blob: 4bca45742962fe3fa9fd05b69584553ab2aa414d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/flags.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/path.h"
#include "iree/hal/api.h"
#include "iree/tooling/device_util.h"
#include "iree/tooling/trace_replay.h"
#include "iree/tooling/vm_util.h"
#include "iree/tooling/yaml_util.h"
#include "iree/vm/api.h"
IREE_FLAG(bool, trace_execution, false, "Traces VM execution to stderr.");
IREE_FLAG(bool, print_statistics, false,
"Prints runtime statistics to stderr on exit.");
IREE_FLAG(bool, print_calls, false, "Prints all I/O for each call to stdout.");
IREE_FLAG(bool, print_call_inputs, false,
"Prints all inputs for each call before they are made to stdout.");
IREE_FLAG(bool, print_call_outputs, false,
"Prints all outputs for each call after they are made to stdout.");
string, input,
"An input (a) value or (b) buffer of the format:\n"
" (a) scalar value\n"
" value\n"
" e.g.: --input=\"3.14\"\n"
" (b) buffer:\n"
" [shape]xtype=[value]\n"
" e.g.: --input=\"2x2xi32=1 2 3 4\"\n"
"Optionally, brackets may be used to separate the element values:\n"
" 2x2xi32=[[1 2][3 4]]\n"
"Raw binary files can be read to provide buffer contents:\n"
" 2x2xi32=@some/file.bin\n"
"Numpy npy files from can be read to provide 1+ values:\n"
" @some.npy\n"
"Each occurrence of the flag indicates an input in the order they were\n"
"specified on the command line.");
string, output,
"Specifies how to handle an output from the invocation:\n"
" `` (empty): ignore output\n"
" e.g.: --output=\n"
" `-`: print textual form to stdout\n"
" e.g.: --output=-\n"
" `@file.npy`: create/overwrite a numpy npy file and write buffer view\n"
" e.g.: --output=@file.npy\n"
" `+file.npy`: create/append a numpy npy file and write buffer view\n"
" e.g.: --output=+file.npy\n"
"Numpy npy files can be read in Python using numpy.load, for example an\n"
"invocation producing two outputs can be concatenated as:\n"
" --output=@file.npy --output=+file.npy\n"
"And then loaded in Python by reading from the same file:\n"
" with open('file.npy', 'rb') as f:\n"
" print(numpy.load(f))\n"
" print(numpy.load(f))\n"
"Each occurrence of the flag indicates an output in the order they were\n"
"specified on the command line.");
IREE_FLAG_LIST(string, expected_output,
"An expected function output following the same format as "
"--input. When present the results of the "
"invocation will be compared against these values and the "
"tool will return non-zero if any differ. If the value of a "
"particular output is not of interest provide `(ignored)`.");
IREE_FLAG(int32_t, output_max_element_count, 1024,
"Prints up to the maximum number of elements of output tensors, "
"eliding the remainder.");
static iree_status_t iree_trace_replay_call_before(void* user_data,
iree_trace_replay_t* replay,
yaml_document_t* document,
yaml_node_t* event_node,
iree_vm_function_t function,
iree_vm_list_t* input_list) {
if (FLAG_print_calls || FLAG_print_call_inputs) {
iree_string_view_t function_name = iree_vm_function_name(&function);
fprintf(stdout, "--- CALL[%.*s] ---\n", (int)function_name.size,;
IREE_SV("arg"), input_list,
(iree_host_size_t)FLAG_output_max_element_count, stdout));
return iree_ok_status();
static iree_status_t iree_trace_replay_call_after(void* user_data,
iree_trace_replay_t* replay,
yaml_document_t* document,
yaml_node_t* event_node,
iree_vm_function_t function,
iree_vm_list_t* output_list) {
if (FLAG_print_calls || FLAG_print_call_outputs) {
if (!FLAG_print_calls && !FLAG_print_call_inputs) {
iree_string_view_t function_name = iree_vm_function_name(&function);
fprintf(stdout, "--- CALL[%.*s] ---\n", (int)function_name.size,;
IREE_SV("result"), output_list,
(iree_host_size_t)FLAG_output_max_element_count, stdout));
return iree_ok_status();
// Runs the trace in |file| using |root_path| as the base for any path lookups
// required for external files referenced in |file|.
static iree_status_t iree_run_trace_file(iree_string_view_t root_path,
FILE* file,
iree_vm_instance_t* instance) {
iree_trace_replay_flags_t replay_flags = IREE_TRACE_REPLAY_FLAG_NONE;
if (FLAG_print_statistics) {
iree_vm_context_flags_t context_flags = IREE_VM_CONTEXT_FLAG_NONE;
if (FLAG_trace_execution) {
iree_trace_replay_t replay;
root_path, instance, replay_flags, context_flags,
iree_hal_available_driver_registry(), iree_allocator_system(), &replay));
// Hook into all calls processed during the trace.
replay.call_hooks.user_data = NULL;
replay.call_hooks.before = iree_trace_replay_call_before;
replay.call_hooks.after = iree_trace_replay_call_after;
// Query device overrides, if any. When omitted the devices from the trace
// file will be used.
yaml_parser_t parser;
if (!yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)) {
return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL,
"yaml_parser_initialize failed");
yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, file);
bool have_parsed_inputs = false;
iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status();
for (bool document_eof = false; !document_eof;) {
// Parse the subdocument event.
yaml_document_t document;
if (!yaml_parser_load(&parser, &document)) {
status = iree_status_from_yaml_parser_error(&parser);
// Execute the event or handle EOF (empty document).
yaml_node_t* event_node = yaml_document_get_root_node(&document);
if (event_node) {
status = iree_trace_replay_event(&replay, &document, event_node);
} else {
document_eof = true;
// Reclaim subdocument resources before moving on to the next.
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break;
// If the event created a device and we haven't yet performed our input
// loading we can do that now before processing subsequent events.
if (!have_parsed_inputs && replay.device) {
status = iree_tooling_parse_into_variant_list(
replay.device, iree_hal_device_allocator(replay.device),
FLAG_input_list().values, FLAG_input_list().count,
replay.host_allocator, replay.inputs);
have_parsed_inputs = true;
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break;
// Transfer outputs to the host so they can be processed.
if (iree_status_is_ok(status) && replay.device != NULL) {
iree_hal_buffer_params_t target_params = {
.queue_affinity = IREE_HAL_QUEUE_AFFINITY_ANY,
.min_alignment = 0,
status = iree_tooling_transfer_variant_list(
replay.device, replay.outputs, iree_hal_device_allocator(replay.device),
target_params, /*wait_fence=*/NULL, /*signal_fence=*/NULL);
// Optionally process outputs from the replay session.
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
if (FLAG_output_list().count == 0) {
IREE_SV("output"), replay.outputs,
(iree_host_size_t)FLAG_output_max_element_count, stdout),
"printing results");
} else {
replay.outputs, FLAG_output_list().values,
(iree_host_size_t)FLAG_output_max_element_count, stdout),
"outputting results");
return status;
// Runs each of the given traces files sequentially in isolated contexts.
static iree_status_t iree_run_trace_files(int file_count, char** file_paths,
iree_vm_instance_t* instance) {
for (int i = 0; i < file_count; ++i) {
iree_string_view_t file_path = iree_make_cstring_view(file_paths[i]);
iree_string_view_t root_path = iree_file_path_dirname(file_path);
FILE* file = fopen(file_paths[i], "rb");
if (!file) {
return iree_make_status(iree_status_code_from_errno(errno),
"failed to open trace file '%.*s'",
iree_status_t status = iree_run_trace_file(root_path, file, instance);
IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(status, "replaying trace file '%.*s'",
return iree_ok_status();
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
"Executes a YAML trace file containing a sequence of context operations\n"
"and calls represented as subdocuments.\n"
"Example loading a bytecode module and calling a function:\n"
"type: context_load\n"
"type: module_load\n"
" type: buildin\n"
" name: hal\n"
"type: module_load\n"
" type: bytecode\n"
" path: ../build/some_module.vmfb\n"
" mmap: true\n"
"type: call\n"
"function: module.mul\n"
"- !input.take 0\n"
"- !input.take 1\n"
"- !output.push\n"
"- !output.push\n"
"This can be invoked like iree-run-module specifying inputs/outputs:\n"
" iree-run-trace trace.yml \\\n"
" --device=local-sync \\\n"
" --input=4xf32=0,1,2,3,4 \\\n"
" --input=@input1.npy \\\n"
" --output=@outputs.npy \\\n"
" --output=+outputs.npy\n"
"In addition to `--input=`/`--output=` flag access a user-defined\n"
"blackboard exists for preserving temporary values used within the\n"
"trace. Blackboard slots are defined by ordinal and they can be used\n"
"in any context and input/output can be, `!blackboard.get` instead of\n"
"`!input.get` and `!blackboard.set` instead of `!output.set`.\n"
"--- Events ---\n"
"`type: context_load`\n"
"Loads an empty VM context with no modules registered.\n"
"`type: module_load`\n"
"Loads a module into the current context. Modules may either be\n"
"`builtin` (compiled into the binary) or dynamically-loaded `bytecode`.\n"
"`type: blackboard_clear`\n"
"Clears the contents of the blackboard and resets it to 0 elements.\n"
"`type: assign`\n"
"Assigns sources from a `from` sequence to targets in a `to` sequence.\n"
"Equivalent to an identity function call and can be used to move\n"
"between inputs, outputs, and the blackboard.\n"
"`type: numpy_load`\n"
"Loads one or more ndarrays from a .npy value. Each array has a target\n"
"where the array will be retained such as `!blackboard.set 2`.\n"
"`type: numpy_save\n"
"Saves one or more ndarrays to a .npy value. Each array has a source\n"
"where the array will be taken from such as `!blackboard.get 2`.\n"
"`type: call`\n"
"Invokes a function in the context by fully-qualified `function` name.\n"
"Uses arguments from an `args` sequence and produces results into a\n"
"`results` sequence.\n"
"--- Sources ---\n"
"`type: null`\n"
"A null ref value.\n"
"`!hal.buffer_view 4xf32=0,1,2,3`\n"
"A constant iree_hal_buffer_view_t/!hal.buffer_view value using the\n"
"same formatting as iree-run-module's `--input=` flag.\n"
"`!hal.buffer 4xf32=0,1,2,3`\n"
"An initialized iree_hal_buffer_t/!hal.buffer without the wrapping view\n"
"`!input.get ORDINAL` / `!input.take ORDINAL`\n"
"Returns a reference to `--input=` flag at ORDINAL. Note that a single\n"
"npy file may expand to multiple inputs. The `take` variant transfers\n"
"ownership and clears the slot in the list and is recommended to avoid\n"
"keeping unneeded inputs around for the duration of the trace.\n"
"`!output.get ORDINAL` / `!output.take ORDINAL`\n"
"Returns a reference to the `--output=` flag at ORDINAL. These are\n"
"initially empty until assigned by the trace.\n"
"`!blackboard.get ORDINAL` / `!blackboard.take ORDINAL`\n"
"Returns a reference to the blackboard slot ORDINAL. The blackboard is\n"
"initially empty and slots must be assigned in order to define them.\n"
"The `take` variant transfers ownership and clears the slot in the\n"
"blackboard and is recommended to avoid keeping large resources live\n"
"in the blackboard longer than they need to be.\n"
"--- Targets ---\n"
"`!output.set ORDINAL` / `!output.push`\n"
"Sets the `--output=` flag result value at ORDINAL or pushes it to the\n"
"back of the output list. Outputs can either be dumped to files or by\n"
"default printed to stdout.\n"
"`!blackboard.set ORDINAL` / `blackboard.push`\n"
"Sets the value of the blackboard slot ORDINAL or pushes it to the back\n"
"of the blackboard list. Blackboard values will be retained until they\n"
"are consumed via `!blackboard.take` or the blackboard is cleared.\n"
iree_flags_parse_checked(IREE_FLAGS_PARSE_MODE_DEFAULT, &argc, &argv);
if (argc <= 1) {
"no trace files provided; pass one or more yaml file paths");
iree_vm_instance_t* instance = NULL;
iree_status_t status = iree_vm_instance_create(
IREE_VM_TYPE_CAPACITY_DEFAULT, iree_allocator_system(), &instance);
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
status = iree_run_trace_files(argc - 1, argv + 1, instance);
int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
iree_status_fprint(stderr, status);
exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
return exit_code;