blob: 266df430ec09bf42d066f3ef4bbc8e7e2610375e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// DISCLAIMER: this is leaky under error conditions as it's a benchmark tool and
// not a correctness test.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/flags.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/path.h"
#include "iree/hal/api.h"
#include "iree/testing/benchmark.h"
#include "iree/tooling/device_util.h"
#include "iree/tooling/trace_replay.h"
#include "iree/tooling/yaml_util.h"
#include "iree/vm/api.h"
IREE_FLAG(bool, print_statistics, false,
"Prints runtime statistics to stderr on exit.");
IREE_FLAG(int32_t, call_iterations, 1,
"Number of times to invoke each call in the trace. May break usage "
"with stateful models.");
// A benchmark registration for each file to run.
typedef struct iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t {
iree_benchmark_def_t benchmark_def; // Must be first.
// Used for relative file path lookup when referencing files in the trace.
iree_string_view_t root_path;
// Trace file path.
iree_string_view_t file_path;
// Shared VM instance. Unowned; callers must retain for the valid lifetime of
// the registration.
iree_vm_instance_t* instance;
} iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t;
// A parsed call event from the trace file.
typedef struct iree_replay_benchmark_call_t {
iree_vm_function_t function;
iree_vm_list_t* input_list;
iree_vm_list_t* output_list;
} iree_replay_benchmark_call_t;
// A growable list of calls.
typedef struct iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t {
size_t count;
size_t capacity;
iree_replay_benchmark_call_t* items;
} iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t;
// Initializes |out_list| with an initial allocation.
static void iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_initialize(
iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t* out_list) {
out_list->count = 0;
out_list->capacity = 32;
out_list->items = (iree_replay_benchmark_call_t*)malloc(
out_list->capacity * sizeof(*out_list->items));
// Deinitializes |list| and frees all call resources.
static void iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_deinitialize(
iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t* list) {
if (!list->items) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) {
memset(list, 0, sizeof(*list));
// Acquires a call from the back of the call list, growing as needed.
// The returned pointer is only valid until the next acquire.
static iree_replay_benchmark_call_t*
iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t* list) {
if (list->count >= list->capacity) {
list->capacity *= 2;
list->items = (iree_replay_benchmark_call_t*)realloc(
list->items, list->capacity * sizeof(*list->items));
return &list->items[list->count++];
// Processes a call trace event by preparing the inputs and appending it to the
// provided |call_list|.
static iree_status_t iree_replay_benchmark_prepare_call(
iree_trace_replay_t* replay, yaml_document_t* document,
yaml_node_t* event_node, iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t* call_list) {
// Acquire a call in the list.
iree_replay_benchmark_call_t* call =
memset(call, 0, sizeof(*call));
// Prepare the call event state.
replay, document, event_node, &call->function, &call->input_list));
// To avoid allocations in the inner benchmark loop we preallocate the outputs
// here. To avoid a memory leak we'll need to trim it as soon as the call
// returns as otherwise the list is retained for the lifetime of the
// registration.
iree_vm_list_create(/*element_type=*/NULL, /*initial_capacity=*/8,
replay->host_allocator, &call->output_list));
return iree_ok_status();
// Processes a trace event by either setting up the |replay| or appending a call
// to the |call_list|.
static iree_status_t iree_replay_benchmark_process_event(
iree_trace_replay_t* replay, yaml_document_t* document,
yaml_node_t* event_node, iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t* call_list) {
if (event_node->type != YAML_MAPPING_NODE) {
return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"(%zu): expected mapping node",
yaml_node_t* type_node = NULL;
document, event_node, iree_make_cstring_view("type"), &type_node));
if (iree_yaml_string_equal(type_node,
iree_make_cstring_view("context_load"))) {
return iree_trace_replay_event_context_load(replay, document, event_node);
} else if (iree_yaml_string_equal(type_node,
iree_make_cstring_view("module_load"))) {
return iree_trace_replay_event_module_load(replay, document, event_node);
} else if (iree_yaml_string_equal(type_node,
iree_make_cstring_view("call"))) {
return iree_replay_benchmark_prepare_call(replay, document, event_node,
return iree_make_status(
IREE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, "(%zu): unhandled type '%.*s'",
event_node->start_mark.line, (int)type_node->data.scalar.length,
// Loads the trace at |file_path| and configures |replay| for making calls in
// the |call_list|.
static iree_status_t iree_replay_benchmark_load_trace(
iree_string_view_t file_path, iree_trace_replay_t* replay,
iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t* call_list) {
// Open trace YAML file from the given file_path.
FILE* file = fopen(, "rb");
if (!file) {
return iree_make_status(iree_status_code_from_errno(errno),
"failed to open trace file '%.*s'",
// One-pass parsing through the file.
yaml_parser_t parser;
if (!yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)) {
return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL,
"yaml_parser_initialize failed");
yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, file);
// Read each event document in the file until EOF.
iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status();
for (bool document_eof = false; !document_eof;) {
yaml_document_t document;
if (!yaml_parser_load(&parser, &document)) {
status = iree_status_from_yaml_parser_error(&parser);
yaml_node_t* event_node = yaml_document_get_root_node(&document);
if (event_node) {
status = iree_replay_benchmark_process_event(replay, &document,
event_node, call_list);
} else {
document_eof = true;
if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break;
return status;
// Benchmark function that runs a trace file.
static iree_status_t iree_replay_benchmark_run_file(
const iree_benchmark_def_t* benchmark_def,
iree_benchmark_state_t* benchmark_state) {
const iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t* registration =
(const iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t*)benchmark_def->user_data;
// Setup replay state used for this benchmark.
iree_trace_replay_t replay;
registration->root_path, registration->instance,
IREE_VM_CONTEXT_FLAG_NONE, iree_hal_available_driver_registry(),
iree_allocator_system(), &replay));
// Query device overrides, if any. When omitted the devices from the trace
// file will be used.
// TODO(#5724): remove this and instead provide a device set on initialize.
iree_host_size_t device_uri_count = 0;
iree_string_view_t* device_uris = NULL;
iree_hal_get_devices_flag_list(&device_uri_count, &device_uris);
iree_trace_replay_set_hal_devices_override(&replay, device_uri_count,
// Load YAML file and setup replay state with all modules loaded and ready.
iree_replay_benchmark_call_list_t call_list;
&replay, &call_list));
// Call the functions within the trace in order.
while (iree_benchmark_keep_running(benchmark_state,
/*batch_count=*/FLAG_call_iterations)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < call_list.count; ++i) {
iree_replay_benchmark_call_t* call = &call_list.items[i];
for (int32_t j = 0; j < FLAG_call_iterations; ++j) {
replay.context, call->function, IREE_VM_INVOCATION_FLAG_NONE,
/*policy=*/NULL, call->input_list, call->output_list,
IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_list_resize(call->output_list, 0));
&replay, FLAG_print_statistics
return iree_ok_status();
// Registers benchmarks for each trace file.
static void iree_replay_benchmark_register_trace_files(
int file_count, char** file_paths, iree_vm_instance_t* instance) {
static iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t* registrations = NULL;
if (!registrations) free(registrations);
registrations = (iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t*)malloc(
file_count * sizeof(iree_replay_benchmark_registration_t));
for (int i = 0; i < file_count; ++i) {
iree_string_view_t file_path = iree_make_cstring_view(file_paths[i]);
registrations[i].root_path = iree_file_path_dirname(file_path);
registrations[i].file_path = file_path;
registrations[i].instance = instance;
registrations[i].benchmark_def = (iree_benchmark_def_t){
.minimum_duration_ns = 0,
.iteration_count = 0,
.run = iree_replay_benchmark_run_file,
.user_data = &registrations[i],
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Pass through flags to benchmark (allowing --help to fall through).
iree_flags_parse_checked(IREE_FLAGS_PARSE_MODE_UNDEFINED_OK |
&argc, &argv);
iree_benchmark_initialize(&argc, argv);
if (argc <= 1) {
"no trace files provided; pass one or more yaml file paths");
return 1;
// Setup shared instance used for each benchmark.
iree_vm_instance_t* instance = NULL;
IREE_CHECK_OK(iree_vm_instance_create(iree_allocator_system(), &instance));
// Register a benchmark per file provided and run them.
iree_replay_benchmark_register_trace_files(argc - 1, argv + 1, instance);
return 0;