blob: 825ba70feea5a60307a2d66fb6e49bdb473c800b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/Input/InputDialect.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/Input/InputOps.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/IR/LinalgExtDialect.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/IR/LinalgExtOps.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/Passes/PassDetail.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/Passes/Passes.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/Passes/Transforms.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/Linalg.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
using namespace mlir;
namespace IREE = mlir::iree_compiler::IREE;
using namespace IREE::LinalgExt;
// Utility methods for tiling a linalg_ext operation that implements a
// TiledOpInterface
/// Returns failure if the options are unsupported.
static LogicalResult
verifySupportedTilingOptions(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Operation *op,
const linalg::LinalgTilingOptions &options) {
if (!options.interchangeVector.empty()) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op,
"unsupported interchange during tiling");
if (options.loopType != linalg::LinalgTilingLoopType::Loops) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op,
"only tiling with scf.for is supported");
if (options.distribution) {
if (llvm::any_of(options.distribution->distributionMethod,
[](linalg::DistributionMethod method) {
return method != linalg::DistributionMethod::Cyclic;
})) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op,
"only cyclic distibution is allowed");
return success();
/// Converts an `OpFoldResult` to a `Value` by building a constant op if
/// if the `OpFoldResult` is an `IntegerAttr`.
static Value getValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
OpFoldResult valueOrAttr) {
if (auto attr = valueOrAttr.dyn_cast<Attribute>()) {
return builder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(
loc, attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt());
return valueOrAttr.get<Value>();
/// Returns true if loop is untiled. Only checks if the value is statically
/// zero. It is assumed that a `Value` defined by a constant op is already
/// converted to an `IntegerAttr` of that value. So here just return true if
/// this is an attribute with a zero value.
static bool isUntiledLoop(OpFoldResult valueOrAttr) {
Optional<int64_t> intVal = getConstantIntValue(valueOrAttr);
return intVal && *intVal == 0;
/// Generates the tiled loops and the body by invoking the interface methods of
/// TiledOpInterface.
/// - `outputs` are the operands to use for outputs of the tiled operation.
/// - `tileSizes` are tile sizes specified for all loops of the operation. If a
/// loop is to be untiled it is set to 0.
/// - `iteratorType` is the type of the loop iterator returned by the
/// TiledOpInterface.
/// - `loopBounds` are the bounds of all the loops of the op returned by the
/// TiledOpInterface.
/// - `loopDepth` is the current loop depth being processed.
/// - `offsets` are the `Value`s that represent the position of the tile being
/// operated on. The offsets are computed as the tiled loops are being
/// generated.
/// - `distributionInfo` is the proc_id and nprocs `Value`s to be used for
/// distributed loops. It is a stack, and once an entry at the top of the
/// stack is used for distribution it is popped before processing the inner
/// loops.
static FailureOr<TiledOp>
tileInterfaceOpImpl(OpBuilder &builder, TiledOpInterface tilableOp,
ValueRange outputs, MutableArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tileSizes,
ArrayRef<StringRef> iteratorTypes,
ArrayRef<Range> loopBounds, unsigned loopDepth,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &offsets,
ArrayRef<linalg::ProcInfo> distributionInfo) {
Location loc = tilableOp.getLoc();
// If this is the innermost loop, then generated the tiled implementation of
// the op by invoking the TiledOpInterface methods.
if (loopDepth == tileSizes.size()) {
TiledOp ret;
ret.op = tilableOp.getTiledImplementation(builder, outputs, offsets,
tileSizes, ret.results);
if (!ret.op) {
return static_cast<LogicalResult>(
tilableOp.emitOpError("failed to get tiled implementation"));
return ret;
// If tile size at this depth is empty, do nothing.
if (isUntiledLoop(tileSizes[loopDepth])) {
auto zeroAttr = builder.getI64IntegerAttr(0);
assert(matchPattern(loopBounds[loopDepth].offset, m_Zero()) &&
"expected loop bounds to have lower bound of zero");
tileSizes[loopDepth] = getAsOpFoldResult(loopBounds[loopDepth].size);
return tileInterfaceOpImpl(builder, tilableOp, outputs, tileSizes,
iteratorTypes, loopBounds, loopDepth + 1,
offsets, distributionInfo);
// Generate an scf.for for the current loop depth.
Value lb = loopBounds[loopDepth].offset;
Value ub = loopBounds[loopDepth].size;
// TODO(#7073): Put the check back. This is required by tiling linalg_ext.fft
// op. We can put the check back after updating linalg_ext.fft semantics.
// if (!matchPattern(loopBounds[loopDepth].stride, m_One())) {
// return static_cast<LogicalResult>(
// tilableOp.emitOpError("expected stride to be 1"));
Value step = getValue(builder, loc, tileSizes[loopDepth]);
// Update lb, ub and step for cyclic distribution.
if (!distributionInfo.empty() &&
iteratorTypes[loopDepth] == getParallelIteratorTypeName()) {
builder, loc, distributionInfo.front().procId,
distributionInfo.front().nprocs, lb, ub, step);
distributionInfo = distributionInfo.drop_front();
FailureOr<TiledOp> innerReturnValue;
bool isBufferTiling = tilableOp->getNumResults() == 0;
ValueRange initValues(isBufferTiling ? ValueRange{} : outputs);
auto forOp = builder.create<scf::ForOp>(
loc, lb, ub, step, initValues,
[&](OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value iv, ValueRange args) {
auto affineMaps = AffineMap::inferFromExprList({ArrayRef<AffineExpr>{
b.getAffineSymbolExpr(1) - b.getAffineDimExpr(0)}})[0];
// Similar to linalg tiling, the tile size is the min(tileSizes, ub -
// iv) to account for cases where tile size does not divide (ub - lb)
// exactly.
Value inBoundsTileSize = b.create<AffineMinOp>(
loc, affineMaps,
ValueRange{iv, getValue(builder, loc, tileSizes[loopDepth]), ub});
tileSizes[loopDepth] = getAsOpFoldResult(inBoundsTileSize);
// Recursively proceed to generate the tiled loop for the next level.
innerReturnValue =
tileInterfaceOpImpl(b, tilableOp, (isBufferTiling ? outputs : args),
tileSizes, iteratorTypes, loopBounds,
loopDepth + 1, offsets, distributionInfo);
if (failed(innerReturnValue))
b.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, innerReturnValue->results);
if (failed(innerReturnValue)) {
return innerReturnValue;
innerReturnValue->results = forOp.getResults();
return innerReturnValue;
FailureOr<TiledOp> tileInterfaceOp(OpBuilder &b, TiledOpInterface tilableOp,
const linalg::LinalgTilingOptions &options) {
SmallVector<Value> dest = tilableOp.getDestinationOperands(b);
if (dest.empty()) {
return static_cast<LogicalResult>(tilableOp.emitOpError(
"cannot tile operation without destination operands"));
SmallVector<StringRef> iteratorTypes = tilableOp.getLoopIteratorTypes();
SmallVector<Value, 4> tileSizesVals =
options.tileSizeComputationFunction(b, tilableOp);
auto zeroAttr = b.getI64IntegerAttr(0);
// The actual tile sizes used converts `Value` defined as constant 0, to a
// zero integer attributes. Currently if the iterator type is not "parallel",
// the tile size is forced to zero as well.
auto tileSizes = getAsOpFoldResult(tileSizesVals);
tileSizes.resize(iteratorTypes.size(), zeroAttr);
for (auto en : llvm::enumerate(iteratorTypes)) {
if (en.value() == getParallelIteratorTypeName())
if (!isUntiledLoop(tileSizes[en.index()])) {
return static_cast<LogicalResult>(tilableOp.emitOpError(
"unimplemented tiling of non-parallel loop iterator type"));
// Trivial early exit case of tile sizes being zero for all parallel loops.
if (llvm::all_of(tileSizes, isUntiledLoop)) {
return TiledOp{tilableOp, {}, {}};
SmallVector<Range> loopBounds = tilableOp.getIterationDomain(b);
SmallVector<linalg::ProcInfo> distributionInfo;
// If the tiled loops are distributed, get the proc_id and nprocs for the
// distributed loops. First collect the parallel loops by iterating over the
// tileSizes and getting the loops that are distribute, i.e.,
// - parallel, i.e. iteratorTypes is "parallel"
// - tiled, i.e. tileSize != 0
if (options.distribution) {
SmallVector<Range> distributedLoopRange;
for (auto i : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, tileSizes.size())) {
if (isUntiledLoop(tileSizes[i]))
if (iteratorTypes[i] != getParallelIteratorTypeName())
distributionInfo = options.distribution->procInfo(b, tilableOp.getLoc(),
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> offsets;
return tileInterfaceOpImpl(b, tilableOp, dest, tileSizes, iteratorTypes,
loopBounds, 0, offsets, distributionInfo);
LogicalResult TiledOpInterfaceBaseTilingPattern::matchAndRewriteBase(
TiledOpInterface tilableOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter,
TiledOp &result) const {
if (failed(filter.checkAndNotify(rewriter, tilableOp))) {
return failure();
if (failed(verifySupportedTilingOptions(rewriter, tilableOp, options))) {
return failure();
FailureOr<TiledOp> res = tileInterfaceOp(rewriter, tilableOp, options);
if (failed(res))
return res;
result = *res;
if (result.op) {
filter.replaceLinalgTransformationFilter(rewriter, result.op);
return success();
// Test pass for tiling Linalg Ext ops
namespace {
struct TiledOpInterfaceTilingPass
: public TiledOpInterfaceTilingBase<TiledOpInterfaceTilingPass> {
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
AffineDialect, IREE::Input::IREEInputDialect, linalg::LinalgDialect,
IREE::LinalgExt::IREELinalgExtDialect, memref::MemRefDialect,
func::FuncDialect, mlir::arith::ArithmeticDialect, math::MathDialect,
tensor::TensorDialect, scf::SCFDialect>();
void runOnOperation() override;
} // namespace
template <typename OpTy>
static Value buildFlowWorkgroupInfoOp(OpBuilder &b, unsigned dim) {
return b.template create<OpTy>(b.getInsertionPoint()->getLoc(), dim);
void TiledOpInterfaceTilingPass::runOnOperation() {
func::FuncOp funcOp = getOperation();
MLIRContext *context = funcOp.getContext();
RewritePatternSet patterns(context);
context, linalg::LinalgTilingOptions().setTileSizes({10, 20}),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_output")));
context, linalg::LinalgTilingOptions().setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t>{0}),
StringAttr::get(context, "no_tiling_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "no_tiling_output")));
context, linalg::LinalgTilingOptions().setTileSizes({0, 20}),
StringAttr::get(context, "outer_reduce_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "outer_reduce_output")));
context, linalg::LinalgTilingOptions().setTileSizes({10, 0, 0}),
StringAttr::get(context, "inner_reduce_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "inner_reduce_output")));
static linalg::LinalgLoopDistributionOptions workgroupDistributionOptions = {
[](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ArrayRef<Range> parallelLoopRanges) {
auto numParallelDims = parallelLoopRanges.size();
SmallVector<linalg::ProcInfo, 3> procInfo(numParallelDims);
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < numParallelDims; ++dim) {
procInfo[numParallelDims - dim - 1] = {
builder, dim),
builder, dim)};
return procInfo;
{linalg::DistributionMethod::Cyclic, linalg::DistributionMethod::Cyclic,
std::function<linalg::ProcInfo(OpBuilder &, Location)>>()};
.setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t>{10, 0, 30})
StringAttr::get(context, "distribute_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "distribute_output")));
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_1d_stage5_fft_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_1d_stage5_fft_output")));
linalg::LinalgTilingOptions().setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t>{10, 32}),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_2d_stage5_fft_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_2d_stage5_fft_output")));
context, linalg::LinalgTilingOptions().setTileSizes({0, 20}),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_repeated_indices_scatter_input"),
StringAttr::get(context, "tiling_repeated_indices_scatter_output")));
if (failed(applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(funcOp, std::move(patterns)))) {
return signalPassFailure();
IREE::LinalgExt::createTiledOpInterfaceTilingPass() {
return std::make_unique<TiledOpInterfaceTilingPass>();