blob: c6debcae8bf76bf02d9b07f1309c8fc4c621c5db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/hal/api.h"
#include "iree/modules/hal/module.h"
#include "iree/vm/api.h"
#include "iree/vm/bytecode/module.h"
#include "iree_pjrt/common/compiler.h"
#include "iree_pjrt/common/layout_utils.h"
#include "iree_pjrt/common/platform.h"
#include "xla/pjrt/c/pjrt_c_api.h"
namespace iree::pjrt {
class ClientInstance;
class DeviceInstance;
class ErrorInstance;
class EventInstance;
// PJRT_Error wrapper
// PJRT Errors are simple wrappers around an iree_status_t. They are
// infrequently created, so we make some ergonomic concessions (caching
// messages, etc).
class ErrorInstance {
ErrorInstance(iree_status_t status) : status_(status) {}
~ErrorInstance() { iree_status_ignore(status_); }
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
static const ErrorInstance* FromError(const PJRT_Error* error) {
return reinterpret_cast<const ErrorInstance*>(error);
iree_status_t status() const { return status_; }
const std::string& message() const;
iree_status_t status_;
mutable std::string cached_message_;
inline PJRT_Error* MakeError(iree_status_t status) {
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
return nullptr;
auto alloced_error = std::make_unique<ErrorInstance>(status);
return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_Error*>(alloced_error.release());
// BufferInstance
class BufferInstance {
BufferInstance(DeviceInstance& device,
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_buffer_view_t> buffer_view);
operator PJRT_Buffer*() { return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_Buffer*>(this); }
static BufferInstance* Unwrap(PJRT_Buffer* buffer) {
return reinterpret_cast<BufferInstance*>(buffer);
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view() { return buffer_view_.get(); }
DeviceInstance& device() { return device_; }
iree_status_t AsyncDeallocate();
iree_status_t Delete();
bool is_deleted() { return is_deleted_; }
bool is_on_cpu() {
// TODO: Plumb through an indication if running on CPU and then implement
// the hook to get an unsafe pointer (avoids a copy).
return false;
// Gets the required host size in bytes to copy to host.
iree_status_t GetHostSizeInBytes(iree_host_size_t* host_size);
iree_status_t CopyToHost(void* dst, iree_host_size_t dst_size,
EventInstance** done_event);
// Advance the ready and done fences.
iree_status_t AdvanceReadyFence(iree_hal_semaphore_t* semaphore,
uint64_t timepoint);
iree_status_t AdvanceDoneFence(iree_hal_semaphore_t* semaphore,
uint64_t timepoint);
iree_hal_fence_t* ready_fence() { return ready_fence_.get(); }
iree_hal_fence_t* done_fence() { return done_fence_.get(); }
const int64_t* dims() { return; }
size_t num_dims() { return dims_.size(); }
std::optional<PJRT_Buffer_Type> element_type();
const PJRT_Buffer_MemoryLayout* layout() {
if (!layout_.is_valid()) {
if (layout_.is_valid()) {
return &layout_.c_layout();
} else {
return nullptr;
void ComputeLayout();
DeviceInstance& device_;
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_buffer_view_t> buffer_view_;
// When the buffer resource gets freed, this is set to true.
bool is_deleted_ = false;
// Fences.
// ready_fence_: Signalled when the buffer is ready to be consumed. Consumers
// should wait on this fence.
// done_fence_: Signalled when all scheduled work on the buffer is done.
// Consumers should advance this fence when using it.
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_fence_t> ready_fence_;
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_fence_t> done_fence_;
// API elements that must have the same lifetime as BufferInstance.
std::vector<int64_t> dims_;
ApiMemoryLayout layout_;
// DeviceDescription
class DeviceDescription {
DeviceDescription(int32_t client_id, iree_hal_device_info_t* info)
: client_id_(client_id), info_(info) {
// Initialize debug strings.
user_string_ = std::string(info_->, info_->path.size);
debug_string_ = std::string(info_->, info_->name.size);
kind_string_ = std::string(info_->, info_->name.size);
operator PJRT_DeviceDescription*() {
return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_DeviceDescription*>(this);
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
static DeviceDescription* Unwrap(PJRT_DeviceDescription* device) {
return reinterpret_cast<DeviceDescription*>(device);
int64_t device_id() { return info_->device_id; }
// Since the PJRT device id is a simple int and the IREE device_id is
// a pointer-sized value, we just assign a synthetic id. Currently, this
// is the offset into the devices() array on the client. Will need to be
// revisited if ever supporting re-scanning (but many things would seem to
// need updates then).
int client_id() { return client_id_; }
// Not yet implemented but plumbed through.
int process_index() { return 0; }
// Various debug descriptions of the device. Backing string data owned by
// the device description.
std::string_view kind_string() { return kind_string_; }
std::string_view debug_string() { return debug_string_; }
std::string_view user_string() { return user_string_; }
int client_id_;
iree_hal_device_info_t* info_;
// Debug strings (owned by device description).
std::string kind_string_;
std::string debug_string_;
std::string user_string_;
// DeviceInstance
class DeviceInstance {
DeviceInstance(int client_id, ClientInstance& client,
iree_hal_driver_t* driver, iree_hal_device_info_t* info)
: client_(client), driver_(driver), info_(client_id, info) {}
operator PJRT_Device*() { return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_Device*>(this); }
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
static DeviceInstance* Unwrap(PJRT_Device* device) {
return reinterpret_cast<DeviceInstance*>(device);
static DeviceInstance* Unwrap(PJRT_DeviceDescription* device_description) {
return reinterpret_cast<DeviceInstance*>(device_description);
ClientInstance& client() { return client_; }
bool is_addressable() { return true; }
int local_hardware_id() { return -1; }
iree_status_t HostBufferToDeviceZeroDim(
PJRT_Buffer_Type type, const int64_t* dims, size_t num_dims,
EventInstance** out_done_with_host_buffer_event,
BufferInstance** out_buffer);
iree_status_t HostBufferToDeviceSplat(
const void* data, PJRT_Buffer_Type type, const int64_t* dims,
size_t num_dims, EventInstance** out_done_with_host_buffer_event,
BufferInstance** out_buffer);
iree_status_t TransposeBroadcastDeviceBuffer(
BufferInstance* buffer, iree_hal_element_type_t type,
const iree_hal_dim_t* input_dims, const iree_hal_dim_t* output_dims,
const int64_t* perms, size_t num_dims,
PJRT_HostBufferSemantics host_buffer_semantics,
EventInstance** out_done_with_host_buffer_event,
BufferInstance** out_buffer);
// Copies a host buffer to the device.
// See PJRT_Client_BufferFromHostBuffer
iree_status_t HostBufferToDevice(
const void* data, PJRT_Buffer_Type type, const int64_t* dims,
size_t num_dims, const int64_t* byte_strides, size_t num_byte_strides,
PJRT_HostBufferSemantics host_buffer_semantics,
EventInstance** out_done_with_host_buffer_event,
BufferInstance** out_buffer);
// TODO(laurenzo): Eagerly set up device to allow simple access.
iree_status_t GetHalDevice(iree_hal_device_t** out_device);
DeviceDescription* device_description() { return &info_; }
// Only valid once device opened.
iree_hal_semaphore_t* main_timeline() { return main_timeline_.get(); }
iree_hal_device_t* device() { return device_.get(); }
iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator() {
return iree_hal_device_allocator(device_.get());
// Creates a fence sized to the maximum number of semaphores in use by the
// device.
iree_status_t CreateFence(iree_hal_fence_t** out_fence);
iree_status_t OpenDevice();
iree_status_t AcquireHostStagingBuffer(
iree_const_byte_span_t initial_contents,
bool snapshot_initial_contents_now, bool* initial_contents_snapshotted,
iree_hal_buffer_t** out_buffer);
ClientInstance& client_;
iree_hal_driver_t* driver_; // Owned by client.
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_device_t> device_;
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_semaphore_t> main_timeline_;
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_semaphore_t> transfer_timeline_;
// A fence that is initialized to the start of the transfer timeline,
// effectively being signalled immediately.
iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_fence_t> transfer_now_fence_;
// The timepoint of the last transfer.
uint64_t last_transfer_timepoint_ = 0;
DeviceDescription info_;
// EventInstance
class EventInstance {
EventInstance(iree::vm::ref<iree_hal_fence_t> fence);
operator PJRT_Event*() { return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_Event*>(this); }
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
static EventInstance* Unwrap(PJRT_Event* exe) {
return reinterpret_cast<EventInstance*>(exe);
iree_status_t OnReady(PJRT_Event_OnReadyCallback callback, void* user_arg);
ErrorInstance* error();
bool is_ready();
void SignalReady(iree_status_t status);
std::mutex lock_;
iree_status_t status_ = iree_ok_status();
bool is_ready_;
std::vector<std::pair<PJRT_Event_OnReadyCallback, void*>> pending_callbacks_;
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> signal_thread_;
// LoadedExecutableInstance
// PJRT models a LoadedExecutable, which can produce an Executable that can
// be used to serialize and get metadata.
// We have one additional layer, because our executables are just flat binary
// data until loaded onto a device context. We call this a ResidentExecutable
// to avoid name collisions.
// Correspondance:
// PJRT_Executable -> ExecutableImage
// PJRT_LoadedExecutable -> LoadedExecutableInstance
// <None> -> ResidentExecutable
// Since we need to query metadata from a ResidentExecutable, we populate the
// metadata on an ExecutableImage lazily before returning it. The
// ExecutableImage is managed with ref counted semantics and owns the backing
// binary data (as well as doubling as a user-level PJRT_Executable).
struct ExecutableImage {
ExecutableImage(std::unique_ptr<CompilerOutput> binary, std::string code)
: ref_count(1), binary(std::move(binary)), code(code) {}
operator PJRT_Executable*() {
return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_Executable*>(this);
static ExecutableImage* Unwrap(PJRT_Executable* exe) {
return reinterpret_cast<ExecutableImage*>(exe);
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
void AddRef() { ref_count.fetch_add(1); }
void DecRef() {
if (ref_count.fetch_sub(1) == 0) {
delete this;
// The reference count. Must be disposed when reaching zero.
std::atomic<int> ref_count;
// Raw compiler output.
std::unique_ptr<CompilerOutput> binary;
// Original code fed to the compiler. Stored for debugging.
const std::string code;
// Meta-data about the executable is lazily set when an Executable is obtained
// from a LoadedExecutable.
iree_host_size_t arg_count;
iree_host_size_t result_count;
bool metadata_initialized = false;
// An executable loaded on all available devices.
struct ResidentExecutable {
DeviceInstance* device_instance;
iree::vm::ref<iree_vm_context_t> vm_context;
iree::vm::ref<iree_vm_module_t> main_module;
iree_vm_function_t main_function;
iree_host_size_t arg_count;
iree_host_size_t result_count;
class LoadedExecutableInstance {
ClientInstance& client, ExecutableImage* image,
const std::vector<DeviceInstance*>& addressable_devices)
: client_(client),
addressable_devices_(addressable_devices) {}
~LoadedExecutableInstance() { image_->DecRef(); }
operator PJRT_LoadedExecutable*() {
return reinterpret_cast<PJRT_LoadedExecutable*>(this);
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
static LoadedExecutableInstance* Unwrap(PJRT_LoadedExecutable* exe) {
return reinterpret_cast<LoadedExecutableInstance*>(exe);
const std::vector<DeviceInstance*>& addressable_devices() {
return addressable_devices_;
// Loads all executables to addressable devices.
iree_status_t LoadAll();
// Gets one loaded executable that can be used for querying metadata
// and such.
iree_status_t GetDefaultResidentExecutable(ResidentExecutable** out_loaded);
// Gets the number of outputs.
iree_status_t GetArgResultCount(iree_host_size_t* out_arg_count,
iree_host_size_t* out_result_count);
// Executes on a batch of devices. Since this is a complicated call,
// we just give it the raw C argument struct vs breaking it down.
iree_status_t BatchExecute(PJRT_LoadedExecutable_Execute_Args* args);
ClientInstance& client_;
ExecutableImage* image_; // Ref-counted semantics.
std::vector<DeviceInstance*> addressable_devices_;
std::vector<ResidentExecutable> resident_executables_;
// ClientInstance
// The root of the runtime hierarchy, these map to an IREE driver and are
// created against an API.
class ClientInstance {
ClientInstance(std::unique_ptr<Platform> platform);
virtual ~ClientInstance();
// Binds monomorphic entry-points for the client.
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api);
static ClientInstance* Unwrap(PJRT_Client* client) {
return reinterpret_cast<ClientInstance*>(client);
// Before the client is usable, it must be initialized.
PJRT_Error* Initialize();
Platform& platform() { return *platform_; }
Logger& logger() { return platform_->logger(); }
iree_allocator_t host_allocator() { return host_allocator_; }
const std::vector<DeviceInstance*>& devices() { return devices_; }
const std::vector<DeviceInstance*>& addressable_devices() {
return addressable_devices_;
const std::string& cached_platform_name() { return cached_platform_name_; }
const std::string& cached_platform_version() {
return cached_platform_version_;
iree_vm_instance_t* vm_instance() { return vm_instance_.get(); }
// Compiles.
// See TODOs in PJRT_Client_Compile.
PJRT_Error* Compile(
const PJRT_Program* program, /*xla::CompileOptions options, */
LoadedExecutableInstance** executable);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subclass hooks.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Must be defined by concrete subclasses.
virtual iree_status_t CreateDriver(iree_hal_driver_t** out_driver) = 0;
// Populates the list of modules to load into a context for an executable
// on a device. This can be customized by subclasses. The default
// implementation constructs a hal module and appends:
// {hal_module, main_module}.
virtual iree_status_t PopulateVMModules(
std::vector<iree::vm::ref<iree_vm_module_t>>& modules,
iree_hal_device_t* hal_device,
iree::vm::ref<iree_vm_module_t>& main_module);
// Sets default compiler flags for the client which apply to all executables
// and devices.
// Returns false on failure (and sets error information on the compiler_job).
virtual bool SetDefaultCompilerFlags(CompilerJob* compiler_job) = 0;
// Advances the timeline, returning (current, next) time point values.
std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> AdvanceTimeline();
iree_allocator_t host_allocator_;
iree_hal_driver_registry_t* driver_registry_ = nullptr;
std::string cached_platform_name_;
std::string cached_platform_version_;
iree_status_t InitializeCompiler();
iree_status_t InitializeVM();
iree_status_t PopulateDevices();
std::unique_ptr<Platform> platform_;
// HAL.
iree_hal_driver_t* driver_ = nullptr;
iree_hal_device_info_t* device_infos_ = nullptr;
iree_host_size_t device_info_count_ = 0;
std::vector<DeviceInstance*> devices_;
std::vector<DeviceInstance*> addressable_devices_;
// VM.
iree::vm::ref<iree_vm_instance_t> vm_instance_;
// Synchronization.
// We keep one global execution timeline across all devices. The management
// of this is currently somewhat primitive: we increment it by one for each
// invocation. Batch invocations (i.e. across multiple devices), only
// increment by one. In the future, additional parallelism could be plumbed
// up to the framework to allow different kinds of timeline management.
// Waiting on the current value of |execution_timeline_| will drain all
// scheduled work to date.
uint64_t execution_timeline_ = 0ull;
// API binding
// Binds all monomorphic API members and top-level API struct setup.
void BindMonomorphicApi(PJRT_Api* api);
// Fully binds the PJRT_Api struct for all types. Polymorphic types must be
// specified by template parameters.
template <typename PlatformTy, typename ClientInstanceTy>
static void BindApi(PJRT_Api* api) {
// Bind polymorphic entry-points.
api->PJRT_Client_Create = +[](PJRT_Client_Create_Args* args) -> PJRT_Error* {
auto platform = std::make_unique<PlatformTy>();
// Populate config_vars() from the client create_options.
for (size_t i = 0; i < args->num_options; ++i) {
const PJRT_NamedValue* nv = args->create_options + i;
// For now, we only support string types.
if (nv->type != PJRT_NamedValue_kString) continue;
std::string name(nv->name, nv->name_size);
std::string value(nv->string_value, nv->value_size);
platform->config_vars().Set(name, std::move(value));
auto status = platform->Initialize();
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
return MakeError(status);
auto client = std::make_unique<ClientInstanceTy>(std::move(platform));
auto* error = client->Initialize();
if (error) return error;
// Successful return.
args->client = reinterpret_cast<PJRT_Client*>(client.release());
return nullptr;
} // namespace iree::pjrt