blob: 00ccd5b180f3913d4a4248ea4fb169a7a2da1b13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// TensorFlow exported functions support a structured calling convention
// consisting of fixed-arity lists and dicts flattened onto linear arguments
// and results. Metadata attributes are attached per argument and result
// indicating the "index path" into this nested structure (i.e. mixture of
// integral and string indices to descend into the hierachy).
// This pass unflattens the metadata, recreating the actual hierarchy and then
// creates a wrapper function conformant with the IREE ABI that is responsible
// which presents a nested view of the arguments and results. It then emits
// reflection metadata with full type mapping describing this situation and
// makes the original TF exported functions private.
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/Input/InputDialect.h"
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/Input/InputOps.h"
#include "iree_tf_compiler/TF/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/Utils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassRegistry.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/ir/tf_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/ir/tf_saved_model.h"
namespace json = llvm::json;
namespace IREE = mlir::iree_compiler::IREE;
namespace mlir {
namespace iree_integrations {
namespace TF {
namespace {
enum class LevelType {
// Leaf value.
// Structured level.
json::Value mapTypeToJsonTypeRecord(Type type) {
// All ShapedTypes are treated as buffer_views by the ABI.
if (auto shapedType = type.dyn_cast<ShapedType>()) {
json::Array record({
shapedType.hasRank() ? json::Value(shapedType.getRank())
: json::Value(nullptr),
if (shapedType.hasRank()) {
for (auto dim : shapedType.getShape()) {
record.push_back(dim == ShapedType::kDynamicSize ? json::Value(nullptr)
: json::Value(dim));
return record;
// Primitives.
if (auto integerType = type.dyn_cast<IntegerType>()) {
std::string name = (Twine("i") + Twine(integerType.getWidth())).str();
return json::Value(std::move(name));
if (auto floatType = type.dyn_cast<FloatType>()) {
if (floatType == FloatType::getBF16(floatType.getContext())) {
// Why Google?
return json::Value("bf16");
std::string name = (Twine("f") + Twine(floatType.getWidth())).str();
return json::Value(std::move(name));
return json::Value("unknown");
struct StructureLevel {
LevelType type = LevelType::None;
// For Value level types, this is the index of the value (func argument
// index for arguments, return index for returns).
int valueIndex = 0;
Type valueType;
StringRef valueName;
// For child levels, the key in the parent container, either a string or int
// value.
std::string skey;
int ikey = 0;
// Children (must be heap allocated due to recursion).
std::vector<StructureLevel> children;
bool isRootArgs = false;
static StructureLevel leafValue(int valueIndex) {
return StructureLevel{LevelType::Value, valueIndex};
static StructureLevel createRootArgsList() {
StructureLevel ret = StructureLevel{LevelType::List};
ret.isRootArgs = true;
return ret;
Type getIrType(Builder builder) {
auto variantType = IREE::Input::VariantType::get(builder.getContext());
if (type == LevelType::Value) {
if (valueType.isa<TensorType>()) {
return IREE::Input::BufferViewType::get(builder.getContext());
return valueType;
} else if (type == LevelType::List || type == LevelType::Tuple) {
return IREE::Input::ListType::get(variantType.getContext(), variantType);
} else if (type == LevelType::Dict) {
return IREE::Input::ListType::get(variantType.getContext(), variantType);
assert(false && "Unknown LevelType");
return Type();
// For List/Dict/Tuple levels, returns the size of the list that is needed
// to store all entries.
int getNeededListSize() {
if (type == LevelType::List || type == LevelType::Tuple) {
int maxIkey = 0;
for (auto &child : children) {
maxIkey = std::max(maxIkey, child.ikey);
return maxIkey + 1;
} else if (type == LevelType::Dict) {
return children.size();
assert(false && "Unsupported LevelType for getNeededListSize");
return 0;
// Creates a JSON reflection type record describing this entity.
json::Value createReflectionType() {
switch (type) {
case LevelType::Value:
if (valueName.empty()) {
// Unnamed.
return mapTypeToJsonTypeRecord(valueType);
} else {
// Named.
json::Array namedRecord;
return json::Value(std::move(namedRecord));
case LevelType::List:
case LevelType::Tuple: {
json::Array typeRecord;
json::Value(type == LevelType::List ? "slist" : "stuple"));
for (auto &child : children) {
for (int j = children.size(); j < child.ikey; ++j) {
return json::Value(std::move(typeRecord));
case LevelType::Dict: {
json::Array typeRecord;
for (auto &child : children) {
json::Array nvRecord;
return json::Value(std::move(typeRecord));
assert(false && "Unsupported LevelType");
return json::Value(nullptr);
// Recursively emits argument loads by processing all children and
// populating callArgs with the Values of leaves.
void emitDereferenceArgs(Location loc, OpBuilder &builder, Value thisValue,
SmallVector<Value> &callArgs) {
// Terminal.
if (type == LevelType::Value) {
assert(valueIndex < callArgs.size() && "mismatched number of call args");
assert(!callArgs[valueIndex] && "duplicate argument bindings");
auto value = thisValue;
if (value.getType().isa<IREE::Input::BufferViewType>()) {
value = builder.createOrFold<IREE::Input::BufferViewToTensorOp>(
loc, valueType, thisValue);
callArgs[valueIndex] = value;
// Recurse into sequence (index can be sparse on child ikey).
if (type == LevelType::List || type == LevelType::Tuple) {
for (StructureLevel &child : children) {
Value childValue =
child.emitGetFromList(loc, builder, thisValue, child.ikey);
child.emitDereferenceArgs(loc, builder, childValue, callArgs);
// Recurse into dict (modeled as a dense tuple of children).
if (type == LevelType::Dict) {
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(children)) {
StructureLevel &child = it.value();
Value childValue =
child.emitGetFromList(loc, builder, thisValue, it.index());
child.emitDereferenceArgs(loc, builder, childValue, callArgs);
assert(false && "unhandled StructureLevel type");
// Emits operations to recursively create this structure from the given
// ValueRange of flattened values.
Value emitCreateReturns(Location loc, OpBuilder &builder,
ResultRange &callReturns) {
// Terminal.
if (type == LevelType::Value) {
assert(valueIndex < callReturns.size() &&
"mismatched number of call returns");
Value value = callReturns[valueIndex];
if (valueType.isa<TensorType>()) {
value = builder.createOrFold<IREE::Input::TensorToBufferViewOp>(
loc, getIrType(builder), value);
return value;
// Recurse into sequence (index can be sparse on child ikey).
if (type == LevelType::List || type == LevelType::Tuple) {
Value listSizeValue = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, builder.getIndexType(),
Value listValue = builder.create<IREE::Input::ListCreateOp>(
loc, getIrType(builder), listSizeValue);
builder.create<IREE::Input::ListResizeOp>(loc, listValue, listSizeValue);
for (StructureLevel &child : children) {
Value childValue = child.emitCreateReturns(loc, builder, callReturns);
Value indexValue = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, builder.getIndexType(), builder.getIndexAttr(child.ikey));
builder.create<IREE::Input::ListSetOp>(loc, listValue, indexValue,
return listValue;
// Recurse into dict (modeled as a dense tuple of children).
if (type == LevelType::Dict) {
Value listSizeValue = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, builder.getIndexType(),
Value listValue = builder.create<IREE::Input::ListCreateOp>(
loc, getIrType(builder), listSizeValue);
builder.create<IREE::Input::ListResizeOp>(loc, listValue, listSizeValue);
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(children)) {
StructureLevel &child = it.value();
Value childValue = child.emitCreateReturns(loc, builder, callReturns);
Value indexValue = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, builder.getIndexType(), builder.getIndexAttr(it.index()));
builder.create<IREE::Input::ListSetOp>(loc, listValue, indexValue,
return listValue;
assert(false && "unhandled StructureLevel type");
return Value();
// Emits operations to load this instance from a parent list value at the
// given index.
Value emitGetFromList(Location loc, OpBuilder &builder, Value parentList,
int index) {
Value indexValue = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, builder.getIndexType(), builder.getIndexAttr(index));
Value itemValue = builder.create<IREE::Input::ListGetOp>(
loc, getIrType(builder), parentList, indexValue);
// TODO: Null check, etc. How does that work if returning a tensor? Need
// to box somehow?
if (itemValue.getType().isa<IREE::Input::BufferViewType>()) {
itemValue = builder.createOrFold<IREE::Input::BufferViewToTensorOp>(
loc, valueType, itemValue);
return itemValue;
void normalize() {
// Sort by key.
if (type == LevelType::List || type == LevelType::Tuple) {
children.begin(), children.end(),
[](StructureLevel &a, StructureLevel &b) { return a.ikey < b.ikey; });
} else if (type == LevelType::Dict) {
children.begin(), children.end(),
[](StructureLevel &a, StructureLevel &b) { return a.skey < b.skey; });
for (auto &child : children) child.normalize();
StructureLevel *bindValue(Location loc, int newValueIndex, Type valueType,
ArrayAttr indexPathAttr, bool bindTuple = false) {
StructureLevel *current = this;
// Move forward through non terminal path segments.
for (Attribute indexAttr : indexPathAttr) {
if (auto stringAttr = indexAttr.dyn_cast<StringAttr>()) {
auto childKey = stringAttr.getValue();
current = current->allocateChild(loc, childKey);
if (!current) return nullptr;
} else if (auto intAttr = indexAttr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>()) {
int childIndex = intAttr.getInt();
current =
current->allocateChild(loc, childIndex, /*asTuple=*/bindTuple);
if (!current) return nullptr;
} else {
<< "each index path component must be a string or integer";
return nullptr;
// If the root is not yet assigned, then it must be None.
if (current->type != LevelType::None) {
emitError(loc) << "duplicate assignment to structure path "
<< indexPathAttr;
return nullptr;
current->type = LevelType::Value;
current->valueIndex = newValueIndex;
current->valueType = valueType;
return current;
StructureLevel *allocateChild(Location loc, StringRef childKey) {
if (type == LevelType::None) type = LevelType::Dict;
if (type != LevelType::Dict) {
// Special case for root-args: create a named bindings.
if (isRootArgs) {
int maxIKey = 0;
for (auto &child : children) {
if (child.ikey > maxIKey) maxIKey = child.ikey;
children.back().ikey = maxIKey + 1;
children.back().valueName = childKey;
return &children.back();
} else {
emitError(loc) << "structure path mismatch: dereference a non-dict "
<< "with a dict key '" << childKey << "'";
return nullptr;
for (auto &child : children) {
if (child.skey == childKey) return &child;
// Not found: Create.
children.back().skey = childKey.str();
return &children.back();
StructureLevel *allocateChild(Location loc, int childIndex,
bool asTuple = false) {
if (type == LevelType::None) {
type = asTuple ? LevelType::Tuple : LevelType::List;
if (type != LevelType::List && type != LevelType::Tuple) {
emitError(loc) << "structure path mismatch: dereference a non-sequence "
<< "with a sequence key " << childIndex;
return nullptr;
for (auto &child : children) {
if (child.ikey == childIndex) return &child;
// Not found: Create.
children.back().ikey = childIndex;
return &children.back();
LogicalResult materializeABIWrapper(ModuleOp module, func::FuncOp internalFunc,
StringRef exportedName) {
Location loc = internalFunc.getLoc();
OpBuilder builder(internalFunc);
const StringAttr savedModelIndexPathIdent =
FunctionType internalFuncType =
json::Array refArgs;
json::Array refReturns;
// Process each flattened argument into the argsRoot.
StructureLevel argsRoot = StructureLevel::createRootArgsList();
SmallVector<StructureLevel *> flattenedArgLevels;
for (int i = 0, e = internalFunc.getNumArguments(); i < e; i++) {
auto indexPathAttr = internalFunc.getArgAttrOfType<mlir::ArrayAttr>(
i, savedModelIndexPathIdent);
if (!indexPathAttr) {
return internalFunc.emitError()
<< "Missing argument attribute " << savedModelIndexPathIdent
<< " on argument " << i;
internalFunc.removeArgAttr(i, savedModelIndexPathIdent);
loc, i, internalFuncType.getInput(i), indexPathAttr));
if (!flattenedArgLevels.back()) {
return failure();
// Process each flattened result into the resultsRoot.
StructureLevel resultsRoot = StructureLevel{};
for (int i = 0, e = internalFunc.getNumResults(); i < e; i++) {
auto indexPathAttr = internalFunc.getResultAttrOfType<mlir::ArrayAttr>(
i, savedModelIndexPathIdent);
if (!indexPathAttr) {
return internalFunc.emitError()
<< "Missing result attribute " << savedModelIndexPathIdent
<< " on result " << i;
internalFunc.removeResultAttr(i, savedModelIndexPathIdent);
// TODO: The TensorFlow SavedModel attribute system does not distinguish
// lists from tuples, but TensorFlow internally does. Until this is
// plumbed through somehow, arbitrarily emit results as tuples as that
// was determined by someone at some point to be more canonical.
if (!resultsRoot.bindValue(loc, i, internalFuncType.getResult(i),
indexPathAttr, /*bindTuple=*/true)) {
return failure();
// Special case: root return is ambiguous between tuple and list. Bias
// towards multi-return safe by converting to tuple.
// TODO: Investigate upstream whether there are additional signals to be
// plumbed.
// Tuples, lists and dicts are just inlined as multi results instead of
// introducing a root nesting.
bool isMultiResult = resultsRoot.type == LevelType::Tuple ||
resultsRoot.type == LevelType::List ||
resultsRoot.type == LevelType::Dict;
// Build the wrapper function type.
SmallVector<Type> wrapperArgTypes;
SmallVector<Type> wrapperResultTypes;
for (StructureLevel &topLevelArg : argsRoot.children) {
if (resultsRoot.type == LevelType::None) {
// No returns.
} else if (isMultiResult) {
// Multi result for each child of the root.
for (auto &child : resultsRoot.children) {
} else {
// Single result (just the root).
// Create the wrapper function.
FunctionType wrapperFuncType =
builder.getFunctionType(wrapperArgTypes, wrapperResultTypes);
auto wrapperFunc =
builder.create<func::FuncOp>(loc, exportedName, wrapperFuncType);
Block *entryBlock = wrapperFunc.addEntryBlock();
// Flatten the arguments.
// For each argument of the wrapper function, associate with a
// StructureLevel and recursively emit dereferencing ops until reaching a
// leaf.
SmallVector<Value> callArgs;
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(argsRoot.children)) {
BlockArgument wrapperArgValue = entryBlock->getArgument(it.index());
it.value().emitDereferenceArgs(loc, builder, wrapperArgValue, callArgs);
assert(llvm::all_of(callArgs, [](Value v) { return v != nullptr; }) &&
"not all call arguments mapped");
// Emit the call to the internal func.
ResultRange internalResults =
.create<func::CallOp>(loc, internalFuncType.getResults(),
internalFunc.getName(), callArgs)
// And then unflatten the results for return from the wrapper.
SmallVector<Value> wrapperReturns;
if (resultsRoot.type == LevelType::None) {
assert(wrapperReturns.empty() && "mismatched none return");
} else if (isMultiResult) {
// Multiple return.
assert(resultsRoot.children.size() == wrapperReturns.size() &&
"mismatched multiple result arity");
for (int i = 0, e = resultsRoot.children.size(); i < e; ++i) {
wrapperReturns[i] = resultsRoot.children[i].emitCreateReturns(
loc, builder, internalResults);
// Multi-result roots are implicitly inlined.
} else {
// Single return.
assert(wrapperReturns.size() == 1 &&
"mismatched return arity for unary func");
wrapperReturns[0] =
resultsRoot.emitCreateReturns(loc, builder, internalResults);
assert(llvm::all_of(wrapperReturns, [](Value v) { return v != nullptr; }) &&
"not all call returns mapped");
builder.create<func::ReturnOp>(loc, wrapperReturns);
// Add ABI attribute.
std::string refStr;
json::Object refDict;
refDict["v"] = json::Value(1);
refDict["a"] = json::Value(std::move(refArgs));
refDict["r"] = json::Value(std::move(refReturns));
json::Value refDictValue(std::move(refDict));
llvm::raw_string_ostream refOut(refStr);
refOut << refDictValue;
wrapperFunc->setAttr("iree.abi", builder.getStringAttr(refStr));
return success();
} // namespace
class SavedModelToIREEABIPass
: public PassWrapper<SavedModelToIREEABIPass, OperationPass<ModuleOp>> {
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
StringRef getArgument() const override {
return "tf-saved-model-to-iree-abi";
StringRef getDescription() const override {
return "Creates IREE ABI entrypoints for saved model exports";
void runOnOperation() override {
if (failed(run())) {
LogicalResult run() {
mlir::Builder builder(getOperation());
const StringAttr savedModelIndexPathIdent =
// Handle saved model exported functions.
for (auto func : getOperation().getOps<func::FuncOp>()) {
// Transfer exported names to IREE.
auto exportedNames = mlir::tf_saved_model::GetExportedNames(func);
if (exportedNames.empty()) continue;
if (exportedNames.size() > 1) {
return func.emitError() << "Multiple exported names not supported yet";
StringRef exportedName = exportedNames.front();
StringRef internalName = func.getName();
if (internalName == exportedName) {
// Normally, the actual IR function name is some mangled form only
// relevant to some long departed TensorFlow devs. But there is nothing
// saying it has to be, so if there is a collision, be nice and move
// it out of the way.
std::string rename = internalName.str();
SymbolTable::setSymbolName(func, rename);
SymbolTable::setSymbolVisibility(func, SymbolTable::Visibility::Private);
if (failed(materializeABIWrapper(getOperation(), func, exportedName))) {
return failure();
// Remove its designation as a saved model export.
// We should have now removed anything requiring saved model semantics.
return success();
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> createSavedModelToIREEABIPass() {
return std::make_unique<SavedModelToIREEABIPass>();
static PassRegistration<SavedModelToIREEABIPass> pass;
} // namespace TF
} // namespace iree_integrations
} // namespace mlir