| // Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. |
| // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| |
| #include <assert.h> |
| #include <math.h> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| |
| #include "iree/base/api.h" |
| #include "iree/base/internal/cpu.h" |
| #include "iree/base/internal/flags.h" |
| #include "iree/base/internal/math.h" |
| #include "iree/base/internal/path.h" |
| #include "iree/hal/api.h" |
| #include "iree/modules/hal/module.h" |
| #include "iree/tooling/device_util.h" |
| #include "iree/tooling/trace_replay.h" |
| #include "iree/tooling/vm_util.h" |
| #include "iree/tooling/yaml_util.h" |
| #include "iree/vm/api.h" |
| |
| IREE_FLAG(bool, require_exact_results, true, |
| "Requires floating point result elements to match exactly."); |
| float, acceptable_fp_delta, 1e-5, |
| "Maximum absolute difference allowed with inexact floating point results."); |
| int32_t, max_elements_to_check, 10000, |
| "Maximum number of matrix elements to check for each matmul. For larger " |
| "matrices, only every n-th element will be checked for some n chosed to " |
| "stay just under that threshold and to avoid being a divisor of the inner " |
| "dimension size to avoid special patterns. As the check uses a slow " |
| "reference implementation, this is a trade-off between test latency and " |
| "coverage. The value 0 means check all elements."); |
| |
| IREE_FLAG(bool, trace_execution, false, "Traces VM execution to stderr."); |
| |
| static const char* emoji(bool good) { return good ? "🦄" : "🐞"; } |
| |
| // Defines the type of a primitive value. |
| typedef enum iree_e2e_test_value_type_e { |
| // Not a value type. |
| // int8_t. |
| // int16_t. |
| // int32_t. |
| // int64_t. |
| // halft_t. |
| // float. |
| // double. |
| // bfloat16 |
| } iree_e2e_test_value_type_t; |
| |
| // Maximum size, in bytes, of any value type we can represent. |
| |
| // A variant value type. |
| typedef struct iree_e2e_test_value_t { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_type_t type; |
| union { |
| int8_t i8; |
| int16_t i16; |
| int32_t i32; |
| int64_t i64; |
| float f32; |
| uint16_t f16_u16; |
| uint16_t bf16_u16; |
| double f64; |
| uint8_t value_storage[IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_STORAGE_SIZE]; // max size of all |
| // value types |
| }; |
| } iree_e2e_test_value_t; |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_none() { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_NONE; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_i8(int8_t value) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_I8; |
| result.i8 = value; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_i16( |
| int16_t value) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_I16; |
| result.i16 = value; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_i32( |
| int32_t value) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_I32; |
| result.i32 = value; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_f16( |
| uint16_t value) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_F16; |
| result.f16_u16 = value; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_bf16( |
| uint16_t value) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_BF16; |
| result.bf16_u16 = value; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static inline iree_e2e_test_value_t iree_e2e_test_value_make_f32(float value) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t result; |
| result.type = IREE_E2E_TEST_VALUE_TYPE_F32; |
| result.f32 = value; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * |
| * Part 1: |
| * |
| * Generic helper functions to deal with buffer_view's. |
| * |
| *****************************************************************************/ |
| |
| // Get list[i] as a buffer_view. |
| static iree_status_t get_item_as_buffer_view( |
| iree_vm_list_t* list, iree_host_size_t i, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_value) { |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant = iree_vm_variant_empty(); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_get_variant_assign(list, i, &variant)); |
| if (!iree_vm_variant_is_ref(variant)) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "expected list item %" PRIhsz " to be a ref", i); |
| } |
| return iree_hal_buffer_view_check_deref(variant.ref, out_value); |
| } |
| |
| // Validates that |buffer_view|'s memory type satisfies |expected|. |
| static iree_status_t validate_memory_type(iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view, |
| iree_hal_memory_type_t expected) { |
| return iree_hal_buffer_validate_memory_type( |
| iree_hal_buffer_memory_type(iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(buffer_view)), |
| expected); |
| } |
| |
| // Map dense row-major data in a host-local buffer_view. |
| static iree_status_t map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view, |
| enum iree_hal_memory_access_bits_t access, |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t* mapping) { |
| validate_memory_type(buffer_view, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST_VISIBLE)); |
| if (iree_hal_buffer_view_encoding_type(buffer_view) != |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "buffer_view is not dense row major"); |
| } |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_map_range( |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(buffer_view), IREE_HAL_MAPPING_MODE_SCOPED, |
| access, 0, IREE_WHOLE_BUFFER, mapping)); |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // Allocates host-local |dst| to have the same shape as |src|. |
| // Implicitly zero-filled. |
| static iree_status_t allocate_host_buffer_view_like( |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* hal_allocator, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* src, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** dst) { |
| return iree_hal_buffer_view_allocate_buffer_copy( |
| device, hal_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_rank(src), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_dims(src), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(src), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_encoding_type(src), |
| (iree_hal_buffer_params_t){ |
| .usage = |
| }, |
| iree_const_byte_span_empty(), dst); |
| } |
| |
| // Allocates device-local |dst| to have the same shape as |src|. |
| // Implicitly zero-filled. |
| static iree_status_t allocate_device_buffer_view_like( |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* hal_allocator, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* src, iree_const_byte_span_t initial_data, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t** dst) { |
| return iree_hal_buffer_view_allocate_buffer_copy( |
| device, hal_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_rank(src), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_dims(src), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(src), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_encoding_type(src), |
| (iree_hal_buffer_params_t){ |
| }, |
| initial_data, dst); |
| } |
| |
| // Performs a deep copy of device-local |src| into host-local |dst|. |
| // Allocates |dst|. |
| static iree_status_t copy_device_buffer_view_to_host( |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* hal_allocator, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* src, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** dst) { |
| validate_memory_type(src, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_TYPE_DEVICE_LOCAL)); |
| allocate_host_buffer_view_like(device, hal_allocator, src, dst)); |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t dst_mapping; |
| iree_status_t status = map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| *dst, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE, &dst_mapping); |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_hal_device_transfer_d2h( |
| device, iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(src), 0, dst_mapping.contents.data, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_byte_length(src), |
| IREE_HAL_TRANSFER_BUFFER_FLAG_DEFAULT, iree_infinite_timeout()); |
| } |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&dst_mapping)); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Performs a deep copy of device-local |src| into a device-local |dst|. |
| // Allocates |dst|. |
| static iree_status_t copy_device_buffer_view_to_device( |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* hal_allocator, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* src, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** dst) { |
| validate_memory_type(src, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_TYPE_DEVICE_LOCAL)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(allocate_device_buffer_view_like( |
| device, hal_allocator, src, iree_const_byte_span_empty(), dst)); |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_device_transfer_d2d( |
| device, iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(src), 0, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(*dst), 0, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_byte_length(src), |
| IREE_HAL_TRANSFER_BUFFER_FLAG_DEFAULT, iree_infinite_timeout()); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(*dst); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Deep-copy the list of device-local buffer-views |src| into |dst|. |
| // Allocates |dst|. |
| static iree_status_t copy_device_buffer_views_to_host( |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* hal_allocator, |
| iree_vm_list_t* src, iree_vm_list_t** dst) { |
| iree_vm_type_def_t elem_type = iree_vm_list_element_type(src); |
| iree_host_size_t size = iree_vm_list_size(src); |
| iree_allocator_t allocator = iree_hal_allocator_host_allocator(hal_allocator); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_create(elem_type, size, allocator, dst)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_resize(*dst, size)); |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* src_elem = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(src, i, &src_elem)); |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* dst_elem = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(copy_device_buffer_view_to_host(device, hal_allocator, |
| src_elem, &dst_elem)); |
| iree_vm_ref_t dst_elem_ref = {0}; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_ref_wrap_assign( |
| dst_elem, iree_hal_buffer_view_type(), &dst_elem_ref)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_set_ref_move(*dst, i, &dst_elem_ref)); |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * |
| * Part 2: |
| * |
| * Helper functions to deal with matrices and matrix multiplications. |
| * |
| * Much of this is the |reference_matmul| function, a reference implementation |
| * of matrix multiplication on host-mapped buffers, and helpers for it. |
| * |
| * Still generic in the sense that none of the high-level logic of this |
| * particular test program is entrenched here. |
| * |
| *****************************************************************************/ |
| |
| // Reads an element from a mapped row-major matrix buffer. |
| static iree_e2e_test_value_t read_matrix_element( |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t result_type, void* data, iree_hal_dim_t m, |
| iree_hal_dim_t n) { |
| iree_host_size_t index = n + m * n_size; |
| (void)m_size; |
| if (iree_hal_element_type_is_integer(result_type, 8)) { |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_i8(((int8_t*)data)[index]); |
| } else if (iree_hal_element_type_is_integer(result_type, 16)) { |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_i16(((int16_t*)data)[index]); |
| } else if (iree_hal_element_type_is_integer(result_type, 32)) { |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_i32(((int32_t*)data)[index]); |
| } else if (result_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_16) { |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_f16(((uint16_t*)data)[index]); |
| } else if (result_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_BFLOAT_16) { |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_bf16(((uint16_t*)data)[index]); |
| } else if (result_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32) { |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_f32(((float*)data)[index]); |
| } |
| iree_status_abort(iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "unhandled matmul result type")); |
| return iree_e2e_test_value_make_none(); |
| } |
| |
| // Get the shape of a buffer_view that is a matrix, i.e. 2D shape. |
| static iree_status_t get_matrix_shape(iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view, |
| iree_hal_dim_t* dims) { |
| iree_host_size_t shape_rank = iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_rank(buffer_view); |
| if (shape_rank != 2) { |
| return iree_make_status( |
| "expected a matrix (2D tensor) shape, got a %" PRIhsz |
| "-dimensional shape", |
| shape_rank); |
| } |
| dims[0] = iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_dim(buffer_view, 0); |
| dims[1] = iree_hal_buffer_view_shape_dim(buffer_view, 1); |
| if (!(dims[0] > 0 && dims[1] > 0)) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "expected matrix dims to be positive, got %" PRIdim |
| "x%" PRIdim, |
| dims[0], dims[1]); |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // Get the {m,k,n}_size values of the shape of a matmul |
| static iree_status_t get_matmul_sizes( |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* lhs, iree_hal_buffer_view_t* rhs, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* acc, iree_hal_buffer_view_t* result, |
| iree_hal_dim_t* m_size, iree_hal_dim_t* k_size, iree_hal_dim_t* n_size) { |
| iree_hal_dim_t lhs_dims[2] = {0}; |
| iree_hal_dim_t rhs_dims[2] = {0}; |
| iree_hal_dim_t acc_dims[2] = {0}; |
| iree_hal_dim_t result_dims[2] = {0}; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matrix_shape(lhs, lhs_dims)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matrix_shape(rhs, rhs_dims)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matrix_shape(result, result_dims)); |
| *m_size = lhs_dims[0]; |
| *k_size = lhs_dims[1]; |
| *n_size = rhs_dims[1]; |
| if (acc) { |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matrix_shape(acc, acc_dims)); |
| if (!(lhs_dims[0] == *m_size && lhs_dims[1] == *k_size && |
| rhs_dims[0] == *k_size && rhs_dims[1] == *n_size && |
| acc_dims[0] == *m_size && acc_dims[1] == *n_size && |
| result_dims[0] == *m_size && result_dims[1] == *n_size)) { |
| return iree_make_status( |
| "mismatched matrix shapes in matmul: %" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim |
| " * %" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim " + %" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim " -> %" PRIdim |
| "x%" PRIdim, |
| lhs_dims[0], lhs_dims[1], rhs_dims[0], rhs_dims[1], acc_dims[0], |
| acc_dims[1], result_dims[0], result_dims[1]); |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (!(lhs_dims[0] == *m_size && lhs_dims[1] == *k_size && |
| rhs_dims[0] == *k_size && rhs_dims[1] == *n_size && |
| result_dims[0] == *m_size && result_dims[1] == *n_size)) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "mismatched matrix shapes in matmul: %" PRIdim |
| "x%" PRIdim " * %" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim |
| " -> %" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim, |
| lhs_dims[0], lhs_dims[1], rhs_dims[0], |
| rhs_dims[1], result_dims[0], result_dims[1]); |
| } |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| static void reference_matmul_##LHSTYPE##_##RHSTYPE##_##RESTYPE##_##ACCTYPE( \ |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, \ |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type, iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type, \ |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type, const LHSTYPE* lhs_data, \ |
| const RHSTYPE* rhs_data, const ACCTYPE* acc_data, RESTYPE* result_data, \ |
| iree_hal_dim_t m, iree_hal_dim_t n) { \ |
| ACCTYPE acc = acc_data ? acc_data[n + m * n_size] : 0; \ |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t k = 0; k < k_size; ++k) { \ |
| LHSTYPE lhs_value = lhs_data[k + m * k_size]; \ |
| RHSTYPE rhs_value = rhs_data[n + k * n_size]; \ |
| acc += (ACCTYPE)lhs_value * (ACCTYPE)rhs_value; \ |
| } \ |
| result_data[n + m * n_size] = acc; \ |
| } |
| |
| // Reference mamtul instantiations from macro IREE_TRACE_REPLAY_REFERENCE_MATMUL |
| // for the f32 input, f32 accumlation, and f32 result. |
| // [float <= float * float + float] |
| IREE_TRACE_REPLAY_REFERENCE_MATMUL(float, float, float, float) |
| |
| // Reference mamtul instantiations from macro IREE_TRACE_REPLAY_REFERENCE_MATMUL |
| // for the int8_t input, int32_t accumlation, and int32_t result. |
| // [i32 <= i8 * i8 + i32] |
| IREE_TRACE_REPLAY_REFERENCE_MATMUL(int8_t, int8_t, int32_t, int32_t) |
| |
| // Reference mamtul for the f16 input, f16 accumlation, and f16 result. |
| // [f16 <= f16 * f16 + f16] |
| static void reference_matmul_f16_f16_f16_f16( |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type, iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type, const uint16_t* lhs_data, |
| const uint16_t* rhs_data, const uint16_t* acc_data, uint16_t* result_data, |
| iree_hal_dim_t m, iree_hal_dim_t n) { |
| float acc = acc_data ? iree_math_f16_to_f32(acc_data[n + m * n_size]) : 0.f; |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t k = 0; k < k_size; ++k) { |
| acc += iree_math_f16_to_f32(lhs_data[k + m * k_size]) * |
| iree_math_f16_to_f32(rhs_data[n + k * n_size]); |
| } |
| result_data[n + m * n_size] = iree_math_f32_to_f16(acc); |
| } |
| |
| // Reference mamtul for the f16 input, f32 accumlation, and f32 result. |
| // [f32 <= f16 * f16 + f32] |
| static void reference_matmul_f16_f16_f32_f32( |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type, iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type, const uint16_t* lhs_data, |
| const uint16_t* rhs_data, const float* acc_data, float* result_data, |
| iree_hal_dim_t m, iree_hal_dim_t n) { |
| float acc = acc_data ? acc_data[n + m * n_size] : 0.f; |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t k = 0; k < k_size; ++k) { |
| acc += iree_math_f16_to_f32(lhs_data[k + m * k_size]) * |
| iree_math_f16_to_f32(rhs_data[n + k * n_size]); |
| } |
| result_data[n + m * n_size] = acc; |
| } |
| |
| // Reference mamtul for the bf16 input, bf16 accumlation, and bf16 result. |
| // [bf16 <= bf16 * bf16 + bf16] |
| static void reference_matmul_bf16_bf16_bf16_bf16( |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type, iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type, const uint16_t* lhs_data, |
| const uint16_t* rhs_data, const uint16_t* acc_data, uint16_t* result_data, |
| iree_hal_dim_t m, iree_hal_dim_t n) { |
| float acc = acc_data ? iree_math_bf16_to_f32(acc_data[n + m * n_size]) : 0.f; |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t k = 0; k < k_size; ++k) { |
| acc += iree_math_bf16_to_f32(lhs_data[k + m * k_size]) * |
| iree_math_bf16_to_f32(rhs_data[n + k * n_size]); |
| } |
| result_data[n + m * n_size] = iree_math_f32_to_bf16(acc); |
| } |
| |
| // Reference mamtul for the bf16 input, f32 accumlation, and f32 result. |
| // [f32 <= bf16 * bf16 + f32] |
| static void reference_matmul_bf16_bf16_f32_f32( |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type, iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type, const uint16_t* lhs_data, |
| const uint16_t* rhs_data, const float* acc_data, float* result_data, |
| iree_hal_dim_t m, iree_hal_dim_t n) { |
| float acc = acc_data ? acc_data[n + m * n_size] : 0.f; |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t k = 0; k < k_size; ++k) { |
| acc += iree_math_bf16_to_f32(lhs_data[k + m * k_size]) * |
| iree_math_bf16_to_f32(rhs_data[n + k * n_size]); |
| } |
| result_data[n + m * n_size] = acc; |
| } |
| |
| // Helper for reference_matmul. |
| // Computes one element in the result matrix. |
| static void reference_matmul_element( |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, iree_hal_dim_t n_size, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type, iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type, |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type, void* lhs_data, void* rhs_data, |
| void* acc_data, void* result_data, iree_hal_dim_t m, iree_hal_dim_t n) { |
| if (lhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32 && |
| rhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32 && |
| acc_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32) { |
| reference_matmul_float_float_float_float( |
| m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, acc_type, |
| (const float*)lhs_data, (const float*)rhs_data, (const float*)acc_data, |
| (float*)result_data, m, n); |
| } else if (iree_hal_element_type_is_integer(lhs_type, 8) && |
| iree_hal_element_type_is_integer(rhs_type, 8) && |
| iree_hal_element_type_is_integer(acc_type, 32)) { |
| reference_matmul_int8_t_int8_t_int32_t_int32_t( |
| m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, acc_type, |
| (const int8_t*)lhs_data, (const int8_t*)rhs_data, |
| (const int32_t*)acc_data, (int32_t*)result_data, m, n); |
| } else if (lhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_16 && |
| rhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_16 && |
| acc_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_16) { |
| reference_matmul_f16_f16_f16_f16( |
| m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, acc_type, |
| (const uint16_t*)lhs_data, (const uint16_t*)rhs_data, |
| (const uint16_t*)acc_data, (uint16_t*)result_data, m, n); |
| } else if (lhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_16 && |
| rhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_16 && |
| acc_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32) { |
| reference_matmul_f16_f16_f32_f32( |
| m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, acc_type, |
| (const uint16_t*)lhs_data, (const uint16_t*)rhs_data, |
| (const float*)acc_data, (float*)result_data, m, n); |
| } else if (lhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_BFLOAT_16 && |
| rhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_BFLOAT_16 && |
| acc_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_BFLOAT_16) { |
| reference_matmul_bf16_bf16_bf16_bf16( |
| m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, acc_type, |
| (const uint16_t*)lhs_data, (const uint16_t*)rhs_data, |
| (const uint16_t*)acc_data, (uint16_t*)result_data, m, n); |
| } else if (lhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_BFLOAT_16 && |
| rhs_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_BFLOAT_16 && |
| acc_type == IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32) { |
| reference_matmul_bf16_bf16_f32_f32( |
| m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, acc_type, |
| (const uint16_t*)lhs_data, (const uint16_t*)rhs_data, |
| (const float*)acc_data, (float*)result_data, m, n); |
| } else { |
| iree_status_abort( |
| iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "unhandled combination of element types in matmul")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Reference matmul implementation, used to compare matmul results against. |
| static iree_status_t reference_matmul(iree_vm_list_t* input_list, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* result, |
| int compute_every) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* lhs = NULL; |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* rhs = NULL; |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* acc = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 0, &lhs)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 1, &rhs)); |
| if (iree_vm_list_size(input_list) == 3) { |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 2, &acc)); |
| } |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, k_size, n_size; |
| get_matmul_sizes(lhs, rhs, acc, result, &m_size, &k_size, &n_size)); |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t lhs_mapping; |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t rhs_mapping; |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t acc_mapping; |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t result_mapping; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| lhs, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &lhs_mapping)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| rhs, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &rhs_mapping)); |
| if (acc) { |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| acc, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &acc_mapping)); |
| } |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| result, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE, &result_mapping)); |
| iree_hal_element_type_t lhs_type = iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(lhs); |
| iree_hal_element_type_t rhs_type = iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(rhs); |
| iree_hal_element_type_t acc_type = iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(result); |
| int count = 0; |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t m = 0; m < m_size; ++m) { |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t n = 0; n < n_size; ++n) { |
| if (++count < compute_every) continue; |
| count = 0; |
| reference_matmul_element(m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs_type, rhs_type, |
| acc_type, lhs_mapping.contents.data, |
| rhs_mapping.contents.data, |
| acc ? acc_mapping.contents.data : NULL, |
| result_mapping.contents.data, m, n); |
| } |
| } |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&lhs_mapping)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&rhs_mapping)); |
| if (acc) { |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&acc_mapping)); |
| } |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&result_mapping)); |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * |
| * Part 3: |
| * |
| * Helper functions to validate matmul test results and pretty-print matrices. |
| * |
| * The only entry point in to this part is |check_matmul_results|, the other |
| * functions are only helpers for it. |
| * |
| * Still generic in the sense that none of the high-level logic of this |
| * particular test program is entrenched here. |
| * |
| *****************************************************************************/ |
| |
| // Enum controlling how many decimals to print floats with. |
| typedef enum precision_e { |
| } precision_t; |
| |
| // Prints a iree_e2e_test_value_t to a string buffer. Returns the number of |
| // characters written. Like snprintf. |
| static int snprintf_value(char* buf, size_t bufsize, |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t value, precision_t precision) { |
| switch (value.type) { |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%" PRIi8, value.i8); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%" PRIi16, value.i16); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%" PRIi32, value.i32); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%" PRIi64, value.i64); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, |
| precision == PRECISION_HIGH ? "%.5g" : "%.4g", |
| iree_math_f16_to_f32(value.f16_u16)); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, |
| precision == PRECISION_HIGH ? "%.5g" : "%.4g", |
| iree_math_bf16_to_f32(value.bf16_u16)); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, |
| precision == PRECISION_HIGH ? "%.8g" : "%.4g", value.f32); |
| return snprintf(buf, bufsize, |
| precision == PRECISION_HIGH ? "%.16g" : "%.4g", |
| value.f64); |
| default: |
| iree_status_abort(iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "unhandled value type")); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if |expected| and |actual| agree to tolerable accuracy. |
| static bool matmul_result_elements_agree(iree_e2e_test_value_t expected, |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t actual) { |
| if (expected.type != actual.type) { |
| iree_status_abort( |
| iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mismatched types")); |
| return false; |
| } |
| switch (expected.type) { |
| return actual.i32 == expected.i32; |
| // Since we fill buffers with small integers for floating point GEMMs |
| // functional testing, we can test for bit-exactness on the actual and |
| // expected values. Inexact results are only permitted when the |
| // `require_exact_results` flag is set to `false`. |
| if (actual.f16_u16 == expected.f16_u16) return true; |
| if (FLAG_require_exact_results) return false; |
| return fabsf(iree_math_f16_to_f32(actual.f16_u16) - |
| iree_math_f16_to_f32(expected.f16_u16)) < |
| FLAG_acceptable_fp_delta; |
| if (actual.bf16_u16 == expected.bf16_u16) return true; |
| if (FLAG_require_exact_results) return false; |
| return fabsf(iree_math_bf16_to_f32(actual.bf16_u16) - |
| iree_math_bf16_to_f32(expected.bf16_u16)) < |
| FLAG_acceptable_fp_delta; |
| if (actual.f32 == expected.f32) return true; |
| if (FLAG_require_exact_results) return false; |
| return fabsf(actual.f32 - expected.f32) < FLAG_acceptable_fp_delta; |
| default: |
| iree_status_abort(iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "unhandled value type")); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the largest number of characters to print any matrix element. |
| static int get_max_elem_width(precision_t precision, int row_start, int row_end, |
| int col_start, int col_end, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* matrix) { |
| iree_hal_dim_t dims[2] = {0}; |
| get_matrix_shape(matrix, dims); |
| int rows = dims[0]; |
| int cols = dims[1]; |
| iree_hal_element_type_t elem_type = iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(matrix); |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t mapping; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| matrix, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &mapping)); |
| int max_elem_width = 0; |
| for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) { |
| for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t elem = read_matrix_element( |
| rows, cols, elem_type, mapping.contents.data, row, col); |
| char buf[64]; |
| int this_elem_width = snprintf_value(buf, sizeof buf, elem, precision); |
| // iree_max is a macro, may evaluate its args twice. Give it plain ints. |
| max_elem_width = iree_max(max_elem_width, this_elem_width); |
| } |
| } |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&mapping)); |
| return max_elem_width; |
| } |
| |
| // Prints |matrix| to |file|, with |label| as caption. |
| // |precision| controls how many decimals are printed for float values. |
| // |
| // If |other_matrix| is not NULL, then any matrix entries that disagree |
| // between |matrix| and |other_matrix| (according to |
| // matmul_result_elements_agree) are highlighted. |
| // |
| // |highlight| is either NULL or is a UTF-8 string that will be printed next to |
| // any entry of |matrix| that disagrees with the corresponding entry of |
| // |other_matrix|. |
| // |
| // |highlight| should be NULL if and only if |other_matrix| is NULL. |
| // |
| // In order for matrix columns to be properly laid out, the rendering of |
| // |highlight| in a fixed-width font should have the width of two regular Latin |
| // characters. According to |
| // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/#Recommendations, a single emoji |
| // character should meet that requirement. |
| static void print_matrix(FILE* file, const char* label, precision_t precision, |
| int row_start, int row_end, int col_start, int col_end, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* matrix, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* other_matrix, |
| const char* highlight) { |
| assert((other_matrix == NULL) == (highlight == NULL)); |
| iree_hal_dim_t dims[2] = {0}; |
| get_matrix_shape(matrix, dims); |
| int rows = dims[0]; |
| int cols = dims[1]; |
| iree_hal_element_type_t elem_type = iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(matrix); |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t mapping; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| matrix, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &mapping)); |
| int max_elem_width = get_max_elem_width(precision, row_start, row_end, |
| col_start, col_end, matrix); |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t other_mapping; |
| if (other_matrix) { |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| other_matrix, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &other_mapping)); |
| int other_matrix_max_elem_width = get_max_elem_width( |
| precision, row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end, other_matrix); |
| // iree_max is a macro, may evaluate its args twice. Give it plain ints. |
| max_elem_width = iree_max(max_elem_width, other_matrix_max_elem_width); |
| } |
| |
| fprintf(file, |
| "%s (rows %d..%d out of %d..%d, columns %d..%d out of %d..%d)\n", |
| label, row_start, row_end - 1, 0, rows - 1, col_start, col_end - 1, 0, |
| cols - 1); |
| for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) { |
| for (int col = col_start; col < col_end; col++) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t elem = read_matrix_element( |
| rows, cols, elem_type, mapping.contents.data, row, col); |
| bool disagree = false; |
| if (other_matrix) { |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t other_elem = read_matrix_element( |
| rows, cols, elem_type, other_mapping.contents.data, row, col); |
| disagree = !matmul_result_elements_agree(elem, other_elem); |
| } |
| char buf[64]; |
| snprintf_value(buf, sizeof buf, elem, precision); |
| fprintf(file, "%*s", max_elem_width, buf); |
| // See comment on |highlight| function parameter for why 2 spaces. |
| // A 3rd space is added unconditionally to make it clear that a highlight |
| // concerns the matrix entry to its left. |
| fprintf(file, "%s ", disagree ? highlight : " "); |
| } |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| } |
| |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&mapping)); |
| if (other_matrix) { |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&mapping)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Helper for check_matmul_results: handler for the failure case. |
| // If |file| is not NULL, detailed logging is written to it. |
| static iree_status_t check_matmul_failure( |
| FILE* file, iree_e2e_test_value_t actual_value, |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t expected_value, iree_hal_dim_t row, |
| iree_hal_dim_t col, iree_hal_buffer_view_t* lhs, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* rhs, iree_hal_buffer_view_t* acc, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* actual_result, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* expected_result, int check_every) { |
| if (!file || check_every > 1) { |
| // No logging of errors with check_every>1 as most of the reference matrix |
| // elements have not been computed. The caller is expected to retry with |
| // check_every=1. |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_ABORTED); |
| } |
| fprintf(file, |
| "\n\nerror: the actual and expected result matrices disagree " |
| "at row %" PRIdim ", column %" PRIdim ".\n\n", |
| row, col); |
| char actual_value_buf[32]; |
| char expected_value_buf[32]; |
| snprintf_value(actual_value_buf, sizeof actual_value_buf, actual_value, |
| snprintf_value(expected_value_buf, sizeof expected_value_buf, expected_value, |
| fprintf(file, "actual value: %s\n", actual_value_buf); |
| fprintf(file, "expected value: %s\n", expected_value_buf); |
| |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, k_size, n_size; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matmul_sizes(lhs, rhs, acc, actual_result, &m_size, |
| &k_size, &n_size)); |
| iree_hal_dim_t context = 8; |
| const char* context_env = getenv("IREE_MATMUL_TEST_SHOW_CONTEXT"); |
| if (context_env) { |
| if (1 != sscanf(context_env, "%" PRIdim, &context)) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "Failed to parse IREE_MATMUL_TEST_SHOW_CONTEXT " |
| "as \"%%" PRIdim "\". Got \"%s\"", |
| context_env); |
| } |
| } |
| int m_start = iree_max(0, (int)row - (int)context); |
| int m_end = iree_min(m_size, row + context); |
| int n_start = iree_max(0, (int)col - (int)context); |
| int n_end = iree_min(n_size, col + context); |
| int k_start = 0; |
| int k_end = iree_min(k_size, 2 * context); |
| // [k_start, k_end) could be arbitrarily long at this point. Constrain it a |
| // bit to avoid huge output. |
| k_end = iree_min(k_end, k_start + 4 * context); |
| |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| print_matrix(file, "left-hand side", PRECISION_LOW, m_start, m_end, k_start, |
| k_end, lhs, NULL, NULL); |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| print_matrix(file, "right-hand side", PRECISION_LOW, k_start, k_end, n_start, |
| n_end, rhs, NULL, NULL); |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| if (acc) { |
| print_matrix(file, "input accumulator", PRECISION_LOW, m_start, m_end, |
| n_start, n_end, acc, NULL, NULL); |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| } |
| print_matrix(file, "expected result", PRECISION_LOW, m_start, m_end, n_start, |
| n_end, expected_result, actual_result, emoji(true)); |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| print_matrix(file, "actual result", PRECISION_LOW, m_start, m_end, n_start, |
| n_end, actual_result, expected_result, emoji(false)); |
| fprintf(file, "\n"); |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_ABORTED); |
| } |
| |
| // Helper for check_matmul_results: the actual interesting part once we've |
| // obtained and validated the {m,k,n}_size values. On error, detailed logging is |
| // written to |file| if it is not NULL. |
| static iree_status_t check_matmul_results_impl( |
| FILE* file, iree_hal_dim_t m_size, iree_hal_dim_t k_size, |
| iree_hal_dim_t n_size, iree_hal_buffer_view_t* lhs, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* rhs, iree_hal_buffer_view_t* acc, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* actual_result, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* expected_result, int check_every) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t actual_result_mapping; |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t expected_result_mapping; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| actual_result, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &actual_result_mapping)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(map_host_local_row_major_data( |
| expected_result, IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ, &expected_result_mapping)); |
| iree_hal_element_type_t result_type = |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_element_type(actual_result); |
| int count = 0; |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t m = 0; m < m_size; ++m) { |
| for (iree_hal_dim_t n = 0; n < n_size; ++n) { |
| if (++count < check_every) continue; |
| count = 0; |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t actual_value = |
| read_matrix_element(m_size, n_size, result_type, |
| actual_result_mapping.contents.data, m, n); |
| iree_e2e_test_value_t expected_value = |
| read_matrix_element(m_size, n_size, result_type, |
| expected_result_mapping.contents.data, m, n); |
| if (!matmul_result_elements_agree(actual_value, expected_value)) { |
| return check_matmul_failure(file, actual_value, expected_value, m, n, |
| lhs, rhs, acc, actual_result, |
| expected_result, check_every); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&actual_result_mapping)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&expected_result_mapping)); |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // Given an actual matmul's inputs and output (all host-local), uses a reference |
| // matmul implementation on the same inputs to check if the output is correct. |
| // On error, detailed logging is written to |file| if it is not NULL. |
| static iree_status_t check_matmul_results( |
| FILE* file, iree_vm_list_t* input_list, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* actual_result, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* expected_result) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* lhs = NULL; |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* rhs = NULL; |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* acc = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 0, &lhs)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 1, &rhs)); |
| if (iree_vm_list_size(input_list) == 3) { |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 2, &acc)); |
| } |
| |
| iree_hal_dim_t m_size, k_size, n_size; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matmul_sizes(lhs, rhs, acc, actual_result, &m_size, |
| &k_size, &n_size)); |
| |
| int check_every = 1; |
| if (FLAG_max_elements_to_check) { |
| check_every = (iree_hal_buffer_view_element_count(actual_result) + |
| FLAG_max_elements_to_check - 1) / |
| FLAG_max_elements_to_check; |
| if (check_every < 1) check_every = 1; |
| if (check_every > 1) |
| while ((n_size % check_every) == 0) ++check_every; |
| } |
| |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(reference_matmul(input_list, expected_result, check_every)); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = |
| check_matmul_results_impl(file, m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs, rhs, acc, |
| actual_result, expected_result, check_every); |
| |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status) && check_every > 1) { |
| // If we got a failure with check_every>1, that didn't log a useful |
| // numerical summary, as most of the reference matrix entries hadn't been |
| // computed. Rerun now with check_every=1 to get that numerical logging. |
| status = check_matmul_results_impl(file, m_size, k_size, n_size, lhs, rhs, |
| acc, actual_result, expected_result, 1); |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * |
| * Part 4: |
| * |
| * Core matmul test logic. |
| * |
| * The entry point into this part is |replay_event_call_matmul|, which is the |
| * handler for each matmul testcase in the trace. Other functions are only |
| * helpers for it. |
| * |
| * |replay_event_call_matmul| calls |do_matmul_and_check_results| to actually |
| * perform a matmul. |
| * |
| *****************************************************************************/ |
| |
| // Deep-copies device-local list of buffer_views |src| into |dst|. |
| static iree_status_t copy_device_buffer_views_to_device( |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* hal_allocator, |
| iree_vm_list_t* src_list, iree_vm_list_t** dst_list) { |
| iree_vm_type_def_t elem_type = iree_vm_list_element_type(src_list); |
| iree_host_size_t size = iree_vm_list_size(src_list); |
| iree_allocator_t allocator = iree_hal_allocator_host_allocator(hal_allocator); |
| iree_vm_list_create(elem_type, size, allocator, dst_list)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_resize(*dst_list, size)); |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* src = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(src_list, i, &src)); |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* dst = NULL; |
| copy_device_buffer_view_to_device(device, hal_allocator, src, &dst)); |
| iree_vm_ref_t dst_ref = {0}; |
| iree_vm_ref_wrap_assign(dst, iree_hal_buffer_view_type(), &dst_ref)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_set_ref_move(*dst_list, i, &dst_ref)); |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // Performs one matmul test, on the device-local input matrices given in |
| // |original_device_inputs|. |
| // |
| // The contents of |original_device_inputs| are preserved, even if the |
| // |function| would overwrite input-output arguments (e.g. the accumulator). |
| static iree_status_t do_matmul_and_check_results( |
| FILE* file, iree_trace_replay_t* replay, iree_vm_function_t function, |
| iree_vm_list_t* original_device_inputs) { |
| iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator = |
| iree_hal_device_allocator(replay->device); |
| |
| // Perform a deep copy of the inputs to pass to the test function. |
| // Needed as the test function may mutate some of the input list elements, |
| // e.g. input-output parameters. For instance, the accumulator input of a |
| // linalg.matmul. We need to preserve the original test inputs to perform |
| // reruns on variants in the failure case (see |replay_event_call_matmul|). |
| iree_vm_list_t* device_inputs = NULL; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(copy_device_buffer_views_to_device( |
| replay->device, device_allocator, original_device_inputs, |
| &device_inputs)); |
| |
| // Perform a deep copy of the device-local inputs into host-local buffers. |
| // Needed to pass to the reference matmul implementation and to logging |
| // in the failure case. |
| iree_vm_list_t* host_inputs = NULL; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(copy_device_buffer_views_to_host( |
| replay->device, device_allocator, device_inputs, &host_inputs)); |
| |
| // Invoke the function to produce the actual result. |
| iree_vm_list_t* outputs = NULL; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_vm_list_create(iree_vm_make_undefined_type_def(), |
| /*initial_capacity=*/8, |
| replay->host_allocator, &outputs)); |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_vm_invoke( |
| replay->context, function, IREE_VM_INVOCATION_FLAG_NONE, |
| /*policy=*/NULL, device_inputs, outputs, replay->host_allocator)); |
| iree_vm_list_release(device_inputs); |
| |
| // Transfer device buffers to host buffers. |
| iree_hal_buffer_params_t host_params = { |
| .type = |
| .queue_affinity = IREE_HAL_QUEUE_AFFINITY_ANY, |
| .min_alignment = 0, |
| }; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_tooling_transfer_variant_list( |
| replay->device, outputs, device_allocator, host_params, |
| /*wait_fence=*/NULL, /*signal_fence=*/NULL)); |
| |
| // Get the actual result computed by the program. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* actual_result; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(get_item_as_buffer_view(outputs, 0, &actual_result)); |
| |
| // Allocate host_expected_result with same shape as actual_result. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* host_expected_result = NULL; |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(allocate_host_buffer_view_like( |
| replay->device, device_allocator, actual_result, &host_expected_result)); |
| |
| // Check that actual_result and host_expected_result agree. |
| iree_status_t status = check_matmul_results(file, host_inputs, actual_result, |
| host_expected_result); |
| |
| iree_vm_list_release(outputs); // releases actual_result |
| iree_vm_list_release(host_inputs); |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(host_expected_result); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Prints to |file| a message about the matmul shape. Useful as testcases |
| // otherwise only print the function name, and in the dynamic-shapes cases, that |
| // doesn't tell the actual shape. |
| static iree_status_t print_matmul_shape(FILE* file, |
| iree_vm_list_t* input_list) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* lhs = NULL; |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* rhs = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 0, &lhs)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_item_as_buffer_view(input_list, 1, &rhs)); |
| iree_hal_dim_t lhs_dims[2] = {0}; |
| iree_hal_dim_t rhs_dims[2] = {0}; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matrix_shape(lhs, lhs_dims)); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(get_matrix_shape(rhs, rhs_dims)); |
| fprintf(file, "Matmul shape (MxKxN): %" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim "x%" PRIdim "\n", |
| lhs_dims[0], lhs_dims[1], rhs_dims[1]); |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // Special handler for function calls in a e2e matmul test trace. |
| static iree_status_t replay_event_call_matmul(iree_trace_replay_t* replay, |
| yaml_document_t* document, |
| yaml_node_t* event_node) { |
| yaml_node_t* function_node = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_yaml_mapping_find( |
| document, event_node, iree_make_cstring_view("function"), |
| &function_node)); |
| iree_string_view_t function_name = iree_yaml_node_as_string(function_node); |
| fprintf(stderr, "--- CALL[%.*s] ---\n", (int)function_name.size, |
| function_name.data); |
| |
| iree_vm_function_t function; |
| iree_vm_list_t* device_inputs = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_trace_replay_event_call_prepare( |
| replay, document, event_node, &function, &device_inputs)); |
| |
| IREE_CHECK_OK(print_matmul_shape(stderr, device_inputs)); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = |
| do_matmul_and_check_results(stderr, replay, function, device_inputs); |
| |
| // Clean up. |
| iree_vm_list_release(device_inputs); |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * |
| * Part 5: |
| * |
| * main function and high-level logic before one enters matmul test details. |
| * |
| *****************************************************************************/ |
| |
| // Helper for |replay_event_requirements|. |
| static iree_status_t iree_cpu_has_required_target_features( |
| yaml_document_t* document, yaml_node_t* target_features_node) { |
| for (yaml_node_item_t* item = target_features_node->data.sequence.items.start; |
| item != target_features_node->data.sequence.items.top; ++item) { |
| yaml_node_t* item_node = yaml_document_get_node(document, *item); |
| iree_string_view_t required_feature = iree_yaml_node_as_string(item_node); |
| if (iree_string_view_is_empty(required_feature)) continue; |
| int64_t feature_is_supported = 0; |
| iree_cpu_lookup_data_by_key(required_feature, &feature_is_supported)); |
| if (!feature_is_supported) { |
| return iree_make_status( |
| // The error status matters. We distinguish "feature not supported", |
| // which is a normal thing to happen, from actual errors. |
| "The target device does not have the required feature '%.*s'.\n", |
| (int)required_feature.size, required_feature.data); |
| } |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // returns UNAVAILABLE if the required CPU feature is not supported by the CPU. |
| static iree_status_t replay_event_requirements(iree_trace_replay_t* replay, |
| yaml_document_t* document, |
| yaml_node_t* event_node) { |
| yaml_node_t* target_features_node = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_yaml_mapping_find( |
| document, event_node, iree_make_cstring_view("target_features"), |
| &target_features_node)); |
| return iree_cpu_has_required_target_features(document, target_features_node); |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_e2e_matmul_test_trace_replay_event( |
| iree_trace_replay_t* replay, yaml_document_t* document, |
| yaml_node_t* event_node) { |
| if (event_node->type != YAML_MAPPING_NODE) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "(%zu): expected mapping node", |
| event_node->start_mark.line); |
| } |
| yaml_node_t* type_node = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_yaml_mapping_find( |
| document, event_node, iree_make_cstring_view("type"), &type_node)); |
| if (iree_yaml_string_equal(type_node, iree_make_cstring_view("call"))) { |
| return replay_event_call_matmul(replay, document, event_node); |
| } else if (iree_yaml_string_equal(type_node, |
| iree_make_cstring_view("requirements"))) { |
| return replay_event_requirements(replay, document, event_node); |
| } else { |
| return iree_trace_replay_event(replay, document, event_node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the trace in |file| using |root_path| as the base for any path lookups |
| // required for external files referenced in |file|. |
| static iree_status_t run_trace_file(iree_string_view_t root_path, FILE* file, |
| iree_vm_instance_t* instance) { |
| iree_trace_replay_t replay; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_trace_replay_initialize( |
| root_path, instance, IREE_TRACE_REPLAY_FLAG_NONE, |
| iree_hal_available_driver_registry(), iree_allocator_system(), &replay)); |
| |
| // Query device overrides, if any. When omitted the devices from the trace |
| // file will be used. |
| iree_trace_replay_set_hal_devices_override(&replay, |
| iree_hal_device_flag_list()); |
| |
| yaml_parser_t parser; |
| if (!yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)) { |
| iree_trace_replay_deinitialize(&replay); |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL, |
| "yaml_parser_initialize failed"); |
| } |
| yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, file); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| for (bool document_eof = false; !document_eof;) { |
| yaml_document_t document; |
| if (!yaml_parser_load(&parser, &document)) { |
| status = iree_status_from_yaml_parser_error(&parser); |
| break; |
| } |
| yaml_node_t* event_node = yaml_document_get_root_node(&document); |
| if (event_node) { |
| status = iree_e2e_matmul_test_trace_replay_event(&replay, &document, |
| event_node); |
| } else { |
| document_eof = true; |
| } |
| yaml_document_delete(&document); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| } |
| |
| yaml_parser_delete(&parser); |
| iree_trace_replay_deinitialize(&replay); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Runs each of the given traces files sequentially in isolated contexts. |
| static iree_status_t run_trace_files(int file_count, char** file_paths, |
| iree_vm_instance_t* instance) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < file_count; ++i) { |
| iree_string_view_t file_path = iree_make_cstring_view(file_paths[i]); |
| iree_string_view_t root_path = iree_file_path_dirname(file_path); |
| FILE* file = fopen(file_paths[i], "rb"); |
| if (!file) { |
| return iree_make_status(iree_status_code_from_errno(errno), |
| "failed to open trace file '%.*s'", |
| (int)file_path.size, file_path.data); |
| } |
| iree_status_t status = run_trace_file(root_path, file, instance); |
| fclose(file); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(status, "replaying trace file '%.*s'", |
| (int)file_path.size, file_path.data); |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
| |
| iree_flags_parse_checked(IREE_FLAGS_PARSE_MODE_DEFAULT, &argc, &argv); |
| if (argc <= 1) { |
| fprintf(stderr, |
| "no trace files provided; pass one or more yaml file paths\n"); |
| return EXIT_FAILURE; |
| } |
| |
| iree_vm_instance_t* instance = NULL; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_vm_instance_create( |
| IREE_VM_TYPE_CAPACITY_DEFAULT, iree_allocator_system(), &instance); |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = run_trace_files(argc - 1, argv + 1, instance); |
| } |
| iree_vm_instance_release(instance); |
| int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| iree_status_fprint(stderr, status); |
| bool is_unavailable = iree_status_is_unavailable(status); |
| iree_status_free(status); |
| exit_code = is_unavailable ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; |
| } |
| IREE_TRACE_APP_EXIT(exit_code); |
| return exit_code; |
| } |