blob: af13770788a21b3956c40e05851191e66f308a49 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
# Cross-compile the IREE project towards Android with CMake. Designed for CI,
# but can be run manually. This uses previously cached build results and does
# not clear build directories.
# Host binaries (e.g. compiler tools) will be built and installed in build-host/
# Android binaries (e.g. tests) will be built in build-android/.
set -xeuo pipefail
# Print the UTC time when set -x is on.
export PS4='[$(date -u "+%T %Z")] '
# Check these exist and print the versions for later debugging.
CMAKE_BIN=${CMAKE_BIN:-$(which cmake)}
"${CMAKE_BIN}" --version
"${CC}" --version
"${CXX}" --version
ninja --version
python3 --version
echo "Android NDK path: ${ANDROID_NDK}"
ROOT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
cd "${ROOT_DIR}"
echo "Initializing submodules"
./scripts/git/ init
# BUILD the iree-import-tflite binary for importing models to benchmark from
# TFLite flatbuffers.
cd "${ROOT_DIR}/integrations/tensorflow"
BAZEL_CMD=(bazel --noworkspace_rc --bazelrc=build_tools/bazel/iree-tf.bazelrc)
BAZEL_BINDIR="$(${BAZEL_CMD[@]} info bazel-bin)"
"${BAZEL_CMD[@]}" build //iree_tf_compiler:iree-import-tflite \
--config=generic_clang \
# So the benchmark build below can find the importer binaries that were built.
export PATH="$PWD/bazel-bin/iree_tf_compiler:$PATH"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Build for the host.
cd "${ROOT_DIR}"
if [ -d "build-host" ]
echo "build-host directory already exists. Will use cached results there."
echo "build-host directory does not already exist. Creating a new one."
mkdir build-host
cd build-host
# Configure, build, install.
"${CMAKE_BIN}" -G Ninja .. \
"${CMAKE_BIN}" --build . --target install
# Also generate artifacts for benchmarking on Android.
"${CMAKE_BIN}" --build . --target iree-benchmark-suites
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Build for the target (Android).
cd "${ROOT_DIR}"
if [ -d "build-android" ]
echo "build-android directory already exists. Will use cached results there."
echo "build-android directory does not already exist. Creating a new one."
mkdir build-android
cd build-android
# Configure towards 64-bit Android 10, then build.
"${CMAKE_BIN}" -G Ninja .. \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${ANDROID_NDK}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" \
-DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a \
-DIREE_HOST_BINARY_ROOT="${PWD}/../build-host/install" \
"${CMAKE_BIN}" --build . --target iree-benchmark-module
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Build for the target (Android) with tracing.
cd "${ROOT_DIR}"
if [ -d "build-android-trace" ]
echo "build-android-trace directory already exists. Will use cached results there."
echo "build-android-trace directory does not already exist. Creating a new one."
mkdir build-android-trace
cd build-android-trace
# Configure towards 64-bit Android 10, then build.
"${CMAKE_BIN}" -G Ninja .. \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${ANDROID_NDK}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" \
-DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a \
-DIREE_HOST_BINARY_ROOT="${PWD}/../build-host/install" \
"${CMAKE_BIN}" --build . --target iree-benchmark-module