributes.
Value lookupExecutableLayout(Type resultType, IntegerAttr pushConstantsAttr,
ArrayAttr layoutsAttr, OpBuilder &builder) {
auto keyAttr = builder.getArrayAttr({pushConstantsAttr, layoutsAttr});
auto it = executableLayoutMap.find(keyAttr);
if (it != executableLayoutMap.end()) {
assert(it->second.getType() == resultType && "variable type mismatch");
return it->second;
auto value = builder.createOrFold<IREE::HAL::ExecutableLayoutLookupOp>(
loc, IREE::HAL::ExecutableLayoutType::get(device().getContext()),
device(), pushConstantsAttr, layoutsAttr);
executableLayoutMap.insert(std::make_pair(keyAttr, value));
return value;
// Returns a computed shape value inserted at |builder| based on the shape of
// the given |streamValue|. Returns an existing size if one matching the
// parameters has already been inserted.
Value lookupOrComputeSize(Value streamValue, OpBuilder &builder) {
return lookupOrComputeSize(streamValue.getType().cast<ShapedType>(),
streamValue.getLoc(), streamValue, builder),
// Returns a computed shape value inserted at |builder| based on the given
// shaped type and its dynamic dimensions. Returns an existing size if one
// matching the parameters has already been inserted.
Value lookupOrComputeSize(ShapedType shapedType, ValueRange dynamicDims,
OpBuilder &builder) {
if (shapedType.hasStaticShape()) {
auto it = staticShapeToSizeMap.find(shapedType);
if (it != staticShapeToSizeMap.end()) return it->second;
} else {
auto typeIt = dynamicShapeToSizeMap.find(shapedType);
if (typeIt != dynamicShapeToSizeMap.end()) {
for (auto dimsIt : typeIt->second) {
if (std::equal(dimsIt.first.begin(), dimsIt.first.end(),
dynamicDims.begin())) {
return dimsIt.second;
auto elementType = getElementType(shapedType.getElementType(), builder);
assert(elementType && "unhandled element type for allocation");
auto encodingType = getEncodingType({}, builder);
assert(encodingType && "unhandled encoding type for allocation");
SmallVector<Value> shapeDims(shapedType.getRank());
int64_t dynamicDimIndex = 0;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < shapedType.getRank(); ++i) {
if (shapedType.isDynamicDim(i)) {
shapeDims[i] = dynamicDims[dynamicDimIndex++];
} else {
shapeDims[i] = lookupOrCreateIndex(shapedType.getDimSize(i), builder);
auto size = builder.createOrFold<IREE::HAL::AllocatorComputeSizeOp>(
loc, allocator(), shapeDims, elementType, encodingType);
if (shapedType.hasStaticShape()) {
staticShapeToSizeMap[shapedType] = size;
} else {
std::make_pair(dynamicDims, size));
return size;
// Maps |tensorValue| to the backing storage buffer defined by |bufferRange|.
LogicalResult mapTensorToBufferRange(Value tensorValue,
BufferRange bufferRange) {
if (bufferRangeMap.count(tensorValue)) {
return failure();
bufferRangeMap.insert(std::make_pair(tensorValue, bufferRange));
// TODO(#5410): make alias propagation map through an indexing map for
// slices/updates. Right now we assume all aliases are 1:1 full maps.
for (auto alias : valueAliases[tensorValue]) {
bufferRangeMap.insert(std::make_pair(alias, bufferRange));
return success();
// Returns a buffer range backing the given stream |tensorValue|.
BufferRange lookupTensorBufferRange(Value tensorValue) {
auto it = bufferRangeMap.find(tensorValue);
assert(it != bufferRangeMap.end() && "buffer not pre-allocated for tensor");
return it->second;
// Returns true if the given |tensorValue| has a buffer range mapped to it.
bool hasTensorBufferRange(Value tensorValue) {
return bufferRangeMap.count(tensorValue) != 0;
// Calls |callback| for |tensorValue| and each value aliasing it.
void forEachEquivalentTensorValue(Value tensorValue,
std::function<void(Value)> callback) {
for (auto alias : valueAliases[tensorValue]) {
Value getElementType(Type elementType, OpBuilder &builder) {
auto it = memoizedElementTypesConstants.find(elementType);
if (it != memoizedElementTypesConstants.end()) return it->second;
auto i32Value = IREE::HAL::getElementTypeValue(elementType);
assert(i32Value.hasValue() && "unhandled element type for allocation");
auto constantValue = builder.createOrFold<arith::ConstantIntOp>(
loc, i32Value.getValue(), 32);
memoizedElementTypesConstants[elementType] = constantValue;
return constantValue;
Value getEncodingType(Attribute encodingType, OpBuilder &builder) {
auto it = memoizedEncodingTypesConstants.find(encodingType);
if (it != memoizedEncodingTypesConstants.end()) return it->second;
auto i32Value = IREE::HAL::getEncodingTypeValue(encodingType);
assert(i32Value.hasValue() && "unhandled encoding type for allocation");
auto constantValue = builder.createOrFold<arith::ConstantIntOp>(
loc, i32Value.getValue(), 32);
memoizedEncodingTypesConstants[encodingType] = constantValue;
return constantValue;
Location loc;
// !hal.device used throughout the stream.
Value device_;
// !hal.allocator used throughout the stream.
Value allocator_;
// All values that have aliases mapped to a set of all of the values they
// alias with. That two things alias does not imply the values can be treated
// as equivalent: some values may be subranges of others.
ValueAliasingMap valueAliases;
// Index value -> std.constant index value.
DenseMap<int64_t, Value> indexConstantMap;
// Global sym name -> loaded value.
DenseMap<StringRef, Value> loadedGlobalMap;
// Key of [push constants, set layouts] -> loaded value.
DenseMap<Attribute, Value> executableLayoutMap;
// Small cache of constants used for element types.
DenseMap<Type, Value> memoizedElementTypesConstants;
// Small cache of constants used for encoding types.
DenseMap<Attribute, Value> memoizedEncodingTypesConstants;
// Map of static shaped types to computed size values.
DenseMap<Type, Value> staticShapeToSizeMap;
// Map of dynamic shaped types to a set of dynamic dimension SSA values and
// the corresponding computed size. A single shaped type such as `?x4` may
// have multiple unique sizes if differing dimension values are used (such as
// `{%dimA}x4` and `{%dimB}x4`).
DenseMap<Type, SmallVector<std::pair<SmallVector<Value>, Value>>>
// Maps tensor values inside the stream to a buffer range that stores them.
DenseMap<Value, BufferRange> bufferRangeMap;
// Buffer allocation
// Allocates a buffer for the given stream output value.
// |streamValue| is the Value used within the stream region and
// |externalValue| is the returned value from the stream region in the parent
// block.
static BufferRange allocateOutputBuffer(Value streamValue, Value externalValue,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
Location loc = externalValue.getLoc();
// TODO(benvanik): compute from SSA use-def chain uses.
// HACK: we have no idea right now whether the buffer escaping the stream will
// be used on the host or the device and have to allocate it as HOST_VISIBLE.
// Improvements to the flow dialect to track tensor lifetime and
// for tracking usage will reduce this to just what is required.
IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfield memoryTypes =
IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfield::DeviceLocal |
IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfield bufferUsage =
// Compute the allocation size for the value.
auto allocationSize = schedulingState.lookupOrComputeSize(
Shape::buildOrFindDynamicDimsForValue(streamValue.getLoc(), streamValue,
auto buffer = rewriter
loc, IREE::HAL::BufferType::get(rewriter.getContext()),
schedulingState.allocator(), memoryTypes, bufferUsage,
return BufferRange{buffer, allocationSize};
// Allocates all output buffers for the stream and populates the
// |schedulingState| with the new mappings. Returns the set of output buffers
// mapping 1:1 with the |streamOp| results.
static LogicalResult allocateOutputBuffers(
IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp streamOp,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState, ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &output) {
auto tiedStreamOp =
auto &entryBlock = streamOp.body().front();
SmallVector<Value> outputBuffers;
// Allocate output buffers and replace the original uses with the buffers.
auto returnOp = cast<IREE::Flow::ReturnOp>(streamOp.body().front().back());
for (auto result : llvm::enumerate(streamOp.getResults())) {
auto streamValue = returnOp.getOperand(result.index());
auto externalValue = result.value();
// Ignore already allocated buffers.
if (schedulingState.hasTensorBufferRange(streamValue)) {
// Tied stream results reuse their operand buffer.
BufferRange bufferRange;
auto tiedOperandIndex =
if (tiedOperandIndex.hasValue()) {
<< tiedOperandIndex.getValue() << ") BUFFER FOR STREAM RESULT("
<< result.index() << "): " << streamOp << "\n");
auto operand = entryBlock.getArgument(tiedOperandIndex.getValue());
bufferRange = schedulingState.lookupTensorBufferRange(operand);
} else {
<< result.index() << ")\n");
bufferRange = allocateOutputBuffer(streamValue, externalValue,
schedulingState, rewriter);
if (!bufferRange.buffer) {
return streamOp.emitOpError() << "buffer range has no buffer";
if (failed(
schedulingState.mapTensorToBufferRange(streamValue, bufferRange))) {
return streamOp.emitOpError() << "tensor was mapped to multiple buffer "
"ranges while allocating output buffers";
output = outputBuffers;
return success();
// Allocates transient buffers to store the intra-stream results and populates
// the |schedulingState| with the new mappings.
static LogicalResult allocateTransientBuffers(
IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp streamOp,
LivenessIntervalList &livenessIntervals,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
// TODO(#5410): unify with slice/update handling below. We should have a
// more generic way of handling these special ops and need to be able to hook
// into ones that directly control aliasing behavior like slice/update.
SmallPtrSet<Value, 16> coveredValues;
auto walkResult = streamOp.walk([&](IREE::HAL::ConstantSubspanOp subspanOp) {
auto tensorValue = subspanOp.result();
auto bufferValue = schedulingState.loadGlobal(
subspanOp.runtime_buffer().getLeafReference().getValue(), rewriter);
auto runtimeRange = subspanOp.runtime_range();
auto offsetValue =
schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(runtimeRange.getOffset(), rewriter);
auto lengthValue =
schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(runtimeRange.getLength(), rewriter);
auto subspanValue = rewriter.createOrFold<IREE::HAL::BufferSubspanOp>(
subspanOp.getLoc(), bufferValue.getType(), bufferValue, offsetValue,
auto bufferRange = BufferRange{subspanValue, lengthValue};
if (failed(
schedulingState.mapTensorToBufferRange(tensorValue, bufferRange))) {
return WalkResult::interrupt();
tensorValue, [&](Value alias) { coveredValues.insert(alias); });
return WalkResult::advance();
if (walkResult.wasInterrupted()) {
return streamOp.emitOpError() << "constant subspan op was mapped to "
"multiple buffer ranges while allocating "
"transient buffers";
// Gather all of the transient values we need to allocate buffers for.
SmallVector<Value> transientValues;
SmallVector<int64_t> lifetimeIntervals;
SmallVector<Value> dynamicSliceSizes;
AsmState state(streamOp);
for (auto valueInterval : livenessIntervals) {
auto value = valueInterval.value;
auto valueType = value.getType().dyn_cast<ShapedType>();
if (!valueType) continue;
// Only handle transient buffers (created/used/dropped within the stream).
if (valueInterval.start == LIVE_IN || valueInterval.end == LIVE_OUT) {
// Ignore covered values.
if (schedulingState.hasTensorBufferRange(value) ||
coveredValues.contains(value)) {
// Compute the allocation size for the value.
auto allocationSize = schedulingState.lookupOrComputeSize(
Shape::buildOrFindDynamicDimsForValue(value.getLoc(), value, rewriter),
// Mark as covered so we don't allocate it again.
value, [&](Value alias) { coveredValues.insert(alias); });
if (transientValues.empty()) {
// No transients required.
return success();
// Insert the hal.allocator.pack op to compute the packed offsets and total
// buffer size required for all transients.
auto indexType = rewriter.getIndexType();
SmallVector<Type> packedOffsetTypes(dynamicSliceSizes.size(), indexType);
auto packOp = rewriter.create<IREE::HAL::AllocatorPackOp>(
streamOp.getLoc(), indexType, packedOffsetTypes,
/*offset=*/nullptr, rewriter.getIndexArrayAttr(lifetimeIntervals),
// Allocate the transient storage buffer.
// TODO(benvanik): compute from SSA use-def chain uses.
IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfield memoryTypes =
IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfield bufferUsage =
IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfield::Dispatch |
auto allocateOp = rewriter.create<IREE::HAL::AllocatorAllocateOp>(
streamOp.getLoc(), IREE::HAL::BufferType::get(rewriter.getContext()),
schedulingState.allocator(), memoryTypes, bufferUsage,
// Add a buffer set map entry for each transient buffer that references into
// a subspan of the transient storage buffer.
for (size_t i = 0; i < transientValues.size(); ++i) {
auto value = transientValues[i];
auto offset = packOp.packed_offsets()[i];
auto subspanValue = rewriter.createOrFold<IREE::HAL::BufferSubspanOp>(
value.getLoc(), allocateOp.result().getType(), allocateOp.result(),
offset, dynamicSliceSizes[i]);
auto bufferRange = BufferRange{subspanValue, dynamicSliceSizes[i]};
if (failed(schedulingState.mapTensorToBufferRange(value, bufferRange))) {
return streamOp.emitOpError()
<< "tensor for buffer subspan was mapped to multiple buffer "
"ranges while allocating transient buffers";
return success();
// Conversion
// Records a full execution barrier that forces visibility of all buffers.
static void recordFullExecutionBarrier(Value commandBuffer, Location loc,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
loc, commandBuffer,
IREE::HAL::ExecutionStageBitfield::CommandRetire |
IREE::HAL::ExecutionStageBitfield::CommandIssue |
// Records a dispatch using the given bindings attribute set populated by
// the -iree-hal-materialize-interfaces pass.
static void recordInterfaceBindings(
Value device, Value commandBuffer, IREE::Flow::DispatchOp &dispatchOp,
IREE::HAL::InterfaceOp &interfaceOp, Value executableLayout,
ArrayAttr bindingsAttr, StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter, OpBuilder &builder) {
// Accumulate a potentially sparse set of push constants.
// If we had canonicalizers for hal.command_buffer.push_constants then we
// would instead just emit each constant individually and let that collapse
// things later on.
int pushConstantBase = 0; // always 0 today
SmallVector<Value> pushConstantValues;
interfaceOp.push_constants().getValueOr(APInt(64, 0)).getSExtValue());
// Accumulate a potentially sparse set of bindings.
int setOrdinal = 0; // always 0 today
SmallVector<IREE::HAL::DescriptorSetBindingValue, 4> bindings;
auto zeroOffset = schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(0, rewriter);
auto push_buffer_binding = [&](StringRef bindingName, Value tensorValue) {
auto bindingOp =
assert(bindingOp.set().getSExtValue() == 0);
auto bufferRange = schedulingState.lookupTensorBufferRange(tensorValue);
assert(bufferRange.buffer && "buffer not preallocated");
assert(bufferRange.length && "buffer has no precomputed size");
bindingOp.binding().getSExtValue(), rewriter),
bufferRange.buffer, zeroOffset, bufferRange.length));
for (auto bindingAttr : bindingsAttr) {
if (auto constantStorageAttr =
bindingAttr.dyn_cast<IREE::HAL::ExConstantStorageAttr>()) {
auto bindingOp = interfaceOp.lookupSymbol<IREE::HAL::InterfaceBindingOp>(
assert(bindingOp.set().getSExtValue() == setOrdinal);
auto storageBuffer = schedulingState.loadGlobal(
IREE::HAL::BufferType::get(builder.getContext()),, rewriter);
bindingOp.binding().getSExtValue(), rewriter),
constantStorageAttr.offset().getSExtValue(), rewriter),
constantStorageAttr.length().getSExtValue(), rewriter)));
} else if (auto pushConstantAttr =
bindingAttr.dyn_cast<IREE::HAL::ExPushConstantAttr>()) {
auto inputValue =
auto pushConstantValue = rewriter.getRemappedValue(inputValue);
// Need an explicit index cast to i32 since the
// CommandBufferPushConstantsOp is intrinsically i32 based.
if (inputValue.getType().isa<IndexType>()) {
pushConstantValue = rewriter.create<mlir::arith::IndexCastOp>(
dispatchOp.getLoc(), rewriter.getIntegerType(32),
pushConstantValues[pushConstantAttr.ordinal().getSExtValue()] =
} else if (auto operandBufferAttr =
bindingAttr.dyn_cast<IREE::HAL::ExOperandBufferAttr>()) {
auto tensorValue =
push_buffer_binding(operandBufferAttr.binding(), tensorValue);
} else if (auto resultBufferAttr =
bindingAttr.dyn_cast<IREE::HAL::ExResultBufferAttr>()) {
auto tensorValue =
push_buffer_binding(resultBufferAttr.binding(), tensorValue);
dispatchOp.getLoc(), commandBuffer, executableLayout,
schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(setOrdinal, rewriter), bindings);
if (!pushConstantValues.empty()) {
dispatchOp.getLoc(), commandBuffer, executableLayout,
rewriter.getIndexAttr(pushConstantBase), pushConstantValues);
// Calculates the workgroup size (x, y, z). These are the dimension numbers
// for a single workgroup.
static std::array<Value, 3> calculateDispatchWorkgroupSize(
Location loc, IREE::HAL::ExecutableOp executableOp,
IREE::HAL::ExecutableEntryPointOp entryPointOp, ValueRange workload,
OpBuilder &builder) {
// When no workgroup size is specified we just assume [1,1,1].
// This yields a workgroup count that models the extents of the workload.
return {
builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1),
builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1),
builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1),
static std::array<Value, 3> calculateDispatchWorkgroupCountFromRegion(
Location loc, IREE::HAL::ExecutableEntryPointOp entryPointOp,
ValueRange workload, OpBuilder &builder) {
Block *body = entryPointOp.getBlock();
BlockAndValueMapping bvm;
for (auto args : llvm::enumerate(workload)) {>getArgument(args.index()), args.value());
for (Operation &op : body->without_terminator()) {
builder.clone(op, bvm);
auto returnOp = cast<IREE::HAL::ReturnOp>(body->getTerminator());
// Verifier of EntryPointOp checks that the return has 3 values.
SmallVector<Value, 4> count = llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(
returnOp.operands(), [&bvm](Value v) { return bvm.lookup(v); }));
return {count[0], count[1], count[2]};
// Calculates the workgroup count (x, y, z) given the total N-dimensional
// |workload| and specific |workgroupSize|.
static std::array<Value, 3> calculateWorkloadWorkgroupCount(
Location loc, ValueRange workload,
const std::array<Value, 3> &workgroupSize, OpBuilder &builder) {
std::array<Value, 3> result;
auto constantOne = builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
if (workload.size() <= 3) {
// 1-D to 3-D are easy (pad 2 to 0 dimensions) and divide by workgroup size.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Round up: (workload[i] + workgroup_size - 1) / workgroup_size;
Value workloadI = i < workload.size() ? workload[i] : constantOne;
workloadI = builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(
builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, workloadI,
result[i] = builder.createOrFold<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, workloadI,
} else {
// TODO(#4140): remapping of N-D to 3-D: this is not how you do this!
Value flatWorkload = constantOne;
for (auto workloadI : workload) {
flatWorkload =
builder.createOrFold<arith::MulIOp>(loc, flatWorkload, workloadI);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Round up: (workload[i] + workgroup_size - 1) / workgroup_size;
auto rounded = builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(
builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, flatWorkload,
auto workgroupCountI = builder.createOrFold<mlir::arith::DivUIOp>(
loc, rounded, workgroupSize[i]);
result[i] = workgroupCountI;
// Multiply back out and subtract from invocations.
flatWorkload = builder.createOrFold<arith::SubIOp>(
loc, flatWorkload,
builder.createOrFold<arith::MulIOp>(loc, workgroupCountI, rounded));
return result;
// Calculates the workgroup count (x, y, z) for dispatching to the given
// |entryPointOp|. The provided N-dimensional |workload| is the total number
// of invocations required as calculated by the generic workload logic
// (basically, number of output elements in tensors).
static std::array<Value, 3> calculateDispatchWorkgroupCount(
Location loc, IREE::HAL::ExecutableOp executableOp,
IREE::HAL::ExecutableEntryPointOp entryPointOp, ValueRange workload,
OpBuilder &builder) {
Region *region = entryPointOp.getBody();
if (region) {
return calculateDispatchWorkgroupCountFromRegion(loc, entryPointOp,
workload, builder);
auto workgroupSize = calculateDispatchWorkgroupSize(
loc, executableOp, entryPointOp, workload, builder);
return calculateWorkloadWorkgroupCount(loc, workload, workgroupSize, builder);
// Records a dispatch operation.
static LogicalResult recordDispatch(Value device, Value commandBuffer,
IREE::Flow::DispatchOp &dispatchOp,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto loc = dispatchOp.getLoc();
// Get the handle to the executable that is compatible with our device.
auto executableOp =
dispatchOp, dispatchOp.executable()));
SmallVector<Value> workgroupCount;
for (auto dim : dispatchOp.workgroup_count()) {
// Ask each target backend to record their dispatch logic.
IREE::HAL::DeviceSwitchRewriter switchRewriter(loc,
device, rewriter);
for (auto variantOp :
executableOp.getBlock().getOps<IREE::HAL::ExecutableVariantOp>()) {
auto entryPointOps =
auto entryPointIt =
llvm::find_if(entryPointOps, [&](IREE::HAL::ExecutableEntryPointOp op) {
return op.getNameAttr() ==
if (entryPointIt == entryPointOps.end()) {
return variantOp.emitError()
<< "hal.executable.variant is missing the flow entry point for "
<< dispatchOp.entry_point();
auto entryPointOp = *entryPointIt;
auto interfaceOp =
executableOp, entryPointOp.interfaceAttr()));
auto executableLayout = schedulingState.lookupExecutableLayout(
interfaceOp.getExecutableSetLayoutsAttr(), rewriter);
auto *region = switchRewriter.addConditionRegion(;
auto &entryBlock = region->front();
auto caseBuilder = OpBuilder::atBlockBegin(&entryBlock);
auto bindingsAttr = dispatchOp->getAttrOfType<ArrayAttr>("hal.bindings");
recordInterfaceBindings(device, commandBuffer, dispatchOp, interfaceOp,
executableLayout, bindingsAttr, schedulingState,
rewriter, caseBuilder);
auto entryPointSymRef =
SymbolRefAttr::get(caseBuilder.getContext(), executableOp.getName(),
auto caseWorkgroupCount = calculateDispatchWorkgroupCount(
loc, executableOp, entryPointOp, workgroupCount, caseBuilder);
loc, commandBuffer, entryPointSymRef, caseWorkgroupCount[0],
caseWorkgroupCount[1], caseWorkgroupCount[2]);
// Full barriers for now as we aren't scheduling things in waves.
recordFullExecutionBarrier(commandBuffer, dispatchOp.getLoc(), rewriter);
return success();
// Splats a pattern value of 1, 2, or 4 bytes out to a 4 byte integer value.
// The bit representation of |baseValue| will be repeated as many times as
// needed in the returned value to use 4 bytes of storage. For example,
// a 16-bit value (int or float) will have its native bit representation
// repeated twice.
static Value splatFillPattern(Location loc, Value baseValue,
OpBuilder &builder) {
// Bitcast to an integer, then use integer math for the rest of the pattern.
auto baseBitWidth = baseValue.getType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
baseValue = builder.createOrFold<arith::BitcastOp>(
loc, builder.getIntegerType(baseBitWidth), baseValue);
switch (baseBitWidth) {
case 8: {
// (v << 24) | (v << 16) | (v << 8) | v
auto b0 = builder.createOrFold<arith::ExtUIOp>(
loc, baseValue, builder.getIntegerType(32));
auto c8 = builder.create<arith::ConstantIntOp>(loc, 8, 32);
auto b1 = builder.createOrFold<arith::ShLIOp>(loc, b0, c8);
auto c16 = builder.create<arith::ConstantIntOp>(loc, 16, 32);
auto b2 = builder.createOrFold<arith::ShLIOp>(loc, b0, c16);
auto c24 = builder.create<arith::ConstantIntOp>(loc, 24, 32);
auto b3 = builder.createOrFold<arith::ShLIOp>(loc, b0, c24);
return builder.createOrFold<arith::OrIOp>(
loc, b0,
loc, b1, builder.createOrFold<arith::OrIOp>(loc, b2, b3)));
case 16: {
// (v << 16) | v
auto c16 = builder.create<arith::ConstantIntOp>(loc, 16, 32);
auto b0 = builder.createOrFold<arith::ExtUIOp>(
loc, baseValue, builder.getIntegerType(32));
auto b1 = builder.createOrFold<arith::ShLIOp>(loc, b0, c16);
return builder.createOrFold<arith::OrIOp>(loc, b0, b1);
case 32:
return baseValue;
return {}; // Unsupported (so far)
static LogicalResult recordTensorSplat(Value device, Value commandBuffer,
IREE::Flow::TensorSplatOp &splatOp,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto resultBuffer = schedulingState.lookupTensorBufferRange(splatOp.result());
auto pattern = splatFillPattern(splatOp.getLoc(), splatOp.value(), rewriter);
if (!pattern) {
return splatOp.emitError() << ">4 byte/non-byte-aligned fills are not yet "
"implemented (require special emulation)";
auto zeroOffset = schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(0, rewriter);
splatOp.getLoc(), commandBuffer, resultBuffer.buffer, zeroOffset,
resultBuffer.length, pattern);
// Full barriers for now as we aren't scheduling things.
recordFullExecutionBarrier(commandBuffer, splatOp.getLoc(), rewriter);
return success();
static LogicalResult recordTensorClone(Value device, Value commandBuffer,
IREE::Flow::TensorCloneOp &cloneOp,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto operandBuffer =
auto resultBuffer = schedulingState.lookupTensorBufferRange(cloneOp.result());
auto zeroOffset = schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(0, rewriter);
cloneOp.getLoc(), commandBuffer, operandBuffer.buffer, zeroOffset,
// Note: we use the result buffer's length here deliberately to handle the
// case where the source buffer can be the constant pool buffer.
resultBuffer.buffer, zeroOffset, resultBuffer.length);
// Full barriers for now as we aren't scheduling things.
recordFullExecutionBarrier(commandBuffer, cloneOp.getLoc(), rewriter);
return success();
// TODO(#5410): make this an aliasing operation in allocateTransientBuffers.
static LogicalResult recordTensorSlice(Value device, Value commandBuffer,
IREE::Flow::TensorSliceOp &sliceOp,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto sourceBuffer = schedulingState.lookupTensorBufferRange(sliceOp.source());
auto resultBuffer = schedulingState.lookupTensorBufferRange(sliceOp.result());
// TODO(benvanik): use something other than the BufferRange::buffer?
// This may require us to subview the buffer first.
auto source = IREE::HAL::TensorRewriteAdaptor::getChecked(
sliceOp.getLoc(), sliceOp.source(), sourceBuffer.buffer, rewriter);
auto result = IREE::HAL::TensorRewriteAdaptor::getChecked(
sliceOp.getLoc(), sliceOp.result(), resultBuffer.buffer, rewriter);
if (!source.hasValue() || !result.hasValue()) {
return sliceOp.emitOpError()
<< "cannot create adaptors for tensor slice operands/results";
// Compute the size of the update range.
auto startIndices = llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(
[&](Value value) { return rewriter.getRemappedValue(value); }));
auto shapeDims = result->getShapeDims();
if (!shapeDims) return failure();
auto sourceRange = source->computeRange(startIndices, *shapeDims);
if (!sourceRange) return failure();
// TODO(benvanik): slice left/mid/right, but really just don't do this.
auto zeroOffset = schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(0, rewriter);
sliceOp.getLoc(), commandBuffer, sourceBuffer.buffer, sourceRange->offset,
resultBuffer.buffer, zeroOffset, sourceRange->length);
// Full barriers for now as we aren't scheduling things.
// TODO(benvanik): don't add at the end of the command buffer (we could
// also do a canonicalization step that removed trailing barriers).
recordFullExecutionBarrier(commandBuffer, sliceOp.getLoc(), rewriter);
return success();
// TODO(#5410): make this an aliasing operation in allocateTransientBuffers.
static LogicalResult recordTensorUpdate(Value device, Value commandBuffer,
IREE::Flow::TensorUpdateOp &updateOp,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto updateBuffer =
auto targetBuffer =
// TODO(benvanik): use something other than the BufferRange::buffer?
// This may require us to subview the buffer first.
auto update = IREE::HAL::TensorRewriteAdaptor::getChecked(
updateOp.getLoc(), updateOp.update(), updateBuffer.buffer, rewriter);
auto target = IREE::HAL::TensorRewriteAdaptor::getChecked(
updateOp.getLoc(),, targetBuffer.buffer, rewriter);
if (!update.hasValue() || !target.hasValue()) {
return updateOp.emitOpError()
<< "cannot create adaptors for tensor update operands/results";
// Compute the size of the update range.
auto startIndices = llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(
[&](Value value) { return rewriter.getRemappedValue(value); }));
auto shapeDims = update->getShapeDims();
if (!shapeDims) return failure();
auto targetRange =
target->computeRange(startIndices, *update->getShapeDims());
if (!targetRange) return failure();
// TODO(benvanik): slice left/mid/right, but really just don't do this.
auto zeroOffset = schedulingState.lookupOrCreateIndex(0, rewriter);
updateOp.getLoc(), commandBuffer, updateBuffer.buffer, zeroOffset,
targetBuffer.buffer, targetRange->offset, targetRange->length);
// Full barriers for now as we aren't scheduling things.
// TODO(benvanik): don't add at the end of the command buffer (we could
// also do a canonicalization step that removed trailing barriers).
recordFullExecutionBarrier(commandBuffer, updateOp.getLoc(), rewriter);
return success();
static void hoistConstants(Block &streamBlock,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
for (auto &op : streamBlock) {
if (isa<arith::ConstantOp>(op)) {
auto newOp = rewriter.clone(op);
static LogicalResult recordStreamCommands(
Value device, Value commandBuffer, Block &streamBlock,
StreamSchedulingState &schedulingState,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
for (auto &op : streamBlock) {
if (auto dispatchOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Flow::DispatchOp>(op)) {
if (failed(recordDispatch(device, commandBuffer, dispatchOp,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else if (auto splatOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Flow::TensorSplatOp>(op)) {
if (failed(recordTensorSplat(device, commandBuffer, splatOp,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else if (auto cloneOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Flow::TensorCloneOp>(op)) {
if (failed(recordTensorClone(device, commandBuffer, cloneOp,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else if (auto sliceOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Flow::TensorSliceOp>(op)) {
if (failed(recordTensorSlice(device, commandBuffer, sliceOp,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else if (auto updateOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Flow::TensorUpdateOp>(op)) {
if (failed(recordTensorUpdate(device, commandBuffer, updateOp,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else if (auto returnOp = dyn_cast<IREE::Flow::ReturnOp>(op)) {
// No-op; handled by the buffer allocation.
} else if (isa<arith::ConstantOp>(op)) {
// Note that even though constants were hoisted early, they can be
// materialized as part of various conversions so do it again to get
// any new ones.
auto newOp = rewriter.clone(op);
} else if (isa<IREE::HAL::ConstantSubspanOp>(op) ||
isa<IREE::Flow::TensorReshapeOp>(op)) {
// No work to perform.
} else {
return op.emitOpError() << "unexpected in stream";
return success();
class ExStreamFragmentOpConversion
: public OpConversionPattern<IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp> {
using OpConversionPattern<
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(
IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp streamOp, ArrayRef<Value> newOperands,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
IREE::Flow::ExStreamFragmentOp::Adaptor adaptor(
newOperands, streamOp->getAttrDictionary());
auto valueAliases = computeValueAliases(streamOp);
auto livenessIntervals = computeLivenessIntervals(streamOp, valueAliases);
auto device =
auto allocator =
rewriter.create<IREE::HAL::DeviceAllocatorOp>(streamOp.getLoc(), device)
StreamSchedulingState schedulingState(streamOp.getLoc(), device, allocator,
// Map stream captures to their external buffers or SSA values.
// This covers all of the live-in stream values.
auto &entryBlock = streamOp.body().front();
// Since constants can be tied to shapes, which are used in the size
// computations below, and since they are just simple RAUW transforms
// if recording, just hoist them out first to make dominance work out.
hoistConstants(entryBlock, rewriter);
for (int i = 0; i < adaptor.operands().size(); ++i) {
auto streamValue = entryBlock.getArgument(i);
auto bufferValue = adaptor.operands()[i];
if (auto shapedType = streamValue.getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>()) {
BufferRange bufferRange;
if (bufferValue.getType().isa<IREE::HAL::BufferViewType>()) {
bufferRange = BufferRange{
schedulingState.lookupOrComputeSize(streamValue, rewriter)};
} else {
bufferRange = BufferRange{
schedulingState.lookupOrComputeSize(streamValue, rewriter)};
if (failed(schedulingState.mapTensorToBufferRange(streamValue,
bufferRange))) {
return streamOp.emitOpError()
<< "tensor was mapped to multiple buffer ranges";
} else {
rewriter.replaceUsesOfBlockArgument(streamValue, bufferValue);
// Allocate buffers for values that escape the stream via return.
// These may alias input buffers above such as when an input is returned or
// a return value is tied.
SmallVector<Value> outputBuffers;
if (failed(allocateOutputBuffers(streamOp, schedulingState, rewriter,
outputBuffers))) {
return failure();
// Allocate all of the transient buffers used entirely within the stream.
// These all end up aliased from a single slab allocation and use the
// computed liveness information to know the lifetime intervals. Note that
// after we perform this allocation we can no longer safely rearrange the
// ops as buffers will start to alias. All reordering must have happened
// prior to this conversion.
if (failed(allocateTransientBuffers(streamOp, livenessIntervals,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
// Allocate and begin the command buffer.
// In a real version we would want to pick the device based on the placement
// information attached to the stream.
// TODO(benvanik): choose buffer mode/category based on stream commands.
// NOTE: we are not doing any overlapping work today and can always allow
// inline execution.
auto mode = IREE::HAL::CommandBufferModeBitfield::OneShot |
auto category = IREE::HAL::CommandCategoryBitfield::Dispatch |
auto commandBuffer =
IREE::HAL::CommandBufferType::get(rewriter.getContext()), device,
mode, category);
// Record all of the commands into the command buffer.
if (failed(recordStreamCommands(device, commandBuffer, entryBlock,
schedulingState, rewriter))) {
return failure();
// End and submit the command buffer.
// In a real version we'd want to setup a semaphore chain instead of
// submitting and waiting.
rewriter.create<IREE::HAL::ExSubmitAndWaitOp>(streamOp.getLoc(), device,
// It's annoying but we need to do this replacement at the very end as
// otherwise we lose access to the original values (which we need for
// shape information).
for (int i = 0; i < adaptor.operands().size(); ++i) {
if (adaptor.operands()[i].getType().isa<IREE::HAL::BufferType>()) {
rewriter.replaceOp(streamOp, outputBuffers);
return success();
} // namespace
void populateFlowStreamToHALPatterns(MLIRContext *context,
OwningRewritePatternList &patterns,
TypeConverter &converter) {
} // namespace iree_compiler
} // namespace mlir