blob: 72b5a2d1d4ed62f287b4727a656e1cca03ad58bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Converts one or more parameter files into a single IREE Parameter Archive.
// Allows for stripping and renaming parameters as basic editing features.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/file_io.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/flags.h"
#include "iree/hal/api.h"
#include "iree/io/formats/irpa/irpa_builder.h"
#include "iree/io/parameter_index.h"
#include "iree/io/scope_map.h"
#include "iree/tooling/parameter_util.h"
// Parameter index logic
IREE_FLAG_LIST(string, exclude,
"Excludes a named parameter from the resulting file.");
IREE_FLAG_LIST(string, rename,
"Renames a parameter when adding to the resulting file in the "
"form of `--rename=old=new`.");
IREE_FLAG(bool, strip, false,
"Strips all parameters by replacing them with zeros.");
string, splat,
"Turns a parameter into a splat of 0 (`--splat=name`) or a specific\n"
"sequence of typed values (`--splat=name=i8=123`, `--splat=name=f32=4.5`,\n"
static bool iree_tooling_is_parameter_excluded(iree_string_view_t name) {
for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < FLAG_exclude_list().count; ++i) {
if (iree_string_view_equal(FLAG_exclude_list().values[i], name)) {
return true;
return false;
static iree_string_view_t iree_tooling_get_renamed_parameter_name(
iree_string_view_t name) {
for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < FLAG_rename_list().count; ++i) {
iree_string_view_t old_name, new_name;
iree_string_view_split(FLAG_rename_list().values[i], '=', &old_name,
if (iree_string_view_equal(old_name, name)) {
return new_name;
return name;
// Expects `type=value` consistent with the HAL.
static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_splat(iree_string_view_t splat_value,
uint8_t* out_pattern_length,
uint8_t* out_pattern) {
if (iree_string_view_is_empty(splat_value)) {
*out_pattern_length = 1;
out_pattern[0] = 0;
return iree_ok_status();
iree_string_view_t type_str, value_str;
iree_string_view_split(splat_value, '=', &type_str, &value_str);
iree_hal_element_type_t type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_NONE;
IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_parse_element_type(type_str, &type));
iree_device_size_t byte_count = iree_hal_element_dense_byte_count(type);
if (byte_count > 16) {
return iree_make_status(
"element type size for %.*s out of range of splat patterns",
*out_pattern_length = (uint8_t)byte_count;
return iree_hal_parse_element(value_str, type,
iree_make_byte_span(out_pattern, 16));
static iree_status_t iree_tooling_replace_splatted_parameter(
iree_io_parameter_index_entry_t* entry) {
// Always favor specific splat values.
for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < FLAG_splat_list().count; ++i) {
iree_string_view_t name, splat_value;
iree_string_view_split(FLAG_splat_list().values[i], '=', &name,
if (iree_string_view_equal(name, entry->key)) {
memset(&entry->storage, 0, sizeof(entry->storage));
return iree_tooling_parse_splat(splat_value,
// If not specifically splatted then see if we are stripping and use that.
if (FLAG_strip) {
memset(&entry->storage, 0, sizeof(entry->storage));
entry->storage.splat.pattern_length = 1;
entry->storage.splat.pattern[0] = 0;
return iree_ok_status();
return iree_ok_status();
static iree_status_t iree_tooling_convert_parameter_index(
iree_io_parameter_index_t* source_index,
iree_io_parameter_index_t* target_index) {
for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < iree_io_parameter_index_count(source_index);
++i) {
// Get the existing entry we'll use as a template.
const iree_io_parameter_index_entry_t* source_entry = NULL;
iree_io_parameter_index_get(source_index, i, &source_entry));
iree_io_parameter_index_entry_t target_entry = *source_entry;
// If the parameter is in the exclude list then we just skip it.
if (iree_tooling_is_parameter_excluded(source_entry->key)) continue;
// If the parameter is in the rename list we'll add it with the new name.
target_entry.key =
// If the parameter is turned into a splat we change its type. Note that it
// may have already been a splat but the user may want to change the value.
// Add the entry (potentially modified) to the new index.
iree_io_parameter_index_add(target_index, &target_entry));
return iree_ok_status();
static iree_status_t iree_tooling_convert_parameters(
iree_io_scope_map_t* scope_map, iree_io_parameter_index_t* target_index,
iree_allocator_t host_allocator) {
for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < scope_map->count; ++i) {
scope_map->entries[i]->index, target_index));
return iree_ok_status();
// main
IREE_FLAG(bool, quiet, false,
"Silences additional stdout output when not needed.");
IREE_FLAG(string, output, "", "Output .irpa file path.");
static void iree_io_file_handle_release_mapping(
void* user_data, iree_io_file_handle_primitive_t handle_primitive) {
typedef struct {
iree_allocator_t host_allocator;
const char* path;
} iree_tooling_open_params_t;
static iree_status_t iree_tooling_open_output_parameter_file(
void* user_data, iree_io_physical_offset_t archive_offset,
iree_io_physical_size_t archive_length,
iree_io_file_handle_t** out_file_handle) {
iree_tooling_open_params_t* params = (iree_tooling_open_params_t*)user_data;
iree_file_contents_t* file_contents = NULL;
iree_file_create_mapped(params->path, archive_offset + archive_length,
archive_offset, (iree_host_size_t)archive_length,
params->host_allocator, &file_contents));
iree_io_file_handle_release_callback_t release_callback = {
.fn = iree_io_file_handle_release_mapping,
.user_data = file_contents,
iree_status_t status = iree_io_file_handle_wrap_host_allocation(
IREE_IO_FILE_ACCESS_WRITE, file_contents->buffer, release_callback,
params->host_allocator, out_file_handle);
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
return status;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
iree_allocator_t host_allocator = iree_allocator_system();
int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
// Parse command line flags.
"Converts supported parameter file formats into IREE Parameter Archives\n"
"(.irpa) files. Provide one or more input parameter files in the same\n"
"form as expected by the iree-run-module tool (`--parameters=foo.gguf`)\n"
"and an output file with `--output=file.irpa`.\n"
"Example converting from safetensors to IRPA:\n"
" iree-convert-parameters \\\n"
" --parameters=input.safetensors \\\n"
" --output=output.irpa\n"
"Example mutating parameters:\n"
" iree-convert-parameters \\\n"
" --parameters=a.gguf \\\n"
" --parameters=b.safetensors \\\n"
" --exclude=unneeded_param \\\n"
" --rename=old_name=new_name \\\n"
" --splat=some_name=f32=4.2 \\\n"
" --output=ab.irpa\n"
"Example stripping all parameters and replacing them with zeros except\n"
"for one that needs special handling:\n"
" iree-convert-parameters \\\n"
" --parameters=input.irpa \\\n"
" --strip \\\n"
" --splat=special_param=f32=1.0 \\\n"
" --output=output.irpa\n");
iree_flags_parse_checked(IREE_FLAGS_PARSE_MODE_DEFAULT, &argc, &argv);
// Load parameter indices as specified by command line flags.
iree_io_scope_map_t scope_map = {0};
iree_io_scope_map_initialize(host_allocator, &scope_map);
iree_status_t status =
// Build the new combined/modified index in memory based on the inputs.
iree_io_parameter_index_t* new_index = NULL;
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
status = iree_io_parameter_index_create(host_allocator, &new_index);
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
status =
iree_tooling_convert_parameters(&scope_map, new_index, host_allocator);
iree_io_parameter_index_t* built_index = NULL;
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
status = iree_io_parameter_index_create(host_allocator, &built_index);
// Write out the new archive.
if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
iree_tooling_open_params_t open_params = {
.host_allocator = host_allocator,
.path = FLAG_output,
iree_io_parameter_archive_file_open_callback_t open_callback = {
.fn = iree_tooling_open_output_parameter_file,
.user_data = &open_params,
status = iree_io_build_parameter_archive(
new_index, built_index, open_callback,
/*target_file_offset=*/0, host_allocator);
// Dump the new index ala iree-dump-parameters to show the final file.
if (iree_status_is_ok(status) && !FLAG_quiet) {
status = iree_io_parameter_index_fprint(stdout, iree_string_view_empty(),
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) {
iree_status_fprint(stderr, status);
exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
return exit_code;