blob: 152e9ede67d19a6b442446c3f688498d79a935a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
# Runs all the lint checks that we run on GitHub locally. Will fail if any tool
# is missing.
# Keep this in sync with .github/workflows/lint.yml
# WARNING: this script *makes changes* to the working directory and the index.
set -uo pipefail
scripts_dir="$(dirname $0)"
function update_ret() {
local prev_ret="$?"
local cur_cmd="${BASH_COMMAND}"
if [[ "${prev_ret}" -gt "${FINAL_RET}" ]]; then
# Analyze the exit code of the previous command before every command
trap update_ret DEBUG
echo "***** Uncommitted changes *****"
git add -A
git diff HEAD --exit-code
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Found uncomitted changes in working directory. This script requires" \
"all changes to be committed. All changes have been added to the" \
"index. Please commit or clean all changes and try again."
exit 1
echo "***** Bazel -> CMake *****"
./build_tools/bazel_to_cmake/ --root_dir=integrations/tensorflow/e2e
git add -A
git diff HEAD --exit-code
echo "***** buildifier *****"
git diff --exit-code
echo "***** yapf *****"
# Don't fail script if condition is false
git diff -U0 main | ./third_party/format_diff/ yapf -i
echo "***** pytype *****"
echo "***** clang-format *****"
git-clang-format --style=file main
git diff --exit-code
echo "***** tabs *****"
echo "***** yamllint *****"
echo "***** markdownlint *****"
echo "***** Path Lengths *****"
echo "***** Generates CMake files *****"
git add -A
git diff HEAD --exit-code
echo "***** Check BUILD files are not named BUILD (prefer BUILD.bazel) *****"
if [[ $(git ls-files '**/BUILD') ]]; then
echo "failure: found files named BUILD. Please rename the following files to BUILD.bazel:"
git ls-files '**/BUILD'
(exit 1)
if (( "${FINAL_RET}" != 0 )); then
echo "Encountered failures when running: '${FAILING_CMD}'. Check error" \
"messages and changes to the working directory and git index (which" \
"may contain fixes) and try again."
exit "${FINAL_RET}"