| // Copyright 2019 Google LLC |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "bindings/python/pyiree/vm.h" |
| |
| #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" |
| #include "absl/types/optional.h" |
| #include "bindings/python/pyiree/function_abi.h" |
| #include "bindings/python/pyiree/status_utils.h" |
| #include "iree/base/api.h" |
| #include "iree/modules/hal/hal_module.h" |
| #include "iree/vm/invocation.h" |
| #include "iree/vm/module.h" |
| |
| namespace iree { |
| namespace python { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| VmModule CreateHalModule(HalDevice* device) { |
| iree_vm_module_t* module; |
| CheckApiStatus( |
| iree_hal_module_create(device->raw_ptr(), IREE_ALLOCATOR_SYSTEM, &module), |
| "Error creating hal module"); |
| return VmModule::CreateRetained(module); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| // VmInstance |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| VmInstance VmInstance::Create() { |
| iree_vm_instance_t* instance; |
| auto status = iree_vm_instance_create(IREE_ALLOCATOR_SYSTEM, &instance); |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error creating instance"); |
| return VmInstance::CreateRetained(instance); |
| } |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| // VmContext |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| VmContext VmContext::Create(VmInstance* instance, |
| absl::optional<std::vector<VmModule*>> modules) { |
| iree_vm_context_t* context; |
| if (!modules) { |
| // Simple create with open allowed modules. |
| auto status = iree_vm_context_create(instance->raw_ptr(), |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error creating vm context"); |
| } else { |
| // Closed set of modules. |
| absl::InlinedVector<iree_vm_module_t*, 8> module_handles; |
| module_handles.resize(modules->size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0, e = module_handles.size(); i < e; ++i) { |
| module_handles[i] = (*modules)[i]->raw_ptr(); |
| } |
| auto status = iree_vm_context_create_with_modules( |
| instance->raw_ptr(), module_handles.data(), module_handles.size(), |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error creating vm context with modules"); |
| } |
| |
| CHECK(context); |
| return VmContext::CreateRetained(context); |
| } |
| |
| void VmContext::RegisterModules(std::vector<VmModule*> modules) { |
| absl::InlinedVector<iree_vm_module_t*, 8> module_handles; |
| module_handles.resize(modules.size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0, e = module_handles.size(); i < e; ++i) { |
| module_handles[i] = modules[i]->raw_ptr(); |
| } |
| auto status = iree_vm_context_register_modules(raw_ptr(), &module_handles[0], |
| module_handles.size()); |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error registering modules"); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<FunctionAbi> VmContext::CreateFunctionAbi( |
| HalDevice& device, std::shared_ptr<HostTypeFactory> host_type_factory, |
| iree_vm_function_t f) { |
| // Resolve attrs. |
| absl::InlinedVector<std::pair<iree_string_view_t, iree_string_view_t>, 4> |
| attrs; |
| for (int i = 0;; ++i) { |
| attrs.push_back({}); |
| auto status = iree_vm_get_function_reflection_attr( |
| f, i, &attrs.back().first, &attrs.back().second); |
| if (iree_status_is_not_found(status)) { |
| attrs.pop_back(); |
| break; |
| } |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error getting reflection attr"); |
| } |
| auto attr_lookup = |
| [&attrs](absl::string_view key) -> absl::optional<absl::string_view> { |
| for (const auto& attr : attrs) { |
| absl::string_view found_key(attr.first.data, attr.first.size); |
| absl::string_view found_value(attr.second.data, attr.second.size); |
| if (found_key == key) return found_value; |
| } |
| return absl::nullopt; |
| }; |
| |
| return FunctionAbi::Create(device, std::move(host_type_factory), attr_lookup); |
| } |
| |
| void VmContext::Invoke(iree_vm_function_t f, VmVariantList& inputs, |
| VmVariantList& outputs) { |
| CheckApiStatus(iree_vm_invoke(raw_ptr(), f, nullptr, inputs.raw_ptr(), |
| outputs.raw_ptr(), IREE_ALLOCATOR_SYSTEM), |
| "Error invoking function"); |
| } |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| // VmModule |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| VmModule VmModule::FromFlatbufferBlob( |
| std::shared_ptr<OpaqueBlob> flatbuffer_blob) { |
| iree_vm_module_t* module; |
| auto deallocator = OpaqueBlob::CreateDeallocator(flatbuffer_blob); |
| auto status = iree_vm_bytecode_module_create( |
| {static_cast<const uint8_t*>(flatbuffer_blob->data()), |
| flatbuffer_blob->size()}, |
| deallocator, IREE_ALLOCATOR_SYSTEM, &module); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| deallocator.free(deallocator.self, nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error creating vm module from flatbuffer"); |
| return VmModule::CreateRetained(module); |
| } |
| |
| absl::optional<iree_vm_function_t> VmModule::LookupFunction( |
| const std::string& name, iree_vm_function_linkage_t linkage) { |
| iree_vm_function_t f; |
| auto status = iree_vm_module_lookup_function_by_name( |
| raw_ptr(), linkage, {name.data(), name.size()}, &f); |
| if (iree_status_is_not_found(status)) { |
| return absl::nullopt; |
| } |
| CheckApiStatus(status, "Error looking up function"); |
| return f; |
| } |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| // VmVariantList |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| std::string VmVariantList::DebugString() const { |
| // The variant list API requires mutability, so we const cast to it internally |
| // so we can maintain a const DebugString() for callers. |
| auto mutable_this = const_cast<VmVariantList*>(this); |
| std::string s; |
| absl::StrAppend(&s, "<VmVariantList(", size(), "): ["); |
| |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0, e = size(); i < e; ++i) { |
| iree_vm_variant_t* variant = |
| iree_vm_variant_list_get(mutable_this->raw_ptr(), i); |
| if (i > 0) absl::StrAppend(&s, ", "); |
| |
| if (IREE_VM_VARIANT_IS_VALUE(variant)) { |
| absl::StrAppend(&s, variant->i32); |
| } else if (IREE_VM_VARIANT_IS_REF(variant)) { |
| // Pretty print a subset of ABI impacting known types. |
| if (iree_hal_buffer_isa(&variant->ref)) { |
| auto* hal_buffer = iree_hal_buffer_deref(&variant->ref); |
| assert(hal_buffer); |
| absl::StrAppend(&s, "HalBuffer(", |
| iree_hal_buffer_byte_length(hal_buffer), ")"); |
| } else { |
| absl::StrAppend(&s, "Unknown(", variant->ref_type, ")"); |
| } |
| } else { |
| absl::StrAppend(&s, "None"); |
| } |
| } |
| absl::StrAppend(&s, "]>"); |
| return s; |
| } |
| |
| void SetupVmBindings(pybind11::module m) { |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_vm_register_builtin_types()); |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_hal_module_register_types()); |
| |
| // Built-in module creation. |
| m.def("create_hal_module", &CreateHalModule); |
| |
| py::enum_<iree_vm_function_linkage_t>(m, "Linkage") |
| .export_values(); |
| |
| // Mutation and inspection of the variant list is mostly opaque to python. |
| py::class_<VmVariantList>(m, "VmVariantList") |
| .def(py::init(&VmVariantList::Create)) |
| .def_property_readonly("size", &VmVariantList::size) |
| .def("__repr__", &VmVariantList::DebugString); |
| |
| py::class_<iree_vm_function_t>(m, "VmFunction") |
| .def_readonly("linkage", &iree_vm_function_t::linkage) |
| .def_readonly("ordinal", &iree_vm_function_t::ordinal); |
| |
| py::class_<VmInstance>(m, "VmInstance").def(py::init(&VmInstance::Create)); |
| |
| py::class_<VmContext>(m, "VmContext") |
| .def(py::init(&VmContext::Create), py::arg("instance"), |
| py::arg("modules") = absl::optional<std::vector<VmModule*>>()) |
| .def("register_modules", &VmContext::RegisterModules) |
| .def_property_readonly("context_id", &VmContext::context_id) |
| .def("create_function_abi", &VmContext::CreateFunctionAbi, |
| py::arg("device"), py::arg("host_type_factory"), py::arg("f")) |
| .def("invoke", &VmContext::Invoke); |
| |
| py::class_<VmModule>(m, "VmModule") |
| .def_static("from_flatbuffer", &VmModule::FromFlatbufferBlob) |
| .def_property_readonly("name", &VmModule::name) |
| .def("lookup_function", &VmModule::LookupFunction, py::arg("name"), |
| py::arg("linkage") = IREE_VM_FUNCTION_LINKAGE_EXPORT); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace python |
| } // namespace iree |