blob: 2a7f34532ff4c5f975f571cd19f2b3ea88add74c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
import enum, re
from enum import auto
import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
# This file contains library of enumerations and classes used to build operation descritpions.
# The operation descriptions are used to generate MLIR source files, performance tuning configuration,
# reference implementations, and numpy input/output files.
# The file is organized as follows:
# 1. Enumerated `Type`s grouped together for categories, For e.g. [Arch]Type, [Data]Type etc.
# 2. Dictonaries `Names` mapping the enumeration values to their string names.
# For e.g. [Arch]TypeNames, [Data]TypeNames etc.
# 3. `Tags` for each enumeration value to be used in the generated MLIR source files.
# For e.g. [TranslationInfo]Tags
# Architecure types
class ArchType(enum.Enum):
Cpu = auto()
Gpu = auto()
ArchTypeNames = {
ArchType.Cpu: "cpu",
ArchType.Gpu: "gpu",
class GpuArchType(enum.Enum):
nvptx = auto()
rocm = auto()
spirv = auto()
GpuArchTypeNames = {
GpuArchType.nvptx: "nvptx",
GpuArchType.rocm: "rocm",
GpuArchType.spirv: "spirv",
# Operation kinds
class OperationKind(enum.Enum):
Matmul = auto()
BatchMatmul = auto()
SplitkMatmul = auto()
Conv2d = auto()
OperationKindNames = {
OperationKind.Matmul: "matmul",
OperationKind.SplitkMatmul: "matmul_splitk",
OperationKind.BatchMatmul: "batch_matmul",
OperationKind.Conv2d: "conv2d",
# MLIR dialects
class MlirDialect(enum.Enum):
Linalg = auto()
Mhlo = auto()
MlirDialectNames = {
MlirDialect.Linalg: "linalg",
MlirDialect.Mhlo: "mhlo",
# Compilation modes (verification or benchmarking/profiling)
class CompilationMode(enum.Enum):
Verify = auto()
Profile = auto()
CompilationModeNames = {
CompilationMode.Verify: "verify",
CompilationMode.Profile: "profile",
class CompilationConfigType(enum.Enum):
Default = auto()
Custom = auto()
CompilationConfigTypeName = {
CompilationConfigType.Default: "default",
CompilationConfigType.Custom: "custom",
# Enumerations for data types and layouts
class DataType(enum.Enum):
b1 = auto()
u4 = auto()
u8 = auto()
u16 = auto()
u32 = auto()
u64 = auto()
s4 = auto()
s8 = auto()
s16 = auto()
s32 = auto()
s64 = auto()
e4m3 = auto()
e5m2 = auto()
f16 = auto()
bf16 = auto()
f32 = auto()
tf32 = auto()
f64 = auto()
invalid = auto()
DataTypeName = {
DataType.b1: "b1",
DataType.u4: "u4",
DataType.u8: "u8",
DataType.u16: "u16",
DataType.u32: "u32",
DataType.u64: "u64",
DataType.s4: "s4",
DataType.s8: "s8",
DataType.s16: "s16",
DataType.s32: "s32",
DataType.s64: "s64",
DataType.e4m3: "e4m3",
DataType.e5m2: "e5m2",
DataType.f16: "f16",
DataType.bf16: "bf16",
DataType.f32: "f32",
DataType.tf32: "tf32",
DataType.f64: "f64",
DataTypeNumPyTag = {
DataType.f16: np.float16,
DataType.f32: np.float32,
DataTypeSizeInBits = {
DataType.b1: 1,
DataType.u4: 4,
DataType.u8: 8,
DataType.u16: 16,
DataType.u32: 32,
DataType.u64: 64,
DataType.s4: 4,
DataType.s8: 8,
DataType.s16: 16,
DataType.s32: 32,
DataType.s64: 64,
DataType.e4m3: 8,
DataType.e5m2: 8,
DataType.f16: 16,
DataType.bf16: 16,
DataType.f32: 32,
DataType.tf32: 32,
DataType.f64: 64,
class LayoutType(enum.Enum):
ColumnMajor = auto()
RowMajor = auto()
NHWC = auto()
NCWH = auto()
# cuBLAS/cuDNN layout type names convention is followed for the layout names.
ShortLayoutTypeName = {
LayoutType.ColumnMajor: "n",
LayoutType.RowMajor: "t",
LayoutType.NHWC: "nhwc",
LayoutType.NCWH: "ncwh",
# Compilation pipelines/translation info.
class TranslationInfo(enum.Enum):
LLVMGPUMatmulSIMT = auto()
LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore = auto()
LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync = auto()
TranslationInfoTag = {
TranslationInfo.LLVMGPUMatmulSIMT: "LLVMGPUMatmulSIMT",
TranslationInfo.LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore: "LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore",
TranslationInfo.LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync: "LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync",
TranslationInfoName = {
TranslationInfo.LLVMGPUMatmulSIMT: "simt_ffma",
TranslationInfo.LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore: "tensorcore_wmma",
TranslationInfo.LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync: "tensorcore_mmasync",
# Distribution of values in a tensor.
class Distribution(enum.Enum):
Empty = auto()
Zeros = auto()
Ones = auto()
Sequential = auto()
Identity = auto()
Random = auto()
DistributionName = {
Distribution.Empty: "empty",
Distribution.Zeros: "zeros",
Distribution.Ones: "ones",
Distribution.Sequential: "seq",
Distribution.Identity: "identity",
Distribution.Random: "random",
# The next part of this file contains the data structures for describing a tensor, tiles etc that
# are built using the above enumerations. These data structures are used to create compose bigger
# data structures that describe an operation or a sequence of operations, along with compilation
# pipeling to form a collection of dispatches to profiled.
class TensorDescription:
"""A class for tensor description."""
def __init__(self, datatype, layout):
self.datatype = datatype
self.layout = layout
def name(self):
return "%s%s" % (DataTypeName[self.datatype], ShortLayoutTypeName[self.layout])
class TileDescription:
"""A class for tile description."""
def __init__(self, threadblock_shape, stages, block_dim):
self.threadblock_shape = threadblock_shape # in number of elements in M, N, K
self.stages = stages # number of shared memory stages in tile K
self.block_dim = block_dim # block dimension in number of threads in x, y, z
def name(self):
return "%dx%d_%dx%d" % (
# The following part contains utility functions for which are used by the profiler tool.
# These function may be moved as the need for create a proper structure for the
# functionality they provide becomes apparent and necessary as we move forward.
def get_np_array(tensor_description, shape, dist):
"""Returns a numpy array based on the distribution and shape."""
# Fix the seed for reproducibility.
# Generate the numpy array based on the distribution.
if dist == Distribution.Empty:
return np.empty(shape)
elif dist == Distribution.Zeros:
return np.zeros(shape)
elif dist == Distribution.Ones:
return np.ones(shape)
elif dist == Distribution.Sequential:
return np.arange(
elif dist == Distribution.Identity:
return np.eye(shape[0], shape[1])
elif dist == Distribution.Random:
if tensor_description.datatype == DataType.s8:
return np.random.randint(-2, 3, shape)
elif tensor_description.datatype == DataType.u8:
return np.random.randint(0, 4, shape)
elif (
tensor_description.datatype == DataType.f16
or tensor_description.datatype == DataType.bf16
return np.random.randint(-3, 4, shape)
elif tensor_description.datatype == DataType.f32:
return np.random.randint(-7, 8, shape)
def SubstituteTemplate(template, values):
"""Substitutes values into a template string."""
text = template
for key, value in values.items():
regex = "\\$\\{%s\\}" % key
newtext = re.sub(regex, value, text)
text = newtext
return text
class ReferenceOpInterface(ABC):
"""Interface for reference implementations."""
def get_input_filepaths(self):
"""Returns the list of inputs."""
def get_output_filepaths(self):
"""Returns the list of outputs/."""
def __call__(self):
"""Runs the reference implementation."""
def is_cached(self):
"""Returns whether the reference run is cached."""
# Returns False if any of the reference input are missing.
for input_filepath in self.get_input_filepaths():
if not input_filepath.exists():
return False
# Returns False if any of the reference output are missing.
for output_filepath in self.get_output_filepaths():
if not output_filepath.exists():
return False
# Returns True if all the reference inputs and outputs are cached.
return True